Putin just got terrible news! France made tough decision for Ukraine! Kremlin shocked by this news!

[Music] [Music] welcome to Oracle eyes macron’s move to anger Putin signatures are signed France is sending troops to Ukraine while the conflicts between Ukraine and Russia continue intensely in the Eastern regions of the country a claim that has come to the agenda in recent days continues to attract the attention of the World Press macron is sending troops to the war ravaged country of Ukraine’s Western supporters in NATO and Europe while disagreements continue within the alliance over the possibility of sending troops Kiev hopes France’s initiative will embolden other Western Partners Ukraine’s commander-in-chief Alexander srki announced that France will send troops to Kiev to train Ukrainian soldiers while military analysts say Putin has succeeded in turning Ukraine’s shortage of ammunition and Personnel into a major success the help Kiev has been waiting for has come from its Western Partners while Spain has pledged to send1 billion EUR in military aid to Ukraine French president Emanuel macron is also preparing to send troops to Ukraine according to reports after talks with French defense minister Sebastian loru documents were signed allowing French troops to visit Ukrainian training centers French president Emanuel macron plans to present a plan for the possible deployment of French military instructors to Ukraine according to reports he said during his visit to Germany that this could happen as early as next week according to him such a plan could be presented during the visit of Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski to Normandy on the occasion of the Allied Landings in World War II we will then speak very clearly to announce what we will do macron emphasized recalling that there had been un ordinated and unsuccessful communication on the subject thus he announced that the president of Ukraine will visit France when president zalinski comes to France next week on the occasion of D-Day I will have the opportunity to welcome him and then clearly explain what we will do the French president said at a press conference according to him during zelinsky’s visit all possible options for providing support to Ukraine will be discussed es about the delgate imminent dispatch of military trainers to Ukraine mron said that he does not comment on rumors and condemned uncoordinated and failed communication reports suggest that France plans to send a limited number of personnel initially to assess the modalities of the mission before involving several hundred trainers sources said the training would focus on demining keeping equipment operational and Technical expertise for fighter jets to be provided by the West the French government will also Finance arm and train a Ukrainian motorized Brigade as you may recall Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has frequently appealed to his Western partners for training support since 2022 the UK the US and European countries have trained more than 100,000 troops on European soil French president Emanuel macron raised eyebrows in February when he said that sending Western troops to Ukraine could not be ruled out however polish foreign minister radosav Sikorski added that the deployment of NATO troops in Ukraine was not Unthinkable while macron’s statement was supported by Poland many European countries notably Germany and Italy said it was out of the question macron’s proposal caused divisions within Western countries and NATO with Britain and Germany strongly opposing macron’s proposal Paris hopes to build and lead a coalition of states to assist Kiev in this way despite fears among some European Union partners that it could provoke a direct confrontation with Russia macron’s comments have naturally rattled other NATO leaders first shortly after macron’s remarks German Chancellor Olaf Schultz said that there would be no ground troops no troops sent to Ukrainian territory by European or NATO countries US President Joe Biden said early in the more than 2-year war that US forces have not and will not engage in a conflict with Russia in Ukraine in March 2024 the president said keev did not want American troops moreover the Italian defense minister called on France not to escalate tensions with statements about sending troops to Ukraine France’s Italian Partners in NATO and the European Union did not like paris’s statements on the possibility of sending military personnel to Ukraine according to Italian defense minister Guido crosetto the French authorities should not escalate tensions with such statements in short Ukraine’s supporters continue to oppose the idea of sending troops despite the billions of dollars in military aid to Kiev this is a move that could drag NATO into a more direct confrontation with Russia meanwhile as the nato-backed Ukrainian regime faces defeat in its war with Russia NATO forces are stepping up preparations for a major military escalation in Ukraine this was the conclusion of the NATO parliamentary assembly held the other day in Sophia Bulgaria Russia can and must suffer a strategic defeat in Ukraine the summit declaration said it called for a clearly defined strategy based on the goal of providing Ukraine with everything it needs as soon as possible and for as long as it takes to win if NATO wants to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia deal a crippling blow to its military and force Moscow into regime change it will require NATO forces to enter the war more directly the Ukrainian Army has lost a lot of blood losing more than half a million Soldiers the Sophia Summit declaration advocated lifting some restrictions on the use of weapons provided by NATO allies to strike legitimate Targets in Russia until now Ukrainian strikes against Targets in Russia have largely been limited to the city of belgrad which is within range of Ukrainian made missiles the sopia summit paved the way for Ukraine to use the long range Storm Shadow scalp Taurus and AAC mess missiles provided by NATO to bombard cities in the Russian interior after UK foreign secretary David Cameron said Ukraine could use Britain’s Storm Shadow missiles to bomb Russia the Russian foreign Ministry summoned British Ambassador Nigel Casey and warned that Russia would retaliate by striking Targets in Britain by echoing Cameron’s threats NATO is making it clear that it is prepared to risk a direct war with with Russia at The Summit in mesber last night German Chancellor Olaf Schultz and French president Emanuel macron called for Ukraine to be allowed to bomb Russia with NATO missiles if we tell them that they can’t hit where the missiles are coming from we are essentially saying that we give you weapons but you can’t defend yourself macron said this comes as Finland Poland and the Baltic states have announced the construction of a drone wall along the Russian border to prepare to combat Russian military drones Kremlin spokesman pesov for his part said that the United States and other NATO countries intend to continue the war with Russia which would be a major blow to their interests pesco’s remarks recalled Russian President Vladimir Putin’s statement in 2021 that NATO’s expansion of its military infrastructure in Ukraine was a red line for Russia based on this statement it can be said that Russia has made it clear that it will not hesitate to respond to the deployment of Western troops in Ukraine according to experts such an event could even trigger the risk of a global war pesov also pointed out that NATO countries are escalating tensions with statements about striking Russian territory with Western made weapons of course all this will inevitably lead to certain consequences pesov said noting that the alliance seems intent on continuing the war with Russia ultimately this will be a big blow to the interests of the countries that have chosen the path of escalation pesov said Russia however confirmed reports that France is preparing to send troops to Ukraine Maria zacharova Drew attention to the document signed by the commanderin-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Alexander cersi which give French instructors the legal right to visit the training centers of the Ukrainian Army Russian foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova said at a briefing that reports that France France is preparing to send troops to Ukraine have been confirmed there are reports that France is preparing to send troops to Ukraine I would like to note that we disclose such reports on April 3rd although Paris is trying to hide the involvement of its professional troops in the conflict the Diplomat noted that the Kiev regime is deliberately promoting such developments in order to once again demand broad international support and strengthen its failed mobilization campaign zacharova Drew attention to the document signed by the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Alexander siriri which give French instructors the legal right to visit the training centers of the Ukrainian Army now the Elis Palace should comment on this information instead of hiding behind vague statements the Russian foreign Ministry spokeswoman said the so-called instructors are needed to guide long range scalp missiles which are technically difficult to use to targets zacharova underlined that remarks regarding the potential of dispatching soldiers to Ukraine have also been made by Poland and the Baltic republics it is evident from this that their original intentions for Ukraine have totally failed they are now attempting to find new strategies to carry on the campaign why therefore does Russia find France’s actions so frightening why are Putin and other Kremlin Representatives pressuring France so hard not to provide soldiers to Ukraine naturally having french forces instruct Ukrainian Army members on the battlefield would be a major benefit during hostilities thus it is reasonable that the Kremlin would be worried about this however we see that Russia has far more serious issues if we examine the situation of the Russian armed forces and the defense Ministry at the moment as you are aware there was Mayhem in the Kremlin during the purges that started when Russian defense minister Sergey shyu was dismissed Deputy defense min Minister teor Ivanov and Lieutenant General Yuri katof chief of the Personnel directorate of the defense Ministry were among the Russian defense officials who were removed from office within a month on suspicion of corruption five senior defense officials being handcuffed in less than a month increased the turmoil in Russia and after 12 years as defense minister Sergey shyu shifted sideways in a way that was too public to be imprisoned rather than being detained and this started the unrest and the unfair aable Trend in the nation however the fate of Valerie gasimov the chief of the general staff is yet unknown together with Putin and defense minister Andre balof he is regarded as one of Russia’s most influential leaders and one of the three persons with access to the country’s nuclear weapons for months now gasimov has been invisible this week Vadim shamarin the deputy chief of the Russian general staff under gasimov was detain tained for corruption the purges merely heighten the possibility of more turmoil and support the idea that Putin is to blame for the chaotic Society we live in actually and he has been planning this for a while Putin needs World chaos to accomplish his objectives he is intensifying his attempts to spread more Mayhem most people are not even aware of the enormous disinformation war that Putin is preparing and the anti-western sabotage campaign he is already waging another facet of sabotage concerns underwater infrastructure as we have seen with the Nord streams gas pipeline Devastation in the Baltic undersea data and communication cables are also targets and may come under the purview of cyber attacks for many years Russian proxies have been targeting Western institutions scouting for holes and polishing their techniques Western Nations including France are considered to be stepping up their military backing for Ukraine which is why the Kremlin is inclined to escalate its Invasion operations in this manner this is because Putin is attempting to persuade the Western governments including the administration in Paris not to back Ukraine Putin’s tactic hasn’t however been particularly successful on France at this time the menacing and authoritarian practices of Russia in the baltics and other vital regions have not been accepted by the Paris government will the intentions of Russian president Vladimir Putin to pose a greater threat to the West however grow more urgent in the future one of the most significant instances of the response to this issue was recently encountered in the baltics a draft legislation altering Russia’s Baltic Sea borders was issued by the Russian Ministry of Defense which then retracted it Russia’s Imperial revisionism and its intention to artificially enlarge its area to suit new geopolitical realities and contemporary base Maps were confirmed by this move reacting Swedish Armed Forces Commander male Biden declared that the goal was to take control of Maritime traffic and seize the Swedish island of gotland which is situated in the midst of the Baltic Sea for the fleet departing St Petersburg Finland and Estonia supervised the Gulf of Finland departures while Denmark kept an eye on the Baltic Sea exits to the North Sea and the open ocean actually got was considered an island acting as a strategic land-based aircraft carrier and resembled Crimea in the Baltic Sea the most recent accusations highlight Russia’s aim for growth and dominance over new Baltic Sea regions where it would impose sanctions and prohibitions on NATO members in the area as we indicated a controversial plan law for the unilateral redrawing of Maritime borders in the Baltic region has been released by the Russian defense Ministry its pullout was prompted by criticism from the EU NATO Ukraine the Nordic and Baltic countries though the Kremlin stressed that this Viewpoint did not constitute official Russian policy it was still unknown how this Viewpoint would be put into practice the paper was posted to a legal Affairs website where future legislation are discussed once it was withdrawn the sole sources of support for this legislation were a Moscow times opinion and a Twitter image of the text an inadequate formula to all comments ERS the lack of the real text presents serious issues these Clauses for unilateral withdrawal were supposed to take effect on January 1st 2025 Putin May yet attempt to put the plan into effect even after it was taken down from the official website Russia frequently tests different versions of contentious policies removes them for adjustment and then brings them back at more convenient times or when the political decision must be made in its entirety the ministerial order will modify the maritime borders surrounding Russian held islands in the Gulf of Finland and Russia’s kenrad exclave according to information currently available about the document the project updates the Soviet agreement negotiated during the dayon era in 1985 it is aimed at the Eastern Gulf of Finland a number of islands close to the Finnish coast and the seaside regions close to the kaliningrad cities of baltis and zelenogradsk the Baltic countries especially Estonia and Lithuania as well as maybe Poland and Sweden may be impacted by this Russian Representatives responses were unclear even after the initiative was removed from government websites on Thursday May 23rd Russian foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria zacharova declared that the Russian defense Ministry had just removed the legislation to make clear the updated boundary features similar pieces quote an anonymous diplomatic military Source Who categorically refuted Russia’s plan to alter the Border territorial Waters exclusive economic zone and continental shelf were published by official news agencies Tas interfax and raia Kremlin spokesman Dimitri pesc meantime refuted the proposal’s existence but noted that the political environment has changed since the Border was drawn and that tensions have increased to the point of war in the Baltic region calling on the pertinent authorities to take the required action to guarantee Russia’s Security on the enigmatic deletion of the legislative announcement on its website the ministry of National Defense made no remarks on May 23rd Estonia meantime declared that 20 boys beacons indicating the Russian border had vanished from the narva border river reaction to this action was unified and unanimity it was viewed as an attack against Russia’s neighbor neighbors a test a provocation and an effort to split the West obviously the subtleties varied leading fins demanded explanation and urged patience until Russia’s intentions and facts were known leaders of lvia warned that this was a genuine threat to International Security and the start of more assertive claims against the Baltic republics according to experts this presents a challenge to Nato since it tests responses with an action that is under the radar and below the threshold for triggering Article 5 of the treaty the Lithuanian foreign Ministry interpreted the incident as a test of Russia’s aggressive and revisionist tactics and characterized it as a purposeful targeted escalatory provocation meant to terrify neighboring states and their societies Russia cannot modify borders in this way Swedish prime minister Ulf christon stressed reacting yen stoltenberg Secretary General of NATO said that the alliance will play its part in the event of an attack on a member State on Thursday May 23rd the Estonian foreign Ministry called the Russian Char deair to Talon and erased the Border marking on the Estonian side of the narva river the Baltic republics and Finland had the backing of several European nations in a statement issued on its own the EU urged Russia to clarify its activities along the narva river this border episode is part of a broader pattern of provocations and hybrid actions including those targeting Russia’s Maritime and land borders in the Baltic Sea stress Joseph Burell the eu’s high representative for foreign policy Mr Burell insisted on explanations for the buoy removal and a prompt return to their original location Russia and Estonia have disputed the position ever since Russia began its massive military campaign in Ukraine in 2022 naturally the targeted governments and decision makers at NATO and the EU were mostly concerned with ascertaining Russia’s intentions the significance of this gesture and the geopolitical significance of a possible border redrawing their other goal was to find out what Russia wanted to change about the boundary though opinions differ experts concur that this is a clear statement that reflects moscow’s way of thinking and is in line with Russia’s border policies strategies and activities among these Was the removal of the suggestion from the website which was done to discredit the irresponsible alarmists who constantly warn about what is not happening in Russia and ought to be disregarded the published document claimed that the boundary lines drawn by the Soviet government in 1985 no longer correspond to today’s geopolitical realities and should be changed thus it declared portions of the waters on the Eastern side of the Gulf of Finland and close to kaliningrad as Russia’s internal Waters the text was removed to highlight that it was purely a defense Ministry opinion unconnected to Russian State policy but as is generally known Putin is a history and geography buff who solely opposes the might of NATO Nations working together Russia’s actual intentions are still unknown in the lack of the complete text and the demanded explanations Russia obviously is not happy with with its Soviet Union history on these matters though and the ministry maintains that nautical charts that are no longer in use were used to trace the Border in 1985 the objection to the Baseline used for Border monitoring stems from the fact that the current boundaries do not permit the delineation of the outer limits of Russia’s Inland Waters mainly the suggested modifications will impact law enforcement defense and security organizations in nearby States particularly the Baltic sea Crews and ships from a wider standpoint nevertheless France’s most recent action still gives optimism for countermeasures against Putin even in the face of Russia’s activities endangering the West NATO and other supporters of Ukraine stated differently Putin’s oppressive actions in the baltics and the Scandinavian lands are probably going to be eclipsed by French president Emanuel macron’s proposal to dispatch soldiers to Ukraine thus analysts of war and experts expect Putin to act more audaciously against the West probably the baltics will back these actions it is crucial right now how the West will respond to Russia’s potentially disastrous and expanding policies the West is likely to have far greater shared defense Supremacy against Russia if it responds in this process like France this anticipated combined force is unlikely to be opposed by Russian President Vladimir Putin thank you for following us

Putin just got terrible news! France made tough decision for Ukraine! Kremlin shocked by this news!

  1. Here we go again,France making it worse because they know they are shite at war.the uk bailed you out twice before so hopefully we leave you to this one.

  2. Take Putin out take him out we don’t need no dictators trying to go and rule other countries it’s just not right take him out good job Ukraine, and France

  3. It's amazing to me how 1 person (putin) can lie to his people, his government, and mostly to himself. He is absolutely bonkers and needs to be taken out.

  4. If Russia can go to other countries to recruit and deploy troops for the war that Putin started. Than way cant Ukraine except help from who evers willing to help ?.with training Ukrainian troops .and not to engage in battle .

  5. The Europe, especially U.K and France are in deep economical shape and think by getting involve with Ukraine and its U.S. created war, they can direct their nations attention to a different matter than their shamble economy.

  6. I hope Africa will also send troops to Russia to bolster Russia's troop strength.They sent troops to Africa to help fight Western colonialism. With a population of 1.5 billion with 70 percent below the age of 30 we have more than enough fighting age men. Putin should request troops from Africa. Russians are our brothers.

  7. Excellent President Macron. All the EU countries around Ukraine should be sending soldiers directly to go and Protect Ukraine's border. Putin cannot use nukes because Russia will be ashes. If all the countries put pressure on the Russian soldiers the Russian soldiers would run back to Russia which would end the war.

  8. Ukraine if you have the permission to hit Moscow go for it. Russians have had a long holiday. Nobody wants to fight for Putin, so you are at an advantage.

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