A New Front Will Open, NATO Missiles Into Russia, Escalation? – Ukraine Map Analysis & News Update

g day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day a fantastic Wednesday and Hump Day to your week now as always we have a lot to cover but I’m going to split this in a second part of a video to talking about some analysis of that radar system the over Horizon and early warning system yesterday as well in another video because it’s just too much to compile this and I think it deserves its own video for what we may see but today we’re going to look at some satellite imagery of those attacks strikes that we reported yesterday we’re going to look at Washington and Germany not happy about a patriot being used outside of Ukrainian territory which we know from both Germany and the US Ukraine is not meant to use her systems outside of their own territory of course we’ll look at the maps we’ll look at what Putin has said in usbekistan and we’ll take it maybe a step further than just what he said and we’ll look at some comparisons there we need to talk about India now buying crude oil in Rubles and some influence here and of course to line up and in the beginning we’ll talk about NATO and especially France sort of spearheading this about the use of these weapons outside of Ukrainian territory and of course the deployment of forces as well into Ukraine and that will tie in with what we look at the end of what Putin has said about this also so let’s have a look at the attack them struck yesterday I believe that’s where we kicked off uh the video as well so this just down to the southeast of Lans this is the Airfield that we are then looking at here of course this is a much older image we zoom out you get a better idea of where we’re looking so this is Sloans katos dones aiva of areas we’re talking about and this is the border between Ukraine and Russia so this is in Ukrainian territory here now nothing has come out that definitely shows damage here what we can see is this satellite image here showing a massive fire was burning here and people are saying that there was helicopter fuel stored here and this uh Airfield is definitely within helicopter range of course we’re going to have Su 34s and aircraft like this is going to be much further away than where you’re going to have your Tactical helicopters but this doesn’t show any definite evidence proof of anything being here hopefully we will get better quality images of this but we did have on May 10th a satellite image showing a Neo M radar in this then location but again the satellite imag is after doesn’t show destruction of this but it just gives an idea of what may have actually been here so in the same area then this radar array as well and then this area burnt out now this does look like it’s more major than just a grass fire so something may have been burning here oil fuel regardless don’t know but interesting to look at and I’ll keep you updated on that as hopefully we get some more evidence of what has been struck but of course you’re going to see massive claims around everything now as we know Patriot systems are absolutely worth their waste in gold for Ukraine Ukraine is constantly asking for more of the systems and as we have seen as as that has dropped down we see the successful strikes by Hypersonic and ballistic missiles improve we can see that directly as Ukraine report their low on these we see those strikes have more success rate but one of these was said to be used outside of Ukrainian territory of course Germany and America have put restrictions on where their weapon systems can be used to the territory of Ukraine including occupied territories not within Russia territory itself and these lines here this will line up with what we talk about with the French in a minute of where these weapon systems could reach such as the Storm Shadow then the attacks if they were to be used outside of Ukrainian territory and those restrictions then lifted but what we want to talk about here from bill is the Ukrainian Army used a patriot system from Germany at least once to take action itself the reaction angry calls from Berlin and Washington and the threat to stop supplying anti-aircraft missiles if such an incident were to happen again now I think this could be a case of better ask for forgiveness than permission but I’d like to know what it was that was struck was it the A50 was it one of the Strategic bombers which we don’t know when that system was used there were other whether has been system shut down of which we don’t know if that’s really possible with the range of a system that can be used outside of territory but that is interesting there and we will see if those restrictions lift or not I think with the US and Germany unlikely to have those restrictions lifted as we’ve spoken about those restrictions have a lot more effect somewhere like hariv than somewhere like like say kator because in kator this system can still cover all of this occupied territory but if A System’s up in hariv it can only cover out to here and of course these Glide bombs and other weapons system being dropped way way behind than the line I think Ukraine Got a bit of a warning there depending on the truthfulness of then that story but we’ve heard a lot about France wanting to send weapons into Ukraine that can be used in Russia as well as macron talking about the use of uh NATO or French Personnel inside of Ukraine for training and we don’t know what training means is this on the Storm Shadow the programming all of this and of course Putin has made some comments about this and as well he’s spoken about the legitimacy of President zelinsky’s presidency as well now that that has ended under then martial law but we’ll do the maps between that two to tie up what macron says we’ll do the maps and then we’ll talk about what Putin’s reaction to that has been but let’s look at what macron has said so what we’re looking at on this map is we’re looking in the har region of course we can see that this is Russia up the top here but where the bases are that Ukraine is saying that it cannot hit of course we know there’s a lot of shelling coming into Russia from Ukraine and the hidden here as well as we Pro a lot of reporting about Czech vampire multi-launch rocket systems being used but what Ukraine is saying is there’s Russian buildup all along here and they knew of this buildup but couldn’t do anything about it because there wasn’t permission to then Target those um troops those systems those bases and this is what morron is saying too and that is that is true that it is impossible to protect hariv that’s only 25 km from the border if there’s weapon systems in Russia can reach this longer than you can’t strike that back especially with say the s300 being used here them to neutralize military are we must not allow ukra to hit targets Russia civilian targets but wanting to open up that then Ukraine can strike with French NATO weapons inside of Russia as well now will this happen I believe that it will I believe with the way the war is going that Ukraine need more support than was originally offered as far as being used outside of occupied territories as well as the backfill of some positions and training by staff as well to free up other areas and that is interesting of course this comes only a day after macron was talking about the deployment of French staff officers into uh Ukraine to train on the ground and this has come about as a critique of that it’s absolutely stupid number one putting NATO troops outside of recognized NATO territory means inevitably when the frenches are killed Article 5 cannot be imposed so if French troops are in Ukraine and get struck Article 5 won’t be imposed as if it would be if it happened inside NATO territory too what can the French teach the ukrainians the ukrainians have far more experience fighting than the French if the Germans told the ukrainians to drive around the minefields imagine what the french would do now this critique from the Germans this came from Ukrainian tankers in leopard two tanks asking what do we do against minefields and they told them to drive around it of course we saw down on the little botany front here we saw that leopard graveyard of just piled up tanks stuck in a Minefield now this is true you Ukrainian a single Ukrainian or Russian Battalion or platoon currently operating in Ukraine has more combat experience than the entirety of NATO and the entirety of China people don’t want me to say that but that is true our combat experience in the west of conventional Warfare is almost zero same as is China’s and other many other nations and this is what Ukraine and Russia are getting we need to capitalize on the Ukrainian troops who have conventional Warfare experience against weapon systems of what we have never never come up against we’ve got a lot of asymmetrical Warfare but a war into the future will not be that with a major power it will be conventional like this and that’s what Russia is getting a lot of as well this is more of a PR stunt it will have no effect on the battlefield if Ukraine really want the French training it’s better to send troops to France so this is exactly what we have talked about as well that you’re better off sending troops out into the protection under Article 5 of NATO to train it’s only a few hundred kilometers yeah if we’re talking about Australian troops getting trained okay maybe it’s like Hey look it’s going to be 5,000 km to anywhere but train them outside you’re going to have better facilities to do it you’re going to have the freedom to do it you’re not going to be running to bunkers from uh air raid sirs all this I don’t get it more so than a PR stunt here but I do think we’ll eventually see the deployment I don’t know on combat but I believe in third line to free up more Ukrainian soldiers to go onto the front line I believe that’s going to have to be done knowing the Manpower shortage Ukraine has as well as we know that French staff are already operating in Ukraine from the leaked German phone calls about the use of scalp and UK as of course with the Storm Shadow missiles we don’t know to what extent that is actually then taking place so let’s have then a look at the maps and we need to talk about a couple of things on misinformation as well straight off the bat to talk about as Wells down in kinky so of course here we have Ukraine we’ve got Russia here and B Minsk up here we did see in the beginning of the war that Russia did use bellus as a Launchpad to move into Ukraine above ke and there’s been a lot of speculation about could another border open here as well Russia we’ve seen them in the North in belgrad could they open one here now the center of misinformation has actually come out then against this and we’ll see what they have said the Russian government could launch a psychological operation about a potential opening of another front state border of bellus from the uh Center of misinformation and let’s have a look at what this has said currently there is only informational threat from the side of bellus today the enemy does not have the strength and means to attack Ukraine from the territory of barus however Russia will upload information on this topic the funny thing is it’s actually Pro Ukrainian bloggers I have seen talking and speculating about the opening of another front here as noted by the head of the center for countering disinformation a of Defense Forces Andrew kovalenko the enemy’s goal is to stretch our forces and reserves uh to affect our logistics for this they will increase the situation with information so that our Command pays more attention to this direction however barus is under constant surveillance according to him people should remember that we have a big front there are active and inactive zones Russia considers their entire border with Beller Russians as a zone of tension of course the Defense Forces have long been prepared these threats from action uh from this direction and all necessary measures are being taken at this moment such threat lies exclusively the informational plan so saying that it’s only informational Warfare at the moment and not to get pigeonholed into thinking that’s going to open a move more troops around here but again we don’t know and what I will say is the deployment of a small force in here could be very quick as well like we’ve seen in belgrad in t the defensive Works were not built up similarly we I don’t exactly know what it is looking like up here there’s been a lot of Doubt around these defensive works and even if a very small Force opened up somewhere in here this is where these now misinformation but what people are saying was even if a very small Force open here the amount of troops that would have to move a long way away would be still huge because of the capital here it needs to be Stamped Out very quickly and if Russia is looking to stretch forces it makes sense to open on many fronts into hak or into Sumi or into then other regions and we have some footage down in kinky as well now this map never showed us but if we have a look down in kinky near Kachi lir we got a ja location the other day sitting right about where my cursor is maybe just offer a little bit of that a Ukrainian flag had been hung here now a video came out today now I’m not saying this is exactly the same one but it’s said to be in this front and if you ask me if we look at this I don’t know if it’s a water tower whatever this base is here this looks like the same area that a Russian soldier is then taking down this flag here seems have the similar like circumference similar area so we can say that that area see the base of it that area has been back and forward at least I’m happy to say that now let’s look at what defense minister omov has said that Ukraine will receive its first F16 figh very soon but half of its desperately needed foreign aid is arriving late but umov said Moscow is preparing for a new push and we believe is that push going to be I personally think it’s still going to be in the South or the East most likely the East but there are going to be front lines open to draw then soldiers away yeah their objective is to open a new front in the north start using all their Manpower firing power against us they’re continuing with their objective to destroy the nation we are withstanding but of course we need more weapons we need more firing power we need longrange uh missiles uh not to allow them to enter our state so again confirming what we believe may happen in these attacks here now let’s actually have a look at the map itself but of course that is all part of what is happening now firstly we’re going to talk about up in the north here and this map hasn’t changed now for than a few days but if we have a look on the suriak here showing on this Western push in lipy here then Ukraine has taken back some territory here from hary AIS Ukraine Army managed to recapture a series of positions Northwest of lipy following the arrival of reinforcements now again this is what some people have spoken about is do you need to trade some time for ground the deployment of re reinforcements to take back ground is really good for PR stunts but are you better off being like well you can have that couple of kilometers it’s not worth us deploying reserves in here potentially losing people losing resources to take back areas is it worth that trade of time for land at some point that said we don’t know but that Surak is saying that Ukraine has taken back some ground there and you will see that Ukraine has taken back a few different areas over then the maps today now we work our way down we’ve got nothing through this front all the way down through to 7 Andes we’ve got no changes shown on any of the maps coming to Buck moot now of course no change is shown on this map we then look at the suriak we’ll zoom in one more on chassi V and we can then see this here so let’s go like this that it shows more of a Breakin down on this Eastern side here as well as out from bodva as well that said not majorly different on these two maps but it is interesting to look at and I did have someone asked the other day why Ukraine hasn’t pulled these forces back across this Waterway yet to better positions so we’re not exactly sure of the buildup or overall mission in there if it’s a delaying force a holding Force regardless of how that is then looking now we’ll move our way down into aiva and only a very small change shown on this map we have semka here this is where the first defensive line was sem to bir Dai and just a very small push up then this tree line as well towards solivo I guess overall but no major shifts on this front but we have seen over the past few days some large shifts and controlling of areas as well here and we can see expansion of gry zone out from solivo that EXP expansion of gray zone is what we looked at yesterday on the suriak where he said that there was an increase of territory there too but let’s have a look then onto the suriak map now this is umans at this red dot here so showing the fill up of more control above umansky here which we would say as well as where that Gray Zone moved out from solivo orar area we see that move there as well so the maps are becoming more and more closely knitted together now we’ll just have a look just down to south of here we have nelki nalo perki front of course kka this is an incredibly hot area as well but we’ve spoken about if uh Russia is able to get out into car car these areas it puts pressure both to the South and to the north amongst these large open areas there’s really three of them that are sitting just here and I think that will be the overall goal and I believe that may be what we see if Russia do launch a large offensive here that we’ve been waiting for but people have said will come mid June so let’s have a look at this now this is perki here this is natalio and it is showing more of a push down to the South this is nelski here but again these Maps aren’t too far off showing what we know that Ukraine has then confirmed then itself now let’s just push down to Ken arka here and Noel reports map today is showing that Ukraine has taken back some amount of territory just in uh this Eastern corner right in around here still being shown red on this map see where this road turns to the left it is right just in here so not being confirmed there but he’s saying that was an attack with Bradley’s being used here too and but as well this is what people have t been talking about is is it worth doing these counterattacks it could be costly if you’re in ational phase of the war sitting defense don’t use that trade um time for land and inflict attrition on your enemy realize the attritional phase of the war and wait for another phase of it it’s just something to have a think about now no changes seen down the rest of here until then we get to urani of which we have seen confirmed by then deep state map here showing this this is very similar to what suak was showing yesterday and as well similar to what Noel reports are showing in Star mski as well I think this the Deep set shows more control than uh Noel reports so from the two pro Ukrainian ones this is has more ties to the mod we know that’s signed of and then we’ll have a look at what suriak is saying and he shows in the same general direction as well here interestingly very interestingly let’s have a look where this river runs squiggling around that Surak shows a lot less Russian control than the mod map itself so sux probably should be filled in here if Ukraine mod is saying that well we know that Russia are definitely going to be there because of course maps and whatever else will be used as part of information cam pains as well but that’ll be the end of the mapping now we need to talk about Putin usbekistan what he said we’ll line this up from some intelligence Services as well so Putin has been in usbekistan doing a talk after he was in bellus talking as well now this question here what are the expectations for cooperation with Tash Kent especially in trade and economic matters uh and what uzbekistan’s prospects for taking part in integral structures of post Soviet space Russia has genuine interest in expanding our relations with usbekistan now region I want to talk about this everything that the mainstream has pulled out of this talk has been about what he said about zinsky and what he said about France but I think we need to look at the cooperation between other nations around the world and Russia and building relationships there genuine interest in expanding relations with usbekistan of course usbekistan is currently the second most populated country in the post Soviet space after Russia home to 37 million people and adds 1 million every year the population is growing and GDP increased by 6% so let’s have a look at this and compare this to other nations including Australia around then the world so this is what Putin is referring to here that they have a very high compared to other countries fertility rate so 2.8 births per woman here of course this has dropped significantly but if we compare it to other countries very very high compare this with the median age of 27 so you’ve got a young population as well now let’s compare that to Russia now Russia’s median age is almost 40 and their fertility rate is 1.5 this leads to Future demographic crisis in Russia Ukraine isn’t much better 1.3 births and then the median age of 44 so it’s actually worse and as well we don’t know take into account as well with these then people not coming back as well then we’ll look at a comparison of complete other area in the world of then Australia I don’t know why that closed of 1.6 and a median age of 37 so you can see usbekistan here is in at least demographically a far better position than a lot of places around the world now the next thing he spoke about was then economic growth now let’s have a look at this and I’ve highlighted some that may be more friendly towards Russia than others now look at places like India Tajikistan sadan usbekistan with 5.2% put here Putin said six but still if this is this is in the highest growing gdps in the world that usbekistan is number 30 as well as kistan as well so that is very interesting to see in what they’re seeing as further cooperation to we have a lot of joint plans industrial cooperation energy and infrastructure um as you’ve probably seen and heard it’s beckeran forces uh faces sorry some problems because of a landlocked country so of course I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine now this is something that is I think greatly overlooked in this entire space is the location of some of these areas and what the influence may be down the line so first off the bat let me just show you where usbekistan actually sits and why this is important so here is Ukraine of course then here is Russia this is Kazakhstan and then you can see usbekistan sitting down in here amongst then China as well now historically Russia’s always been a little bit between is it a European power or is it an Asian power and this heir of the world of Eurasia now one of the primary issues of this war which I is often overlooked is that the sanctions then placed on Russia has forced Russia to exit from markets but in turn forc them towards other Asian markets both in the East and the South around the world too and of course yes it has had a dip at some point but it has taken Reliance off and circumvented some of those sanctions as well and what we’re seeing by talks in this that it’s no difference no different in usbekistan either and we’ll talk more about that at length and Russia is not only having success doing this economically they’re having success as well ideologically as how people see areas around the world now this is a breakdown of some Gru FSB sere operations around the world now this is typically aimed at Africa but same same regardless Russia’s expeditionary cause is intended to be the Vanguard of Putin’s multipolar world view so we live in a unipolar world we have for a long time of us at the top and we’re becoming into a multipolar world with the rise of China and other advancing economies around the world too so giving a counter for those who reject Western legal structures but of course another prong to this is belief and ideology as well Russia’s argument is that it is the Bastion of Traditional Values embodied by religious the nuclear family heterosexual and loyalty to the state the Orthodox Church pushes this Outreach to religious groups in the US and through social media to to conservative constituencies across Western Europe and North America now what I’ll say about this is yes Russia does paint itself as that Bastion of Traditional Values but the Russian influence on putting that forward is nowhere near as influential as what the left is doing to say that those aren’t the values of the West either and people pushing back against it you can’t say that people seeing a a reduction in these let’s look at Traditional Values and religious values whatever you can’t say oh because we’re seeing a drop in this that it’s Russia who’s influencing no no no we are having far more effect on ourselves than Russia is on this through intelligence operations as well this vision of Russia is contrasted with the depiction of the West According to some of the increasingly lurd propaganda narratives being promoted the Bastion of decadent homosexuality and worship of Satan and this doesn’t just mean in the west this is to countries all around the world as well this continues Russia’s mandate is due to the West strategic neglect and its failure to address the problems that its Partners face Russia may also failed to do this but for now frustration with the West in both Africa and the Middle East is high the point is while Western States focus on rebuilding their convention deterr in Europe strategic documents emphasizing the nature of global competition are being Vindicated yet western states are failing to compete this must change Russia is using unconventional warfare to advance its vision of a multi-polar world order this poses threats far beyond Ukraine it is critical that Western States rise to meet the challenge now the area we’re seeing this most challenged and in some cases one is in Africa has there been neglect and the failure to address problems in these areas and now they’re looking for other areas of which may suit their local laws more as well so that is just very interesting to see that push out and what we may be missing and a view being saturated by a war in Europe back to this question being asked in Minsk you reply to question V zinski is legitimacy and whom to hold talks with if and when they become possible that more bellico statements are made from high Western ROMs now that even saying that Kev should be allowed to strike deep into Russian territory with Western weapons the four first point on the surface is as you mention my colleagues is that about the constitution of Ukraine only extends the powers of the r it says nothing about extending the powers of the president now we know that zelinsky’s term has ended and they have stated that due to martial law zinsky can stay on as president because Ukraine is not willing or to fund a a democratic election currently in Ukraine due to then the war and occupied areas that martial law reads that presidential elections are not being held during martial law however this does not mean that they are extended actually the presidential powers are transferred to the speaker of Parliament that is then what Putin is saying but the speaker of parliament then has said this this is russan Stefan Chuck speaker of the vovka r has said zinski will remain president of Ukraine saying it is great that the constitution of Ukraine is now being read in Russia I would recommend that inquisitive readers refrain from selective reading of the text of their constitution and pay attention to this article the president of Ukraine shall exercise his power until the newly elected president of Ukraine takes office in Democratic societies this is called continuity of power and the continuity is different from what is in Russia where it means eternity but there’s continuity in the regular Democratic and security sense this is why zinsky is and Will Remain the president of Ukraine until the end of Martial law and all this is in line with the Constitution and laws in Ukraine but many many people are calling for an election as well now with regards to the strikes I’m not sure what the NATO Secretary General is talking about if he’s talking about potentially attacking Russia’s territory with long-range weapons he as a person who heads a military political organization even though he’s civilian like me should be aware of the fact that long range Precision weapons cannot be used without space-based reconnaissance so satellite reconnaissance GPS targeting these sort of things my second point is that the final Target selection and what is known as launch mission can only be made by highly skilled Specialists who rely on this reconnaissance data and Technical reconnaissance data for attack systems such as storm shter these launch missions can be put automatically without the need to use Ukrainian military so who does it well from the Germany German leaked phone calls we know likely that it is UK and French staff on the ground doing doing this launching other systems like attacks for example also Alles on Space reconnaissance data targets are identified and automatically communicated to the relevant Crews so these officials from other countries especially ones based in Europe particularly in small European countries should be fully aware of what is at stake and we most mostly see this being pushed from the smaller European States and that here is correct they should keep in mind that theirs are small and densely populated countries so putting at threats here which is a factor to reckon with before they start talking about working deep into the Russian territory it’s a serious matter and without a doubt we are watching this very closely the focus on the developments on the outskirts of H but they are the ones who have provoked these events talking about that buffer zone of which he has said that that’s what the north is then for of that buffer to not have strikes in more broadly the unending escalation can lead to Serious cons consequences if Europe were to face these serious consequences what would the United States do considering our strategic arms parity it’s hard to tell this is what people have spoken about if there was some level of escalation nuclear whatever what would the US actually do and it’s easy to say I would level Moscow but you need to remember that there is as far as nuclear there is par now par doesn’t mean you’ve got the same amount it doesn’t mean that they’re as Hightech as one another but this is the mutually assure destruction that it is may as well be parody just because you’ve got 500 or someone’s got 2,000 doesn’t matter in a nuclear arms race you’re going to have the effect on target that you’re rating for and this is what many people and John MIM talk about what would the US actually do would they be willing to sacrifice what the United States has if there was a strike like this and that’s something I’ll leave for you to answer are they looking for a global global conflict I think they wanted to agree upon strategic arms but we do not really see them being really eager to do so so they’re talking about it but not doing much to make it happen we’ll wait and see what happens next if I may I’d like to ask a second question very quickly news came out that Russia was considering the pro possibility of removing the Taliban from a list of terrorists it cannot be denied that there are problems in Afghanistan everyone knows this very well now Afghanistan is often referred to as Russia’s Vietnam of course War proxy Fighters being trained and then lost the war at the end how can we build our relations to the current regime it is a different question altogether however we have to do it these are the people controlling the country it’s territory they’re in power of Afghanistan today we must proceed from reality and build relations accordingly and This Ti into exactly what I spoke about in other areas of the world that building relations into Afghanistan where we have cut off basically everything of course this borders then Iran usbekistan and other areas of which Russia will be wanting to gain some control and this is what people said about sanctions is it pushed Russia that way it’s going to be very difficult to then stop that happening because eventually with sanctions we’re going to have nothing left to sanction if they found other markets it’s going to be difficult and people will talk about Europe overall still need to maintain relation with Russia we don’t want to turn all of this whole block into an area that then doesn’t like us all friendly to the West in a rising multipolar World hey Legends I completely forgot to talk about this but this is very important and ties into what we’re talking about is today that Reuters has reported that India’s Reliance Industries operated the world’s largest refining complex has signed a one-year deal with Russia’s rosf to buy at least 3 million barrels of oil but in Rubles so directly paying into Russia the shift of rubal payments follows president uh Putin’s push for Moscow and it’s trading partners to find alternatives to the Western Financial system to facilitate trade despite us and European sanctions that’s say we know that oil yes crude is sanctioned but India is buying the crude they’re refining it and then Europe is buying it from there now India is paying Russia then in Rubles India the world’s third biggest oil importer and consumer has become the biggest buyer of Seaborn Russian crude since the West halted purchases this what I’m talking about is other fronts then open and push alliances closer whether militarily whether economically whether politically that is in the out Moscow in the aftermath of 22 invasion of Ukraine India has also paid for Russian crude in rupes durhams and Chinese uh yarn so it’s it’s just interesting I thought I’d bring that up and sorry that I missed this in the video but we’ll talk about this more over the next coming videos I’m definitely sure but let me know what you guys think uh have a great day this will be this first of two videos I believe coming out today so look after yourself and I’ll speak to you very soon thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. I wonder what isn't being said as wrong think comments keep getting deleted?

    I don't make too much a fuss out of respect for Willy, as the man has to make living.

    But it's noticeable.

  2. Of course Zelensky will be president as long as marshal law is in effect!
    But that makes him a rather poor champion for democracy. So what is the fight about exactly? The extension of the globalist European hating Anglo Empire of depravity?

  3. You're misleading your audience here. Ukraine can target Russian territory – just not with western weapons.
    And as a German I would be outraged if my government allowed Ukraine to use our weapons in Russia, potentially triggering a conflict that can destroy Europe.
    It's distasteful that you sit in Australia and advocate for something as dangerous as this over a conflict that could have stayed local and be resolved with a treaty in 2022.

  4. NATO's expansion of the proxy war into a principal's country is literally unprecedented and it DOES ABSOLUTELY justify retaliatory strikes on NATO's homelands.
    neither the USA nor NATO countries have ANY ANSWER or means of repelling an attack from RF submarine assets. In Ukranus, the PAC2 Patriot systems have not successfully shot down a single X22 missile; Ukranus has not even claimed it. That system has a terminal speed of Mach 4.5 or so. RF struggles with 100% intercepts of ATACMS which has terminal speed of Mach 3ish. The Zircon system fielded by Russia is capable of Mach 9 and would only need to slow to Mach 5 or so to shed a plasma cloud so as to acquire terminal homing guidance. This is not necessary for a nuclear attack or an attack on a large facility such as a refinery or military base. There is no known intercept probability against a system at that speed and interdiction has never been demonstrated even in tests. Russia's Yasen-M subs can each carry 32 of these, with either conventional or nuclear warheads. Bear also in mind that the USA does not have ballistic missile defenses at the ready for its mainland nor coastline. None. Neither do NATO allies. Any NATO counterstrike against sub pens necessary for replenishment would mandate a strategic strike against NATO by RF which rapidly proceeds to nuclear endgame.
    fucking BAD IDEA

  5. Patriot systems that hit those targets which prompted those calls used NATO guidance that was not approved. There were no ground radars that had acquired those planes like the A50. Ukranus used theater guidance provided to them by NATO and sent the missile to the vicinity of the A50 and then activated its terminal homing so it could acquire the plane with its own onboard radar.
    NATO provides Ukranus with a full-spectrum air picture using a fusion of AWACS and OTH radar systems in Europe. This is how Ukranus knows when Tu95s take off from Engels- NATO are USING THE SAME TYPE OF RADARS as at Voronzeh

  6. NATO is a war lover group. Soo. Nato will do same with India, sri lanka, nepal, china, pakistan and whole asia as they are doing against russia now.
    Be alert these countries bcoz NATO is meant to wars only.

  7. From what I have read, the instance when AFU used Patriot on Russian territory was when they shot down Il-96 with Ukrainian POWs over Belgorod.

  8. Of course they want instructors locally in the country because forcibly recruited young men would scatter across Europe, and it would be a disgrace
    This inevitably leads to a major conflict if we look at past times; this is the year 1939 of the last century

  9. The actual hint in Putin's ramblings is that those hightech western missiles depend on satellites for striking inside Russia.
    Nato is turning the GPS/Galileo satellites into a legitimate dual-use target by using them for this.

    Russia has anti-satellite capabilities. They aint great and probably can't take out Starlink without massive collateral damage (Kessler syndrome). But taking out enough of the 32 operational GPS satellites and the 23 operational EU knockoff's satellites to render those systems useless for precision-targeting is something they are likely able to do since decades.

    And how would we answer?
    We would already be striking with our weapons inside Russia and they use airborne laser designators for precision strikes already.
    So knocking out their GPS knockoff makes no real difference but they would then take out the rest of ours.
    There would be implications for our economy (especially the farming sector as those fully automated combine harvesters are pretty reliant on high-quality GPS).

  10. So Ukraine has been shelling the civilian population of Belgorod from Kharkiv for over 6 months, which is inside Russian territory, but theyre complaining that they cant hit Russian military targets in the same region? Basically, Ukraine is hitting Belgorod with systems that dont need approval from NATO because Belgorod is a city, and a static, fixed target that is easy to target. Mobile military launcher systems however, are much harder to target as they are constantly moving and need more refined targeting. In conclusion, Ukraine will happily fire on an easy, fixed civilian targets, a fine example of cowardice at its best, but look to the West and NATO for help to hit Russian mobile military targets.

  11. Willy, one thing I will say in defence of the Germans here, is maybe there words were taken out of context. If the Ukrainians, did have the ability to flank the defensive works, (which they dont) it would have been much better, you would think, than a telegraphed frontal assault, onto well prepared positions. But I stand to be corrected. I mean look how the maginot line was dealt with in WW2.

    That was also a good point, that guy made about artical five not being enacted with the French being outside of NATO territory. But I still think the situation will snowball.

  12. So the froggy wants to go to war……they will of course be carrying their white flags. Because they are going to get their arses handed to them on a plate.
    Froggy is sulking because he has had and is getting his arse kicked out of Africa 😂😂😂😂😂

  13. Christ mate for you who is supposed to have friendly boots on the ground out there. You really don't know anything do you.
    There are approximately 35 to 50,000 Russian troops already in Belarusia. Several thousand never left after the Russians pulled out as per the agreed treaty that the ukraine broke.
    In the last 3 to 4 months Russia has been sending troops to Belarusia. They have done this by use of public transportation with the troops being in civilian clothing.
    Their heavy equipment being transported in shipping containers to hide the build up.

  14. I think we are just seeing Russia trying to split the parties in the U.S. farther apart than what they are right now. That is why we are seeing the Left calling the Right Russian supporters even though, the left would support a lot of Russia's policies such as the controlling of speech.

  15. Australia is 1.6 only due to the immigration of Muslim immigrants. And they ain't going to fight for Australia and definitely not in any war outside of the American spehre of influence! So I wouldn't be being to proud of your birth rate mate.

  16. The west especially France has been raping Africa for decades. And the Africans have had enough.
    The Marshall law used to not hold elections does NOT cover the cancellation of presidential elections! Only Parliamentary elections. I suggest that you revisit the Ps mate!
    Then you would know what your dribbling about and stop you delivering a Pi#s Poor Performance

  17. Prp-Ukrainian bloggers speculating without evidence that a front would open on the Belarus border? Picture me shocked.

  18. They wouldn't have to protect Harkov if they wouldn't attack Belgorod, that area was quiet until Ukraine forced Russia to counter their attacks on civilian areas.

  19. USA looking for global dominance and not nuclear weapons exchange.
    In the fight for survival you fight with best of capabilities to hurt other person and to take him out
    Both might walk out from than fight when the fight is finished but they are both hurt.
    There would be no winners in nuclear war just some who survived
    It is crazy to think about that we as citizens have no say if that would take place

  20. 😅 Dude it was a failed run for Kharkov, nothing more nothing less that got ATACMS to death. What are you even talking about. As soon as as the embargo is lifted all the stuff sitting on the on the other side of the border is going to be rained on with cluster ammunitions.

  21. nato and the pentagon want to act like ukraine war is our little war simulation that we can just keep contained to the parameters that they want, lol not how war works… it expands and things happned that weren't planned. ukraine has to strike targets inside russia or they will just be sitting ducks while defense companies get rich

  22. This needs to stop… instead of picking sides we need to push for Peace!
    Im so f**king tired if this already and now imagine those involved in battle… for what? And for whom? All bloody monkies!

  23. Willy you like others don't get it. The Ukraine war is Whining down. By the end of this year 2024 you will here more about the coming Peace.

  24. PR Stunt or NOT. Western and Allies shouldn't take anything off the table, and we shouldn't be telling Putin's our red lines on what and how many lethal force items we are sending to the Orcs Why? does the Public need to know. Just give the figure and don't risk secret information, reavel after the war to the general public.

  25. Vladimir putin. Quote .. sanctions sanctions Russia is a vast country it covers 11 time zones we are a self sufficient country we can cope with nothing from the western world , we have lived all our life under western sanctions , sanctions will not affect us …… un quote doesn't any body except myself ever listen to putins words

  26. So what’s the deal with the joint Ukraine/ French combat operations into Russian held territory? That’s what the thumb nail depicted but I didn’t hear any reporting about it???? O was that just bs, I think so.

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