Disastrous Strikes – RU Open A DANGEROUS New Front – Losses Revealed – Ukraine Map Analysis & News

GTO Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day you’ve had a great weekend and the Sunday Blues haven’t got you too bad work won’t be that bad this week now today as always we have a lot to look at we’re going to look at the maps as we have seen Russia having some movement in an area we haven’t seen the move for now the best part of 12 months and could this be the opening of a new front we do know that all the Ukrainian reporting was saying that mid June is when it when the bulk of their offensive actions are going to take place in line with what’s happening in the north to draw troops away so we’ll look at that and we’ll look at where the maps are moving in multiple areas overnight Russia has launched a massive uh missile and drone wave against Ukraine we have some footage of that it is very rare to get footage now of that due to the intelligence Services has locked that down we’ve had public apologies from people as well to show any of those strikes so it is hard to confirm because everything you’re relying on now is official reporting you know how I feel about official reporting but we have footage and we have some claims as well to show you there we’ll talk about Lo both Ukrainian and Russian we need to talk about what zalinsky has said about a pause in the war we’ll talk about a peace March we’ll talk about some footage we’ll look at some barriers we’ll talk about haar’s little bit of everything today so overnight there was a large wave of missiles and drones into Ukraine now when I say overnight I’m meaning overnight in Ukraine now 24 hours ago time shift into Australia is a little bit different but as we’ve got a little bit more time it becomes a bit more clear of what actually now happened now you will see some interesting things with these numbers remember these are official numbers so shot down 30 of 35 KH 101s none of the iander M’s one of the O scander K’s four of the 10 caliber cruise missiles zero of the KH 59 or 69 these apparently very very hard to intercept and 46 of the 47 Shahed drones so what these numbers tell us is the weapon systems which are more difficult to then engage we and you need better air defense to engage these aren’t getting engaged as much remember when these were always 100% 100% 100% now again I know official reporting but we’re now seeing this now what this tells us is areas of which these are going there isn’t then those air defense systems or a shortage in areas as well we do know the amount of air defense that Ukraine is requesting is significantly more than what they’ve got and significantly more than it looks like the West can provide as well keeping up where their air defense systems are tied up in their own defenses as well so let’s look at the damage and what has come out of this and where these missiles were going so the nepro hydroelectric Dam we have this zap’s um Neo hydroelectric station Ukraine’s largest hydroelectric power plant is in a critical condition after Russian forces Struck it overnight on June the 1st that is from the governor we saw maybe 6 weeks back we saw that footage of the k59 I believe releasing the flares and then spotting in cusing damage there again now I’m not sure if this is footage of there but seninsky put this footage up and you can see the destruction of one of the power plants here as dtec did say that it was damaged to two power plants then overnight so let’s then look at then the footage so we then see the first strike here this is on the Neo hydroelectric Dam and then we see then a second strike as well now like I said it’s very rare now to get this footage it is highly illegal you’ll have Intel Services knocking on your door and filming you uh doing an apology video for putting then people at risk for the BDA the battle damage assessment as well of these or and or targeting of further missiles and then we see a third strike on this video I might have skipped forward a little bit too [Music] far just then here as well so that third that may have been a strike or an explosion of something electric from I guess the white light you see there but again rare then to see those we have as well footage from strikes said to be in Lviv as well now all this will be on the telegram if you want to watch it back and assess it for yourself and then we see a strike there what it hit then we don’t know but let’s look at where these missiles are coming from and then where these are then going so we see the red are the x11s the yellow are the Shahed the drones the blue are the Calas and then the green and the green yellow these are then the oscan so you can see where these are fired from either planes or ships and as well outside of the territory or in occupied territory as well now the majority of these targeting areas like Lviv but you can see areas of which they are avoiding like keave because of the amount of air defense that will then be in these locations now we spoke just before about the limited air defense and where Ukraine will have to make sacrifices of air defense now I think the strike now going back to protect then hariv will have an effect on this we know that America signed off that some weapon systems not long range stuff but air defense and other systems can be used inside Russian territory up in the north now we know that there’s a lot of Fabs being dropped on areas in occupied areas but also then from Russian territory now with a Fab it’s not worth hitting the Fab in the air with traditional missile air defense you need to strike the plane before they are then released at 30 or 40 km back so I presume that now that has come out there will be an allocation of air defense into the areas to try and hit those Fabs to try and stop we hit the planes to try and stop Russian advancements in these areas that said with a finite amount of resource it means coming from here it’s not being replaced there going to be limited air defense there then it moved so you may see an increase in successful strikes in other areas as that has opened up four strikes against tactical targets having then Frontline movements rather than strategic economic critical infrastructure targets as well now I think this is going to be further exacerbated by when the f16s come in there’s going to have to be M multi multi-layered air defense allocated to those highly critical targets so we’re going to see if not a heat more a defense comes in maybe more successful striking in other areas and this is The Impossible game that Ukraine is weighing up is if we’ve only got these systems but we’ve got all these places to protect well some has to be unprotected and some is protected and then that shift around on the front line and we see the increase in successful striking as well as as the interceptors aren’t in massive amounts of numbers but we see then those strikes overnight time frame difference but still at least having a little bit further on we get more footage and more idea of what exactly then happened now there’s been some very interesting map updates but just to go on from what we then spoke about uh on back from hariv into uh belra we can see that Russia has released photos of parts of haars that have been fired across as well as bomblets here too so we do know that those American systems very quickly on have been getting fired from hariv in support of Ukraine’s attempt to push back the Russians on that Northern advancement made there so that’ll lead us into the maps of course we have Ukraine the center the capital of ke red areas occupied since 22 the purple since 2014 now this map has been updating at all sorts of weird times so if I cut in a bit here I apologize but it hasn’t been the normal time then it does for myself so let’s start down here so we have zap ablast here Ora this is the robotany front we did see some changes but we do know from gated footage and some other footage this does look different to what this is showing but this map shows then two advancements out here from mnie and kopani in the direction of or ke now from my experience on the ground in or multiple times the green here or the gray at one point was much much closer than this so when I was in or with some of the so and this is this not OB this was two years ago now then we were near then the railway station through here that was then mind now the soldiers and the people at the hospital told us that under a kilometer away were where the Russians were at that time so up here somewhere is where they were telling us on the ground at the time than they were so that green maybe should be larger than that could be wrong could be not but you could see from the large Hill that sits just behind OT ke in here before this road goes down you could see armored vehicle movement and firing there too and if those armored vehicles are firing in here well the range of these isn’t out to here but that’s just my two cense but we see then these two front lines open up here now what could this be going for well it could be trying to navigate behind Ukrainian defensive Works in here using the cover then of Russia’s own defensive Works sitting in here and let’s look at what some Ukrainian pages and some other maps are saying so this Ukrainian page here is saying this Russians have opened uh a new section of front in zap region West and East of here the advance could potentially reach our rear which protects roboty and OT a key point of Ukrainian defense on zap front so could be going for the rear positions in here and put all of this in a very vulnerable then position so let’s have a look and see what then Surak is showing the change on then this front now what we like to see is when things actually line up map to map and as we can see Surak is showing very very similar amount of same ground in the exact same spot so we do know 100% there was an advancement here we haven’t seen any movement here for a long time during the last 24 hours Russian army managed uh to make advances for the first time in months in the axis of here so this is very interesting to see he doesn’t show this other one down here but as it’s being confirmed by the Ukrainian map we’ll say there was an advancement here as well but as you can see this is the roboty front in here and you can see how different sucs then look to robot see this road where it turns slightly left if you’re heading north so this is showing almost fully under Russian control as well as the suran line here too so this area is somewhere to watch now he shows and this isn’t shown on then the Sur this m front here we see movement out as well so movement here at least by Surak he’s saying movement here and at least movement out in this direction as well so again we don’t know where the Russian major offensive that Ukraine has been telling us about it’s coming mid June apparently we don’t know where that will launch we’ve said in the east in the South could it be the north I think there’s probably going to be multiple plans drawn up and it will be where is the most opportune it will be reactionary to what Ukrainian response is and now that America is letting Ukraine fire across in the north maybe they’ll just avoid that whole North Area and then Focus down in the South or the East and I believe that North was probably only ever a tactic to try and draw troops away in thin out areas there anyway so very very interesting to look at that now let’s have a look at some other areas on the front line and I want to work my way North down so V chunk here we’re getting a lot saying that the front line here has been stabilized by Ukraine that Ukraine then have 70% of V chunk shown pretty similar by this map but we’re not getting much geolocation much anything out of here so we don’t really know other than we know those weapons are now being fired the American weapons back across in defense of this area then we come down here this better stove front here we did see some movement not seeing much today then we’ll talk about St mka roska area now as well that is said to be some movement on this map here on the Surak so let’s just line up where he’s talking so this dot this is better stove then this is Stella mka and this is rivka on these blue dots so he’s showing that there is a Russian gain out on some fronts here but these are fairly similar to what the Deep state is actually showing at the moment but again not confirm but we will see what’s happening there and we do know with this better stove it does put areas down to the South of here under some more control and threat so we may try and see a closeup of novski some areas here but again wait till multiple maps are showing then the same thing now let’s come down Buck mood front we’ll talk about this so this is veli the other better stove the other betterk here this gets confusing I know but let’s look at this Thea front as I’ll call it and what suriak is saying in here so this isn’t the easiest T you can see a Russian and a Ukrainian advancement now this is said train line see this train line turns almost dead West this is that turn so this map is saying well Surak is saying that Russia have a far more advancement up into than here but Russian army failed to consolidate the captured positions north of vest so North V CI here causing this Ukrainian movement here on the other hand troops made new Advan along the railway taking control over a series of frenches which are located 2.7 km from the settlement of the MIM cup so up here of course the serse front an area where we do don’t see really much movement now heading into years we have seen Russian command Russian soldiers praising Ukraine’s defense particularly of this area it looked like it was going to have the traditional um envelopment that we have seen in other areas for now a year and a half and we haven’t seen much movement now come just south Buck moot everyone is very very familiar with buck Moot and we can see this map is showing what we know we know from helmet cam footage from everything that there has been Russian troops present in here for a while but now it’s saying that it’s under Russian control just on the Eastern outskirts of chah but this Breakin in here now I can’t show you this footage but this will be on the telegram up here of this video but what this video is showing so we’re talking right here so just across from kinva so across this Waterway here we know some of these bridges are down we see a vehicle drop off some Russian soldiers get hit by a drone almost instantly the vehicle move and then the soldiers moving into the trees we’re not sure what the fate of this maybe smaller Recon party actually was but it doesn’t seem to have been successful but you can have look the footage yourself recent video showed attempt by Landing Russian Force on the other side of the canal channel the fate of these soldiers is still unknown but all indications are landing fil on the other hand Russian army took a large part of the Kina while the other is empty however it is premature to say the town has been taken by the Russians as Ukraine Army still controls warehouses located on the Northern Hill from where it monitors the enemy forces meanwhile Russen trips advanced in this area Botanical Reserve trying to cross the canal on this axis in addition russin were able to take new positions ivanovski so we’re talking oh sorry just moved so let’s have a look zoom out a little bit so down in ivanovski in this region just down here as well showing some movement out in these Forest belt areas too but we do know it’s going to be a challenge to cross the canal that runs the Waterway through here as well and people are asking why Ukraine hasn’t then pulled their defenses back into this area as it’s going to be the difficulty pulling back in these areas as well we did see that this crossing here was taken out maybe then two weeks ago now let’s look we have a Surak Map update in then chassa as well let’s zoom in now we can see movement made so this is the road then through bodka as well crossing right up through so he’s actually showing a lot more than deep states to see where this road loops down this is Kinka Road here so he’s saying that all of this then is closed up now like I’ve said this gray Zone in here I doubt there’s any troops in here it may not be any Russians or any ukrainians so gray is it red I know that’s a hard one but you can see this close up by another Ukrainian map there now let’s move down into adiva as we do have some changes in here now we do know this movement was shown near Seka for some time as well as reports of a Russian advancement near Sol v as well closing up then this front in here now this movement was shown by some other Maps but then we have this being confirmed by Deep State and then further confirmed then by the suriak so we see this road turns to the South this is this road look for the sake of a few hundred meters same spot as well as see where this road comes out between solivo and soill bang again this map today lining up then exactly the same up into the forest belt of s that’s what we like we know 100% confir confirmed that map matching each other then we can say that then happened but we don’t see any other changes on the maps in any other directions but the important area I think to look will be down here we don’t know yet where Russia will launch its offensive and I will say too if Russia launch an offensive it may want to just go through the aspects of attritional warfare depending how they said we are we are not 100% sure yet now of course there’s so much talk about the cromean bridge down here if and when it will be taken out I don’t know if the resources it’s going to take to hit this is worth it for the Strategic gain yes the pr gain the imagery of that falling will be massive for the war but it’s going to take a lot of assets and we do know from Ukrainian intelligence that said Russia’s not using it for military stuff is it worth for the pr Victory the amount of assets it we’ll need to actually take there I don’t know but obviously Ukraine is hinting more and more at that but been hinting for a while and that Russia thinks it is a real threat as well of course they close it during attacks but we have seen uh this is from B Brady Afric from May 7th we have seen Russia building up barriers in here too so from May 7th to May 22nd we can see then more barriers appearing of course this is to protect from like drone booat attacks in here after July 1st more and more barriers being put in here to try and protect that as well as we saw those attacks onto the barges the fairies that crossed across here as well so I believe we will see some point an attack on that but I don’t know where the weighing up of things actually is now some footage for you I just thought this was interesting this is a Ukrainian drone seeming to take out a Russian zala drone here in an Airborne attack right there so more air to air kills than an F22 or an F35 right there balloons don’t count so we see that’s interesting there’s actually more and more of that we’ve actually seen drones chasing Choppers as well now let’s talk about a pause now we have heard could there be a pause at the peace conference could there be a pause during the Olympics and zsky has dismissed the notion that Ukraine would benefit from a pause in fighting in an interview with the Guardians saying it would allow Russia to regroup rebuild its strength Russia needs a break to stabilize its position on the battlefield Russia has more equipment than we do but it also have a a deficit it lacks experienced soldiers artilleries shells and missiles we do know that these are getting backfilled seemingly very quickly and the lack of soldiers Arty and missiles from Russia seems to be in a far better position than it was 12 months ago even two years ago therefore A Pauls will be certainly benefit Russia definitely not us I I know he has far more bloody Intel feeding on the front but from what I’m seeing the front line is Russia has the initiative on the front line at the moment Ukraine is the one needing to stabilize and stop that initiative Russia has and build up defensive works of which we know in some areas have been a bit questionable I I can’t see that a a pause wouldn’t actually benefit Ukraine more me and my smooth brain looking at this I think I actually think this would benefit Ukraine more Ukraine has to have a mobilization that can still happening dur a pause they have to build defensive works that can happen during a pause and have to move some equipment around that can happen I actually think this could help Ukraine more but he seems not to think so um if Russia is able to rebuild its Force to durink a pause and fighting it will uh be able to become strong enough issue ultimatums to Ukraine such as seeding territory a pledge not to join the alliance such as NATO and other desirable undesirable conditions the ceasefire would be a trap he says but can Russia get into a position where it can be strong enough to issue ultimatums and make then Ukraine maybe SE territory or not join a join NATO we know and an actual negotiation like if it was like yep you guys have to have a settlement by the weekend that this realistic situation on the front would be seting territory and pledges for military so where Ukraine is willing to start any negotiations by the 10-point peace plan and what they say is of course a return to those 1991 borders well it needs to be won militarily it’s not going to be made through an office if both countries are starting at Absolute opposite ends of the spectrum of course as Russia now hold the initiative on then the front line it will be interesting to see what will go take place in the future on this war now let’s have a look at some losses we’ve got some large claims you know how I feel about numbers losses and I don’t think losses of tens or hundreds of thousands of anyone is uh cause for celebration but I can see why for people involved in the fighting than they do I completely understand that but let’s have a look so Ukraine defense of Ukraine Russian Personnel losses for May 24 is the highest monthly number since the beginning of the full scale Invasion the occupi have two options return their land period in ours saying at nearly 39,000 Personnel we say we see that Ukraine claimed that it’s over half a million but we see then media Zone who has gone through the obituaries and Facebook and stuff say it’s more about mid 50,000 although they predict it to be higher but you’ve got the number that is confirmed and the number which is claimed at more than 10 times so where does that sit we actually don’t know I think a lot of these numbers that Ukraine is saying is liquidated to include anyone from has being killed to stubbing their toe that’s just my belief in the numbers and the numbers that we’ve seen Russia have to mobilize to send back in to backfill that it doesn’t seem to fit the claim there as well as some claims here born uh to fall cannot fly n Russian Jets have been proven in May a lot of people have questioned this including a lot of Ukrainian pages about the lack of evidence we’ve seen from aircraft going down and 880 Russian armored vehicles destroyed in May but they’re the Ukrainian claims then we have the Russian claims here as well which as you can see do line up fairly similar people people call out one but not the other I’m here to say I think both sides with the losses are playing into informational propaganda space to fit a narrative I don’t believe that either AR true could be more could be less it’s probably a lot less than you’re claiming but again from what we’re seeing the level of fighting the level of footage I don’t think it’s in the thousands a day and the ability continue fighting if I honestly believe if rusher is losing a th 2,000 guys a day yet still advancing that actually is a really bad sign of the ability that they and this is for now two years the ability they have to mobilize recruit arm and send in to still have movements on the front line anyway the Russian armed forces are systemically reducing the combat potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in May the enemy lost more than 35,000 military personnel this is from Russian defense minister Andre bishov of course the new one there and two uh 1,700 units of various weapons 290 tanks four Abrams which we have seen some loc of that seven leopard we have seen some of that uh Bradley in addition 11 airplanes four helicopters we know at least three hel helicopters were destroyed we have footage of that we reported on that too so again all these claims whatever this is to fit narratives propagandas whatever I’m not saying that it’s completely but I’m saying when it comes to numbers on the front line I like with work with people claiming strikes unless there’s footage of it I just don’t for numbers on this war of casualty Figures it’s going to come years after the years after the war and it’ll still probably be then a range but what we do know is the the losses are very very high Ukraine is saying that they’ve lost about 30,000 guys although Russia has had the artillery overmatch we know most people are killed by artillery of 10 to 20 to1 for now a long time Russia is using you know the more has fallen into the more attritional aspect of War whether that will be victorious Russia realizing that attritional Warfare quicker or not then we don’t know typically you lose less guys in defense than offensive and you can see been on the offensive more than defensive blah blah blah so to speculate about it my tip would be don’t take any numbers as factual until after the war and even then we will see so Hungary has had a peace March now of course Victor Orban has always been calling the leader of Hungary for peace and negotiations and this and that leading people to put him as a puppet of President Putin but let’s have a look at what he said at this piece March and a lot of the photographs show like a few people with a banner but but that is incorrect the tens of thousands of people rocked up to this peace mon this is just a screenshot that I took but there are a hell of a lot of people at this it’s not just a little limited view but what I will say in this as well is things like this democratically elected country popularist vote they’re being used to try and get more votes back as well and I’ll be very very interested to see what then former president Trump and uh President Biden have to say leading up to the election about this war where will they stance really be running in especially with what the situation then looks like on the front now and as you can tell there are undertones of coming up for an election in here but uh Orban says Europe must be prevented from rushing into war into its own destruction Europe today is preparing for war with daily announcements of the handing over of new section of Road to Hell now this is from a spokesman to the office here this zultan guy Zan if you ever seen what’s that movie Dude Where’s My Car we’re fighting for peace um we have to turn the European Union into a different direction to avoid war the rhetoric coming from the direction of France the United Kingdom and Germany uh clearly wants war with the help of the us we have seen particularly France talking about deployment of soldiers as well as more strikes in UK as well Germany maybe not so much but with the us and that I can see leaning on this of how that looks and to be honest it does look like wanting wider war and further involvement into here what is the nature of the future of this war well I don’t know when we talk about casualty sorry one more thing I want to say is the casualty figures will rise incredibly sharply we haven’t seen the front line move realistically move move since let let’s say the end of 2022 I know Buck mood I know AV divka I know the north sector up here but I mean like properly move but Russia’s goals we know is to capture you know complete oblas and Ukraine’s goals is to capture cities marol dones Lans Sylvester paol these are major areas and the casualty figures it will take for Russia to achieve their goals or Ukraine to achieve their goals is going to be potentially way more than double of what it is now and who can sustain that for the longest and who is willing to wear that hurt in now an attritional War I believe everything from here you and you’re not going to be out maneuver your enemy in this it’s going to be out trit through industrial capacity willingness for uh losses and replacement of people as well anyway legendss have a fantastic day I’m going to go one of my friends is cooking French onion onion soup which is like one of my favorite foods ever even if the French think it’s like a peasants food I don’t care have a great day I’ll speak to you tomorrow thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Imagine being so out of touch that you can for a second believe that Russia lost 38k men in a month. Anything Kiev claims, just divide it by 10 and you have your first order approximation of reality.

  2. Okay so Hungarian here. Orbán's party has been organising marches since 2011 called "Békemenet", Peace March and it had nothing to do with the war in Ukraine at all originally. But since the war started it came in handy that it's called Peace March lmao

  3. The problem is there is a delusional clown literally heading up the Ukraine and has no idea how to govern or even the math given his loses of only 31k KIA since war started….however his experience is following a comic script on TV in a comedy as President of Ukraine speaks volumes… he’s know given a script from the us of a. Lol 😂

  4. Why on earth would Russia want a pause? The Russians will never pause until they have everything they want. Winners DON'T need a pause/ceasefire……..

  5. Hitting civilian targets in Russia is not fighting back, it's simply revenge and that's a sign of loss of control in my opinion. Not to mention it's going to end the planet if it continues. Seriously someone please remove Mr Z ASAP, he's literally responsible for the total destruction of Ukraine. The Ukrainian people didn't vote him in to then witness the total destruction of the country, they thought he'd negotiate peace with Russia. Only to discover they were lied to by the crazed cia/mi6 agent!

  6. Willy l would say that Ukraine would be loosing large losses compared to Russian given Russia air superiority, fab bombs, artillery, drones etc above and beyond that of Ukraine, l’ve heard that there have had from a number of sources but its the military mathematics that add up, you be military background would know that….

  7. Willy you just admitted yourself that the Crimean bridge is used by civilians only and is therefore not a legitimate military target and destroying it would be a terrorist attack. And in the same sentence you talk about it being a PR victory if Ukraine were to destroy it.

    So my question to you is why are you promoting a terrorist action against a civilian structure? Or is it because it's in Russia the international rules don't apply?

    Would love to read your response to my question.

  8. Something should be recalled here. Willy says that allowing strikes across the border will lead to the movement of air defenses to the border for these strikes. Some contradiction immediately arises. Ukraine has few air defenses to protect its critical facilities. Will Ukraine remove the remaining ones and send them to attack the Russian border? And who benefits from it? Air defense is something that reveals its location by radar and missile launches. If, deep in the territory, the air defense is saved by a change of location. Then closer to the border with Russia, such an air defense system will be monitored by surveillance means and it will not be possible to hide it. This is confirmed by the records of the destruction of Ukrainian air defense in the Kharkiv region, in which air defense installations are destroyed on the march. This also applies to other long-range systems. I'm not saying it won't happen. Zelensky thinks little about the losses of his army. But if this happens, the issue of air defense in Ukraine will become even more acute. Dozens of "Patriots" were never sent to Zelensky. Is Ukraine talking about any troop concentrations on Russian territory? It would be strange if troops did not appear there after the attack on the Belgorod region. Does Ukraine want to declare total war on Russia? So that another million regular army, with all its unlimited arsenal, joins the army fighting in Ukraine? I think this would lead to a quick end to the conflict. And without any negotiations.

    It is advantageous for Russia to launch an offensive on the Zaporozhye front. It is very far to escape from Kharkov to Zaporozhye. And Russia began to destroy bridges and railways. The advance of the front in this direction moves it away from the nuclear power plant. And the offensive along the Dnieper has tactical advantages.

  9. People need to understand that the US is not a savior, it is an aggressor. The government is so corrupt the country is being destroyed from within just like all the other western countries and that includes: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc. Decisions are made on how large corporations including Military Industrial Complex can make more money for stockholder's and gain more power in order to keep making more money. This is combined with the globalist/WEF/climate change push for a One World Government (by these same people), but not for the benefit of the world, it's for the benefit of the rich. Everything you hear out of mainstream media is lies because they are also owned by the same. Ukraine is not really a country. It is a business that was sold to BlackRock and oil companies for profit. NONE of these people care how many Ukrainian's die to protect their business interests. All the money given to Ukraine, especially by US, is already in the pockets of these corporate criminals, so if Ukrainians keep dying……… They plan was to use Ukraine to take over Russia. Everything you are hearing about Russia on what started this war is lie.

  10. Willy you can’t have that overmatch of artillery , AirPower and just about everything else and expect ukraines losses not to be significantly higher than russias ! Propaganda aside ,the shear weight of fires coming down on Ukrainian positions must be devastating . It’s a bloody travesty that the west won’t allow negotiations to save lives on both sides

  11. Yall gonna keep messing around with russia and they're going to use nukes.
    Keep it up, its easy to sit in the united states and Australia making analysts, but this is on russian borders along with a none elected president anymore continuing to strike russia on a daily basis.
    Better wake up!

  12. Ukraine numbers I would divide by 1/3.

    Russian numbers even more exaggerated, claiming about a million now.

    Russia 150,000-160,000 (including mercs et al). Ukraine 50,000-60,000.

    It’s a brutal war of choice that internationally wanted war criminal Putin started.

  13. All indications are that the landing failed, except we're not going to show you any indications. They have drone video showing the Russians landing, but don't happen to have any video of them being defeated. Right. The Ukrainians have trenches and fortifications all over that area and yet they couldn't be bothered with putting one single mine on the road so the Russians just drove in, got out, walked over to the trenches and jumped in. Super advanced military planning there. Let the enemy just walk in and take over your fortifications. Novel strategy. How's that working so far?

  14. GREAT NEWS: "President Volodymyr Zelensky on June 2 said the U.S. should allow Ukraine to strike inside Russia with long-range Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) missiles to protect lives"

  15. I don't think we don't have an idea of the KIA rate. The Russians are adverse to their death rate. Their aggressive attritional strategy reduces their casualties and Ukraine and their territory strategy is a people grinder that leads to high casualties… You just can't we just don't know we have a good idea

  16. Oryx had a good count of losses (equipment) for both sides.

    By end of last year 2000 Russian tanks and 600 Ukrainian. This includes captured.

  17. You are a clown please viewers you can go see for yourself the Russians landed successfully across the canal that grenade dropped from the drone was the only shot fired at the squad the took these positions without a shot we just don’t know if they were able to hold onto it

  18. Wow, I think the Bots love willy.
    I haven't had any of the nuclear power plant for a long time. The Russian attacks all power plants just not that?
    Better said, I hope they leave this in shape.
    Im from Europe . Dont need that nuclear rain again in relation to Chernobil back at that days.

  19. When you see massive Ukrainian cemeteries filled, Russia teritory gains than you can assume whose numbers are more of a truth. You dont have to be a genious to figure that one out.

  20. Non slav overlords using janissaries against their own kin. This anglo blathers on….. Remember…Russian troops entering Paris and then later Berlin.

  21. Willy even though he is a grunt, he knows the reality of the strategic situation … but his grunt brain is not contemplating that his Hero the Nazi Dictator Zelensky is lying to the west to keep us funding his massive theft and destruction of Ukraine for profit .. the longer he lies for the more cash the Ukrainian Dictator makes … then the west will spirit him away and have him on programs funded at our expanse for the next decade.

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