Part Of A Larger Plan, French Soldiers In UA? RU Nuclear Radar Strikes – Ukraine Map Analysis & News

G Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day so far a fantastic week and yes I’m feeling so much better than I was yesterday so let’s get stuck into it we have a lot to go over today and I may miss some things but I’m touching on some things that I think are really important and may not be super obvious So today we’re going to have a look at the maps as there are map updates on this map and Surak and we’ll look over those compare the maps see what is actually happening on the ground we need to look at an important Over the Horizon radar which has been struck some 800 km away from Ukraine but doesn’t have coverage in Ukraine we’re going to talk about that and why that is strategically tactically important maybe if we look outside of the box and of course something we have to look at is today being announced that there is a lot of talks and potentially it was released a little bit early about French instructors French soldiers and officers going into Ukraine so we’ll talk about all of that but just in the beginning couple of things to kick it off the bat and hopefully make you stick around we have this Photograph coming out of an M1 Abrams tank here with a Ukrainian soldier in front of it and every day we’re getting closer and closer to the turtle tank with modern tanks but that said if it works and it looks stupid it works and I see no problem at all with the so-called cope cage we’re seeing it on these tanks we’re seeing it on mavas on everything if it work works well it is not silly and it can protect valuable electronic warfare fighting equipment in here remember all these tanks these were built pre these drones and the sort of warfare we are seeing now in L hansk of course we’re talking luhansk out here in occupied territory there has been attacks strikes against an Airfield that said confirmation of damage is unknown but it does seem that something very large is burning and we do have some footage here as well showing on the ground of these cluster strikes and fire here that said none of this shows that much so wait for confirmations of satellite imagery of imagery on the ground to see what has happened then we have seen a lot of these successful attack strikes and what we presume is this is trying to soften up some areas before those Western fighter aircraft come in now I want to talk about the French now French and Russia have a very interesting history of warfare but we’re not going to be talking about that so commander-in-chief cki put this on his telegram now Ukraine has sort of uh stepped back from this post this but I believe this is probably what was to be said and like oh bit early on that but together with the Minister of Defense R omarov they held a video meeting with the minister of the Armed Forces and French Republic Sebastian laor um I welcome France’s initiative to send instructors to Ukraine to train Ukrainian military personnel I have already signed the documents that will allow the first French instructors to visit our training centers soon and familiarize themselves with their infrastructure and staff I believe that France’s determination will encourage other partners to join this ambitious project he thanked the minister for friendly support of the French people and Military and economic assistance to Ukraine and repel Russian military aggression now there are other countries as well who have speculated about this such as the Baltic Poland blah blah blah but there was then a bit of a walk back on the defense of Ukraine this came after this clarification regarding numerous requests from the mass media regarding reception of instructors and partners sday um Feb 24 Ukraine expressed interest in the prospect of receiving foreign instructors in Ukraine as of now we are still in discussions with France and other countries on this issue the ministry of Defense together with general staff started initial sorry internal work on the relevant documents on this issue in order not to waste time coordinating bureaucratic issues when the appropriate decision is made so paperwork has been started documentation blah blah blah but when the decision is made I think that’s backpedaling a little bit on like hey CI that wasn’t meant to be yet buddy and then France has had not much real comment on this training on Ukraine and soil is one of the projects discussed at the conference of support of Ukraine like all projects discussed on this occasion this continues to be their subject to work with Ukraine in particular understand their exact needs France does not officially have military personnel assisting or training Ukrainian forces in Ukraine we do know from that leaked German phone call that there definitely is some level instructors on the scalp and storm show whether UK or French operating in Ukraine helping with this and NATO Chief um Yan Stenberg has also come out with this as well sort of backpedaling on some of this the conflict and therefore uh we have no plans of deploying NATO troops um um U into Ukraine or uh send NATO air capabilities into Ukrainian airspace but we are providing critical uh support Ukraine so they can defend themselves so what do I think of all this well personally I think what CI said because that predates this it’s probably what is actually has been said and probably some backpedaling on this because it’s made a massive meteor eruption but in short I don’t see really the point of training Ukrainian troops within Ukraine Europe is has very very small countries very close borders I don’t see the benefit of deploying extra staff into Ukraine who could be then attacked and would be military targets for Russia at time of War I don’t see the point in this rather than you know stepping out from Central Ukraine 500 km one day in a bus or a car into a NATO country and then conducting the training there in that bubble of safety I just don’t see that and then train and then send them back as we have seen happening however however I can definitely see the political reasoning in this now firstly why do you want this well it frees up far more Ukrainian men to go and then fight on the front line frees up those instructors frees up other areas to go and then fight and I believe in this war we will have to see that I don’t think Ukraine has the amount of population to mobilized to still run critical infrastructure you got to remember the men are still going to be working on the power lines and on the trains and in the bloody what other businesses they’re going to be doing this they can’t all go to the front line or else everything else will then collapse so I think that there has to be a backfill of that by either instructors in and or third line logistical element here regardless but what this does is it frees up more men to go and fight on the front lines but it also then supports the large conscription that we see Ukraine will have to do very soon but more so than that I think it’s testing the waters to see how the French public will react to this and also how Putin reacts to this how does this actually going what do people actually see in this and that is testing the water it’s dipping your Towing in for a future larger de deployment and possible deployment then of combat soldiers and I guess this ties in with my first point of why not train these soldiers outside of Ukraine and in NATO protection well when talking about Putin’s reaction I think there could be a hope that to not escalate things in Ukraine and then have more support go into Ukraine from NATO that by having these instructors physically at these Ukrainian bases could it work as a deterrent then for Russian strikes but that said if these areas are hit with NATO staff of them these will be legitimate Targets in Wartime and it will be very interesting then to see the reaction by NATO and the French public from then as now they have deployed and have either killed or wounded if those strikes and were to happen but could it be being used as a bit bit of a political Pawn that hey look these instructors are at this base if you strike it we’re going to send in a heat more it’s going to look bad could it be a bit of that I’m not really sure but what I do know and I spoke of this yesterday this will be one of the primary topics at the Swiss peace Summit conference whatever you then want to call it now something that I don’t think is getting the media attention that it should be are the reports and some imagery that tend to show that there has been some damage at the Verona’s M Over the Horizon radar station which is said to be struck by Ukrainian drones now this is in Ork up here I’ll show you this right in a second and this was built in 2007 so it’s in this direction here I’ll show you more on exactly where this is and where it is looking itself as well now this comes right after earlier last week we saw that this radar station here this amav radar station was here as well with significantly more damage on this one so this is here and you can see these strikes here uh we again we have no idea how much damage was here but these are different one is Over the Horizon one and this one is an early warning now this is the one we looked at the veronz m so we see this is the 26th and then the day after we see this now people are pointing out that these are burn marks I will say here I don’t think anything is super conclusive as well remember these stations are built also to withstand a hell of a lot of larger war and it doesn’t appear to have any major damage to the radar face itself now these are prefabbed off location so they said they can also be replaced and built fairly quickly and a lot in here is going to be underground to but it does appear there may be some damage in here when we go back and forward and have a bit of a look but again let’s just go with that there has been some damage to this system now are these legitimate targets yes 100% these are legitimate targets but I think we are right to question the use of resources as well as effort to strike something like this that from what we’re looking at may have little to no effect in Ukraine when there are plenty of other legitimate targets that may have more of a direct effect this here this is 1,800 kmers away from Ukraine so a lot of resource planning and effort went in to hit something like this but does also Al show how far away these drones then can go but you’ll notice that this is pointing down to then the bottom of your screen now another thing I think Ukraine with this and we’re going to talk why this may not be the case but could Ukraine sort of be shooting thems in the foot a little bit one of Ukraine’s primary priorities right now is to convince the US to allow Ukraine to use Us weapons inside of Russia now could something like this actually deter the US away from that because does this show escalation and prepare preparation for maybe nuclear potential or potential on other fronts of War would the us see something like this and go well this is one of the reasons we don’t want to give you these systems especially say the early warning radar now I’m not sure if that is or it’s not but I think it is an important bit to bring up here now what can these Radars do well again everything like this is going to be very very classified and with anything classified there’s either an overestimation or an underestimation now typically a lot of systems are overestimated to scare your enemy but there are a lot of cases where publicly they release and underestimate the capability of things to trick your enemy into thinking that your system is worse than it is this is very very common place in submarine capability it can only go this deep it can only go this fast blah blah blah in leaks when it can work far outside of that scope but it has your enemy looking within the this left and right of Ark now what I will say is this can see 10,000 km but I believe from my reading that is 2,000 km up and 8,000 km as then the crow flies and it has a 90% a 90° coverage we’ll talk about that and at that range it can see something the size than of a football and track 500 targets at once but that is something very important for what we’re going to speak about next and I want to bounce this idea with you are these strikes and drones doing this some way facilitated by the west but under the the banner of plausible deniability of Ukraine to limit Russia’s radar capability into Asia and let’s have a look at where this was pointing so if we Zoom back in on this it’s facing basically down to the bottom of your screen and this is going to be rough and I very very apologize for this and again if you platy believe in a flat Earth is might pop your brain but let’s then do a 90° from here so we’re coming down to about Nigeria and then across to about here somewhere maybe in the Philippines now let’s go with the distance and let’s just be like conservative this and go 62,000 km out to Nigeria and then as well out this way 6,000 km about Philippines Indonesia that direction but what I want to look at in here is in between these lines where could be points of interest for Russia and for the West to maybe have some damage against system like this well there’s some very obvious ones straight off the bat of course Russia in areas operating in Africa but more likely we have then Iran sitting in here who’s become a much closer Ally of Russia throughout this war and then we have Yemen down here of course with the houthi rebels who are using primarily a lot of Iranian missiles as well having a huge effect on global trade and of course we’ seen many Western ships then deployed into this area to keep these trade routs open as well of course we know Russia’s influence into Africa as well and these Radars could by our reading and 100% have a lot of detection in and around these areas now how does this actually work you know line of s side how can you look over the top then of something so we have over the horizon here so it it goes up that bounces off the ionosphere and then sets a footprint back down onto the ground but of course you need an angle on this to work and this is then called the skip zone now this skip Zone here is where the radar will not see it will be blind within that skip Zone it need go up on an angle come down on a certain angle but it will have a degree of area that then it can’t see and that’s why with this one of what people were discussing that is Ukraine even within the skip zone of a long range system like this if at all it can see out into this direction but by looking at what these could see we can go through these other systems and have a look at what they may be looking at as well so this first one we can see the direction down to the bottom here on a 90° angle of what you’re looking at then we see the ew system we looked at before now there is another system here just north of St Petersburg and looking out then to the West we can see Finland Sweden green one and of course up into to North America as well on that 90° remember 90° and a lot of range then we can go down then another this is an ew system here and then we can have a look at exactly where this is sitting this is sitting in kenrad so a Russian point out here as well between Poland Lithuania but it’s not looking into this it’s looking out over the UK and potentially then North America as well we have then another veron’s M system here too let’s Zoom right out and that is looking onto the Russia’s most border back over the us as well of course the main threat of nuclear weapons coming from here this is facing then to the Northeast and this is looking up over the top of Russia as well remember Globe this one here this is looking down to the bottom of your screen let’s Zoom right out this is looking down into Asia as well potentially as far as maybe Indonesia Malaysia we do don’t know if it have it the capability for then Australia we have another system here looking then directly north back up over the top as well and then another system being built here we’re not sure when but we believe this is then looking West as well and again we can see where it’s looking and then this system here there was meant to be a v m system built here but it’s not let’s have a look at where this is but this is sitting in Crimea looking out towards the black seat this though is another older radar system here and which way is this facing this is facing not towards Ukraine this is down out to the South and more of a traditional radar system We Believe would be looking for I guess ships within the Black Sea but it’s interesting to look at what directions they are looking at and look at what Global influence some of these systems may have is is there some facilitation bit of out of the box thinking for what systems like this one we have seen struck that would seemingly from all of this have no effect on the war in Ukraine if almost negative effect if of why you’re striking this is it looking like we’re about to ATT attack Russia but we need to look at other areas of influence particularly down in here now I know that might be a bit conspiratorial I apologize for that but I think it is interesting to have a look at now let’s have a look at the maps here of course we have Ukraine the center the capital of ke red areas occupied since 22 purple since 2014 we’ll come in hary Blast we’ have seen no change in here but still we know some very heavy figh that we come near kopans we can see on this map it does show that Russia has had an advancement up into a few tree lines in the direction of kopans and sin kka here as well so that is interesting to see as we have seen more movements around better stovi as well very recently now let’s have a look at our maps and see where this is then looking so we do have a Surak update on better stove as well so let’s have a look right here so we then have better stove at the bottom here C is saying there is some Russian advancement down around bov here as well as up in and around kiss livka yahne there has been some Russian advancement here as well Russian army expanded above Zone West of K LEF along the railway inition troops made new advances around better stovi and Northwest west of here as well so is definitely some movement up in this area even if it’s showing slightly different now it is going to come just to the south of here and then have a look at another suriak map update in here now no changes have been shown on this map in this direction now for an amount of time but let’s open this up and see during the last two days Russian army reactivated the axis of kazanka and St mka making some advances there now this is not the easiest bloody map in the world to see but we need to look at St mka which is sitting up here so saying that there is some advancement out in this direction here as well as down to the South here near Kama zenka as well so some changes along this front although we’re not seeing that particularly on the Deep state map although we do know this map has been behind in some areas now no changes down to the rest till we come to belka not seeing any change then on the Deep state map but some geolocated footage tells a very different than story so we have this geolocation here of a Russian flag has gone up and this has been Joc into here now let’s have a look as these Maps aren’t the greatest to do this but we can see this is then the Quarry and the flag raised just above so right in B here now interestingly with this flag and Ukraine obviously has not been happy about this flag so we can see on top of this then antenna here we can see a Russian flag up the top here someone had to bloody climb up and Chuck that on top there has been then a strike against this and then further we have another Russian flag in bka as well and Ukraine has then struck that there too so what that tells us though definitely Russian troops have been active within the center of belka now I’ll just point out some people ask why these like just two wire prongs are on the front of these these basically will close up a circuit when they hit something whether by um at the back compressing or at the front and then that will set off then whatever Munitions are aboard that drone then we see suriak map here and this lines up with that gated footage we see of a push into bka here during the last three days Russian army managed to enter the center of Bova however is premature to talk about the full Russian recapture of the locality as the Western Hills continue under the control of the Ukrainian Army so there has been some advancement there but not all of it for sure then we have a Noah reports Ukrainian Source map here showing very similar then to what Surak showed in line then with that footage as well you can see where the defensive Works have been built up in here but Ukraine still in the West side for some high points here now let’s move down and we do see some changes on this map nothing around chassi and Bak mut as we have seen some more Russian armored assault in here getting repelled too and then we’ll come down into the adiva front and Russia has expanded its control around omansky as well as payi nalo front putting pressure down onto nelski as well in here let’s bring up the surc map and then have a look at this so as you can see this is here and it’s showing very very similar as far as control but it is showing out from solov here a bit of another push too but west of have dut after the catcher of umansky Russian army made advances north of olivka umanski in the line of the last 48 hours Russian forces Advanced west of silov and East and Northeast of here where Russians have not yet managed to enter on the other hand Ukraine Army managed to retake some positions along the railway so if we have a look at where the railway sits this is from osar is showing that ukra has managed to get some positions back here but out from solivo there has been a Russian advancement here as well so very interesting to see this is still a very Dynamic front line here but it is shaping up maybe for more ground of this open area and then into more urban fighting at the moment now we saw yesterday on this map we did see if we have a look at this in solidia here there was this push out here this is then confirmed by Surak map showing the exact same push here that’s what we like when the are lining up then we come through to today no change we come down to this urani front here and what we can see is that there has been some advancement at least claimed by Surak down along this main road that runs in down here during the last three days Russian army made small advancements in the southern parts of urani on other hand Ukrainian Army retreated from the big parts of stoski and only controls now 30% of the locality so these are definitely showing far different if we have a look at stari this red dot here compared to this map showing significantly different at least for inside of an urban center so it’ll be very interesting to keep an eye on what exactly is happening on this front as well now Legends that’s all I’ve got for you today have a great day and I’ll speak to you tomorrow thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. The main motivation for the Russian invasion was concern for their own security, specifically having NATO nuclear weapons on their border.
    These recent attempts to blind Russian nuclear attack detection radars is, short of a nuclear attack, the most provocative thing the Ukrainians could do.
    Reckless folly, probably born of desperation. If Ukraine were winning they would not take such a desperate and dangerous gamble. I am sure Russia will respond.

  2. What's really bad is that after going through not one, but two horrendous World Wars, politicians in Europe are still considering the possibility of being a part of a third World War. That itself is enough evidence that this war had nothing to do with freedom or democracy or Ukraine for that matter. Ukraine happened to be the trigger that could drag Russia into a war and NATO worked very hard to make sure it becomes a reality. The question is though, do EU citizens want to be part of this?

  3. Hey Willie, Really? NATO Troops operating UK ATACMs firing missiles in to Russian homeland will "scare" Russia into not attacking those systems? No, high level strategery is going on. Probably Blinken, and others, are desperately pushing against the "secret red lines" to provoke Russia into a significant attack big enough to justify a major escalation right in front of US elections. Real War is the only way to save Biden. It is a dangerous and foolish game. It is so dumb it most likely came from Blinken. In US he's known as the dumbest "man" in Washington. That's saying quite a jawfull. This is, of course, what's behind the attacks on nuclear monitors, nuclear reactors, etc. Trying to "trigger" Russia into a WWIII level response.

  4. There is only two possible reasons for attacking Russia's ICBM early warning systems: to provoke a disproportionate strike which then can be paraded as another display of Russian barbarity and when such strike doesn't happen claim that Russia's red lines are meaningless.
    In all cases they are hoping that people in the west are idiots and don't see this from a mile away: the expired president is gambling with everyone's lives here

  5. I believe that if Russia did feel that their nuclear deterrent or early warning systems we’re actually being seriously damaged Cripple their early warning systems they would see it as an attack against there nuclear deterrent And as Russian doctrine says I believe they would be forced to initiate a nuclear strike This attacks serve no purpose to the current conflict It can only make things a lot worse for everyone They need to focus on targets they would have an impact on the front
    Not PR stints

  6. French soldiers in Ukraine, are they mad? They want World War 3. Mind you WW3 has begun with 144 conflicts around the world. The depopulation continues and is due to escalate. War is coming to our shores people and our leaders are causing it.

  7. The objective of the United States is obvious at this point. It is to push both either one of, or both, China and Russia to deploy nuclear weapons against their enemies. Sound far-fetched. Think about it for a second. The United States is simultaneously antagonising both Russia and China on their declared red-lines, on a seemingly automatic path of constant escalation. As pointed out by Mercuris on the Duran, not at any point during the first Cold War did either side permit or enoucrage their proxies to commit direct strikes on their adversaries, yet the US is entering into that territory now in Ukraine despite all prior rhetoric indicating that they would not, crossing their own self-imposed red-lines at every opportunity. How else can the UNited States turn around the obvious trends now accelerating? It's absolutely clear now they plan to maintain global leadership by pushing Russia and/or China into deploying a nuclear weapon. Can you think of anything more cynical? Well, if you've done your homework you know that if the United States foreign policy is anything, it is cynical. God help the people of Ukraine. Rid yourself of this yoke of tyranny.

  8. Pretty insane the united states and Russia and all the politicians used to do everything in their power to avoid direct actions against each other for 70 years to avoid those nuclear triggers but the Biden regime and the nato countries politicians have seemed to have decided for everyone that world war 3 with nukes ,biological and chemical weapons isn't such a bad idea after all along with putting and Xi

  9. Stop pretending NATO even has a plan for Ukraine. At best they confuse their own hysteria and frustration from the humiliation Russia has delt on them for the passed 2 years for a plan that will merely cause the nuclear annihilation of pretty much all central and eastern Europe. End of.

  10. French are being deployed to teach the art of the tactical surrender. The perfect people to call in with the writing on the wall. We were going to send the italians but we were worried they'd switch sides!

  11. Side note you think they're getting the legion in to train their gulag conscripts?
    Tough men to train the killers and rapists and try and maintain order. Thats why they cant go to germany because they can't leave ukriane….

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