‘Lies Are Killing Us’ – Making The Same Fatal Mistake AGAIN – Ukraine Map Analysis & News

get Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and hopefully a better day than myself I’ve come down with the flu and I’m not feeling great but today as always we have a lot to go and I actually think this is going to be an important video we’re going to talk about asymmetrical Warfare and Strikes from other countries being facilitated and what Putin has said and we’ll talk about that I believe this is important we need to talk about air defense and how there has been no restriction on on Ukrainian air defense striking Russian planes or missiles over Russian territory since the beginning of the war and then we’re going to talk about well what changes will now we see now last week we saw other restrictions lifted if any what does this mean we need to talk about US Passport holders not being allowed to leave Ukraine and what then this will mean we will have a look at the maps we’ve got some GE locations and what we believe maybe a large mistake being made in the exact same fashion of which we’ve seen be again up in the north as we’ve seen in then other areas and we need to talk about that at length but I’ve been doing a lot of interviews recently some can’t be released and I talked to a lot of guys and there seems that there is more than ever just such a level of Disconnect between what you see on the internet and what’s actually happening on the front line now these large Pro Ukrainian channels they have huge followings and many guys are speak to saying but they’re ignoring the real situation on the ground leaning into confirmation bias Echo chamber and not wanting to get criticism while keeping I guess the checks flowing in and I believe these guys have a responsibility they have an audience who can bring attention to real issues but they actively choose not to the men on the front are dying due to a lack of accountability ranging from strategic decisions defensive Works corruption no demobilization no rotation and this is absolutely crushing morale and I have guys telling me that people are spe specifically going awall off the front line handing thems in because at least they’ll get some time in jail off the front line because they’re not being rotated off and guys at the front guys I’m talking to are telling me that this is directly contributing to people not then signing up to fight and we spoke about that then yesterday causing in the Manpower issue and of course the then Snowball Effect of this because if you’re being told everything is fine we’ve got everything we’re winning everywhere well why would people sign up to fight and now people last man have to look and go what what is actually going on but by choosing to just ignore this your audience may you know blindly clap along but you’re not addressing the real issues at the front and then they’ll continue to be ignored because you guys are the ones with the voices if you truly cared about Ukraine and the ukrainians not just the Optics and the paychecks coming in cuz you lean into a narrative you’d be the one calling this out the most and not screaming at any criticism saying oh you’re a bot blah blah blah you ignoring this is actually more harmful than bringing up these at the front line sunlight is often the best disinfectant now we see these nafo types with any criticism of Ukraine even if it’s in a soldier’s best interest they will then dox people intimidate them Mass report them downvote them get them kicked off even if it’s in like I said the best interest so it is very very interesting the whole online situation there is such a such a difference that I see when I talk to the guys about what’s actually happening and more of that will be coming at certain aspects and someone sent me this overnight again someone there one thing I learned they love their speeches and cocktail parties there is a good chunk of people who have found relevance since this war and they’re going to hold on to it dearly these narratives about Russia stupid are killing us this continues there’s a lot of speeches wine and good meals in ke it’s cultural phenomenon the Ukrainian flag has been turned into a goddamn virtual signal like Pride it’s sick and it’s actually killing us you can tell the truth you know most people can handle it and appreciate it the lies and the good time that set of people are enjoying and contributing to our deaths so for the rant I only write you when I have something that I’ve actually experienced to share normally I just talk about it in AO but your video hit the nail on it so yeah it it’s one of those things the ones who should be calling out are ignoring it the most actually helping the other side in this case now my rant done let’s look at the maps and look what is then going on and we’re going to split this up over to a few different jail locations and areas but here we have Ukraine the center the capital of ke the red area is occupied since 22 the purple since 2014 and where we need to come is up into this hariv belgrad front where we saw Russia open up two front lines about 3 weeks ago now I thought we were all on the same page that we were all in knowledgement that Russia had no real chance of making a push to H because the lack of troops they had here and the amount of push back onto here that it was never going to be much of an advancement I thought we all acknowledg what Russia is trying to do is thin out the Ukrainian forces in other areas on the front line and not to get caught in this trap and we’ll look at What doctrine says then about this but now we see massive amounts of reserves deployed into here to push back the Russian forces in here in my eyes falling into the exact trap that Russia then wanted and this is from sirus’s um Telegram in har Direction the enemy concentrates his main efforts but and tries to Advance near hel Lia but suffers significant losses and does not succeed involve chansy our main task at this stage is to restrain the enemy inflict maximum losses on him and gradually move forward to liberate our territories and we see this from a pro Ukrainian blogger today that we talk about this map underneath in a second we’ve already shown that movement up in pmut but it says it seemed Russia is trying to stretch ukraini an as much as possible in response to them sending tons of reserves into V chunk other Pro ukrainians seem to see this as a good tactic but I just don’t get the thought process behind it Ukraine is chasing PR winds at this point and paying for it in other areas in the front line it seems that the politicians are making decisions rather than actual commanders uh I understand sing reserves to evolve chance to plug up the hole but 3 to1 Manpower AG there is just unnecessary the following the recent counter attacks involved TR it’s clear that Ukraine aims to liberate the rest of Northern H oblast Liberation is great and all it looks great and is great good for morale but when you allow Manpower in other areas of the front line and Fabs and artillery are running down on you morale won’t be so great there so you Russia wants Ukraine to Counterattack and waste valuable bound resources doing so and guess what Ukraine is playing right into their hands it makes no sense and we see then other Pro Ukrainian Pages sharing things like this of celebration of look 100 Ukraine battalions combat fa power blah blah blah versus 38 less battalions on the Russian side here isn’t this exactly though when this first opened up exactly what we spoke about and exactly what I thought everyone was on the same page of that Russia is trying to do and we spoke about this back weeks ago that uh the problem with Ukraine is they put so much stock in Optics they’re narrative driven that absolutely excuse military decisions towards absurdity this lines up with the two other examples just showed you because of this created the Box have created for themselves they feel like they have to block all progress all the time but they have neither the Manpower nor equipment for such tactics they should be trading territory for time especially territory like this to block off the Russians here you don’t need to go straight back through and take it over because this is an nutritional aspect of War by deploying people in here we’re seeing Russia have advancements in many other areas in the front line This plays into the exact doctrine of attritional War so remember the last few things we read out and then we see here that in case of a surprise attack rapid offensive one side may be possible until the defender can form a solid front after that combat solidifies so this rapid attack across the north eventually formed a solid front we saw where it stopped should have been at a defensive line after that combat still fires this period lasts a year and a half two years this is on a major attack not specifically in the north but we can look at that as a war overall during this period major offensive actions should be avoided even if large attacks are successful they will result in significantly casual significant casualties often for meaningless territorial gains the goal is to force the to expend vital materials and strategic reserves on strategically meaningless operations and what we have said is what real difference if Russia is just held in these positions here V Chans has been bombed as anyway they’re held on the North side here for a for a while does that make over all to the war then if you were to push them back onto the Border complete I believe there’s a trap that’s been laid and we all acknowledged it and now I believe it’s getting played into that the second phase begins when offensive should be launched across a broad front SE to overwhelm the enemy at multiple points using shallow attacks what we are seeing from roboty through to bakut through to Shiva and even into the north the intent is to remain inside layer bubble of friendly protective system so only move a little bit due to ew broad fires all this while stretching depleted enemy reserves until the front collapses looks familiar there is a cascading effect in which a crisis in one sector forces Defenders to shift reserves from another sector only to generate a crisis there in turn exactly what we are seeing here that U it looks great nor for morale but when you allow Manpower and Fabs and Frontline a artillery running down morale won’t be so great there so shift reserves own the generate a crisis as forces start falling back and leaving prepared fortifications morale then plummets and I believe I don’t know what the overall plan is here whether it’s Commander decisions whether it’s political decisions but feeding right into Russia’s hand specifically in this area there’s no change in this area on this map today there’s no change up in K an Sina V Shana front but Noel reports does show one change in here just to the uh east of Sina excuse me so we can see where this road runs out here and then where this one runs so just in this location here which is already shown as red on this map but showing that Russia had some level of advancement there now I just want to show uh down and where’s the next one Oar so we do see some changes nothing in around buk mut but on that last map I’ll just put this beside cuz I’ve deleted it there was some change in around Ros deliva in this area as well but I believe that those were lining up with what we showed yesterday and suriak then we’ll move down into then this oer atne a front where we do see Russia has made in this area some significant ADV advances so if we take from this point to this point of what’s meant to be today over 3 km that is a long way in a day now my belief is this wasn’t a day SE where this water R Waterway runs across here I believe this actually has been closed up for an amount of time just looking at the ground here but either way there’s been a lot of ground M here around and solivo and of course secured this position from then being cut off and expanding and shortening front lines in some directions eventually enveloping this area that we see around here now Noel reports has a map in then the same direction this is just out from osad front here so let’s have a look and see where then this lines up it may not be the eest but have a look at where some of these large paddocks are lining up so look at this road here that he’s showing just out into this direction here so he’s showing significantly less than Ukraine’s own map on that direction now there’s only a very small change in then cren Rifka here on this map and no change than anywhere else including down in roboty but I want to show you this footage here so these are said to be Russian vdv then power troop is moving along walking down this road now a drone does drop ammunition on one of these guys but he actually does crawl he doesn’t seem to be too injured I don’t know does crawl into cover then away from this interestingly let’s look at where this was then geolocated so this is her son and this is duy right here across nepro River here now let me just zoom out to give you a better idea of where this is and then I’ll show you on the map here exactly where this is so this is her son and this is green and this is duy right here of course it won’t come up on this but we see where this bridge crosses across here duy right in here so in this green area that there has definitely been some changes of those soldiers walking around there and doesn’t seem to be that they’re on too high of an alert there so we know the Russians are down in this area pushing some front lines back on important areas that are held then across here so that may or may not update as we see that footage then doing the rounds now I want to talk about uh this let talk about air defense now this came out overnight now us gave K permission at the start of Russia’s fullscale Invasion to down aircraft um military aircraft flying in Russian territory if they pose a threat to Ukraine this only is come out on June the 4th speaking uh to the Press ahead of President Joe Biden’s visit to France for the 80th anniversary of D um Kirby has said there has been some confusion on the topic of Ukraine’s permission to use us supplied weapons he clarified there’s never been restrictions on ukrainians shooting down hostile aircraft even if those aircraft are not necessarily in Ukrainian airspace Ukraine can shoot down Russian airplanes that pose a threat uh pose an impending threat and they have they have since the beginning of the war now this clears up a lot of aircraft that we actually have seen then go down and we would say that that is including missiles as well in the air what I will say is people crating this I’m thinking no this isn’t actually good news this shows that not that much is now going to change we’re celebrating that yep now the US has given permission for uh Western weapons to be used inside Russia will see these 234s going down we’ll see this blah well there’s now no change really it looks like there’s been no change to the air defense permissions so those 234s are still going to be dropping the Munitions as is same as then the longrange Strategic bombers which will be affected then even less so I wrote this just to myself some things while my brain’s a bit mush but us never put restrictions on Ukraine what this means though is the opening of these restrictions being celebrated will have no real change in what Russia aircraft and missiles been doing for the last two years but well now Ukraine can hait airfields with attacks and we know attacks aren’t meant aren’t meant to be used but we will probably see that creep of restrictions lifted and we’ll see attack and scalp and Storm Shadow being used but even when they are then allowed to be used Storm Shadow scalp attacks attacks have 300K range Storm Shadow scalp around 400 the basis for strategic aircraft I meaning these long range most of these sit well outside of that area so let’s take hary blast down here for example let’s go out to maximum range of 400 km we’re still not talking really that far even with the longest Range Systems that we haven’t actually really seen used yet at all so we’re talking here right onto where you know on the outskirts of Moscow but a lot of these systems are held much further away than out of these t95 these other supersonic aircraft so I think that’s actually a bit of a kick there because we may not see too much of a change now I want to talk about third party strikes probably haven’t worded this well but we actually sort of sort of predicted this about a month ago through one of my contacts but let’s look at this so President Putin warned Moscow could arm countries with a view to attacking Western targets now this was in St Petersburg you were speaking such action could lead to very serious problems Mr Putin said with us Ukraine the green light to strike Target inside Russia if someone thinks it is a possibility to supply such weapons to a war zone and attack our territory and create problems for us why don’t we have the right to supply weapons of the same class to regions of the world where there will be strikes on sensitive facilities of those countries that is the response can be asymmetric we think about it he did not specify which countries Moscow could Supply weapons to when they say there will be more missiles which can hit Targets on Russian territory this is definitely destroys Russian German relations but let’s look at this that same class of weapons so cruise missiles longrange weapons um to strikes on sensitive facilities within those countries well Russia just like the West has Allied Nations so let’s have a look at here now of course this map isn’t the greatest I don’t know why it’s so hard to see different countries on these oh that’s better so we see of course this is Russia this is Ukraine here now Russia has a lot of influence in somewhere like Iran and somewhere like North care but we’re going to talk about Iran for a second now Russia has been making a lot of headways with Kazakhstan and usbekistan recently as well and both Kazakhstan just took Afghanistan off then a terrorist list and Russia spoke about this exact thing in usbekistan just the other day so we presume Russia and USC may take Afghan Taliban of course the government there now off that same list now what does this do well it opens up right down to Afghanistan opens up into Iran now there’s always been an and of course then this has a border with NATO down in Turkey as well and of course then surrounds the Caspian Sea but what we have spoken about because we know Iran and North Korea supplied Russia with a hell of a lot of stuff what really has been going back we’re not a th% sure now what weapons are the houy rebels primarily using making chaos for trade through the Red Sea golf of D Iranian weapons now could we see a massive increase in how effective these weapons are if technology comes in or Russia facilitates strikes through a proxy like this now we are fighting Russians through a proxy in Ukraine and Russia is fighting the west through their forces here as well we may see this open in another front and and you just need to follow the bouncing ball backwards so we know received a lot of training same as through then the irgc in Iran we know Iran has close ties with Russia and Putin’s saying that then they could be um STR on sensitive facilities the same class of weapons and what is stopping us supplying that here we go it’s all interl it’s one big pendulum swinging around in the world but interesting but we talked about this in a while back one of my boys May 14 Maddie um two cents in strikes if storsh scalp hit Russian territory um that would UK French weapons programmed by officers of these countries hitting land everyone recognizes as Russian so I don’t think Russian strikes in UK France um would be out sorry would be out of the question now one thing I want to say is people say we’re not involved in this if you have a say us weapon programmed by us officers guarded by us GPS Landing somewhere you cannot say that we are not involved now my guess is the British statements about the possibility of hitting anywhere anything anywhere we meant to test the waters and Russian response made it clear that this was a bad idea so it likely won’t happen but we will see the Russians would have the option of hitting UK and French bases in some Third Country outside NATO as an intermediary step um as sort of a warning but even then I don’t think anyone wants to go there but may go there through we’ve given X group these weapons and we do the exact same thing think it back to any of well let’s talk about this region in here about supplying weapons to third parties to fight another power through proxy now speaking to a lot of guys recently there’s guys who are getting stuck in Ukraine from changing of laws and the US Embassy has then put this out today the embassy in cev understands that effective June 1 Ukraine has eliminated a residence broad exemption that previously allowed certain Ukrainian males aged 18 to 60 to depart the country after this change us Ukrainian jeal citizens including those who live in the US May no longer be able to depart the country Ukrainian law does not recognize dual citizenship us Ukraine dual citizens are therefore traded solely as Ukrainian citizens while in Ukraine subject to the rights and obligations of Ukrainian citizens and under Ukraine’s martial law men between 80 and 60 are not permitted to leave the country now this comes in response to Manpower shortages that is it but also tightening up because we see a lot of loopholes from wealthy people and officials of their children not going and under the same obligations other other people in the country because they have a dual citizen you don’t need to look very far to see officials who have children who are abroad you know doing whatever the US Embassy is limited in our ability to influence Ukrainian law if you are not currently in Ukraine we strongly recommend against all travel to Ukraine by us uh citizen males 8 60 who also have Ukrainian citizenship or a claim to Ukrainian citizenship um and do not wish to stay in Ukraine indefinitely there is an extremely high risk you will not be allowed to depart even with a US passport and this is going to have problems for those who are say U us Ukraine jeel citizens who are there doing humanitarian work NGO work all the way through to guys who are there fighting as well this has had a massive change here and there have been some laws change and I’m speaking about an interview soon that has had a lot of guys going I’m going to pull the pin on minimum services and changing and updating contracts signed previously anyway Legends short of video hopefully this was all right look after yourselves have a great day keep trying to search through the truth even if you don’t like to hear it and I’ll speak to you very soon have a great day see you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Mate , Ukraine doing things to impress the USA sponsors , in spite it doesn't make military sense? That is the base of the corruption there, at least since 2014 , and this is the reason for this war . This war has started in 2014 because of that . What they are doing up in Charkiv , is just a logical continuation of the corruption and stupidity Ukraine is doing from the beginning , and Russians just make most of it strategically , they can see the mentality of ukr. leaders and just make most of it . If Ukraine was doing things that make military and diplomatic sense , the war would have never happened . What sense was to throw away transit fees from oil and gas they were getting for doing almost nothing ? Those fees were around 15% of the value of the fuel going through the pipelines . What sense did make to antagonise the 30% of russian speaking ukrainians ? What sense was making to try to enter NATO , even though they knew Russia will never allow it ? All those things were done just to antagonise Russia, start a war with it , and to look good in front of USA sponsors , so that they throw billions in , easily stolen by the corrupt officials , never mind the lives and wellbeing of ukrainian people . The biggest nonsense they have done was to walk boldly into the war with Russia , thinking , that USA will be there for them enforcing "no fly zone " , NATO troops fighting side by side with ukrainians . Listen to the interviews with people in Kiev , they can't wait when their boys come home and NATO takes over the fight and finishes it quickly . Ukraine will be finished not by the russian might , but by the corruption , stupidity and selfishness of their own leaders .

  2. I can't understand why you support Ukraine. Because Russia invaded openly across the border? That's funny. Putin simply did not repeat Stalin’s mistake and did not wait for the Nazis to attack from the West. This is a preventive strike. Study the issue of preparation and construction of NATO bases on the territory of Ukraine.

  3. First: i made a video on this topic on my channel: in ww1 the allied armies had the same problem. refusing to dig in and protect their soldiers and an addiction to very costly counter attacks that led to a huge mutiny among the french army.

  4. They are telling what suits ro them and tottaly hides denied whst goes against them.

    Clearly not done ..

    Also if you have seen Russian propoganda observe and youbwill see lies and propganda also pushed by west .

  5. Its always interesting watching Willys 'tactical withdrawal' these days but i think he's eventually going to find himself ideologically homeless.. I know that eating your own words is a bitter taste but you need to stop playing with your food and just swallow it, so to speak.
    Youre commentary comes across like a mechanic talking endlessly about a car in every detail, without realising that it cant drive on water..
    When youre FUNDAMENTALLY wrong about every aspect of a conflict, you cant just adjust and tweak your opinions built on top of those errors, you have to scrap the whole narrative and start over.
    Unfortunately i dont think he's ever going to have the humility to do that, so its hard to extract any real value from these videos except as a laughing spectator.
    It reminds me of when the US changed their reason for invading Iraq from WMDs to regime change overnight without blinking an eye.. and the world just watched on hilariously.

  6. You forget, they just doing it for their pocket, not for Ukrainian. just look at Max Klymenko from the start he want everybody to join the war , but himself hiding in England.

  7. The main thing during the investigation is not to expose yourself) Real journalists are either killed, like Buzina, or had to leave Ukraine, like Panchenko. An aggressive minority makes money by spreading hatred of Russia. Blinded by hatred, they do not care about love for their Homeland and people, not to mention the real situation at the front. And who started this mess, who pays money?

  8. We are now back in 1938 with aggressive forces on the march. Back then Czechoslovakia was traded for'peace in our time'. Some wants a new similar deal for Ukraine, to sell land for peace, but we have learnt from history, such exchanges are not sustainable. The Munich-trade led to global war. This time Ukraine is Czechoslovakia defending itself – whcih can save us from another world war. Because it's choked in the start. The agressor is held back.

  9. It is because you always come across as a communist. You need to read Animal Farm. You admit that you lost in Afghanistan because you could not beat men with just RPGs and AK47s and basic explosives. How can someone as useless as you comment on tactics. Your tactics in Afghanistan where a joke. You played the equivalent of the game risk by putting a single Troop in the middle of each area surrounded by the Taliban with the equivalent of a troop in every compound. It was a disgrace and you think you have the skills and knowledge of the battlefield to make informed decisions. You take the bullshit that Russia puts out and push it to the hilt and then say Ukraine are lying about everything. Even Russia say they have taken 850 sq km in 2024. The front is 1200 km. That is less than 700 meters along the front for loss of 100,000. That is unsustainable for any army. If they had made 100km – the losses in ww2 after D Day are less than that. Are you a communist? Do you love Putin?

  10. Many peoples still watching Denys Davydov, Anna From Ukraine, Jake Broe, Joe Blog, Anders Puck Nielsen, Ryan McBeth, Preston Steward, and other overhype pro Ukraine channels like Suchomimus, Yunus Yemekleri, US Daily News, PPR Global, Infinity, Divine Justice, ANKA Daily News and ATP News

  11. The Pro Ukraine channels are making so much money from from their lies and propaganda that they don't give a damn about peace and saving lives. None of them mention Ukraines massive losses and how catastrophic this war will be for their demographics in the future. They have to say things like Orcs, Putler and Slava Ukraine. Its cringey and embarrassing. When the final casualty numbers come out these fools are in for an almighty shock.
    To put into perspective. 80% of casualties and from Artillery, Russia has a 10-1 Artillery advantage. Wake up people, Ukraine is getting pulverised by the hour and none of the msm cover this

  12. Who the hell is saying that everything is fine anywhere in Ukraine?You think that your propaganda is helping anybody but the Russians?Where and when in any war would front line troops say that everything is great?Where and when did any government prosecute a war without errors?The Germans specifically banned use of their weapons against Russian aircraft in Russian airspace until a couple days ago.Your supposed contact with men on the lines not only sounds like bullshit but looks like it too.

  13. Westerners like you have little idea what is going on yet bark the loudest… I bet you can't even speak Russian or Ukrainian yet you analyse to heaven and back, a mentality very different to yours… YouTube money talk…

  14. Another Russian sponsored agent spewing the Kremlins talking points. Too bad Ukraine is on the verge of the greatest victory in human history.

  15. There is a fog (of war?) affecting the quality of this video which should remind rational viewers that you are just as full of error and support for AUS opposition to the efforts of the West to take down Vlad Puto and friends. And if you are not helping Russia, you would STFU about NATO military advisors in Ukraine.

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