Complete Change In Tactics & SECRET Behind MORE Successful Strikes – Ukraine War Map Analysis News

G Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and so far a fantastic week now again today we have a lot to go over like every day but we need to go over it in full we need to talk about Nuance we need to look at perspectives and we need to give all the ins and outs as things are far more complex than it may seem on the surface So today we’re going to talk about Sweden and a massive military Grant going in towards Ukrainian military aid over the next few years we’ll talk about Georgia what has been happening there with the foreign agent law we need to talk about new weapons we’ll have a look at the maps we’ll talk about tactics we’ll look at some geolocations we’ll look at some losses we’ll look at some footage a bit of everything of what that is all telling us but where I want to start is on new weapons now if you’ve been watching me for a couple of months web spoken in length that it does seem this year in particular that Russia’s kill chain so the time of observation of a Target to then time of something hitting that Target and what prec it has to run through between that which was shocking in the beginning has improved drastically and this has been noted from both Ukrainian and Russian sources and about 8 weeks ago I want to say we did talk about potentially the use of a new system because of the difference we’ve been seeing particularly in the iander and tornado systems and how the drones overhead are providing all of that footage in so what we did speculate about is there something using laser guidance so look there’s multiple ways things are targeted but when we’ll talk about say GPS glonass or laser guidance when you fire something GPS you put in the GPS coordinates of what you want to hit set and forget and it’s on its way but that system is easier to jam than laser guidance but in some ways can be more accurate laser guidance is you have a drone in the air or something if surveillance could be an aircraft or a guy on the ground with a physical uh laser um then painting something so you’re painting something with a laser and then munition comes in and hits that what that gives you is a much shorter spectrum of what is talking to one another so you’re talking from the system to system rather than satellite back down and also can give Corrections if something then starts moving now the OS scander and tornado according to what we know as publicly ailable information are not laser guided weapons and we did talk 8 10 weeks ago that potentially was there an upgrade done to something like this as we’ve seen these used much faster kill chain but also hitting things like helicopters which we know can move and of course won’t be on the ground in areas for then a long time of course these strikes have been on choppers on the ground but won’t be there for long so I want to speak about that that in length now A friend of mine sent over than this and this may not be easy easy to see because I probably should have cropped it better but regardless I’m an electronics engineer with the PHD undertook some work aligned with the defense company but I do not work for one directly a few weeks ago I stumbled upon the tornado s ammunition circuitry video I noticed that this circuit had too many jumper wires jumper wires are something that I frowned upon in circuit design they are sometimes needed if your circuit has only two layers but if your circuit is multi-layered you shouldn’t need any of these jumper wies the circuit is definitely multi-layered the nuton bolt on the left of the video at 701 I’ll put that up here um holds the layers together and connects the uh connects the grounds or vdds of all layers so there is no reason for the jumper wires now I’m going to put this up here because I don’t know what a lot of this is but I’m sure you guys can put it together this makes me think that a modification of the circuitry is made at the last minute it is impossible to say the modification but it is aible that Russian Engineers mged an extra Center to make the missile laser guided such modifications are Child’s Play if you’re dealing with fpga but for the 10an S circuit the processor is at mpga which is not programable still the mpga might be designed with the possibility of future modification in mind or some other guidance system might be overridden in favor of the laser Guidance the hardest part of the modification would be bureaucracy these systems should be tested properly before handing them over to the Troops but in Wartime Russians might have streamlined or pipelined their testing grounds in combat fields of course I’m conjectured a lot here but any decent non nafo Affiliated engineer can back me up on the fact that there is a possibility that Russian Engineers FastTrack mod modified their weapon so that is just very interesting something on want to speak about and something we haven’t spoken about for a while in that modification but again we are seeing those weapons being uh more success on the battlefield and and something else that tells us a bit is at each one of these strikes be an i scander in nepr tornado in areas we have a drone in the air filming it now of course one that is considering that a drone is overhead there deep in over buildup areas but uh secondly maybe that is being used for propaganda information victories of course very important but secondly could that then be laser designated something as we know say the all land drone can do and some other types as well same with like the kaple shells so I just wanted to put that out there something I did find very interesting now let’s talk about a couple of strikes some AI targeting and some new weapon systems so Ukraine is claiming that another sue2 has been down no evidence yet has been given I haven’t seen any footage come out or any Russian sources now confirm this but just to let you guys know that’s what we’re seeing from Ukraine and we have seen many of claims of these recently but nothing coming up same as the two warships that were either both destroyed or one attacked one destroyed not yet we haven’t seen any footage of that but I’ll continue waiting it’s now probably around 100 hours from that first one but on the line of uh planes going down but also laser guidance um different Munitions whatever we then see a strike today in Neo against a Ukrainian mig29 aircraft here now these apparently are just laying waste but this is the mig29 then spoken about now the footage is a bit all bloody over the place but you can see zooming in and out here mate and then where a strike has been conducted down here I believe so let’s go through the footage so here’s the strike and something burning up here but again the footage is really really not clear but as well what we’re going to say is over an Airfield in Neo there are drones F that even regardless what was hit that is concerning and I think even more concerning is so we’re talking up here is the drones that seemingly are flying very very easily over Odessa bringing in those ice scander strikes as well is there laser GS is there not well we don’t know about this then Fire Bomb said actually proof that today’s attack of the MiG 29 at this Airfield not the most beautiful video don’t say but as I say they are rich so again we will see now we looked at footage yesterday of one of these drones in the black see firing off those multiple launch uh rockets and then we actually get a couple of photographs here today so cab drone here we can see then the starlink systems on top of these uh so there’s actually two systems being used but regardless both like satellite Communications and then these tubes bolted on here which I would say most likely are unguided rocket tubes I do question how accurate these would be they may be accurate to a beating zone so a beating zone is a zone of which uh weapons put fire it’s hard to explain I’ll put a graphic up here but a machine gun has like buil-in inaccuracy for suppressive fire so it creates this zone of fire to suppress an enemy so does grad uh so do many other system now this on ground bolted down like this probably creates a fairly uh reasonable beating Zone but at the end of the day these are going to have a lot of Firepower like a lot of oom forward these drone boat is going to be no more than say 500 kg to a ton maximum so it’s going to be in the water and the water of course is very unstable so what success will this have unguided I don’t know that’s up to an engineer to answer but I would say there’s a fair bit of this going on but instead you’re still putting out things maybe for like some reconnaissance by fire see what the reaction is but could this be also as I’ve seen people say a modification due to now these getting intercepted more we have seen Russia be more successful intercepting these from their own footage from Choppers and from no footage of these then hitting ships for a while too but we know they’re being used could this be a modification in um in response to then that I don’t know but worth talking about now we talk about AI targeting a lot we see everything from actual decoys to painting then to tires on aircraft wings and AI is thrown around a lot but this guy reached out to a friend of his who’s an expert I’d like to thank him for doing this because we spoke about the learning of AI and that grain can still disrupt it so we will see say a photograph of a deer but if that deer has some grain put in the image AI may not then see the deer although we would see it clearly it works in a different way but it can be trained in machine learning but this will go with that the underlying problem with artificial intelligence is not really intelligence in the classic case it doesn’t understand things of higher abstraction but rather similarities in data in this case that would be learned shapes of planes but it’s not meaning underlying physics purpose for example the Drone AI would not identify a plane with circular Wings if that’s not included in the training data set human intelligence could still identified as a plane due to the high capability of abstract thinking that said you can retrain the artificial intelligence to include this but would need to do so with each significant change of countermeasures for example using something very different than tires on wings so it would continue the usual game of measure verse counter measure so you could train it to look for tires on wings but then if you put squares on wings it’s going to then change it you’re going to have to retrain it every time the machine learning of this Juda abstract thinking and it’s going to be measure like he says measure the countermeasure regarding the decoys pain on the TAC a possible solution could be the identification of a three dial structure this could be done by identifying the shadow of the Target crosschecked by a datetime angle of the sun which would obviously be limited by the weather conditions the applicability of this option would also depend on the flight path and picture quality of the Drone which has no knowledge which he has no knowledge about he emphasized that there are approaches as well uh but that would require a deeper look at the problem but there would also be countermeasures for this the inability of AI to abstract is a real world problem persists despite all buzzword and seemingly huge advances in artificial intelligence it’s not actually intelligence saying the way that we are it knows what you know the say of that deer it knows what a deer looks like in the spectrum of this but then if you say maybe cut the legs off it we would still say oh that’s a deer where it may not because of what it is looking for then to line up together I thought that was very very interesting now I want to speak about some tactics again this one may not the easiest to see but what this guy say to me is Ukraine should be falling back and inflicting what casualties they can on the way there is no easy strategic prize at the end of the this line of advances for Russia so make it so hard for them as they fall back but they’re moving forward I think the problem for Ukraine is they put so much stock in Optics they are so narrative driven that has obviously skewed their military decisions towards absurdity because of this box they’ve created for themselves they feel like they have to block all progressors all the time but they have neither the Manpower or for such tactics they should be trading territory for time especially territory like this Burning men and machines uh you are burning Mena machines you have less time and this goes into the idea not only of conventional Warfare but asymmetrical Warfare 2 that falling back inflicting large casualties but knowing you will fall back fall back and see the strikes there now I know a little bit on this because the Australian military that I was in is a very very small country Australia by population but an incredibly large land mass so our military does do a lot of asymmetrical Warfare this is why the Australians were so successful in areas like say Vietnam so look this isn’t my house down here it’s actually just where I used to work but it doesn’t matter um but what we have always talked about is a Chinese Invasion into Australia what would actually happen here just and this is just an example of what he is saying so if there is a landing in the North here somewhere the majority of Australia’s population sits in Melbourne and Sydney and well no one cares about ad I’d probably let it go regardless but the idea would be delaying Force but a fighting withdrawal from these areas back all the way down because anyone who knows Australia the majority of this is uninhabitable Desert and that would test their logistical supplies so much as they fell back that by the time they got anywhere that in important you’re covering almost 3,000 km of sheer desert and that’s running just as a straight line regardless of what else is in here the bloody crocodiles will get you but the logistical demand will be so hard that even if rag tag asymmetrical teams can then just hit logistic fuel trucks or water trucks that tanks and these equipment is just not going to be able to move same as down in Melbourne same as adalade and the same happens if a landing then on the west coast too so I know that this is apples and oranges but that is a legitimate tactic that has been spoken about this is open source it’s nothing bloody in stone it’s very obvious to see but of if a larger P was head-to-head with someone like China we would get smashed but this fighting withdrawal hit the logistics and once things were worn out well you’re just picking off bits and pieces and then a flow back through so I just thought that was really interesting perspective to look at and see what you guys think of that now while we’re looking at a map let’s talk about some bloody map Maps now it is a Thursday so deep state does not update today everyone in the war takes a break but let’s have a little bit of a look at what is happening here so let’s start in the north and we’ll work actually let’s start further than this and work our way down so oos Defender put up a video that I oh yeah this video here and as you’ll see this is a train moving through here but you can see on all the sides of these vehicles this grouping symbol that is said to be for the north group of Russian forces and you can see that a lot of this equipment to my eye because military equipment turns to [ __ ] very quickly these look like brand new vehicles at least to my sidewalls of tires whatever so those flung through there what he says here it’s beginning to look like January and fed 22 all over again with Russian military train recently spotted near the city of this in the Tula region heading Southeast towards the border with sui so of course sui right here coming from here so very interesting to then uh speak about um the military equipment seen on the uh train includes bridging equipment as well as transport and Logistics equipment all have new Tactical markings seen recently by the Russian offensive operations in har indicating this operation alongside upcoming offensive insumi region are likely larger scale planned by Russia for further operations in the north and Northeast of Ukraine so it’ll be very interesting to see what effect this actually has here if they to open up a front line here what we don’t know is huge problems with corruption and reporting of the uh the defensive lines in har people are saying there somewhere between 9.5 million to $111 million given into these regions for defensive works and we know regardless of what officials are saying from soldiers on the ground are saying that it just was not ready we don’t know what sui looks like from the beginning of this operation to if this starts soon isn’t long enough to you know it is long you know you can dig ho but it’s not going to be long enough to build a massive defensive line so it’ll be interesting to see what happens here and what effect that has on then Ukrainian troops moving around for reinforcements in this direction now let’s have a look here of course no change on this map but we do then have this from Noel reports here show he’s showing in the center of V chunk then an increase in control so we see where this turns out so down this road here Ukrainian sources is saying that that is closed up we know there’s a lot of fighting going on here there’s videos and stuff in here that said you never know when the videos have come out for the geolocation as well so look as always we take everything with a bit of a grain handful of salt regardless of who’s saying it and I say to you as uh someone like listening to the war you know listening to me talk take everything then with the grand assault I actually think this map may have updated we’ll have a look as we go down anyway let’s have a talk here it says updated here but it says 23 here will go as we go boys so let’s move our way down we’re seeing no changes on this okay this has up no this hasn’t updated I don’t believe so then we see then chiv y here this is the update that we then saw yesterday but we have a little bit of footage to look at in here too so I can’t show this footage although it will be on the telegram in full if you’d like to watch it now these are legion soldiers so Foreign Legion soldiers here in a fight with Russian forces here now people are saying that they are actually speaking Spanish in the video now that doesn’t mean maybe all of them but it that is something interesting to note too and then this is J located to here now there’s actually two G locations throughout the video but basically on this track or Road here and this one about right about here there’s two next to each other as the video goes so one is not shown in gry zone definitely should be at least Gray Zone and maybe the Red Zone moving up what we do know in some areas some areas occupied during the day or occupied during the night and not in the vice versa so that’s interesting to speak about as well then we come South I believe just in kishka we have a Surak Map update right here so this dot is then klish kka so after the capture of consolidation of the Western Heights of the locality klish kka was completely retaken by Russian army Ukrainian Army is currently withdrawing their forces South and westwards so showing dramatically different in here so you can see where this tree lines this is this and this tree line saying that it’s all completely under control in here so he is showing more so like something like that in here so it’s actually a pretty good bloody drawing regardless showing very different maybe this map will update maybe it will not maybe Surak is incorrect again pinch of salt with absolutely everything we then talk about so let’s come down a little bit further we have then this OT here we have a update from Noel reports here now what we do know is down this Creek line Reservoir line here regardless the UK regardless if this is shown as gra or not from my looking at the ground and lay of the land here having a waterline between the force and yourself you would want to be on the other side here so this is probably by default then readin here I would say and this is then what Noel reports is showing here to he showing basically that this is then closing up in this direction and then these paddocks it’s hard to line up his map compared to others but regardless is showing a lot more control between then this oery front I know ‘s down here and across to then here as well so we are seeing some very different changes on that now we’ll come down just a little bit further we saw this yesterday and then this has been confirmed then by Surak showing this push out to the south of then uh neovo vodana heading towards nelski we have heard about the pressure that it puts on these areas even Kiva as well down in here so that is then what we are seeing today now yesterday we spoke that zalinsky was asking why NATO won’t intercept Russian missiles over Ukraine he said quote what’s the problem why can’t we shoot them down is it defense yes is it attack on Russia no are you shooting down Russian planes and killing Russian Pilots no so what’s the issue with involving NATO countries in the war there is no such issue and we spoke about this but the issue that one of my friends brought up with me is by this logic then could Russia start intercepting drones that are providing surveillance reconnaissance and intelligence then over the Black Sea is it defense I guess is it killing NATO Pilots no so that that is the a tit fortat that would be argued there as well and I would say the intelligence survance given out here is absolutely critical for what Ukraine is doing now the how much is being sent or whatever will be all classified top secret straight off the bat be interesting to know how to what extent that is happening um for targeting for guidance for everything including drone boats whatever that would be very very interesting to know but some things in life we will just never know now Sweden swed has announced uh $7 billion so this is the president right here my name is on and I’m the prime Min Sweden today I would like to address you directly also for ours your security and our this is what we hear about more and more from NATO the West is that Ukraine’s fight here is then their fight that if East was to collapse here therefore Russia would be walking through areas of uh NATO of Europe now as I’ve said many many times this doesn’t actually live up to any critical thinking regardless if you are on the most Pro Ukraine side or the most pro-russian side either if you’re the most Pro Russian side you’d say Russia shown no indication that that’s what they want to do and Putin has said that he doesn’t want to do that if you’re on the most Pro Ukrainian side that is saying look with some weapons and whatever we can push back the Russians we can clear all this blah blah blah the critical thinking aspect comes in says well if a few billion dollars is going to push this back then they then the Russians going to have absolutely no chance at all in threatening any of these NATO Article 5 countries it just doesn’t I’m sorry it just in my eye regardless of how you what colored glasses you put on it doesn’t stand up to that but again let’s since Russia launched it’s a maybe we have provided Ukraine 15 military equipment 15 support PES packages taking another step inating framework framework of 6.5 billion 75 billion in Swedish dollars in here he says 24 from 2024 to 2026 for long funding of the war and for Ukraine’s ult uh ultimate victory at the end of this as he says now um sw’s defense minister yesterday actually had this to say before I then saw that video I don’t know which one came out but defense minister said it would take as long as 2 years to reach desired capacity to furnish Ukraine with more ammunition uh talking of Sweden here nation that have been at peace for 200 years and drastically cut back military spending off the end of the Cold War so now that has upended their neutrality as well as they have to rebuild that capacity of building equipment saying Russia has gotten back on its feet faster than the Euro Atlantic Community I expect we will catch up but I think it will take a year or two before we see the full effect however I expect the effect scaling up to come more in 25 and 2026 so a year and a half a year to two years away before we actually see potentially the effect of that coming through and this draws in uh doubts people are having about the length of the war what can happen in that two years not only militarily but strategically as well and in administrations around the world now you will know that in Georgia there’s been protests erupting for weeks over the very controversial foreign agent law and we’ll talk about what that is and what has been happening but I always support peaceful protest and de Democratic due process and uh let’s have a look at what the bill is and then I’ll continue on what I was going to say under the bill which has passed its third and final reading for 84 votes to 30 on Tuesday Nos and Independent Media that Reed more than 20% of their funding from foreign donors would have to register as organizations bearing the interest of a foreign Pate power if not they’ll be fined about $9,000 to $7,000 protesters are concerned that legislation would be used by the government to suppress its opponents so if you’re getting funding from outside from media whatever that that has to be log said and people can see it that then it could suppress uh media in the country as well as then um opponents to the government and I can see how this bill could be used maliciously but I can also see why governments want to keep tabs on who is then funding what and I’d like to know for some YouTubers as well if there’s any funding going on behind that but of course we can see how this could be used maliciously now uh retired Colonel Robert E Hamilton who’s a PhD in the head of research at foreign policy research institutes Eurasia program argues this none of these claims is true the Jordan government already has full visibility of NGO and media Outlet funding and all Agreements are uploaded onto a government website and Ministry of finan has access to their financial records for ordered purposes now this 20% would be everything not just media not just NGO far from supporting the law 68% of the Georgian public calls it unnecessary 73 believe the law will hurt Georgia’s chances of joining the EU and 90% of the population aspires to then joining the EU so of course the a lot of people don’t want this to go through a lot of concern but what I want to talk about whether you think this is good or bad regardless is we have seen some pushing on this from the West which I think is interesting to talk about so we have seen then this is I believe the Lithuanian foreign minister here but foreign minister of Estonia Lithuania Latvia and Iceland March along in support then of the protesters anyway then we see this and I think this is more telling to the point trying to make Estonia Netherlands Czech Republic Sweden and several EU countries are pushing for sanctions against Georgia in response to the government’s passing of the controversial foreign agents law and one of the points in this was visas that people would have to get a Visa then to travel out now in my opinion these Visa threats are there to reignite people against and push then the protest forward and how people see about this because officials will be traveling on either diplomatic or official passports either whatever color your official passport is or a black diplomatic passport and this won’t change anything for them but this will then affect the regular Georgian and I believe this is having an influence and maybe provoking then the protests further and how they feel about that so that’s something I just wanted to put out there I’m not saying regards to the law I yeah but I can see of course the argument against having this as well as uh you know for free media whatever but I can see why people want more saying hey who’s funding what is then being said as well as I think there is some fuel being thrown on the fire Legends have a fantastic day uh I got to go see the surgeon about this elbow keep having problems with it keeps locking on me have a good day I’ll speak to you soon thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Sweden knows this war will end soon, and they're just doing the PR campaign, as well as strengthening their own military. They don't give a shit about Ukraine, same as US and UK, France and all the other nations who claim they care about Ukrainian people.

  2. US Marines were able to fool experimental AI as they approached it by doing cartwheels and hiding inside a large cardboard box. They were heard laughing from inside the box as they approached the AI sensors.

  3. Honestly the labeling of Foreign Funded/Influenced Organization is a good law, this law also exists in the US. It makes sure to make clear which NGOs and other organizations have controlling interest on it from abroad of their operations.

    Any foreign supported opposition party is by definition, working for the interests of a foreign power, regardless of degree it holds, as such would create a bias or compromise regarding their decision making. If you would cry that Russia helped X get elected, then you should support this law.

  4. Every nation should have similar law. It's funny the European countries are complaining about this law but the EU Union has a similar law and so does the US.

  5. 😂😂😂
    Stupidity at its worst.

    China would so stupid to land in Darwin thousands of miles from China n then travels thousands to scare the Aussies in the south.
    And U call yourself a war strategist?

  6. Западныe Европейцы, прежде чем, вы уменьшите роль народов нашей страны в разгроме германского-европейского фашизма вспомните о небескорыстной(!) промышленно-финансовой поддержке оказаной режиму Гитлера Западом (в том числе) США. (Henry Ford, Averell Harriman, John D. Rockefeller, Prescott Bush, Montagu Norman, John Jay McCloy, Charles Bedaux, Axel Wenner-Gren…).

    Казалось бы моральная опора западно-христианской цивилизации – Ватикан до сих пор не признал своей вины за помощь, которую он оказывал после войны гитлеровским палачам особенно тем совершившим военные преступления в Восточной Европе и Югослвии.

    После падения континентальной Европы законопослушные обыватели Парижа, Брусселя, Осло, Копенгагена… не говоря уже о "оккупированной" Вене безболезненно привыкли/приспособились к немецкой оккупация в версии "софт". Никто из них не подозревал, что на Востоке порабащённой Европы в Генерал Губернаторстве, на Украине или Белоруссии существовала праллельная pеaльность, в которой систематически, массово уничтожался "«низкокачественный человеческий материал» (menschliche Minderware).

    Западным Европейцам и скандинавам как братьям-арийцам геноцид нe угрожал так как для истребления предназначались евреи, славянe и другиe недочеловеки.

    За убийство одного немца на Bостоке гитлеровцы растреливали 50-100 человек. Это повседневно во время гитлеровской оккупации испытывали поляки, русские, белорусы, украинцы, югославы…. Такие карательные меры по отношению к Западным европейцам под немецкой оккупацией были немыслимы.

    Довольно цивилизованная жизнь и совсем уважительное сосуществование с гитлеровским оккупантом датчан, норвегов, бельгийцев, французов и особенно и француженок была несравнимой с геноцидной политикой Третьего Рейха на "диком Востоке".

    Как воспоминает немецкий солдат Густав Винтер во время высадки англо-американцев в Нормандии 6 Июня 1944 года он – как и его сослуживцы – задавался вопросом почему цивилизационно и расово близкие им люди мешают Немцам и их союзникам защищать Европу от большевизма.

    Этa байка появляется в многочисленных воспоминаниаях немецких и австрийских ветеранов.

    Можнo подумать, что в случае свержения большевистского режима "порабащёнными народами" СССР допустим в 1940 году Гитлер уж точно отменил бы план "Барбаросса".

    Были и есть среди нас ничтожные предатели, националисты, ксенофобы, антисемиты и расисты но их ненависть никогда не сотрёт с надгробных стелл русские, украинские, белорусские, азиятские, кавказские и… еврейские имена и фамилии на разброшенных по всей центральной и Восточний Европе советских военных кладбищах.

    Запомните, что в Краcной Армии мы – в отличии от американской – безпощадно искореняли расовую и… "гендерную" сегрегацию. Эти термины не плод умов наших поскольку человечность издавна и есть частью наших культурных ценностей. Не мы а ваши отцы и деды их придумали… только потому, что ваши предкам никогда не была дана возможность унизить сибиряка, калмыка, башкира, чуваша, тувинца, татарина, чеченца… да – уж не дай бог – обидить нашу "бабу". И вам не советую пробовать а то и получите бесплатный ускоренный курс обучения мултикультурализму, расовой терпимости, феминизму и… политкорректности.

    Американцы и австралийцы неохотно вспоминают расовую сегрегацию во всех областях общественной жизни, которая просуществовала до 60-ых годов ХХ века.

    Немцы и австрийцы во время пребывания в техаских лагерях для военнопленных никак не могли понять почему белые американцы относились лучше к ним чем к своим чернокожим сослуживцам. Бывшие cолдаты Роммеля пользовались столовой с надписью "Whites-only".

    Бельгийцы, вы помните Экспо 1958 с выставкой живых чернокожих "экспонатов" из колониального Конго: мужчин, женщин и детей, задачей которых было учить и развлекать белых европейцев и проповедовать идею превосходства людей белой расы. У ограды толпились белые, ухоженные люди со своими ангельскими детишками. Они смеялись и издевались над конголезцами, а самые развязные бросали через ограду деньги и бананы. Этот «человеческий зоопарк» находился не так уж далеко от сегодняшних брюссельских офисов Евросоюза. Тем временем наши советские школники из всех уголков нашей многонациональной страны посещали ВДНХ в Москве. Напомню, что c 1949 по 1991 год в советских вузах получили образование более 500 тыс. человек из 150 стран четверть из них из Африки.

    Двойные стандарты Западных СМИ зашкаливают. Где были ваши правозащитники и неутомимые "майданные" корреспонденты "Голоса Америки", "Deutsche welle", BBC и "Радио Свобода" когда в 2014 в Одесском Доме профсоюзов горели люди?

    Понятно, если бы тогда в Одессе погибли представители польской, венгерской или – не дай бог – еврейской общин Украины Европа и весь цивилизованный мир yж точно бы не молчали.

    Bо время Второй мировой войны вы боролись за демократию, свободу и ваши цивилизационные ценности. Мы на Востоке боролись за б и о л о г и ч е с к о е выживание/существование.

    Наши тогдашние враги, немцы, ни в чём "не виноватые" австрийцы и прадеды многих современных европейцев, которые – на свою беду – в 1941 году пришли незваные на нашу землю с огнём и мечом – слишком поздно это осознали.

    Как бы ни хотелось западным историкам уменьшить роль Рабоче-крестьянской Красной армии в разгромe Гитлеровской Германии им не удастся обмануть статистику: 75% военнослужащих Третьего рейха и его союзников погибло на Восточном фронте. Думаю, что имменно простые советские солдаты отучили (надеюсь навсегда) немцев, австрийцев и остальных новоевропейцев от милитаризмa и похдoв на Восток (Drang nach Osten).

  7. As for invading Australia the first question is why ?
    Everything a foreign power wants is west of the line of hills except for metallurgical hard coking coal .
    So no invader would even consider landing in the north .
    They would flood the east coast with ballistic missiles which we have next to no defences against because the Aust military budget was spent on the stuff we need to brown nose the USA in every other theatre other than Australia .
    SO a couple of converted passenger jets flying down the east coast to "trade conventions" to drop a dozen tactical nukes down the coast on Boxing Day when all your military mates are off on family leave and Australia is toast .
    Foreign powers are not likely to get sexually excited about a house overlooking the harbour or the big bay . They want the minerals in the middle .
    So now 60% of the country is either dead or dieing all but 4 military bases are destroyed as are all of the politicians .
    Now the $ 60,000 question
    If the invading power summoned the US ambassador 15 minutes before then first bomb was to be dropped and promised that the none of the US military & spy facilities would be hit & the USA could keep them under US control and the invading government would pay compensation to the USA for deaths of US citizens & loss of profits to US companies , what would the ambassador do ?
    Race back to his embassy to warn the White House or sit back in his char and ask "How much compensation are you talking about here ?"
    Australia is done for in any case so would the USA lunch retaliatory strikes against them or take the money & run ?

  8. Iskander is amazing and so is other Russian military equipment!
    Russia military is no joke and people should wake up because Ukraine never had a chance winning the war! People are snapped from the streets and dying for nothing! This is criminal and my country Finland is supporting this corruption and I am ashamed of my country's criminal leaders are doing this blood in their hands!
    Link to Iskander video

  9. There can be no ultimate victory for Ukraine.
    It's delusional.
    They are having to kidnap men off the streets, people are in hiding, swimming rivers, hiding in forests. Millions are abroad and wont return. Estimates at 600,000 dead and over 1million crippled. Fascist militias shooting men who retreat.
    Orthodox Churches shut down and vandalised. Clergy jailed, congregations persecuted.
    Ethnic Russians, Hungarians, Romanians persecuted.
    Obvious evidence of Zelensky and his regime enriching themselves.

    This shit show needs to be ended soon.
    The "West" is guilty of the worst crimes and the world is watching.

  10. If china invaded, they would start in the north, where there is water and possible land for agriculture , then they would land on the west coast where there is land, water, industry, farms.. they would then work their way south till all main cities captured. Finally Alice springs and east coast . China loves land, and minerals.

  11. Why would China invade Australia? Why would they even land in the North and then have to travel through the central outback to get to South and South East?… Nonsense.

  12. Enjoy your channel here from Europe, only want to say that even if the Australians were good in Vietnam (we the French, we lost Indochine, same as for the US who lost the Vietnam war, maybe looking at Rambo, we could have thought the US won 😉 … but the outcome is never brilliant like it's now for the Ukraine war.

  13. If you read this Willy, how far off do you think it will be before we see a large swarm attack of autonomous communicating , target sharing Lancets or project 54s, Putin gave Zalla and the parent company Kalashnikov a shopping Centre months ago to produce up to a million by years end

  14. Country's leaders that now is supporting Ukraine may not be reelected and all the promise could be changed easily.
    ps. Ukrainian need to be well aware of that.

  15. OK Willie you have done it again. Once more you are blind to reality when it comes to the foreign agents law. This law is used in Russia to suppress dissent and drive out help from other organizations not controlled by Moscow. You are a useful idiot for the Russians. Shame on you. I unsubscribed weeks ago. Now I'm just gonna give your videos a skip. I don't need your point of view. Some issues don't have two sides.

  16. Such a law about foreign agents was passed in the US and other countries. Foreign NGOs have been used as a regime change machanism in many countries.

  17. Great strategic thinking BUT , a invader do whant your population ??? or your resources?? they are close of your population centers??? AND you are to infiltrate small units in desert (drones not in WW2 some in vietname).???
    OH boy YOU ARE THINKING to fight the last war.(like france in 1940 or ALL armys in 1914)

  18. Ummm go play battlefield 4, use the tank, specifically play with a friend who is a sniper and has a laser designator while you sit in the rear launching missiles.
    The Russians can code better then the West, its just fact, what they don't have is the same level of hardware.

    Point is, we have all played Call of Duty and the GPS guided airstrikes are not very effective. Now we could argue lethality but battlefield has bombers too.

    There is also cost to think about, but more importantly is the war time economy. You need weapons that are effective and you need LOTS of them.
    There is no secret there, the Russian arsenal is open source.

  19. What a load of cràp. NATO placed themselves purposely and strategically on Russia's doorstep. Ukraine is not important to the "security" of Sweden or Europe. Sweden had no reason to burden their people with financial commitments to NATO. Fear mongers.

  20. Zelensky has ALWAYS from day one tried to get NATO involved it's their primary strategy . They know and always knew they could not defeat Russia once Russia got it's logistics and economy more to a war footing they haven't the manpower or industry. They are reliant on the wet for almost everything. Why they haven't gone to a war economy with all citizens in munitions production platform production etc etc..they expect the west to save them

  21. тебе не нужна лазерная наводка для удара по какой-то площадке, для точности – возможно
    у тебя дрон сейчас точно так же прямо по картинке может сразу писать координаты, того места куда указывает прицел камеры, дальше человек в штабе берет рацию и диктует координаты артиллеристам и ракетчикам и все

  22. All of the west has been taken over by the globalists. Sweden used to be a great country. Now mass illegals and the same play book as all other western countries. They want no sovereign countries

  23. Если китайцы нападут на Австралию им не нужно будет выстраивать логистику. Они смогут построиться в цепочку и передавать припасы из рук в руки, с северного побережья до южного)))

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