Russia cracks down on dissent as propaganda boasts economic and military success | BBC News

since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine the Crackdown on descent inside Russia has been intensifying a string of repressive laws has been adopted to silence criticism of the war and of the Kremlin but as our Russia editor Steve Rosenberg now reports from the city of Anova some Russians are still finding ways to express their concern at the direction that their country is taking there are some faces you expect to see now in any Russian town but there are faces too that may surprise you in Ivanova this is the George Orwell Library an oasis of free thought in an increasingly repressive Russia Alexandra runs the library which opened after the invasion of Ukraine there are books on Russia’s totalitarian past and dystopian novels About Big Brother controlling you so what are the lessons of Orwell’s 1984 for Russia 2024 that mankind must resist total control total brainwashing that everyone can protect their personal space and freedom if they understand what’s going on around them if they want to be free and have the will there are talks too this one on how to overcome a sense of helplessness lectures and literature encouraging Russians to think about what’s happening in their country the library insists it’s not breaking any laws but the subject matter here is very sensitive any honest discussion about Russia’s past or present can bring trouble and trouble they have the local businessman who’s been funding the project has fled abroad wanted by police now the library has been told to vacate the building but most people in Ivanova pass the library by for a variety of reasons in the city center a big band but no talk of Big Brother some here embrace the direction in which Russia’s moving we’re growing more independent Vladimir says less reliant on the west we’re making progress says Natalia as Putin says it’s a new stage for Russia and Russia’s war in Ukraine I don’t watch anything about that now Nina says it’s too upsetting I find that for many Russians it’s too distressing to even contemplate that what is happening today carries the risk of a dystopian tomorrow Steve Rosenberg BBC News Ivanova

“The situation now in Russia is similar to Nineteen Eighty-Four,” librarian Alexandra Karaseva tells BBC’s Steve Rosenberg.

“Total control by the government, the state and the security structures.”

In Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Party manipulates people’s perception of reality, so that citizens of Oceania believe that “war is peace” and “ignorance is strength”.

Russia today has a similar feel about it.

The state media here claims that Russia’s war in Ukraine is not an invasion, but a defensive operation; that Russian soldiers are not occupiers, but liberators; that the West is waging war on Russia, when, in reality, it was the Kremlin that ordered the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

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  1. Lol UK talking about big brother when his country has kicked out all russian journalists and media sources but bbc is allowed in Russia to still operate, that should tell you who the totalitarian states are 😂 🤡

    You want us to listen to knew from Ukraine but not from Russia, so we should just listen to what you tell us to believe?

    The only way to get the truth is to watch both sides and filter what is true or false.

  2. Literally every Russian-speaking peson who opposes Putin has experienced how certain seemingly well-educated, kind and caring people, including relatives, literally transform when they are asked about the war. While repeating what TV told them word by word and refusing to listen to any counter-argument, their faces and eyes change, and the hatred towards the USA for "starting the war" and "Gayrope for having always hated Russia and now doing everything it can to destroy it from within through traitors, LGBT movement, etc." is just depressing.

  3. putin has a cowardly criminal mind and now he realises that to stay in power he has to bet everything on the war and people who support it owerwise he simply couldn't stay in power as long as he planned.
    I am a Russian citizen who's against any war.

  4. BBC reporters still working in Russia!!!! But the West ban Russian Journalists 🙂🙂Which one is a democracy now🤣
    They use the democracy card only when it's benefiting them…… 🙂

  5. There was a crackdown in London just the other day on a protest against the establishment agenda. Nothing mentioned on the BBC as it doesnt fit the propaganda.

  6. I know many russians, which against this WAR, but i learning english now ..for be possible leave Russia in future, when i will have enough money (unfortunately) 🙁 😒

    Я знаю многих русских, которые против этой ВОЙНЫ, но я сейчас учу английский… чтобы в будущем можно было уехать из России (к сожалению)

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