300 THOUSAND Additional Russian Soldiers in The North | Ukraine Prepares For Massive Offensive

300 THOUSAND Additional Russian Soldiers in The North | Ukraine Prepares For Massive Offensive

hello and welcome back to another update as I covered the latest developments throughout the front line in the russu Ukrainian War it is your host we Union and in this one we cover the latest developments throughout the eastern part of the front line and a statement by the Ukrainian defense minister about a gathering of Russian troops in the north for a new offensive starting out in the East here to the south of niova the Russians have expanded their control in the south of the village this has led to them capturing the fortifications southeast of N and launching attacks to match the front line with the river line that goes through here at the center the objective of the Russians here is to secure the southern flank of N and start launching offensive operations towards Ukrainian fortifications west of Nel the Russians are now able to launch attacks to capture the final fortifications east of Nel following that it is likely that the Russians will launch attacks towards Nel from the southeast and from the north to combine and attack from all directions towards the capture of the village and pushing down southwards towards the north of kifa and west of n overa towards kifa the Russians here would be looking to gain control over Nel which is the final Village in the area which would limit the Ukrainian positions and fortified positions west of donet and allow the Russians create a buffer zone between that of the city of dank and the next Ukrainian line east of C Sova following this the next Russian Target would be in the direction of Cova as such fighting will take place by the village chain here west of donet as well as in the north by Rifka and west of FKA further north here in the direction of chessia the Russians have expanded slightly to the north of kinia where the Russians have managed to gain control over further fortified positions of the ukrainians the final parts are within Ukrainian control here next to the forest pth and the final parts of the Fortified positions near Kenia is in the gray Zone this shows that the Russians now are able to push through kinia without worrying about the Ukrainian fortifications to the north and are likely to progress with further offensive operations north of this to gain control over the final fortified positions this will allow the Russians to start attacks in the direction of Rifka the ukrainan positions here are located on The High Ground compared to the Eastern positions by D and likely the orka direction as well the Russians are in an uphill battle this makes it difficult for the Russians to push onwards in the northern directions which is why they are currently limiting themselves along the Ean micro District of chesar and Kenia after which they can advance from a southern Direction which will be from a leveled ground and give them a better Advantage at the same time they’re pushing towards the canal where they are looking to cross over if Russians gain control over Jess if y they would Overlook the entirety of this area by having The High Ground positions that oversees all of it in all the way from bahmut to the East and Constanta to the Southwest to the north by Oro vka and even further are all located on a lower ground than chess ofar chess ofar is the peak of all of these positions moving further north here in the direction of the cbits a river line on the Western Bank of it the Russians have expanded further west of novana following Russian assaults here further north the Russians are expanded along the positions by the forest patches where positional fighting is taking place the Russians are here looking to expand to gain control over the forest patches before moving further west in the direction of the Ukrainian positions further westwards like Rifka to the South and the village chain here to the West this is an attempt by the Russians to gain control over Ukrainian fortified positions here near no and to secure the footholds the Russians have across the serus river line the ukrainians have the southern parts and Northern parts of the cus River Line as fortified positions while in the direction here west of norana and fova in general this part here is an area where the Russians have a say foothold across the river line the more they expand this the more they’re able to concentrate their forces and push in a western Direction this will allow the Russians to develop an offensive operations here in the luhansk was River Direction moving further north to the hard offensive the ukrainians continue to gather further troops here in the northern Direction where they are also concentrating more to launch counter attacks which are happening at a regular basis the ukraini are trying to recapture some of these positions from the Russians where they have succeeded in direction of selenia and here by lipy however they have not succeeded in recapturing positions by vens yet as the Russians are able to hold on and heavily bombard the Ukrainian positions where there is constant footage of heavy bombardment of all of these areas here in the north now this brings us to this article here by Reuters where the media agency interviewed the Ukrainian Minister of Defense in this article an interview they talk about the f-16s Western Aid Ukraine mobilization and the upcoming Russian offensive on my channel we have covered most of these things veryy much to summarize it Ukraine is going to receive f16s very soon ukrainians are trying to mobilize much of their population to increase the strength and size of their army to hold out against the upcoming Russian offensive the Western eight is arriving but too little too late now what is interesting is the statement of umarov who is the Ukraine defense minister he says about the Russian army he says the Russian army has about 500,000 troops within Ukraine and near its borders and Was preparing to add another 200 to 300,000 soldiers he expects that the Ukrainian Army will have a difficult time in the coming months therefore the objective is simply to defend as the Russians will likely open a new front in the north such an operation would be catastrophic for the Ukrainian such an operation would likely span from the northernmost border by bellarus or even include Belarus entirely all the way down south to the hadak direction 300,000 soldiers is a significant amount to be spread across the northern section to put it into perspective the Russian offensive here at the North includes a maximum of 14,000 soldiers here in the northeast of harv the Russian soldiers from the east by Kens and all the way down south to saparia and further towards heran has approximately 500,000 soldiers this means that the entirety of the front line in the north being open would expand the front line to double its size and approximately 60% more soldiers if that is spread across evenly the concentration of troops may be smaller but that is only if we we counts the entire area it is more likely that the Russians will instead concentrate their troops in specific directions whether that be in the direction of chenh sui and hardi or either of these cities we do not know but the Army size of between 200 to 300,000 troops would be enough to take one or two of these cities before moving onwards even in the direction against pava could be a possibility where the Russians simply attack as a in the direction of sui and Har before making that main push in the direction of paba my Russian offensive analysis were made a serious covering multiple different possibilities and scenarios for a Russian offensive of which most would be impossible with the mere concentration of 50,000 soldiers which had been reported until this moment but with a concentration of 200 to 300,000 soldiers it is suddenly possible the Russians May may be starting an offensive operation this Summer that could end the Ukraine war by pushing towards harv pava Sumi and the Neo River with concentration as large as 200 to 300,000 soldiers such an operation would be possible and even more likely to actually happen considering that the ukrainians are struggling with just the small offensive in the north which included about 14,000 soldiers how would they deal with 200 to 300,000 soldiers across a much wider front at the very least such an escalation would significantly put un Change the nature of the war on Ukraine to a position where the ukrainians and the Russians will be fighting a hot War rather than the current Battle of attrition with little movement Russians have figured out that with the lack of Ukrainian air defense and the majority of the Ukrainian electric industry being damaged or destroyed the ukrainians do not have much time to rely on to buy more time and to build more a bigger Army mobilize more soldiers receive more Aid that is there’s not not much of a future for the Ukrainian Army and country with all of these conditions and the Russians are trying to take advantage of that with their Superior capabilities to mobilize and arm and a larger Army to them are producing the Western Aid with about 3 to one times the amount of artillery for example and the Russians having thousands of Tanks compared to the ukrainians only receiving hundreds from the West which makes it much more difficult for the ukrainians to actually fight on an equal footing with the Russians much less with the Russian Air Force and missile Force giving them a significant advantage and with that we say that this will be all for this update thank you all for watching make sure to leave a like subscribe and check out my patreon for additional content thank you all for watching and have a great day

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  1. Yo where tf is Russia getting all this man power from holy smokes, this is insane. Brother against brother this war is crazy fam. Peace and love plz!!!

  2. There is no evidence that Russia has mobilised another 300,000 troops. In any case they are not able to equip such a large number with equipment and vehicles. I think this is just wishful thinking just like the 500,000 troops you announced in Belarus in the past. Whilst Russia can mobilise 300,000 soldiers they will struggle to train enough junior officers and NCO’s and they would need to build new production facilities to produce the additional equipment and ammunition needed to support such a force.

    From what I have seen Putin is just playing a waiting game at the moment until the outcome of the US election. If Trump is elected he hopes that the US can force a Ukrainian surrender, I personally do not know what this would look like and I don’t think Trump does either. If Biden is re elected Russia will have to decide if it wants to surrender. Again I do not know what that would look like. If Russia wants to continue the war in 2025 it will need another large mobilisation and another massive increase in its military industrial capacity to support a larger army. Even if Russia is able to force a ceasefire on Ukraine the world, including China and India will never recognise any territory taken as Russian and the sanctions will continue. I just don’t see how Russia can get a political victory out of this war. Can anyone tell me how a political victory can be obtained by Russia?

  3. Lots of videos emerging on TG showing surrendered Ukrainian soldiers in the Northern area. Most of which were snatched off the street and sent to the front, with no training, or even any idea where they are…

    An army like that has no chance of success, regardless of what Russia does.

  4. No peace talks now, Russia is too politically, economically and militarily committed. It would be like taunting a man until he starts taking off his watch, emptying his pockets and tightening his belt and then you say "ok, wait lets talk"

  5. According to President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin's Speech, Russia is carrying out God's Orders, Which were Given Directly to them From God to bring PEACE & FREE TRADE to ALL Nations on Earth, Not just those the USA & it's Tools like NATO, EU, etc Deem to be Friends, But to ALL the Nations & Peoples of Earth.

  6. Color me skeptical. Supposedly Russian reserves should be making extensive breakthroughs along the Donetsk front now that tens of thousands of Ukr forces have been pulled out of their frontline positions to defend Kharkiv. You'd think that would be their main push since the Donbas region is their main, or at least intermediary objective. So either that Udr official is crying wold or Russia is missing their schwerpunkt yet again.

  7. I hope this is incorrect for Ukraine's sake . If Russia gets tired of this attrition war they may seriously threaten Kharkiv and surrounding again to force Ukraine to abandon the majority of the east and south.

    Ukraine can't keep this up. If the don't defend the north Russia will take large chunks of land there , if they do it will cost the rest of the Donbass ; allowing Russia to sweep through and completely secure 🔐 the east and possibly more of the south.

  8. Ukraine had peace in principle in March 2022. Now, let them be the proxy, so other nations understand that war is not an option, when it comes to their interests versus an American agenda for preserving the dollar.

  9. People in Europe need to wake up and realize that being a vassal of America is far more dangerous then actually being their enemy. The Neocons do not mind sacrifising all of us as it will greatly benefit them in the long run.

  10. @KremlinRussia_E @mod_russia @mfa_russia Military age is 18-24 not 48. Those over 24 should only be recruited to fill shortages. The period of national service should be 2 – 3 years, in the present circumstances of a war emergency it should be set at 3 years for ground forces and 4 years for air force, navy and strategic forces. Under no circumstances should there be exemptions for higher education, we are talking about 18, 19 and 20 year olds. As 1.2 million men in Russia turn 18 every year this will add 2.5 million men to the rolls of the Russian Army over the next 3 years allowing increasing the number of active divisions by 100. This is certainly immediately needed given the length of the front and the lack of progress and even retreats over the past two years.

  11. Thanks Osama for your analysis and insight. Let's also remember that the Ukrainian interview has a purpose of alarming Ukraine's "allies", so it is likely to pump up the figures of Russians solders.

    No doubt Ukraine in trouble – I don't wish anyone an enemy like Russia. Much worse, Ukraine has the most treacherous and manipulative "allies" ever.

    We say "God guard me from my allies – from my enemies I'll guard my self."

  12. This new offensive, if it happens, will show us if experienced gained by front line units are being transferred to new units (i.e if russia is rotating units out of the front to train units).

    The one ongoing right now was clear it was half/half. We still saw RU infantry moving in large groups which led to higher casualties.

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