The War Spread to Russian Territory! Ukraine hit the Belgorod with US NEPTUN missile! Putin in shock

[Music] Ukrainian troops started the week with a good operation the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched a major offensive in the Bel garad region the Russians were shocked by this attack the attack was followed by a series of explosions and fires in various parts of the region eyewitnesses said that about 25 explosions were heard in the city as a result of the attack an apartment building was damaged windows on the first three floors were broken balconies apartments and the facade of the building were damaged a mansion in the village of dubo also caught fire one of the shells hit cars causing a strong fire as a result of two strikes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the belgrad region four Invaders were killed the victims were taken to belgrad City Hospital number two eight of them are test by doctors to be of moderate severity the Russian defense Ministry reported that Russian air defense systems destroyed the Neptune anti-ship missile and 29 vampire missiles over the belgorod region however as we all know the Russians can make all kinds of explanations to turn these attacks in their favor so even though the Russians claim to have intercepted the missiles the Neptune missiles launched by the Ukraine have outmaneuvered the Russians Neptune is a modern Ukrainian anti-ship missile designed to destroy destroy large surface targets such weapons pose a serious threat to Naval and Coastal facilities the capture of Neptune demonstrates the high effectiveness of Russian air defense systems in real Combat conditions the vampire mlrs also used by the Ukrainian armed forces are highly mobile systems capable of hitting a wide range of targets the interception of 29 missiles indicates the scale and intensity of the attacks as well as the increased combat Readiness of Russian air defense units the governor of the belgorod region vaslav glad expressed his condolences to the families of the dead and wounded emphasizing that the regional authorities are taking all possible measures to ensure the safety of residents and eliminate the consequences of the attacks following this operation significant fighting continued at other positions the Armed Forces of Ukraine demonstrated remarkable military courage near zap Poria successfully repelling the enemy attack the fighters also captured more than 10 Russian soldiers the 65th mechanized Brigade inflicted a major defeat on the enemy after advancing on defensive positions in the robotino area this operation frightened the Russians at the same time the Russians expressed their inability to withstand this force and surrendered in total 12 members of the 71st motorized rifle division of the Russian armed forces were detained Russian commanders were very upset by this situation on the other hand the head of Ukraine’s defense intelligence KOLO budanov said that 1th of the Russian soldiers in Ukrainian captivity surrendered voluntarily budanov continued his statement as follows a significant part of the Russian soldiers whom we captured alive during operations want to come with us voluntarily the situation of the Russians at the front is not getting any better we are offering them better condition on the other hand there have been some developments that will further improve the performance of Ukrainian Fighters counterintelligence officers of the security service of Ukraine received a pd2 reconnaissance drone from The Comeback alive Foundation the special forces of the 13th main directorate of the sbu military counterintelligence department will now be better able to destroy the invadors they will now have a new drone the pd2 it can then be used to detect targets targeted with long range and high Precision weapons the unmanned system was transferred to the sbu by The Comeback alive Foundation volunteers raised almost 30 million UAH to buy it the complex consists of two reconnaissance drones with a controlled flight radius of up to 180 kilm and Powerful Zooms for daytime and thermal imaging surveillance the package also includes a Mobile station and a ground control station spare parts and other components s SP Counter Intelligence Officers working on the front line received the Ukrainian made Lea 100 drone for their work meanwhile Ukraine’s Precision guided missiles sank an armed Min sweeper moed at the military dock in sasta pole and probably blew up one of the Russian Navy’s most modern guided missile boats a Ukrainian Navy spokesman said kiev’s Military Intelligence confirmed that the Russian minine sweeper kovet was sunk at its Anchorage in the Crimean port in an attack that occurred in the early hours naval officer demitro penchuk said covetes is a project 20066 M NATO designation Yura Class M sweeper with a displacement of 873 tons the Soviet Union built dozens of ships of this class during the Cold War at the beginning of the Russian Ukrainian war two of the minine sweepers were listed as elements of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet the crew consists of 68 men and officers at full strength their primary task in combat operations against Ukraine has been to sweep the seas around the sasap pole Naval base for anti- ship mines Ukrainian Navy spokesman claimed the ship was destroyed on Sunday evening just hours after the attack there were no early reports of casualties if any on board cyclon is a project 800 Russian Navy caraker guided missile Corvette with a displacement of 202800 tons the ship was one of moscow’s newest vessels delivered to the Black Sea Fleet in August 2023 the maximum crew reportedly consists of 70 men and officers the ship’s main weapon is the cber cruise missile a weapon used by Moscow since October 2022 to bomb homes and businesses in Ukraine penchuk said that for reasons known to the Black Sea Fleet command the cyclon has never launched missiles at Ukraine and has served as an air defense platform based in sevastopol for its entire combat career some officials reported that the dock where the Cyclone was moed was hit by three attack’s missiles killing six service personnel and injuring 11 local Air defenses shot down nine of the 12 armed attacks the report said Russian news platforms and Military bloggers widely confirmed the loss of both vessels with most reporting that it was one or more us-made long range atems surfac to surface missiles a weapon Kiev has been begging Washington to send for almost 2 years Ukraine Ians were used in the strikes White House officials announced in April that they had lifted a more than 2-year ban on long-range missile exports to Ukraine and acknowledged that the transfer of modern versions of the ATMs MGM 140 surfac to surface missile to Kiev would continue the Biden Administration did not publicize the specific ATMs model to be provided confirmed Ukrainian strikes in late May provided evidence that the ammunition sent to Kiev by Washington was most likely the M39 A1 block one missile armed with a cluster Warhead in recent weeks Kiev has effectively used the weapon as designed by the Americans attacking soft targets vulnerable to Cluster Munitions particularly aircraft and Airbase infrastructure cluster Munitions are too small to sink or even substantially damage a military mine sweeper some military bloggers in both Russia and Ukraine argued that the damage caused by the previous day strikes on vapo meant that the United States was sending more modern M48 or M57 ATMs missiles equipped with a single Warhead loaded with 24 kg of high explosives to Ukraine a direct hit by a warhead of this size would almost certainly damage an 800 ton military ship if the explosion was close and a direct hit would probably destroy it however according to open sources the latest versions of the us-made ATMs can on average hit an Aiming point at a distance of 5 to 9 M this makes the weapon a possible but not ideal ammunition for attacking a 6575 meter warship in past attacks on elements of the Russian naval fleet Kiev has used its own locally produced Neptune missiles and French escal and British Storm Shadow anti-ship missiles sometimes to devastating effect Ukrainian Neptune missiles sank the moskva the largest and most powerful flagship ship Cruiser of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in an attack in April 2022 the worst defeat suffered by Russia’s Black Sea Fleet during the kremlin’s largescale invasion of Ukraine occurred on September 13th 22 2023 when scalp talk Storm Shadow missiles penetrated svasta Pole’s dense air defenses to destroy an attack ship a missile attack submarine and a missile attack submarine it smashed the Black Sea Fleet headquarters and reportedly killed the fleet’s deputy Commander Russian naval commanders withdrew most of their large warships from sevastopol in October effectively abandoning moscow’s main naval base in the Black Sea for the first time since 1941 by warship tonnage just over half of the Black Sea fleet has been destroyed since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine except for light Patrol vessels Ukraine has no Navy ships or submarines and has waged a naval war against Russia using air and Naval drones anti-ship missiles and surfac to surface B istic missiles thank you for tuning in

The War Spread to Russian Territory! Ukraine hit the Belgorod with US NEPTUN missile! Putin in shock

  1. bull the Neptune is a Ukrainian made missile based on the old Soviet Kh-35 subsonic anti-ship missile but with beter range targeting etc. also adapted to be used on land targets produced IN UKRAINE

  2. It's kind sad Slavic people has to killing each other but look the bright side of war that all the money can be made from weapons sell can really help U.S economy and employment.

  3. 1:22 "The Ukraine" is the term Russians use for Ukraine, as if it was merely a region of Russia. Ukraine is not a region of Russia. It is a sovereign nation. If USS Pentagonal doesn't know that, I wonder what else they don't know. One hint might be that the video clips appear to be randomly selected, as if USS Pentagonal was a bot operation.

  4. If this is true it is welcome news for Ukraine ! Perhaps, this is the God given punishment to Put-in's so called 5th inauguration ! Put-in's perfidy and vainglory is boundless and the Gods or the nature will not tolerate such callousness ! Perhaps, Put-in is right in front of the "Twilight of the Gods" /Gotterdamnrun ! Put-in is about to be "Kaput" !

  5. You would think with today's camera phones that must be carried at all times, some one would have filmed something and leaked it out to the world to see. " NOPE " not here just file footage

  6. The US unfortunately hasn't lifted the ban on using their weapons on Russian soil.
    I wish to they would get a pair follow the UK and just lift the ban.
    Russia has to lose the ability to pay for this war and make more weapons.

  7. So glad Ukraine and Israel are holding their own! God bless both countries …The Lord is good and I pray for your continued success and Israel as well. I hope one day you and Israel can be allies… you both have been through so much and would be good allys together πŸ™‚ πŸ™

  8. Jesus said: "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things (everything one needs to live including love and peace) shall be added to you" (Matthew 6:33). The issue is that in Russia,, Gaza and Israel, Jesus' enemy, Satan has been highly successful in eradicating the knowledge and acceptance of Jesus' teachings regarding our duties toward God and our fellow humans. Jesus' instructions toward God and toward our fellow humans were written by one of Jesus' twelve disciples according to Matthew 5:43-47, Matthew 7:12, Matthew 19:18-19, Matthew 20:26, Matthew 22:21, and Matthew 22:36-40. This method is the best-known way to end the unnecessary war between Russia and Ukraine and to break the communist Chinese government's wish to conquer Taiwan.

    Nations should not hinder followers of Jesus from sharing His teachings globally, emphasizing their obligations to God and their fellow humans. Those who do not believe in Jesus or God should be free to make that decision for themselves. In 2016, Putin signed a law classifying as terrorists all believers in Jesus who preached about His teachings in non-government-approved buildings. Now, we witness a devastating war between Russia and Ukraine, where both nations are genuinely losing.

    Anyone who genuinely wants to bring peace between Russia and Ukraine, to break the sable rattling language of the communist Chinese government toward Taiwan, should support spreading Jesus' teachings to all people in Russia and Ukraine. Otherwise, the cycle of death and hate will never stop between Russia and its neighboring nations.

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