Finally! Ukraine has HIT Russia right in the HEART with US-made Himars! Putin’s last day approaching

[Music] welcome to Oracle eyes since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine the front lines have been located in the northeastern part of the nation where intense fighting has been taking place the Ukrainian capital of Kiev has begun to plan a variety of strategic Maneuvers in order to alter the current situation and divert the attention of Russian forces in an effort to lessen the severity of the fighting in KV one of these actions has been to relocate kiev’s offensive plans to the front lines in the south of the country in particular the number of violent incidents that have occurred in zaparcia melpo and Ken has dramatically increased in recent times the level of partisan activity in mariole and berans both located in Ukraine has also increased to phrase it another way the southern front was beginning to get active once more the Russians have not been successful in accomplishing the goals they had set for themselves on the southern front lines of Ukraine as of yet on the southern front lines the Ukrainian Army made more effective use of the resources available to them including missiles and drones this was one of the most crucial contributions when Ukrainian forces were in the South they frequently used reconnaissance drones to keep an eye on Russian formations after that they used their missile stockpiles to launch targeted air strikes specifically against those formations the Ken region was one of the areas that experienced the highest number of attacks of this kind important operations have been carried out by the Ukrainian armed forces in order to entirely eradicate the Russian occupation forces that are present in the region and to concentrate their assaults on the Crimean Peninsula according to the most recent information the Ukrainian Army has been reported to have taken action in kerson in order to achieve this objective the skadovsk settlement which is widely regarded as one of the most important Russian strongholds in keren was the target of the attack an explosion of significant magnitude took place in the skadovsk hamlet which is located in the Ken region a few days ago heer’s long range Rockets belonging to the Ukrainian armed troops were apparently responsible for the strike on the Russian military base located within the Hamlet as described by the occupation troops for the purpose of penetrating Russian defenses the operation was also assisted by drones and fighter jets launched from Ukraine Vladimir Salo a collaborator who was assigned by the Kremlin to the position of governor of the occupied lands of the kerson region has verified the strikes and asserted that the ukrainians employed J Dam and harm highspeed anti-radar missiles as a result of this intense air strike Salo made the announcement that the Russian military base had been destroyed and 11 individuals who were inside the building had sustained injuries it has been stated that the injured individuals are Russian soldiers serving in the occupying units in kersen the powerful offensive is of essential importance for the liberation of kersen from the forces that are occupying the city within the kersen region skadovsk is situated approximately 60 km away from the location of the line of battle contact what you see here is the Deep rear of the Russian Federation Army that is occupying the territory by carrying out offensive actions of this nature the ukrainians are able to prevent the Russians from engaging in activities related to reconstruction in Kiren the Russian Federation is continuing to test its luck in the region in reaction to the efforts of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to hinder the development of Ken in an effort to bring about Anarchy in Ken and to shatter the resistance of the Ukrainian Putin’s troops have been carrying out hazardous attacks against the people who live in the region in the most recent incident the Russian military used a drone to dump bombs on two people living in the Kiren region resulting in the death of one individual this violent attack was corroborated by Alexander Pruden the head of the Ken OVA who also criticized the violence that was done by the Russian government when it comes to preventing the Ukraine Ians from pushing from Ken and blockading Crimea however is it possible for the Russian military to employ civilian attacks against them it is necessary to make reference to the unprecedented offensive operation that the Ukrainian Army carried out not too long ago in order to discover the answer to this issue the Ukrainian military reached a new milestone in their ongoing campaign last night when they carried out a massive drone strike that targeted Russian infrastructure it was largely power plants substations and oil refineries located in different regions of Russia that were the targets of Destruction in spite of the fact that Russian authorities assert that they have captured more over 100 drones the reality on the ground appears to imply otherwise numerous explosions have been recorded by Witnesses and uploaded on social media during the conflict the occupied territory of Crimea and oil infrastructure located within Russia’s borders were the targets of this highly coordinated attack by kamakazi drones directed at them the city of Sochi was one among the targets a power outage occurred in this vacation town as a result of multiple drone strikes that were directed against the power grid it is currently unknown when power will be fully restored and reports indicate that the only generators that are supplying electricity are those that are quite modest and located in homes the most recent information provided indicates that attempts to restore power are now underway however there is no definitive schedule about when complete power will be restored additionally Anapa was a Target in the faultless offensive operation that the ukrainians carried out one of the largest oil refineries in Anapa which is not currently operating was effectively struck by a drone operated by the Ukrainian military it has been publicly admitted by the Russian authorities that this incident took place there were substantial ramifications as a result of the closing of the refinery including the loss of jobs and the impact on the economy of the surrounding area Novar rois which is home to one of the most significant ports in Crimea was another objective of the attack that was launched by the Ukrainian military the oil port at Novar Roes which is essential for Russia’s oil exports across the Black Sea was the most strategically important Target in the city it was the focus of military operations large fires were seen at the oil facilities in videos that were published on social media Platforms in Ukraine after the bombings these videos indicated that serious damage had occurred both the gazprom oil Depot in the village of kiril livka and the husova Bala oil Depot owned by transn were found to have sustained damage according to various further sources addition additionally it has been claimed that explosions took place in the port of Novar oisk which resulted in the disruption of operations and the loss of power a large amount of damage was caused by the strike particularly remarkable is the assault that was carried out on Novar Roes the destruction of this port which is essential for Russia’s oil exports not only causes disruptions in the logistics of the military but also has wider reaching economic repercussions the Strategic significance of no rois is highlighted by the fact that it serves as a significant hub for Russian exports recent attacks have stoked concerns about the possibility of increasing tensions on a global scale the fact that the port acts as a trans shipment Center for oil companies that export kazak oil from the United States is another factor that contributes to the port significance according to estimates the economic damages that Russia sustained as a result of Ukrainian strikes on this port amounted to hundreds of millions of dollars codar on the other hand was another city that was attacked by terrorists from Ukraine an oil refinery and port in kodar Russia were the targets of more than 100 drone strikes that occurred overnight when asked about the significance of these actions Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski stated that they were crucial for both morale and strategic impact it was emphasized by president president zalinski that the use of Western weapons including drones to hit Targets on Russian territory is a defensive measure and not an aggressive one in his most recent addresses zalinski underlined the resiliency and adaptability of Ukrainian forces particularly in the KV region where they were able to partially stabilize the situation in opposition to the Russian assault the Ukrainian leader on the other hand was more concerned with the situation in curs in Crimea he extended his congratulations to his forces for their most recent offensives on the peninsula and on Russian territory the Furious response that Russia has issued in response to these simultaneous attacks that are unimaginable which zalinski attributed to his respect has been expressed within a short period of time Russia retaliated by launching its own drone and missile attacks against Ukrainian energy facilities these attacks have been more intensy over the course of the previous few weeks resulting in sever destruction and power disruptions in a number of Metropolitan Aras in Ukraine this back and forth brought to light the growing nature of the conflict as well as the crucial role that drones play on both sides of the fight overnight Russia launched 55 missiles and 21 Shahed drones at Ukrainian energy installations marking a dramatic escalation in the conflict in addition a drone attack carried out by the Ukrainian government took place in the belgrad region which borders Russia and resulted in the deaths of six individuals and injuries to 35 others despite the fact that the Russians are aiming their fire at the local populace in an effort to block the Ukrainian advance in the South it is highly unlikely that this will be sufficient to foil kiev’s strategic intentions thank you for following us

Finally! Ukraine has HIT Russia right in the HEART with US-made Himars! Putin’s last day approaching


  2. This video is simply silly and click bait. Showing 10 minutes of 1 second clips that aren't even informative or related to one another, is clickbait.

    Do better, your video sucks

  3. Wonder where Colonel McGregor is now? His posts used to claim Ukraine was on the verge of collapse! Always knew this guy was full of sh@t

  4. What is the cause for the invasion/war in Ukraine?
    Okay, It's a bit complicated. First, to simplify, let's see what are the causes.

    Denazification? This was one reason provided by Putin which most know to be false. Zelensky is Jewish and was elected in 2019 vs Poroshenko, next runner up. Nationalism and Nazism are not the same thing! The Nationalist party, one political party of many in Ukraine, and seen as right wing, only won about 2% of the vote. So this means there is no Nazi party ruling Ukraine either.

    Demilitarization. Putin stated this as a goal in the invasion. There are now more weapons in possession of the Ukrainian Armed Forces than any other time in history.

    Remove Ukraine as a threat to Russian security? Ukraine gained it's independence in 1991 and with it inherited 1/3 of the entire Soviet Nuclear Arsenal (missiles, bombers, etc). By 1994 an agreement had been reached between Russia and Ukraine, through UK and USA for Ukraine to destroy it's Nuclear missiles, and weapons in exchange for a guarantee of security. Ukraine was a threat to Russia before 1994, not after. This agreement was also broken by Putin.

    Putin claims he invaded to save the Russian speaking people of South Eastern Ukraine. He did the same thing about Crimea, but instead of giving it it's independence, he annexed it. Hitler used the same tactic in 1936 vs Czechoslovakia and the region of Sudetenland. As in Crimea, the Czechs appeased Hitler. They did not put up a fight but later, Hitler still invaded the rest of the country. Putin invaded the heart of Ukraine, Crimea and the Donbas regions. To this day, any who can evacuate the region, run to the Ukrainians side, not the Russians if possible.
    He liberates nothing.

    He claims he supports independence for the separatists in Donbas. Most those "separatists" are actually infiltrated Russian soldiers incognito. This also happened in Crimea, where soldiers were seen without identification.

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