US President Joe Biden allows Ukraine to use some US weapons to strike inside Russia | DW News

US President Joe Biden has given Ukraine the go-ahead to use some Us weapons to strike inside Russia it marks a significant reversal in policy by Washington which has restricted the use of its weapons to avoid a direct confrontation with Moscow I want to take this story now to our Washington bureau chief Enis post she’s been following this developing story for us enus tell us more about what we’ve been hearing from the White House so several media reports indicate that President Joe Biden has authorized Ukraine uh to use American weapon weaponary sorry to defend khif by striking inside Russia according to these reports brand us officials who actually wish to remind Anonymous have confirmed uh this information we haven’t heard anything uh from the White House at this time and I think it’s also important uh to note that the US policy urg in Ukraine not to use American provided long range missiles and other Munitions to offensive strikes inside uh Russia actually remains unchanged yeah that’s an important point to make long range Weaponry nothing has changed there so what could this mean then for the war in Ukraine considering that Russia has made inroads in the last several months right Moscow has made significant advances in Ukraine’s Eastern donet region and also the northeastern hak region Ukraine of course hopes uh that by now being allowed to Target Russian military installation along the Russian Ukrainian border they can better repel Russia’s advances and protect uh these uh regions however President Biden has been cautious uh in his approach because he of course is concerned that such actions could escalate uh the situation and potentially lead to a global conflict you know I had recently uh the opportunity to speak with Ukrainian lawmakers here in DC and they expressed their frustration with the delayed response from the West saying that they believe that if they had received the military support they requested earlier the war would have already come to an end wow that’s quite a statement to make there ew’s Enis poll in Washington with the latest on this news that the US president has said yes to using some Us weapons around the harke region into Russia in the war enus thank you

US President Joe Biden has given Ukraine the go-ahead to use some US weapons to strike inside Russia. It marks a significant reversal in policy by Washington, which has restricted the use of its weapons to avoid a direct confrontation with Moscow.

For more, we talk to DW’s Washington bureau chief Ines Pohl.


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#USA #Weapons #Ukraine

  1. The US really needs to wake up. This is the third European conflict they have hesitated to get properly engaged in, and look where that got us in the past.

  2. There's nothing like "some weapons" or "some targets" when you are losing ground. Ukraine will go all in. The response from Russia might also be devastating. This war should end, many innocent people are dying while the elite rich leaders make more money from the arms trade.

  3. Russia has been in an incredibly privileged position of striking Ukraine without fearing being hit back due to fears of Putin's blackmail.

  4. (2:20) There is no outcome in which Ukraine won this conflict by military means.
    Even if they had all weapons in the world, it would be physically impossible to reach Moscow, let alone capture it.

  5. Biden needs to find his backbone and unlearn to be such a damn weak kneed politician. I know I won't be voting for him next time and sit-out this Fall.I'm beginning to believe he's even afraid of his own shadow and uses Putin's nuke thread for his wishy washy actions. Bullies only understand strong resolute actions. He's old enough to remember Munich in the 30's.

  6. You all are funny. After Ukraine hit belgorod Russia retaliated by tuning cutting off electricity in the whole city. When the refinery was attacked Russia opened the dam. Destroyed electricity in half of Kiev are you blind to see that Ukraine will be the one to suffer at the end.

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