Russia-Ukraine War: Drone shows scale of destruction in Ukraine’s Vovchansk | WION Fineprint

the Russia Ukraine conflict has entered a new phase marked by escalating crossborder strikes and the Relentless pounding of cities reducing them into Rubble as the battle lines shift the Strategic landscape grows increasingly complex with far-reaching implications for the future of the war here’s a report [Music] the once thriving town of vchan in Ukraine’s Northeast Now lies in Ruins a grim Testament to the devastating toll of the conflict Drone footage reveals a haunting scene smoking piles of rubble and the bombed out shells of residential buildings are all that remain around the apartment blocks houses and building buildings lie in ruin roofs missings facades Pock marked with damage like many Frontline cities GJ has become a Battleground with Street battles between Russian and Ukrainian forces grinding on relentlessly Ukraine currently controls 70% of the town which had a pre-war population of 177,000 and is engaged in deadly battles to dislodge enemy troops after a surprised Russian offensive in the Kari region sent thousands of civilians [Music] fleeing the cities of abiva and bakut in the donet region have suffered a similar fate reduced to Rubble by the unrelenting barrage of artillery and air strikes now in a significant escalation Ukrainian troops have used us supplied himar missiles to destroy an advanced air defense system inside Russia Moscow again issued a Stern warning to Washington about the potentially fatal consequences of backing such crossb attacks these fresh Ukrainian strikes coming days after President Joe Biden gave keev permission to use American supplied weapons to strike Targets in Russia signal a new phase in the conflict one where the boundaries of the battlefield are blurring and the risks of miscalculation or unintended escalation Loom larger than ever bu report we on world is one for all the latest news download the weon app And subscribe to our YouTube channel

Rare drone footage shows, smoking piles of rubble and the bombed-out shells of residential buildings are all that remains in the town of Vovchansk in Ukraine’s northeast. Watch in for more details!

#russia #ukraine #russiaukrainewar

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  1. And still Ukranian doesnt understand that this war will not end unless Zelensky make a peace deal with Russia? That they are just a pawn of US? Poor people.

  2. Zelenzky visiting my country yesterday a part of his world tour haha while ukrainian dying😅😅😅 of course his visit was not sucessful without a wine and a steak on the table😅😅😅 while eating he is inviting other country to join his idiotic war and beg for support😂😂😂 money on his pocket and weapons for his security😂😂😂😂

  3. Джордж Клуни охотиться заТо есть приехал человек, ничего не подозревая, в Европу поработать или отдохнуть, а его — раз! — арестовали на границе и закрыли на долгий срок. За что? Да за то, что исполняет свой профессиональный долг: освещает происходящее на Украине. Говорит то, что говорить нельзя, — что в этой "демократической стране" орудуют нацисты, пытают и казнят без суда и следствия, бомбят мирных жителей и проливают потоки крови. Это не то, что нужно хозяевам Клуни, поэтому человек, который это озвучивает, должен сидеть в тюрьме, не правда ли? С Ассанжем ведь именно так сработало? российскими журналистами.

  4. Hitting a country's civilian infrastructure like Dams, Hospitals, and Civilian power plants are all WAR CRIMES.
    However, "Vlad the Poisoner" Putler (AKA Bunker Grandpa Putin) doesn't care, because he is already a WAR Criminal.
    Just like his BFF Donald trump is a 34X Convicted Felon in the U.S.

  5. This is what Kharkiv will probably look like soon maybe even Kiev when you lay in bed with flies you end up with flees I’m just not sure what made Ukraine think going with the US in any conflict is recipe for disaster

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