Germany and France agree Ukraine may strike Russian military targets | euronews 🇬🇧

Germany and France agree Ukraine may strike Russian military targets | euronews 🇬🇧

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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Germany would not prohibit Ukrainian attacks on Russian military targets, saying Ukraine “is allowed to defend itself.”


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  1. Every Youth in Europe must be learning right now the basics of AI , how GPU chips work, how LLM works, how C++ or at least Python works, learning that whoever controls the training Data , the training Content, will control the AI Answers, the AI videos ,etc. , but instead EU Clown Politicians push Wars between Christian Europeans and Christian Russians, so that the financial advisor of Zelenskiy, Fink of BlackRock, can make € billions in profits and bankrupt the Christian Economies . In my opinion Wagenknecht and Vestager are the best choice for Europe : Free Speech and Free Media, Fair Competition, End the War and stop the Caliphate Invasion .

  2. You would think these two idiots , of all the countries on the planet, know not to get on Russias wrong side? 1812 and 1945 not a lesson enough for you? Maybe Pareee and Berlin as craters will get through to them?

  3. Follow the Money, who is making all the Money ? Fink of BlackRock is making € billions in profits every month, as large Stockholder in most Weapons Companies, Military Contractors and Oil – Gas – Diesel – LNG companies , as well as the Middle East Oil Producers. Who is dying in the front lines ? Christian Ukrainians and Christian Russians are the only ones dying. This War is a criminal Scam to bankrupt Christian Economies . The only ones who don't see it are the Europeans themselves.

  4. Every EU NATO nation supporting Ukraine understands that Putin is a risk to the security of their Nation. Those EU nations, including the very few who are sympathetic to Putin must be offered a choice. Get on board with halting Putin & remain in the EU economic circle or… leave the EU economic circle & join the Putin economic circle. I’m sure their population will fully consider the benefits of being in the sphere of full Putin influence.

  5. You say that Russia is so bad, that it wants to take over, destroy everyone. So listen to me, a man who knows the truth! I'm from Crimea, that's why, living in the frontline zone, I know what's really going on! It all started back in 2008. That's when NATO ships came to our city port. They were going to build a military base not far from here. The people of the city did not put up with it for several days prevented the entry into the port and unloading of NATO ships. Eventually the ships left and the people of the town rejoiced. We did not want to have a NATO base on our territory. The people wanted it! Then in 2014 the coup d'état in Ukraine began! In our city began to hang flyers on which it was written: to stand with a lawyer in support of the coup – 300 hryvnias (this is Ukrainian currency). And many people went to Kiev for the money. But not everyone could realize what they were doing, but the people of Crimea could realize that something bad was happening and in the spring of 2014, after voting in the referendum, Crimea became part of Russia. I remember how my parents went to vote and there were no Russian soldiers with machine guns! Why did we vote for Russia? Because people who supported fascists came to power and are still supporting fascists now! People in Ukraine started to glorify Stepan Bandera and some nationalist movements. People in these movements were active in western Ukraine. They enrolled in the SS Galicia (a German SS unit). They killed Poles, Jews, and Russians. Russia (USSR) lost 28 million citizens in World War II fighting fascism. My ancestors participated in this war, so we very much honor the exploits of countries and people who fought fascism. That's why for me personally the most important holiday is Victory Day, which takes place on May 9. After all, if we would not have won, then me, my brother, my friend would not exist at all. Also no one wants those terrible events to happen again! And then suddenly the government in Ukraine changes, which supports fascists and murderers, bans the main symbols of Victory Day and rewrites history. They talk such nonsense in Ukraine… For example, they say that the Black Sea was dug up by Ukrainians, that the Ukrainians and into space, that the Ukrainians are the oldest people in the world! Also after people in the east of Ukraine started to protest against the Ukrainian government, Ukraine started shelling civilians and declared people who just wanted to go to Russia as terrorists. Is that democratic? So we chose a democratic state. By the way, did you know that Russia doesn't have the death penalty? The Russian constitution states that the most important value is human life. Therefore, no one has the right to deprive a person of life! Also of note is Russia's reluctance to invade other countries. Which makes sense. Putin himself doesn't want that. We've got the biggest country in the world, how much bigger could it be? You think they want war so badly here? You just don't understand the reasons why Russia started the war in Ukraine. The main reason was: shelling of Donbass, ban on Russian language, fierce nationalist movements, words and behavior of Zelensky and NATO. After all, at the beginning of 2022, ideas were put forward about transferring nuclear weapons to Ukraine and joining NATO. This was the main reason for the war. Russians are very sincere and friendly people. In Russia they want peace, but looking at all this situation it seems that NATO countries do not want peace!

  6. It's crazy that leaders of the West can do whatever they like without accountability. People suffer and die based on their decisions. Democracy is not working. The system needs to change. We can't let leaders do as they please. This is insanity.

  7. I’m confused. Do you think they have actually contacted Zelenskyy to tell him that Ukraine is now allowed to strike inside Russia using their weapons?

    Or are they simply saying that they should be allowed to do it, without giving them permission to do it yet?

    The way it gets reported is confusing. Some articles say, "Macron permits Ukraine to use French missiles inside Russia”. While other articles say "German Chancellor advocates allowing Ukraine to use Western weapons for strikes on Russian territory". I guess we will have to wait and see what happens.

  8. ChatGPT auf die Frage „Können Waffen Frieden schaffen?“: „Der Einsatz von Waffen führt oft zu weiterem Konflikt und Leid, anstatt Frieden zu schaffen. Frieden erfordert in der Regel Dialog, Verhandlung und Kompromissbereitschaft zwischen den beteiligten Parteien. Der langfristige Frieden wird eher durch diplomatische Bemühungen, Konfliktlösung und den Aufbau gegenseitigen Vertrauens erreicht.“


    Daniel Obajtek, former president of the Orlen Group, should be arrested on December 13, 2023, right after the swearing-in of Donald Tusk's government.
    Daniel Obajtek comes from extreme poverty, his father was a house painter, his mother was a seamstress and she sewed shoes, it was the worst paid job in Poland in the 1990s. Obajtek stole money from his colleagues from SKO at the Technical Secondary School, then the ungrateful man stole from his benefactor uncles who gave him a job, promoted him and helped him become the mayor of Pcim. In Pcim Obajtek stole on a large scale, he has such a thief's nature that whenever he can steal something, he steals it. Thanks to the protection of Szydło and Kaczyński, he became the president of ARiMR, then PiS introduced illegal, unconstitutional provisions of the so-called "Lex Obajtek", which enabled the prosecutor's office to withdraw the indictment against Obajtek from the court and discontinue the part concerning Obajtek. Later Obajtek became the president of Energia and finally, in 2018, the president of Orlen.
    The Supreme Audit Office and the prosecutor's office incorrectly estimate the level of financial damage at Lotos and Orlen, for which Obajtek, Kaczyński, Morawiecki, and Sasin are responsible.
    Well, already in 2021, the Solomon company valued only the Gdańsk Refinery at PLN 21.7 billion. and the profit only from RG in 2021 amounted to PLN 3.7 billion net. After the outbreak of the war on February 24, 2022, the prices of fuel assets increased by 100%, and considering that RG is supplied by sea, this is another strategic aspect, its value in March 2022 increased to approximately PLN 40 billion. RF's profit for five months of 2022 amounted to PLN 4.5 billion. net. Let's add 417 Lotos stations in good locations for USD 610 million, which is approximately PLN 2.44 billion, and the price should be at least USD 1 billion, or approximately PLN 4 billion. That is another loss of PLN 1.56 billion. Unimot paid PLN 366.4 million for 100% of Lotos Terminale, Uni Bitumen, Lotos Infrastruktura and RCEkoenergia. In fact, Unimot paid nothing for these companies, because on the day of the transaction there were over PLN 600 million in the companies' accounts. only cash.
    Moreover, Obajtek corruptly conducted the merger of Orlan with Lotos, paying only PLN 15 billion, when Grupa Lotos was worth over PLN 45 billion. I would like to remind you that in 2021, Solomon valued the Gdańsk Refinery alone at PLN 21.7 billion.
    So Kaczyński's revenge on Tusk, as the criminal takeover of the Lotos Group by Orlen should be called, is a loss of approximately PLN 30 billion, and the thieving sale of Lotos' assets to Saudi Aramco, Mol and Unimot for PLN 4.4 billion means robbing Poles of another approximately PLN 12 billion. Moreover, from June 2023, Poland will lose PLN 2-3 billion in lost profits annually due to the sale of Grupa Lotos. Over the next 10 years, this means another PLN 20-30 billion in losses for the state budget.
    Obajtek, Kaczyński, Morawiecki and Sasin robbed Poland of PLN 42 billion and suffered further losses of PLN 2-3 billion annually from lost profits.
    This is how the Supreme Audit Office should calculate Poland's losses!

  10. It's amazing how when Russia uses Iranian or North Korean weapons in Ukraine, that's ok, but when Ukraine does the same thing with Western weapons, somehow it's wrong… 🤦‍♀️

  11. Путин им говорит давайте договариваться, необязательно стрелять друг в друга! Эти двое Владимир уничтожь нас максимально жестоко, они открыли клуб самоубийц!??

  12. Well, from now on France (and its posessions worldwide) becomes CO-Belligerent in the ukrainian conflict and therefore LEGITIMATE military target for Russian Armed Forces…

  13. 😂😂😂😂 I heard that Russian got scared to hear that 😂😂😂😂… Russian thinking the frustration of Macron and Idiot Chancellor 😂😂😂😂

  14. Entre la France et l'Allemagne Une course Comme Bonaparte et Hitler Et Charlemagne et Otton avant eux Macron aujourd'hui dans la perplexité Pour accomplir la prophétie
    Et Rafah devant eux fait signe Netanyahu observe Trois six sur son front Mais une pandémie menace De s'arrêter, de stopper Trop tôt fais-tu Les têtes brûlées se chamaillent De leurs femmes et leurs filles Mais le budget parle Ce n'est qu'un jeu Qui doit être joué

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