Macron: Ukraine should be allowed to ‘neutralise’ Russian military bases

coordonné par par vous et qui s’inscrit pleinement dans cette ligne on poursuivent le même effort à l’échelle du G7 nos ministres ont commencer le travail alors comment on explique aux Ukrainiens qu’il va falloir protéger ces villes et au fond tout ce qu’on voit en ce moment autour de rarkif si on leur dit vous n’avez pas le droit d’atteindre le point d’où sont tirés les missiles on en fait on leur dit vous on vous livre des armes mais vous ne pouvez pas vous défendre donc nous on reste exactement dans le même cadre on pense que on doit leur permettre de neutraliser les sites militaire d’où sont tirés les missiles et au fond les sites militaires depuis lesquels l’Ukraine est agressée mais on ne doit pas permettre de toucher d’autres cibles en Russie évidemment des capacités civiles ou d’autres cibles militaires quand c’est depuis des cibles identifié en Russie que l’Ukraine est agressée et bien je pense qu’on doit pouvoir leur permettre de le faire si on veut véritablement retenir notre objectif et je crois pouvoir dire que factuellement nous ne sommes pas escalatoires en faisant cela puisque c’est la Russie qui s’organise de cette façon

France and Germany’s leaders said on Tuesday that Ukraine should be allowed to hit military sites inside Russia from which missiles were being fired at Ukrainian territory, but not other targets.

Scholz said he agreed with Macron and that as long as Ukraine respected the conditions given by countries that supplied the weapons, including the United States, and international law, it was allowed to defend itself.

#macron #ukraine #weapon

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  1. And what will happen when russia will decide to neutralize france military bases or manufacturing plants? ww3? I know macron is a wef weasel, so conspiracy theories are right? Globalists/deep state/ billionaires want a great reset and great depopulation, aka ww3…? This is nuts, how french people dont care about that macron weasel?

  2. This man is out of mind. Hungary, Italy and Serbia perhaps are the only Western countries that have serious governments and are not subordinated to the madness of the US military industry

  3. Have these world leaders graduated from a grade school level history class? Attacking Russia never ends well. Napoleon tried this and the result was an epic fail. Hitler tried this and the result was an apocalypse so extreme that the entire Eurasia was in a state of abject rubble and ruin by the end of 1945. Then came the half century military occupation of Germany by the victors. Attacking sites within Russia perfectly plays into the Russian narrative that they are NOT engaged in an Offensive war of predatory imperialism but a coherent war of self Defense. To make a point by comparison, consider how while Koreans are ethnically not Chinese or Japanese, the Korean peninsula land mass is considered close enough to both China and Japan as to be an object of extreme interest as a buffer zone for their national security. Korea is now tragically divided due to this dynamic. I.e. the short term view of an annexation of Korea would seem to be predatory and offensive except it might actually be a rational act in some contexts as a piece of a longer term national security strategy. Europe and Asia are mirrors in many ways. Human nature runs through all the races and ethnicities. The Cuban missile crisis is also very similar to what I'm trying to emphasize here. Anyways, so Russian has been doing offensive acts claiming self defense. Ukraine is now doing offensive acts claiming self defense? The dynamic here I'm concerned about is similar to the arm's race trap in International Relations studies. Where your increased military spending (theoretically only for self defense) makes your neighbor tribes feel threatened. They then respond with increased military spending. Which creates a feedback loop and reoccurring back and forth escalation towards the abyss.

  4. The one and only thing that matters to NATO in this war is the economic and political benefits the imperialist USA overlord will gain from this senseless escalation.
    Open your eyes people, these "leaders" and the military lobbies that maneuver them do not give a solid s*it about peace in Ukraine.
    The war would have ended long ago if that was the case.

  5. Déjà il faut que Morpion ramasse une dérouillée cuisante aux européennes !
    mais ça ne lui fera pas fermer gueule pour autant …
    la seule façon de l'arrêter : appliquer la méthode JFK !

  6. hope Macron will not be France P anymore. his stupidity is limitless . he s willingly putting all EU people in danger. and this after we ve already paying for life cost going up 100 % cause of this EU involvement cause of the influence of the Us warmonger provocative policy

  7. That evil satanist sinister mad wild pig of his chief tested proven evil satan America Britain NATO ISIS has completely gone beyond mad
    That crazy mental should be dragged out of his burrow and …

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