The HARD TRUTH About Extended War – First US Strikes Into Russia – Ukraine Map Analysis & News

good day Legends I hope that you’re having so far a fantastic weekend now as always we have a bit to go we’re going to be looking at the maps as we do have map updates yesterday apologies we didn’t have any we’re going to look at some strikes we’re going to look at some strikes against some Ukrainian equipment against Russian equipment and then across the border into Russia as well with what we think may be the first strikes with American weapons across there although we do know there still are some restrictions on that and we’ll talk about zelinsky’s response to the guardian asking about the restrictions put on Ukrainian longrange weapon systems into Ukraine of course we’ll look at the peace conference and how China has said they aren’t going and we have said now for a few weeks that if China and Russia both are not present at this peace conference well what is going to be the outcome of this we do know that China is a huge huge influence on Russia but a huge influence in the world to and where this will end up at the end of the day without China’s influence well it’s going to be difficult to get much of anywhere but I want to look at straight off the bat is protracted War extended War and who does this then favor as I know people will find arguments and good Arguments for both well NATO secretary Yen Stenberg has said this at a conference yesterday we all want to stop this war but the Paradox is that the better we prepare for the Long Haul the sooner the war can end Russia must understand that it cannot wait us out no final decisions are made today but we have made significant progress on three issues NATO’s plan to play a greater uh coordinating role in the provision of equipment and training partially military aid 99% comes from NATO allies so it makes sense that NATO should play a greater role in these efforts but then also this $40 billion worth of military aid to Ukraine each year we must maintain at least this level support each year for as long as necessary and this is what’s being spoken about is 40 B ion EUR worth of money going to Ukraine every year for as long as necessary and we hear about extend War protracted war and let’s talk a bit about that and we’ll reference back to Yen Stenberg on strikes back into Russia as well now personally I don’t see extended War being in Ukraine’s favor we know Ukraine is already suffering a Manpower issue that is having a massive effect on Morale on the front line and of course a protracted extended War does not help this as well as having millions of citizens moving outside the country the longer it goes on the less likely they are to return but let’s talk about strategic tactical notes the longer this war goes on the better Russia’s defenses in areas like Crimea and dones are going to become and something that we don’t consider and we don’t talk about much is just how costly would advancements into these areas be and not only how costly would it be now at advancement but how this cost is rising every week because we know the defenses are getting better the Russian military have better tactics and better strategies from the beginning of the war and they’re reconstituting those forces as well and I’m not an economic expert but the sanctions obviously have not had the desired effect and Russia is finding other markets for their products so the longer this goes on the less effect these sanctions may add actually have this the sanctions could be more of a midterm you know shortterm was going to take some while for the sanctions to kick in the midterm is when they’d be affected the most but long term well other markets will fill markets that have been lost and it is giving Russia time to change their economy into more of a wartime economy and many say this is the reason of why we have seen the shifting in high officials in the Russian defense ministry as well now personally I think it failure the biggest failure so far in this war was not to supply Ukraine with weapons or uh restri or lifting restrictions when Ukraine had Russia on the ropes and a weakened Russia at that point in 2022 late and in early 2023 from then we just have seen more powerful more defensive Works built in and we don’t talk about what the cost would actually be somewhere like in Crimea and how that cost then actually Rises every passing day so I don’t see that extended protracted long War here is to Ukraine and the West’s Advantage as well as particularly in Democratic countries that will be voting for this as people say we don’t want a second Afghanistan but the longer this goes on to and I talk about those markets and Russia seeking other markets Russia are seeking other markets and are having some success in these as well so this is a report that is analyzing what the FSB G you svr so Russia’s like intelligence agencies are doing Russia’s mandate is due to the Strategic West strategic neglect and its failes to address the problems that its Partners face Russia may also fail to do this but for now frustration with the West in both Africa and the Middle East is high the point is while Western States focus on rebuilding their conventional deterrent in Europe strategic documents emphasizing the nature of global competition are being Vindicated yet western states are failing to compete this must change Russia is using unconventional warfare to its vision of a multipolar world order this poses threats far beyond Ukraine and it is critical for Western States rise to meet that challenge and of course things like what is happening in Gaza has then sped up a lot in the Middle East and a lot around the world and our own failures in countries around the world too that people they are going well let’s have a look at Russia and Russia is coming in with the idea of sovereignty to work with who’s in power even if we would not work with who is in power and a great example of this is what Putin has spoken about recently in usbekistan about then the Taliban now of course we are not going to work with the Taliban but it’s considering that Russia would and this is why they’ll have influence in areas like this because we refuse to do that rightfully or wrongfully we would refuse where if they can get power there well you can see that expansion of control now the question was um news came out that Russia was considering the possibility of removing the Taliban from a list of terrorist organizations and Putin says we begin with the second hard this was two-part question this is constantly being discussed I will not comment on it now because relations with the Taliban and Afghanistan are constantly being discussed it cannot be denied that there are problems in Afghanistan everyone knows this very well how can we build our relations with the current regime it is a different question altogether however we have to do it these are people controlling the country it’s territory they are the power in Afghanistan today and we must proceed from reality and build relations accordingly so like I have said in that area now of course we know Russia and America have a funny history in Afghanistan and Afghanistan eventually coming the victor of both of those invasions in as well but it’s just interesting to see and I am happy to listen to any counterarguments but I just don’t see protracted if we took 5 10 years of this War I don’t see that being in Ukraine’s favor and I think the longer that goes on knowing how much more costly those offensives are then going to be if and when they take place and then the rise out of that into wanting to join nato in the EU could that be pushing that back there as well I don’t know something I think is interesting to talk about now let’s have a look at some strikes and then we’ll link that with the maps in area so of course yesterday we saw the restrictions lifted for us weapons to be used inside of Russia around the harive all blast into belrad now a couple of things on this Ukraine can’t use attacks and they can’t use longrange weapons which there has been a little bit of um difference between some of the reporting in officials of what can and cannot be used and we’ll look at zilinsky and Jen Stenberg again to talk about that but we have some footage coming out so o put this up the Ukrainian Armed Forces appear to have likely launched their first attack on belgrad region of the western Russian utilizing us provided weapons footage appearing to show the launch of at least eight Rockets from then High Mars and I’ll show you some of this footage I’ll put more of this sorry that’s not the one I’ll put more of this on the telegram if you’d like to come and join so we see Rocket taking then off there and we get some videos out of this region as well of air defense being active then intercepting at least two or three things here again not enough to exactly tell what is going on but it does appear within 24 hours of that we are seeing then strikes across into there being reported with Western weapons now let’s talk a little bit about this and the restrictions so again solenberg again that Ukraine’s right to self-defense Russia has attacked Ukraine has tried to defend themselves and that includes also attacking legitimate targets inside Russia if you look at the battlefield now Russia is launching attacks on Ukrainian soil from Russian soil with artillery missiles they are amassing troops and of course it makes it very hard for Ukraine to defend themselves if they’re not allowed to use Advanced weapons to repel those attacks now the question is do you fear now an escalation from Russia do you think Russia could Strike Back Against NATO territory ex now this is nothing new for instance the UK has provided Storm Shadow cruise missiles for a long time without any restrictions now this is incorrect we believe because of a interview as well as zinski yesterday that there still are some restrictions on then the Storm Shadow missiles and we haven’t seen the storm Shadows used then inside of Russia yet either at least to my knowledge he being Putin gave a speech where he threatened all countries that were going to provide any support to Ukraine and that was dangerous and will have consequences and that has been the message every time we’ve made decisions to deliver long-range artillery High Mars advanced battle tags cruise missiles and f16s so this is part of the efforts by President Putin by Moscow to prevent NATO allies from supporting Ukraine to defend themselves and again Ukraine has the right to self-defense we have the right to help Ukraine uphold their right for self-defense and that does not make NATO allies party to the conflict now I don’t agree with this if you wouldn’t say that Nat is at war with Russia whether through Ukraine or not and whether there’s you know guys in the ground and we know through leaked calls that there are UK and French officers on the ground most likely conducting the planning and strategic elements for storm show Scout missiles we’re supplying everything in including French talking about troops now I would also say on the flip side that Iran North Korea are then at War there as well whether it’s through proxy or not regardless I don’t think we can give a few hundred billion dollars talk about troops help with all the our capabilities to guide bombs in and then say we’re not a party to the conflict that is in my opinion that is but we do see these threats every time from Russia without the response but there has to be a Line in the Sand somewhere and I’ve asked where is our Line in the Sand and where is their actual Line in the Sand of when things then start to happen What would be our response to that but even with these restrictions lifted and send some restrictions still placed zinski is not happy with it that in his gu interview seninsky made clear he needed to be able to use powerful long-range weapons that could hit targets inside deep Russian territory a red line with the White House has refused to lift the US he said needed to believe in us more without this green light zinsky said other allies such as the UK may not allow Ukraine to use their long-range weapons either believe us we have to respond they don’t understand anything but Force we are not the first and not then the last so zinski still requesting than those other restrictions lifted that it’s still not going to be enough of what we see I think eventually this is we’re just stepping restriction restriction restriction same as the tank same as everything else before eventually those will be lifted and I think troops into Ukraine is going to be the same level of for it’ll have rear line logistic training then you’ll have second line and then eventually you’ll have it we’re just this creep forward and we’ve seen the creep forward of our own red lines restrictions as well whether it be armored vehicles whether it be jets in the air whether it be strikes back in to Russia as well but I do ask where like I said where actually is then that red line now we do have some footage and some satellite imagery coming out confirming some claims as well so an oil terminal the kavad port has been hit by Ukrainian longrange weapons as well so we can see here this is where this then sits we’ll zoom out so this is right between Crimea and Russia here now we got then this first photograph came out of it then on fire here and you can see some ships in then the foreground now we come to then the satellite imagery and what we can see then all the ships that were here have then moved and then at least three of these oil tanks then have been struck from there with the remaining appearing to not take any damage so that is confirming some of that as well as we had this shitty bloody satellite image from the luhansk Airfield that we presume was hit by ATT attacks and then burnt but we couldn’t make out anything in this an updated photograph then has come out showing that it was a Nebo air defense system a very important and very expensive air defense system some are saying between $80 and $100 million has likely been destroyed in this fire and on these strikes as well like I always say give it a couple of days and magically evidence of strikes starts then coming forward now let’s have then a look at the maps of course here is Ukraine the center the capital of keev red areas occupied since 22 and purple since 2014 now we come up H oblas belgrad now this is one of the areas of which everyone’s eyes have been in me in hariv is there going to be a cross up here where is the Western most push we don’t know and of course these strikes going back in as well but Ukraine needs to be very very careful with these strikes we have seen strik go out from H and hit civilian buildings civilian Targets in belra the US UK all these countries I believe should and will be watching very carefully for how their weapon systems are used in here as it could give Russia a whole new slew of informational Warfare if that then happens but we are seeing Russia still have a lot of control over H with drones in the air and Strikes and today is no different so this is har here and this is This Ring Road around H now Russia got basically right up to this ring Road at then one point in their offensive so we can see then just here we have footage then of a Ukrainian truck carrying armored vehicles then being watched and then being struck with a Lancet here as well so as it then makes this turn then we see then that being struck there so there’s still a hell of a lot of observation as well as strikes being conducted over there and as we know from an attack overnight none of the s300 missiles that were fired from Russia into hariv were then intercepted now let’s actually have a look on the maps now there’s no change up here but we come down to better stove no change shown on this map although suriak is showing some here we can have a look in here we can see this funny shaped padic that these are showing then fairly similar but of course it’s difficult because these are taken at different times of the year but again I don’t think this is showing any major difference although they’re is some on the western side that does show a little bit different but situation FR Russian army continue to uh the pressure along the front line and managed to capture some positions southeast of Nova salvi clashes with Ukrainian Army continue south of better stove which is prac Al under Russian control and both Maps confirm that practically then under Russian control but nothing down on this Eastern side down here until then we get to then Buck moot now we do see a change then in chassa here now this is from GE confirmed footage we have seen a couple of weeks ago now with uh Ukrainian troops working in this area and Russian troops also working in this area so they has been a pushup here just a small one into chassa but confirming this break in into here and there isot foot coming out of this area now being hit with to1 as well which is the thermobaric system actually I should say TOS I’m not sure if it is the one we know there’s a new variant there as well that it has then extended the range then we come down into aiva and we do see out from civo we do see an extension out in the direction of NOA poovi as well here now the movements will be down to try and go town to toown it’s too dangerous to be out into this open ground but that is the only change we see on the Deep state map on then this front but we have then two surric maps here as well so does show this same area right here that is the same but does show a massive amount of closing up out from seia here as well shown by The Gray Zone here so if you can see where this corner is it say right up to this corner and cutting back through in here so nothing too dissimilar it’s probably what we’d expect with the gray Zone in here and also shows what we reported as well this is umansky just here and this is ntio this closing up of territory and now these two maps are showing the same thing here as well as the control over then this area between Yas and bka as well so that will be interesting to see where that then moves we have then a second suriak Map update in then the same area here showing just up from Oar front so just here so this is osne this is solov so up in this Northern Area it is pushing out in this direction as well but you can see it’s closed up along the top here as well which we would expect as well from where that great Zone where the ground and the Waterway is sitting but some ground there but also between ntio and sort of thek front down here a further close up of territory see where this road runs this is this road so closing up then this padic in here and I do think we will see all of this turn to Gray Zone and potentially then r at some point because of the limited areas now for a withdrawal out of here for Ukraine now let’s see what Russia says Russia Army continues to advance along the N inas line right here on the other hand the fighting has already moved from the first houses up here that’s in this Northern Area where we talking about near the source of the BOK chalk River by some positions were taken by Russian Force on the Eastern and Southern outskirts of then the locality so we have another update as well then with a jail location which is what is always good so we have crash rgar no update shown here now we don’t have a map here but it shows then this footage situation West on a city during the last hours Russian army took control over the city council of cresa despite early reports of the capture building it appears that Russian troops only managed to consolidate control a few hours ago fighting continues along these streets with no discernable change Ukrainian Army manages to hold its positions despite the loss of the Eastern defenses so let’s actually have a look at where exactly this sits and then compare it to then the map so we see Industrial Area here we can see with this jeel road that comes into a single this is the city council building just here let’s zoom in so we’re talking right about here I believe so it’s not the easiest to see where this road turns down so we’re talking right about in here somewhere but these Maps show very very similar Now One update on this map which is very very interesting and about time is Russian advancement into botney now we know this likely looks far different actually to this but I think this will trickle in on days when there’s not much update it will trickle in on what the changes are actually in here and of course Russia is regaining positions of what it had on its defensive works as well in here this is why I believe as far as the informational space of this map that it wants to just give little little updates in here and hoping that Ukraine has a push back in here and then they don’t have to update in here but we believe from what we’ve seen Jail located footage well up into here as well that there’s definitely Russian presence may it be Gray Zone because there’s just nothing to actually have defense in potentially but other maps including Ukrainian Maps show a very different situation right on here now last thing I want to talk about is then the peace conference and you and I have said unless China or Russia is here it’s not a peace conference is a support conference for Ukraine to Gana more support around the world more weapons and if it’s starting at the 10-point peace plan well it’s not a negotiation or conference around peace it’s for more weapons because at the moment with the reality on the ground that peace plan needs to have a military Victory China says it will not join Swiss peace conference in Ukraine China will not attend Ukrainian peace conference in Switzerland next month uh because it does not meet its expectations which include both Russia and Ukraine taking part and then the arrangements for the meeting still fall short of China’s requests and the general expectations of the International Community making it difficult for China to participate China has always insisted that the International Peace conference should be endorsed by both Russia and Ukraine with the equal participation of all parties and that all peace proposals should be discussed in a fair and equal manner or otherwise it will be difficult for it to play a substantive role in the restoring peace again Ukraine see restoring peace through a military Victory on the ground so therefore the peace conference is to get more support guarantees money in for that now we I believe we will see because we have about two weeks until this conference Russia try and really get some ground here and have a big push because it will have an effect on how people go into that peace conference if you can see Russia’s making a lot of ground people are going to see that other diplomats around the world go holy look look what we’re doing and it may affect how they say it maybe then they’ll go we need to give more money or maybe they’ll go we need to negotiate out of this it depends it’s always a role of the dice with how information works but this is interesting too that Russian U foreign minister Sergey lvov suggested on Thursday that China could arrange a peace conference in which Russia and Ukraine take part so it would be very interesting to see if something like that could potentially happen in the future but as we know and as have spoken about without China or Russia present then what will actually really come of this as far as peace peace probably shouldn’t be in the title it’s a it’s a military conference to get more support for military aid to Ukraine to achieve their goals because it’s starting at that peace plan which points 5 and six talk about territorial Integrity which we know Russia does not want to give that up so if it is going to change it has to be taken militarily anyway Legends look after yourselves and I’ll speak tomorrow have a great weekend bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Ask yourself a simple question: why does NATO support Ukraine at all? Just without these moronic narratives: "I feel sorry for Ukraine" and "stop Putin, otherwise he will invade Europe."

  2. Can’t have a peace conference without both Russia and Ukraine taking part.

    NATO was starting to become irrelevant and then Putin became NATO’s best salesman ever.

    His military keeps invading peaceful European countries (Georgia 2008, Ukraine 2014, 2022), occupation, annexation.

    Russian generals to politicians have stated they want to conquer more countries in Europe (Eastern Europe).

  3. Just a perspective from France / western europe here : People around the world need to understand what a Russian win in Ukraine would mean. It would mean that a large military power can attack another country with all conventinal weapons they have, kill 100 000 + civilians and get away with it. If we allow this to happen be prepared to see China, India, Pakistan ect make some moves too and prepare for war pretty much anywhere you live … To allow a Russian win would be a huge mistake.

  4. Problem for the Russians, it isn’t the only country with a nuclear triad.

    US, China, India and possibly Pakistan.

    If the other nuclear powers decided Russia is a global threat…you all know happens.

  5. U.S and NATO are failing in their foreign policy. After 2 decades rampage in the middle east, NATO suddenly finding invading countries appalling is funny to say the least. or what was the reporters said "this is not some 3rd world country this is Europe". A law for me not for thee is not cutting it anymore. The double standard is insane. Lets hope the MAD doctrine works. otherwise i don't think the rest of the world can keep gobbling up the "freedom and democracy" bs.

  6. Hi I Live in the poorest country in EU – We could rly use 40bil a year to lower our infant mortality and bring our minimum wage to the same rate as China's (still lowest in EU ofc) – any chance we can have 1 years worth of Ukraine aid?… we only need one, I can see your making long terms plans so it shouldnt be that much of a bother to sort our own things out before getting involved in NON EU countries problems surely…

  7. Afghanistan became both times victim of US fascism.

    Soviets went in to stop meddling of the CIA with the country (in the usual way), what the USA exploited by not even arming and training Afghan extremists, but foreign ones.

    The Afghan people, even those who wanted to fight (by the way against Afghanistan getting more secular and allowing schools for girls and alike for example…) were seen as too moderate, all too often talking with the soviets, so US fascism created a network out of extremely aggressive foreigners, transported those to Pakistan where the futher indoctrinated (this includes children by the way), trained and armed them to send them to Afghanistan, which paid a heavy price for that – also as usual with all the countries US fascism did such things.

  8. After what the West did with Kosovo, they haven't got a leg to stand on regarding Ukraine. It's perfectly fine for the West to start a fake country by carving off a slice of Serbia but Russia is somehow "ultimate evil" for changing the "sacred 1991 borders" of Ukraine.

  9. They provoke the Russian bear so they can then say "we need to prepare".
    We know that U.S. is attacking Russian nuclear radars. Zelensky asking for permission is a theater act for media. "Don't Look Up" type of situation in which delusion ends us all. The sane ones die with dignity and the last human to survive is an idiot.

  10. Ahh our Comrades at work again. Yeah my pro Ruzzian bots, start to flood this comment section again with your strange conspiracy propaganda 😂 Ruzzia just have to go home and all is good, but thats to hard to understand it seems.

  11. @willy with putin printing money to finance his war in ukraine and with russian budget in deficit russia cant fight a long war. as inflation turns into out of control hyperinflation in a year or two in russia, the russian economy will be bankrupt, and experience a 1990 ussr moment.

    a wartime economy for russia means they get back no tax revenue on the capital expenditure of using currently 35 percent of russian budget for war, a tank or artillery shell is made and then destroyed in ukraine while putin prints the roubles to make that capital expenditure driving inflation up and up in russia. meanwhile the main money makers for russia of gas is almost zero revenue, while russian oil revenue is halved currently from 2021 figures.

  12. @willy the fact putin is doing a purge of his generals and replaced shoigu, tells you militarily and economically russia is have a bad time. and changing personel wont change the main problem for russian economy that is in budget deficit. only way to fix that is cut the expenditures and costs and the biggest cost is the war in ukraine putin is financing by printing roubles with his reserve fund used up.

  13. @willy end of the day if things bad, the baltics and eastern european troops will go into ukraine to help push russia out. poland and romania and the baltics are not gonna wait till russsia is ready to strike on their borders in another war in 10 years when they re-arm like they have been conducting war every 10 years. your naivity thinking if russia makes peace they wont invade again in 10 years is astounding. russian agreements are not worth the ink.

  14. @willy look up uk and finland blockading baltic sea plans against the russian shadow fleet of oil tankers that are illegally shipping oil without insurance. the are cutting off the main cash flow of russia and that is oil. nothing russia can do about it either as they have to sail through finnish waters.

  15. What if China decides to be part of the conflict? We are dangerously close to a big war, I sincerely hope that someone smart in the US will prevent it from happening, anyway they have already made a lot of money and sold weapons ten years in advance.

  16. forget the peace talks willy, when china takes half of australia you can talk about capitulating territory for peace then in australia. and we can ask the question why wont australia give up half their territory to china for peace, every one wants peace. australia cant go toe to toe with china with is massive population advantage, australia should just give up half of australia to china for peace for 10 years, until they re-arm and come for the other half.

  17. Russia didn’t invade Afghanistan they where ask by the democratically elected government to help fight an insurgencey when they left the country the government they left in power lasted 2 years west invaded Afghanistan when they left government lasted 2 days

  18. Hang on a second, if it wasn’t for Ukraine and their stupid strike on Belgorod, then Russia wouldn’t be striking Ukraine from their, so this is a escalation’s and Russia has ever right to strike NATo bases supporting this war in Poland, or the survival drones in the Black Sea, they are supporting this war and casusing Russia casualties.

    There no red lines, Russia has to defend them selves, let’s just get the nukes out, because that’s where we are heading, trading Moscow for New York

  19. Russia will have troubles maintaining its economy afloat in 2 years, much less act as a pole of a "multipolar world".

  20. Ukraine has it's back against the wall. If someone is desperate, they will do and use anything they can. To put a gun into the hands of someone which is in this position is not smart.

  21. I think the red line for Europeans is European soldiers crossing the border with Russia. The civilians won't accept this. At this moment only about 20% of Europeans are against deploying troops to Ukraine. There's even great support for sending F-35's etc to Ukraine without Ukrainians flying them. So for now there is plenty of support. As long as they stay in Ukraine. And possibly NATO as an organisation is going to Ukraine is also a red line. Most Europeans still feel that NATO is for the defence of our countries. Not to attack a nation to protect a non NATO country.
    I really don't know what the Russian red line is. I'm not Russian.

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