France & Germany approve of Ukrainian strikes inside Russia | World DNA Live | WION

[Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back viewers you’re watching Beyond world is one this is World DNA the show that gets your head off the rest I’m shim joh and I’m raisha seel on the show today French and German leaders have said that Ukraine should be allowed to use Western weapons against military sites in Russia however White House says that it still opposes Ukraine using us arms against Russia while Ukraine continues to plead with the West for permission to use these weapons to hit Russian targets Moscow has opened a new front that could perhaps threaten Ukraine’s second largest city Kari we’ll of course be tracking all of that on world DNA also on the show today South Africa it heads to polls and in the most competitive election since the end of the apari the ruling African National party will be put to test for the very first time in history the question being canc hold on to power and is the opposition Rising on an anti-incumbency move we are going to be tracking that closely stay tuned let’s get you started with the [Music] headlines Israel’s idfc is hidden store of weapons may have been behind deadly blaze in Rafa’s tent camp and that its air strike targeting area used small mations unable of igniting such blades [Music] Washington backs Netanyahu says recent Rafa debts do not constitute major ground operation that crosses any us red lines [Music] France and Germany say Ukraine should be allowed to hit military sides inside Russia from which missiles were being fired at Ukrainian regions but not other targets White House still opposes this [Music] proposal say is NATO members in Europe playing with fire by proposing to let Ukraine use Western weapons to strike deep inside Russia underlying such activity could trigger global [Music] conflict Georgia’s Parliament votes to override presidential veto of Russian inspired foreign agent law defying Fierce demonstrations at home and abroad [Music] defense and prosecution deliver closing arguments in Donald Trump’s historic New York criminal hush money trial as both sides finish final pitches to 12 member jury before they begin [Music] deliberations China helps Nepal look for oil as Beijing seeks to strengthen bilateral ties and competes with India for influence over Himalayan [Music] neighbor more details tumble out in pune’s high-profile pora case police say 14 calls exchanged between doctor held for switching the sample and the blood sample and father of teen accused 2 hours prior to the sample collection [Music] Lexi Thomson confirms that she will retire at the end of the 2024 BJ tour season the 29y old has won 15 times since turning professional in 2010 and won her only major in 2014 [Music] two big NATO Powers France and Germany have said that Ukraine should be allowed to hit military sites inside Russia but only those Russian sites from which missiles are being fired towards Ukrainian territory not other targets that’s the rider which has been given to Ukraine now this comes amid Ukrainian president linsky’s consistent pleas to the Western allies to allow using their weapons against military targets inside Russian territory French president Emanuel macron further clarified that he is not escalating by extending his support to Ukraine since it is Russia that is organizing itself in this way during a joint news conference in Germany German Chancellor Olaf schz backed maon saying that is that as long as Ukraine respected the conditions laid out by the countries that supplied those weapons it was allowed to defend itself so we’re staying exactly within the same framework we think that we should allow them to neutralize the military sites from which the missiles are fired and basically the military sites from which Ukraine is attacked but we must not allow them to hit other Targets in Russia obviously civilian capabilities or other military targets however Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier warned the West that NATO members in Europe were playing with fire by proposing to let Ukraine use Western supplied weapons to strike inside Russia [Music] representatives of NATO countries especially in Europe especially in the small countries they should be aware of what they are playing with they should remember that as countries with small densely populated territories and this is a factor that they should keep in mind before talking about striking Russian territory speaking during a state visit to usbekistan Putin directly accused the US of wanting a global [Music] conflict he said the ground offensive being carried out by moscow’s forces in Ukraine’s Northeastern Kari region is the result of Ukrainian strikes on Russian territory he added if Ukraine continues to strike residential areas Russia will be forced to create security zones everything now revolves around the events on the approaches to K so it was them who provoked these events in this direction 6 months ago I publicly said if they continue to strike residential areas and neighborhoods we will be forced to create security zones and just recently I said so we moved on to this meanwhile the White House once again rejected Ukrainian president’s quest for an end to restrictions on Kev using us supplied arms to strike Russian territory the US reiterated it does not encourage or enable us supplied weapons to strike Russia there’s uh no change to our policy at this point we don’t encourage or enable the use of us supplied weapons to strike inside Russia furthermore Ukraine’s President Vladimir zalinski has urged US President Joe Biden to attend a peace Summit which is all set to be held in Switzerland in mid junee he said Ukraine’s key allies absence would only be applauded by the Russian President Vladimir Putin according to the report Biden and vice president Kamala Harris are set to miss the summit the I think the peace Summit needs President Biden and other people who are looking at the response of the United States of America need him if he is not present it will be just like applauding put personally applauding and doing so standing in the latest Russian guided bombs killed two civilians in the Eastern Ukrainian city of tetk on Tuesday and heavily damaged two multi-story apartment buildings pictures shared by donet Regional Governor VM fashin showed damaged buildings and debris on the ground flashin said that Russian forces deployed three bombs in the city for on this we’re now being joined by John erit Senior policy director for the center for arms control and nonproliferation he’s joining us live from Washington DC welcome to the show Mr erth now the French President along with the German Chancellor have said that Ukraine should be allowed to use Western weapons to hit Russian targets while we witnessed how Putin earlier warned the West saying that the NATO members were playing with fire with such proposals how you see this stance by France and Germany perhaps sparking uh the rise of a broader conflict this is very standard rhetoric from the Russian side uh it’s been very consistent for the last two years that uh every time there is additional assistance being sent to Ukraine from Western countries uh Putin or sometimes netive will say something like this uh it’s part of a consistent strategy to raise the perception of a threat of a wider conflict and to get the Western countries to self-impose limitations on the assistance that they provide Ukraine uh Mr macron has of course distinguished between striking military targets from which Russia is targeting Ukraine and striking military targets otherwise now it’s a very fine line what’s to say that Ukraine maintains that line and if it uses those weapons targets other military facilities as well we have an allout war after that is it not playing with fire as Mr Putin said there is already an allout war that is underway war that Russia is lar conf NATO involvement what Russia is asking here is for Ukraine to restrain itself from attacking Targets in Russia while Russia is unrestrained in the targets it can attack in Ukraine uh that’s not the recipe for a winnable War for Ukraine and that’s what Russia wants uh Mr haris now the US Secretary of State Anthony blinkin he made the case for allowing Ukraine to hit military bases a few miles inside Russia when he visited Kev uh just a few days ago how however the White House has now come out with a statement saying that it opposes Ukraine using Us weapons against Russia with consensus around uh the US policy freeing and pressure also mounting do you think that the US will allow Ukraine to to use americanmade weapons against Russia it’s a very fine line to walk uh yeah on the one hand nobody in Washington wants a escalated War wants a wider conflict to emerge on the other hand Ukraine has an absolute right to defend itself uh and that should be allowed to use all the means at its disposal to do so uh but within the international within the framework of international law which means to strike military targets and not civilian uh Mr ith do you feel Ukraine has nothing left to lose at this point because it is and there are high chances that Ukraine Burns its own hands here given the fact that us does not want an allout world with Russia and us is already in a certain amount of conflict with several Nations where Russia has built its strong ties in the recent two years it’s a decision that the Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian people are going to have to make uh on the one hand it is tremendously disadvantageous in the military sense uh for Ukraine to suffer these attacks on territory coming from Russia without any chance to hit back uh on the other hand uh Ukraine does not want to escalate and does not want to provoke a wider conflict so it will be a question of finding a balance what targets to hit inside Russia that would have the maximum military effect uh and would uh in some way inhibit russan ‘s ability to wage war against Ukraine and the Ukrainian population uh without going too far and provoking that all right uh thank you for joining in John and sharing all your insights of course that was John joining us from Washington DC sharing all his insights always a pleasure speaking with you thank you very much moving on two days after an alleged Israeli air strike in Rafa that killed at least 45 Palestinians idfc days a hidden store of Hamas weapons might have been the actual cause of the deadly Blaze that tore through the tents there well it says the air strike which targeted the Hamas commanders in the adjacent area small Munitions were used in it and that could not ignite such a fire now the statement comes as reports are emerging that Israeli tanks have advanced Into the Heart of Rafa for the first time after a night of heavy bombings Israeli attacks in Rafa has killed at least 21 Palestinians according to the authorities in Gaza although Israel’s military has denied striking a tent camp in west of Rafa which Israel has designated as a civilian evacuation [Music] Zone latest assault come as Israel’s 3we old Rafa offensive has stirred renewed outrage and prompted an outrage from global leaders the US Israel’s closest Ally has reiterated its opposition to a major Israeli ground offensive in Rafa but said it did not believe such an operation is underway Washington says it still considers Israel’s assault on the southern Gaza City of Rafa is limited in scope despite a weakened Israeli attack that left 45 people dead as Blaze store through a camp for displaced people describing the US view of what would constitute a major offensive in Raa White House National Security spokesperson John Kirby says it will involve large numbers of troops in some sort of coordinated maneuver against multiple Targets on the ground he says that will be a major operation and they have not seen it yet meanwhile the Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant group has released a video of an Israeli hostage who was kidnapped by militants back in [Music] [Music] October shifting Focus to the us as former US president Donald Trump’s harush money trial is nearing its end both the sides made their closing arguments a New York prosecutor told jurors that Trump engaged in a conspiracy to corrupt the 2016 elections and also at tempted to cover it up now prosecutor Joshua stangas told jurors they would need to assess whether Trump falsified business documents to cover up a harsh money payment to adult film star stmy Daniels in the runup to the 2016 presidential election he further went on to say that the jurors also needed to consider broader political concerns such as the possibility of trump and his allies including tabloid publisher David Becker undermining the election by controlling what information would reach voters Trump’s lawyer urged jurors to look past the details in his criminal trial and focus on the paper work at the heart of the case they also are argued the jurors should not trust star witness Michael Cohen’s testimony Trump’s lawyer blanch said that Cohen is a convicted felon with a record of lying he also tried to questions Tommy Daniel’s credibility before the jury begins deliberating on the first ever case on Wednesday against the former US president closing arguments gave both the sides one last opportunity to win the jury over Trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records charges are punishable by up to 4 years in prison the former US president has pleaded not guilty and denied any wrongdoing although imprisonment is unlikely for a First Time Felon convicted of such a crime however a conviction will not prevent Trump from trying to take back the White House from incumbent Democrat Joe Biden in the November 5th election Trump faces three other criminal prosecutions as well but none is likely to go to trial before the election he has pleaded not guilty in all of the cases and called them an effort by Biden’s Democratic allies to hobble his presidential bid and will trouble continues to mount for UK prime minister RI sonak and the Tories the latest incident has laid bare a groin Tiff within the party now right sh and another Center of this debacle is a leaked memo which has stirred trouble within the party in a memo leaked to the times senior Tories have accused Party leaders of not throwing their weight behind the party’s election campaign the memo listed names of several conservative members of parliament who refused door to-door campaigning or had taken time off to attend family events as per reports the list was accidentally sent to some MPS as an attachment to a general campaign email the incident has sparked outrage among Tory leaders who are already miffed with Rishi sonak for announcing early elections despite the part’s dismal results in preo surveys responding to the anger within the conservative Camp sonak said that he bore full responsibility for a dis will start to election campaigning saying that those who received the email had been contacted with a formal apology I can’t help but reflect that my first proper introduction to you was just over four years moving on gruesome details are emerging from the murder of Bangladesh’s political leader during his visit to India’s Northeast city of Kolkata according to reports local authorities recovered dismembered body parts of the ruling awami League lawmaker anarul azim Anar Anwar the parts were recovered from a septic tank in an apartment that he was staying in before he went missing police officials have said that a forensic investigation will establish whether the flesh found is human and part of the Bangladesh leaders dismembered body on AIM Manar came to Kolkata on May 12th for medical treatment the lawmaker was staying with the friend till he went missing a few days later officials believe that Anor was murdered in Kolkata on May 22nd so far three people have been arrested in the case the West Bengal criminal investigation department has arrested Jihad havar who is an illegal immigrant from Bangladesh and lived in Mumbai authorities claim that havar has confessed to his involvement in the murder Aladar also reportedly he claimed that the crime was masterminded by akar uzan a US citizen of Bangladeshi origin halad said he killed the MP on akar’s orders along with four other Bangladeshi Nationals according to the police the MP was first strangled then his body was cut up into several pieces the police say that they are trying to get more information about the case a special investigation team was formed to probe the gruesome murder chief of the Bangladesh detective department is also in India to probe the case 24 years after the Carill war between India and Pakistan nawas Sharif who has been elected as pmn’s president has made a big statement on the 1999 War Sharif who was Pakistan’s prime minister back then has now admitted that Islamabad had violated an agreement with with India signed by him and India’s ex- prime minister atel bihari wpai in 1999 take a listen [Music] now this is for the first time that Pakistan’s former prime minister has made a public admission of this fact Sharif made the statement after being elected the party’s president unapposed 6 years after a Court ruling had removed him from Office Sharif and vajpai signed the lore Declaration on February 21st 1999 the agreement that talked about a vision of peace and stability between the two countries but just months after that the much publicized declaration Pakistan launched an intrusion in India’s Jammu and Kashmir Pakistani troops targeted the Carill District of gnk India’s Defense Forces launched operation VI which lasted over 2 months 527 Indian soldiers laid down their lives over the course of War while 2,700 Pakistani troops lost their life India’s troops declared victory in the kill war on July 26th India commemorates the day every year as Vijay dasas in honor of those who fought in the war and made the Supreme sacrifice for the country well it’s now time for a quick short break don’t go anywhere this is World dnf course we are going to be back after the break on the other side 10 days after the pora crash took place in India’s Pune new developments are coming in from the high profile case of tampering with evidence and attempts of hushing up the matter even further we’ll get you the the full report also on the other side of this short break South Africa is gearing up for national elections and we shift our Focus to Durban the third largest city is home to the largest Indian diaspora the city’s economy is booming but at the same time it’s also facing challenges more on the other side do stay tuned you’re watching Beyond world one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yoga the ageold Indian practice of Wellness ayurveda healing through diet Herbal Remedies and meditation two Timeless Traditions to Priceless Indian gifts to the world from well-being to perfect health how can you incorporate yoga and ayurveda in daily life as the world gears up for international yoga day weon celebrates India’s gift to mankind on this special [Music] series Namaste Hello friends we did uh Dr subash Chandra show popularly known as DSC show for 4 years from August 2014 to August 2018 28 states of Barat of course we reached out to all of you in 190 countries across the world the show was very successful each episode was being washed by almost 25 million people every week for past 6 years the demand of the show has never died down people write to us people ask for for the show to be start again hence we are beginning the show Once Again on all Z Network also on Von which is the global Network channel from India again thank you for your love and affection see you soon at subash Chandra show [Music] Africa’s youngest Nation goes to the polls in December as politicians of all Hues including current South Sudan’s president Salva K Joseph of power a philanthropic organization urges Rebels to surrender by dropping hundreds of thousands of flyers from a helicopter above their strongholds in dense rainforests and an ancient game called Kora promotes unity and tradition in mountains watch wild of Africa at these times on weon wild is [Music] one know more understand better think ahead hello and a very warm welcome you are watching gravitas with me Mari [Music] [Applause] GED get the facts not the bombass on the 26th of March Dynamic pricing Belo [Music] separatist gravitas cuts out the Clutter gravitas keeps calm when others scream de gravitas brings news to life weekday 9:00 p.m. IST 3:30 p.m. GMT gravitas seeing is [Music] [Applause] believing what does that mean horrible [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] new I important [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back viewers you’re watching World DNA with Raa and M Shan let’s get you started with the headlines we tracking for you with this [Music] hour Israel’s IDF says hidden store of weapons may have been behind a deadly blame is in Rafa’s tent camp and that its air strike targeting area used small munition unable of igniting such [Music] blades Washington backs Netanyahu says recent rougher debts do not constitute major ground operation that crosses any us red lines [Music] France and Germany say Ukraine should be allowed to hit military sites inside Russia from which missiles were being fired at Ukrainian territory but not other targets White House still opposes this [Music] proposal Putin Wars West says NATO members in Europe playing with fire by proposing to let Ukraine use Western weapons to strike deep inside Russia underlines such activity could trigger a global [Music] conflict defense and prosecution deliver closing arguments in Donald Trump’s historic New York criminal hush money trial as both sides finish final pitches to 12 member jury before they begin deliberations [Music] China helps Nepal look for oil as Beijing seeks to strengthen bilateral ties and competes with India for influence over Himalayan [Music] neighbor more details tum out in pune’s high-profile posha case police say 14 calls exchanged between doctor held for switching sample and father of the Teen accused 2 hours prior to sample [Music] collection Georgia’s Parliament votes to override presidential Vito of Russian inspired foreign agent law defying Fierce protests at home and criticism [Music] the IMF raises its forecast for China’s growth this year to 5% up from 4.6% previously IMF attributes the rise to strong first quarter figures and recent policy measures [Music] Lexi Thompson confirms that she will retire at the end of the 2024 LPGA Tour season the 29-year-old has won 15 times since turning professional in 2010 and won her only major in 2014 [Music] [Music] well this is the election a and South Africa heads to polls today in the most competitive election since the end of Apartheid the ruling African National party will be put to test for the very first time in history the question being canc hold on to power and is the opposition Rising on an anti-incumbency M my colleague Ana data tells you more South Africa is one of the most important countries in the AF African continent in the changing World Order many are hopeful of the country’s economy but as Africa teaches us time and again a good economy needs a stable government and today South Africa is staring at the most unpredictable election in its 30 years of democratic rule Logistics first out of the 62 million people about 45% have registered for this year’s elections a little over 23,000 polling stations have been set up 70 political parties and 11 Independents are in the frame now the elections are for National and provincial elections it will be the country’s seventh election since apite ended in the year 1994 that is when Nelson Mandela became the president but his legacy is what is being put to test this time well the public sentiment has been against the ruling party and some blame corruption poor economy unemployment that is at its highest as we speak Rising instances of crime and power Cuts some voters say that they just want change and this is where today’s key face is coming in African National Congress thec is obviously in the race with siru Raposa heading it then there is MK party with Jacob Zuma who has been disallowed from contesting elections this time Democratic Alliance party is also in the frey with John Stinson and economic freedom fighter under Julius malma is also in the free now he interestingly quit the ruling ANC to form this radical leftist party and could potentially become the king maker in this year’s election let’s come to the process now in early elections only political parties competed for 400 seats in the National Assembly for the very first time independent candidates will compete in this election and this is why all voters will receive three different ballots this time among these two ballots will be electing the National Assembly the two ballots being the regional National Assembly with 200 seats and National ballot with 200 seats so 400 seats making the entire house and the third will be the electing member of the provisional legislature remember South Africans do not directly vote for the president the majority party chooses their leader and then that leader goes on to become the president 10 days after the posha crash took place in India’s Pune new developments are coming in from the high-profile case of course these are evidences of tampering with with the evidence and attempts of hushing up the matter according to reports pune’s crime Branch officials have named Dr aay Tav as The Mastermind who they believe tampered with the blood samples of the accused authorities alleged that the blood samples of the accused minor were substituted with another individual and the Minor’s original blood sample was disposed of in a dust bin this comes after two doctors and a staffer at pune’s sasun General Hospital who collected the miners blood sample after the crash have been arrested for destroying evidence they have been sent to police custody until the 30th of May according to the police prob Dr AJ Tav who is the head of the hospital’s forensic medicine Department exchanged 14 phone calls with a Minor’s father two hours prior to the collection of the sample while reports suggest the staffer identified as Atul Gat and Dr SRI Hari halor the chief medical officer of the hospital both of them who worked under the alleged Mastermind doctor Tav received bribe of some $3,600 from him however there is no immediate information on how or from where did the doctor procure the cash all right for more on this our principal correspondent dasar sha joins us on the phone line joining us from Mumbai DHA you’ve been tracking this closely what are the officials from the Pune crime Branch saying what’s the latest in regards to this case these 14 calls that we’ve just heard about well absolutely and at this point in time the pun crime Branch officials are uh really monitoring and they are actually checking the accused residences uh if you talk about the two doctors and also the pun because it’s very important to know that where they procured the cash from and at what given point in time they really received the bribe and who actually was the one uh who gave them the bribe it was the Minor’s father directly as for what the police officials are stating or there was there some other person also involved in this so all of this is something which is getting bigger day by day we are also looking at more than 10 people already being arrested we are looking at the police custody of the doctors being weend today and we will come to know more details because that that is the time when the police will produce some more details in front of the court so as at this given point in time the CCTV footages across the city that the police have seized is uh acting as a main source of information uh because that is where they are able to track the accused movements and here I’m talking about not one accused but all the 10 uh so that is something which is helping them uh in their daily investigation is what the police crime Branch officials are stating at this point definitely DHA it’s a daily investigation and every day we come up we get to hear more details of the case making it more just causing more bewilderment on how this case was treated that was DHA sha principal correspondent joining us from Mumbai getting us the latest moving on I at the sweltering heat in Northwest India the Indian met department on Tuesday issued a red alert for May 29th and May 30th for multiple States including Rajasthan harana Delhi utar Pradesh and madhia Pradesh absolutely you know it’s we are in Delhi and we know how badly the heat is affecting everyone around us heat wve conditions are also likely to persist in isolated parts of Himachal Pradesh chattis Gad and in Jammu as well as as well on May 29th facing extreme heat people are eagerly waiting for the monsoons and as for the Met Department the Southwest Monsoon is likely to set in Kerala on the 31st of May [Music] on May 28th large parts of Northern and Central India were in the grip of extreme Heatwave conditions with a Mercury Crossing 50° C in rajasthan’s churu haryana’s CA and settling nine notches above normal in Delhi according to the IMD some areas of the national capital recorded highest maximum temperature of the season with with Nara reaching 49.9 de C and navgar recording 49.8 de C the Met department has forecasted a higher number of heat wve days in Northwest India and adjoining parts of the central region in the month of June as well the severe heat wave is pushing the power demand and leading to water shortages in multiple parts of the [Music] country time to take a look at all the news from the world of technology well a US Lobby group representing Tech Giants Google Amazon and Apple has asked India to rethink its proposed EU like competition law the group has said that the regulation could lead to an increase in user costs India’s digital competition bill is similar to eu’s digital markets act the proposed Bill prohibits companies from exploiting users private data and promoting their services over Rivals the bill could also put an end to restrictions on the download of third party apps the proposed competition bill will apply to firms that have a global turnover of over $30 billion and whose Digital Services have at least 10 million users locally the Indian government will next review feedback on the proposal before seeking Parliament [Music] approval Greek data protection authority has fined the country’s interior Ministry over voters email leak the interior Ministry has been fined around $400,000 for leaking email addresses of thousands of expatriate voters the authori said that they launched the investigation and March following dozens of complaints by voters voters had complained of receiving emails of political content from a Greek European Parliament member ahead of the EU parliamentary elections the probe showed the probe showed a document containing the contract information of more than 20,000 experts who voted in a 2023 national election the document contained voters data including the email IDs and phone numbers it has been revealed that the initial leak occurred last year between 8th of June when the document was created and June 23rd as well the data protection authority said that the document was for internal use and the fact that it was leaked constitutes breach of personal data adding that the ministry should revise its methods in protecting personal data open AI has set up a Safety and Security committee which will be led by company board members including CEO s Sam Alman the the new committee will be responsible for making recommendations to the board on Safety and Security decisions the committee will evaluate and further develop open’s existing safety practices over the next 90 days openi has said that once approved by the board the company will publicly share an update on adopted recommendations the move comes ahead of open ai’s next artificial intelligence model earlier in May open AI announced a new AI model capable of realistic voice conversation and interaction against across text and [Music] [Music] image China’s economic growth a major driver of the global economy for decades is facing new challenges now right you’re in a rapidly aging population and slowdown in key sectors are raising concerns about the country’s future economic growth take a look at our next report for more China’s economic Miracle faces a demographic hurdle the percentage of its population over 65 has skyrocketed from 7% in 1998 to 15.4% in 2023 this rapid aging is unprecedented and experts warn it could significantly impact future growth historically no nation has achieved High economic growth of over 4% after reaching a 15% elderly population share this raises concerns as China’s GDP growth though still outpacing the US has slowed in recent years demographers predict a significant slowdown for China they forecast a drop to 3% growth by 2028 with the US potentially surpassing China by 2031 to 2035 the US Congress professional budget office projects a more gradual slowdown for the US with growth easing from 2.2% to 1.9% by the early 2030s this potential shift could have major Global ramifications China’s economic slowdown isn’t solely due to demographics in eroding Trade Surplus low interest rates and deflationary pressures are weakening its currency and hindering growth additionally stagnant household income and shrinking Workforce for further complicate the picture experts believe tackling these issues requires a significant political and economic overhaul something China may be hesitant to undertake this coupled with the ongoing real estate crisis High youth unemployment and trade tensions paint a concerning picture for China’s economic future some experts even predict a lost decade of stagnation Business Bureau weon world is one major multinational companies initially announced plans to leave Russia after the Ukraine Invasion however they remain stuck due to bureaucratic hurdles and a 50% discount mandate on selling assets to unfriendly countries now this combined with a minimum 15% exit tax has complicated departures even further the Kev School of Economics reports that over 2100 multinational companies have stayed in Russia since 2022 while the initial Focus was on leaving Russia to isolate its economy the situation has evolved since then a surprising consumer spending boom in Russia has made it more attractive to some businesses to stay put there particularly in consumer goods companies like mes are revaluating with their CEO stating investors are less concerned about the morality of remaining food and beverage companies face a unique challenge there they emphasize their humanitarian responsibility to maintain basic food supplies Coca-Cola for example continues operating a Russian bottler that produces do Cola now the top selling Cola in Russia now this raises questions about brand dilution despite the company distancing itself from the product meanwhile PepsiCo maintains its Dairy business in Russia citing the needs of its 60,000 employees the overall picture is however complex Western companies grapple with moral obligations economic realities and the potential consequence of leaving as seen in carlsburg ongoing legal battle and imprisoned executive the initial Exodus may have stalled with companies reevaluating their positions in Russia’s evolving economic landscape [Music] all right here’s a quick look at all that’s happening in the world of sports starting with world number one Noak jovic who’s up and running at the French Open the defending Champion brushed aside any doubts about the state of his game with a straight sets win over local hope appear Hu

France & Germany approve of Ukrainian strikes inside Russia | World DNA Live | WION

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  1. If PUTIN does not want Ukraine to Bomb Civilian targets within Russia, { which they have NEVER done }, then they have to STOP BOMBING UKRAINE CIVILIAN TARGETS !
    Ukraine has only EVER used it's own Ukrainian made drones to destroy Infrastructure targets inside Russia.

  2. Striking Russian territory where missiles hitting come from, what if Russia also strikes in return where missiles hitting it come from? Remember that Ukraine doesn't have the expertise in using these advanced weapons… Smaller countries like Ukraine don't realize and stand to their own benefits, but blindly allow superpowers to use 5hem as cannon fodder. NATO must know that Russia is not alone as much as Ukraine isn't alone. We know the enemies of NATO, they know they will be next after Russia is defeated, so they are also making sure that Russia does not lose this war.

  3. jeffery sachs said it was nato's plan to take over europe..this is usa vs russia..france, germany are also proxies..this is ww3 coming.. it is always deaths in other countries n not in usa soil…everyone suffers, everyone..europe weakened.

  4. Biden is a coward. Giving long range weapons to Ukraine, but not allowing them to be used in Russia. Russia is allowed to use long range weapons in Ukraine. We need a president with balls.

  5. France and Germany don't care about the people ug Ukraine and Russia. They real butchers. Ukraine is once belong to Russia. This war gonna be Russian against Russia. EU only laughing with this conflict. They are a legitimate target for Russia.

  6. Ukraine can’t win on front line, now Russia is massing 300,000 probably to open up another front or 2, it’s hopeless, BUT if you watched last week what’s happening Russia sent up attack satellite probably to take out US spy satellite, NATO and US using Ukraine to take out Russian monitoring capabilities, someone is getting ready for first strike.. I don’t think anyone really cares for Ukrainians Europeans don’t nor do they want them and west is just using them up..

  7. 🔮 news from future

    On the fatefull day of August 15,2024 2 russian bombers dropped a very huge man on kyivoshima and on August 16,2024 ultra fatman was dropped on lavivasaki

    On August 20,2024 imperial ukraine surrendered to Russia unconditionally and then putin himself wrote constitution of Ukraine where ukraine cannot build army.

    Total denazified sounds familiar story 🤔

  8. Well, Russia is the one and first who played these critical fires. when PUTIN said during its military build-up was just merely an exercise but see what happens today.
    Ever since Russia attacked Ukraine it has had the right to hit in Russian territory. Putin is now Panic.
    NATO is sucks, they don't care about fatalities, they only care about weapons marketing!

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