US Allows Ukraine to Hit Russian Territory with American Weapons | Vantage with Palki Sharma

US Allows Ukraine to Hit Russian Territory with American Weapons | Vantage with Palki Sharma

New reports say that US President Joe Biden has allowed Ukraine to use American weapons to conduct strikes inside Russian territory. So far, all western weapons supplied to Ukraine came with a limitation: Ukraine could not use them to attack Russian soil. But the latest Russian offensive on Ukraine’s second-largest city, Kharkiv, has forced Kyiv’s western allies to rethink their stance. In early May, the UK gave Ukraine permission to use its weapons to strike Russia. Britain was followed by France and Germany who made similar announcements. Now, it seems the US has also untied Ukraine’s hands. But how will Russia react to this latest escalation?

US Weapons | USA | Joe Biden | Russia Ukraine War | Zelensky | Vladimir Putin | Firstpost | World News | Vantage | Palki Sharma

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  1. Russia escalated with the start of a war. 145 million people have more than twice as much land as India! Now Europe is defending its freedom and social peace. It is a miracle that Ukraine has been resisting for more than two and a half years. How weak Russia is that it takes so much time and achieves almost nothing! Now Europe is eagerly arming itself. We will see what will happen.

  2. stop wasting your time with China's fake 5th gen fighter it's just a bad copy of a US jet, they can't even build a proper reactor. Just buy or upgrade the F4 standard of the Rafale who can detect any 5th gen fighter no matter where it comes from and the game will be over.

  3. If joe biden respects the laws then why joe biden continues to give Israel billions of dollars of weapons to israel to murder innocent unarmed palestinians children, women and old people and all buildings and houses thus joe biden does not accept the verdict of iccj,Why?


  5. Basically many Americans don't believe in their constitution, don't believe in their judicial system or their electoral system. How are they different from Russians or Chinese? Oh, it's a democracy except they think that's corrupt also. They only believe in the Trump and his conspiracy theories He is the answer! Halleluja!

  6. Putin🇷🇺🤝🇨🇳Xi Jinping are the best presidents in the World🌎👉🇺🇸 USA economy is based on selling weapons by provoking wars, when there is world peace, USA economy is over

    USA only brings interference, conflicts, confrontations, division, separation, bombs, illegal sanctions, poverty, and USA military army bases to occupy and control your nation, bully and endless problems to your politics and economy, just like how USA ruined middle east nations like iraq, Palestine Gaza, syria, afghanistan, ukraine. USA and its allies have never done anything good to the world.

    Great China brings peace, cooperation, daily life products, infrastructures, and economic development to improve local people's life quality and their economies…😳oh almost forgotten to mention👉USA created Terrorists Taliban with Pakistan then called them Terrorists after years started supporting Taliban terrorists in Afghanistan and pay $40 million weekly till now, Since🇺🇸🇪🇺left Afghanistan 😳Last 20 years they used to call them terrorists but not anymore🤔finally brought the Terrorists in power in Afghanistan 👉🇺🇸👎🇪🇺👎

  7. Christian Bible
    Proverbs 18:17
    “The one who states his case FIRST sounds right until another comes and cross examines him. Every story SOUNDS right until someone tells the other side”

    For those listening to this program please realize something if you believe every word without hearing the other side YOUR A FOOL! This is classic Palki Sharma demonic talking puppet for cnn the arch enemy of Trump because he almost single handedly almost put them out of business EXPOSING THEIR LIES AND FAKE NEWS! Run out of America now they use palki to be their “undercover” talking head. Same old lies just a new dress! If you have any character at all and at least want to give the other side ANY listen time at all check out Sean Hannity and other conservatives as he lists point after point after point how this trial was the biggest charade travesty of justice in American history. Rather than being classic “Trump” this is classic communist activity lawfare to get the leading candidate out of the race. It is backfiring however… not only is President Trump taking in MASSIVE CAMPAIGN DONATIONS more than ever in American history (their computers crashed from the overload) but his poll numbers keep shooting up sky high more than any other ever in American history. Why? Because ALL Americans even many trump haters see this as a dire terrible communist type use of the legal system it is soooooo DANGEROUS and unjust in just about every aspect. Of course this cnn talking head will cover it all up as she has to in order to keep her job and to stay on the air.

    Some points to list a few…
    A GAG order was put on Trump and his lawyer and NO ONE ELSE.
    No specific crime is ever given (palki is spreading misinformation as she tried to give it a name, even saying she personally KNOWS Trump had sex with the girl getting a ton of money to be quite about their relationship “facts” NOT in evidence, no one can define the crime AT ALL NOR HAVE THEY if you hear the whole story
    The judge was totally conflicted as was the jury before the judge had any crime whatsoever ever heard He was out telling the public LONG AGO HE told people he would GET TRUMP!!! His family members make a living doing the same. The jury came from a small area where 95% of all votes in that little area were for criminal lie’n BRIBESbiden TRAITORjoe. And the judge who gave money to criminal lie’n BRIBESbiden TRAITORjoe would not excuse himself for conflict of interest and would not allow the trial to be moved to ANY more neutral location when virtually ANY OTHER would have.
    The defense was endlessly badgered by the judge threatened warned and gagged, virtually EVERY objection was shot down and followed by a threat. The prosecution had zero hostilities from the judge. Since no crime was ever given the judge told the jury Don’t worry about agreeing on a specific crime if you all agree something was wrong that’s good enough. A crime in and of itself ….as all accused are required by law to have a clear concise accusation of the crime they’ve committed. As I said palkis lay out of the allegations is false news totally inappropriate in every way! Everyone and their brother agrees if this ever goes to a higher court it will be thrown out almost immediately just for the fact the statute of limitations had already run its course for one thing not to mention zillions of other criminal activities surrounding this judge and prosecutor. In the end they certainly will face their own judgement in Revelation 21:8 as all the other criminal courts of history such as the arrest of John the Baptist and his beheading the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus the arrest and beheading of the apostle Paul the arrest of Peter and his upside down crucifixion after watching his wife murdered the arrest of Jesus’ brother James and his slaying and the endless list goes on of criminal activities by those who are SUPPOSED TO BE THE ONES WHO UPHOLD THE LAW NOT USE IT TO DO CRIME!
    As for criminal lie’n BRIBESbiden TRAITORjoe he has now added this vile wickedness to all his other vicious wicked sins such as his adulterous affair taking another man’s wife who was helping him campaign, it is a sin for him to be married to this other man’s wife as he is right now. TRAITORjoe Joe will find on judgment day there is no place in hell hot enough for all his endless evils lies murders and thefts and betrayals Revelation 21:8 Awaits!!!

  8. Christian Bible
    Revelation 9:16-18
    (On china/india conflict)
    The apostle John foretold of a day when there would be an army of 200 million. This was written when there wasn’t 200 million people on earth. Some years ago china boasted THEIR army was this big back then.

    Really… apart from a nuclear exchange india would be easier to take than Ukraine. So be wise and don’t even go there! Honestly, from what I’ve seen of the two countries … china is doing a whole lot more with what God has given them than has idol worshipping india.

    The army had 200 million soldiers on horseback (demonic in nature) I heard them say how many there were. I saw as God wanted to show me, the horses and the men on them. The men had pieces of iron over their chests. There were red like fire, and blue like the sky and yellow as sulfur, the heads of the horses, looked like the heads of lions. Fire and smoke and sulfur came out of their mouths. One third of all humanity was killed by the fire and smoke and sulfur that came out of their mouths.

    This passage is a future event to take place on earth. Part of Gods judgment on defiant humanity giving them their own just deserts! After this judgment one half of humans on earth will be killed. What is that now? 3 and a half billion? Notice… none of these doing the killing IS EVER killed!

  9. At the age of 65 people in India opt for retirement and both the contenders still want to continue for Presidential election. Capitalism and societies that follow takes away the joy of enjoying life after retirement.😂

  10. Trump was found guilty on over 30 charges of fraud & found the jury was unanimous in his guilty verdict. He rants about conspiracy because the charges cannot be refuted so an appeal is pointless. He will not go to jail because of his former position but be held under house arrest without internet access for security reasons. He intends to run for election but he could not be effective under such circumstances, Charles Manson could run if he got backing which America needs to address. A minor offence should not prevent becoming President but serious breaches of law should. It was not rigged as his lawyers could change any biased jurors who convicted him. It is good to see rich people being brought to justice under Biden. Trump is in the process of selection & if he polls badly in a few states will be removed. There are many crazy conspiracy theorists gullible enough to believe he is a victim despite the facts, but the polls show his support has gone down significantly.
    You now begin to feel the fear of Ukraine but India will not get the same international sympathy or support as India has a military force & has not condemned Russia's expansion but rather used the war to make profit; why should we denounce China for doing the same? A large part of India's current success is the young population, economies are cyclical & will change as they get old, also as domestic growth drops inflation will rise. India stored it's gold was kept in Britain for convenience, it has been returned as requested. Russian money is meant to be given to Ukraine as compensation for the huge damage done, this is only fair. I am proud that Britain led others to allow Ukraine to fight back on a level playing field, why should their hands be tied? If China starts war with India it will retaliate. I warned of China's military along the south of Asia long ago. Although a part of me thinks Modi is not dissimilar to Hitler China's tactics make little sense, with Russia weakened it would be easy to take the natural riches of Siberia which is sparsely populated.
    Despite the end of apartheid nothing of consequence has changed there, there is a rich elite while others live in extreme poverty. All Brics countries are corrupt.
    China & Russia are the biggest international hackers to get technological & military information, viruses that spread until found. India & the Phillipines have scammed huge amounts mainly from older people in the West, this began after companies used such places for cheap technical support – I no longer use these companies.
    Although illegal mass migration is turning countries right wing Sunak is unpopular, it is likely no party will get a majority as Reform gains popularity.
    I find it ironic that all problem solvers & scientists you highlighted were Western; we create & you take, is this a part of your anti-Western resentment?

  11. India is enjoying vibrant economic growth & democratic freedom! They might surpass China as the second largest economy in 20 years!
    I hope they won't turn they're democracy like Russia… that Putin used & steal democratic system turned into his personal empire & dictatorship over more than 250 million Russian citizens.

  12. Christian Bible
    John 8:7
    Jesus’ Words
    ( President Trump speaking to an ungodly woman)
    “When they continued asking him Jesus rose up and said… “LET HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE”

  13. Hi palki
    Can do vedio on why only 50% of indain voted.
    Also which state, which district , religion, cast , group not voted and why ….

    Some reason like being in foreign unable to walk , dead not removed from voter list ….

  14. Christian Bible
    Proverbs 18:17
    (On Economy growth india)
    “Every story SOUNDS right until someone comes along and tells the other side.”

    As of today of all the nations in the world BANK OF AMERICA (largest bank in the world) can’t even do an exchange of currency from the dollar to the rupee because without the thousand rupee bill it would take bags and bags and bags of rupees to even make a single grand of us currency.

    For example Indonesia has the “rupiah”
    1000 dollars becomes OVER a million rupiah so without larger bills it’s almost impossible to exchange currency.

    So it all “sounds” good like an up coming election politician would want it to… but in the end it really means very little.

    Work out a way BOA can exchange currency in a REASONABLE fashion, then let’s talk.

    Many People who had the rupee back when modi stopped payment on the 1000 rupee bill lost all their money. Not a happy memory around the world. Kind of like theft in some ways wouldn’t you say?

  15. Christian Bible
    Proverbs 23:4,5
    Psalm 135:15-18
    Proverbs 3:
    (On gold of india)
    Do not wear yourself out to get rich, do not trust in your OWN cleverness, cast but a glance at riches and they are gone. For they will surely sprout wings and “FLY OFF” like an eagle!

    The idols of THE NATIONS are silver and gold, made by human hands. They have mouths but cannot speak, eyes but cannot see, they have ears but cannot hear, nor is there breath in their mouths. Those who make them will be like them, so will all who trust in them.

    Blessed are those who find wisdom(the fear of the Lord Jesus is the beginning of wisdom)who gain understanding for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare to her. Long life is in her right hand and riches and honor is in her left. Her ways are pleasant ways and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her; those who hold her fast WILL BE BLESSED. By wisdom the Lord (Jesus)laid the earth’s foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place, by his knowledge the watery depths were divided, and the clouds let down the dew.

  16. Christian Bible
    Revelation 13:4-8
    (On Saudi Arabia, china, and “AI”)
    (putin of russia once said “whoever wins the Ai race will rule the world…satan, the antichrist will)
    People worshipped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast(“Ai”)
    And they also worshipped the beast and asked, “who is like the beast who can wage war against it?” The beast was given a MOUTH to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for 42 months. It opened its mouth to blaspheme God(Jesus, as all hell bound do) and to slander Jesus’ name Gods name and His dwelling place and those who are living in heaven. It was given power to wage war on Gods Holy People and….”TO CONQUER THEM!!!” And it was given authority over every tribe, people, LANGUAGE, and nation.

    All inhabitants of the earth will “worship” the beast(satan/antichrist controlled Ai)
    -ALL whose names have not been written in the Lambs book of life, the Lamb,(Jesus) who was slain from the Creation of the world. (Those who’s names are written in the Lambs book of life will be given eternal life in heaven, believing in Jesus is the way, those not written are cast into the eternal lake of fireRevelation21:8 and tormented as by burning fire for all eternity where the worm never dies and the fire is never quenched!)

  17. Christian Bible
    Proverbs 14:15,16
    (On indias so called “election”)
    The gullible believe everything they’re told, the prudent sift and weigh every word. The wise watch their steps to avoid evil, fools are headstrong and reckless.

    Putting confidence in electronic digital voting that can never be verified with integrity is the same as not voting at all.

    A man not even living in india never watching or listening to anything said or done on the campaign trail can easily tell you who has been selected to be the prime minister. It will be modi. “Voting” has nothing to do with it. Electronic voting machines ALWAYS validate the man pre-selected to win. As long as any country uses electronic voting they no longer are a real democracy. It’s a “psychological” democracy in name only 😢only.

  18. Christian Bible
    Psalm 127:2
    Mark 6:31
    Mark 1:35
    Deuteronomy 16:16,17
    (On Life balancing times of rest vs work or solitude vs socialization)
    “It is vain for you to rise up early to stay up late to eat the bread of sorrows, for so the Lord gives His beloved rest”
    Some versions say “ the Lord gives to His beloved EVEN “IN” their sleep!

    And Jesus said unto them, come ye yourselves apart, into a desert place, and rest awhile, for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.
    ( if you don’t come apart you WILL COME APART… biggest reason for lengthy hospital stays) (you will break the bow if you keep it ALWAYS BENT)
    Christians have for centuries applied the celebration of discipline called the discipline of “solitude” Alone with God but never lonely.

    Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up left the house, and went off to a solitary place to pray.
    (Just before He knew He would be crucified, he went to the garden of gethsemane to pray and was found there led away to crucifixion)

    Three times a year all your males shall appear before the Lord your God in the place where He chooses: at the feast of unleavened Bread, at the Feast of Weeks, and at the Feast of Tabernacles and they shall not appear before the Lord empty handed.
    ( this is like a month worth of vacations one week in January, one week in May, and two weeks in fall,winter, perhaps November or December or both. And God gives strict warning… don’t go on vacation and leave your church hanging with bills, pay tithes and offerings too!)

    Sanguine type personalities recharge by being with people but they need alone time too! Melancholy personalities are recharged by being alone but they need times with people too! Usually these two types of personalities “MARRY” it is the Lords way of giving balance to both types of people, as “opposites” attract.
    In the work place usually “like” personalities “attract” which can lead to imbalances. Be careful!

  19. Christian Bible
    Isaiah 3:9
    (On Isreal Pride Parade)
    The Words of God…
    “The look on their faces, testifies AGAINST them; they parade their sin like sodom, THEY DO NOT HIDE IT, WOE!!!To them they have brought disaster upon themselves.”
    (Don’t hear of it much anymore but “aids” has not ended and is still a horrible way of death)

  20. China has jets on Sikkim border because in a U.S.-China conflict, which side will India take? An educated guess would be that India will take this opportunity to invade the disputed border areas with China. Eh voila! India is part of the Quad, is it not? 😊

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