Russia-NATO Confrontation: Fears of escalation rise as allies justify Ukraine’s cross-border strikes

Dr sarge marov is a former spokesperson for President Putin he’s also a former member of the Russian Parliament and director of The Institute of political studies and Russian political scientist Dr marov is joining us live from Moscow welcome to the show Dr Moscow has already reacted angrily to this plan of President macron sending French troops to Ukraine Russia says the instructors or soldiers will be a legitimate Target for Russian strikes what do they mean by that I think Russian Authority means that not only Russian rocket missiles and artillery system will try uh to kill French uh officers and soldiers but uh in formally I would say that it will be uh one of the main uh targets for Russian rocket missiles to kill as much as possible French and British officers who ALS so uh intensively uh play in this uh some role in those War Ukrainian territory would be uh very important uh but also it’s Russia wants to stress that it’s very dangerous uh trend of escalation from NATO uh directly uh to the uh possible uh open conflict between NATO and Russia uh which could lead to the nuclear war between uh Russia and NATO and which which which can finished uh uh all civilization and which will we kill you my respected uh uh audience and who is India if this nuclear war will happen everybody will be killed in every country and nobody will uh would hide away uh so very dangerous escalation from the Western countries and we ask Indian government Chinese government Brazilian government all governments in the world to give a telephone call to the Western Capital say stop moving to the nuclear catastroph Dr marov having worked with him what would President Putin be thinking or contemplating now when the were and some European nations apart from providing arms to Ukraine are now training their military uh we know that they already train their militaries and uh uh we concern not only about this we know that uh Western politicians they alive and Western politicians are viated diplomatic agreements uh don’t respect any real negotiation don’t respect another Nations they still imperialist Powers uh that why we think that when French uh government uh claim that they just sending their rocket missile system and artillery system in fact they also already sent more than one year ago some of the uh officers of the French army uh to the Ukraine and they in fact took part and we give a lot of informs that Russian militaries already kill few hundreds of the French militaries in harap region um first of all where they uh took part in this military operation uh and when French President says that he officially sending for a training of Ukrainian Army some French officers it’s means that possibly uh he is lying and in fact he sent some of the French uh soldiers to take part in their direct fighting against Russian army and we believe that uh French rocket missile system uh they are mostly uh served not by Ukrainian officers but French officers that why when French rocket missiles and AR shells uh explodes some of the building on the Russian territory it been done not by Ukrainian Army but French army which illegally during this okay let me ask this then now that uh you said that legitimate Target for Russian strikes could mean killing the French troops in Ukraine what would be the repercussions if Russia strikes or even kills a foreign and in this case a French soldier on Ukraine soil uh it will be uh not two important consequences of this now because according to our information Uh Russian al already kill few hundreds of French soldiers specifically in K region but French authorities hide this way it’s interesting think that if you look at the stat statistics you will see that uh during last year uh America uni Great Britain and France they have increasing of the car so-called car accident with their officers something about in many dozens times it means that in fact this officers have been killed on the Ukrainian territory but just but the U authorities the government just say that they have car accidents uh and uh what is uh could change the situation uh if uh uh F16 will be used by Ukrainian Army and uh with some equipment of American and fr British uh long distance rocket missiles Russia already claimed that F16 they can use uh tactical Nuclear weaponary that why one of the possibility that if F-16 will take part in the war probably Russia will use tactical nuclear nuclear weaponary uh and uh use it for the Target on the in the western part of Ukraine where this F-16 uh could uh uh uh be settled all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Dr Sarge marov who is a former spokesperson for President Putin Dr marov thank you for talking to us today thank you for all the latest news download the we on app And subscribe to our YouTube channel

While commenting on US President Joe Biden’s decision last week to approve the use of US supplied weapons to hit targets inside Russia that were involved in attacks on Ukraine’s Kharkiv region, Russia has warned that a huge confrontation can be on its way.

#russiaukrainewar #nato #wion

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  1. Everyone knew from day one that this was proxy war.
    Now that the front Ukraine is collapsing, they want to come in directly. The bloodshed about to unfold due to this unnecessary proxy war will be worse than any war mankind has witnessed.
    All this because we elected unwise leaders.

  2. Macron has not said the French will be directly inbolved. He suggested they would be there in a training capacity. Bit like the soldiers from other nations Russia is using agsinst Ukraine 😂

  3. Franch soldiers will become legitimate target for the ruSSIans? Give me a break1 What difference will that make? RuSSian are targeting everything that walks on two feet: soldiers, civilians, Ukrainian, French or from whatever country they are, even their own people.

  4. A great figure in India's struggle for independence from Britain once declared.
    The people of India will always stand unswervingly on the side of the people's desire for fundamental freedom, democracy, independence, and humanitarianism."
    The human community believes that this has been, is, and will be the firm fundamental principle and basic policy of India's stand for international justice.

  5. Putler is slowly choking on Ukraine. This is not the war he envisoned. It was meant to be a 3 days special Putler operation. Whatever it takes no backing down against Russia.

  6. Putin is not going to use Nukes be cause he knows Nato will destroy Russia.Putin is not stupid he want attack a Nato Nation he knows he cannot match the fire power of Nato.Putin is doing nothing but running that mouth.

  7. None of this wouldn't be happening if Trump were still President. And as it says in the Bible you will hear of wars and rumors of war. What's scary is this is just the beginning

  8. Russia is like the Phoenix bird rises out of the ashes of the Soviet Union to become a super power again even greater than the Soviet Union by fighting the whole collective west which is about 45 minion statelets single handed something the Soviet Union never did

  9. And this is why nobody trusts Putin anymore:

    Dated: 10 January , 2022

    "Top U.S. and Russian diplomats said they had constructive talks Monday in Geneva, but they did not achieve a breakthrough in their attempt to defuse tensions regarding the Russian troop buildup on the Ukraine-Russia border.

    Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov emerged from the nearly eight hours of talks and declared, "There are no plans or intentions to attack Ukraine." He went on to say, "There is no reason to fear some kind of escalatory scenario."

    Well, that we can now easily call a blunt lie…

  10. indian news, you r disgusting cheering to russia destroying Ukraine and killing people! and you pretend to be spiritual and pro-people! you are terrible!

  11. No no no. Russia thinks it can win by threatening nuclear war and believes it means it can get what it wants. It can't and doesn't work, we will not back down, Russia IS NOT WINNING EVER!!! they need to accept this. NATO is multiple times as powerful as Russia, its not the biggest player here! And needs to know its place. We have made it perfectly clear Ukraine is joining NATO and Russia isnt stopping it

  12. Putin always talking as the only super power. It seems that no one wants to die in Europe and US. Putin is the only one who’s not afraid of dying. Now Macron is chesting out, let’s see who has got stronger nerve

  13. Putin always talking as the only super power. It seems that no one wants to die in Europe and US. Putin is the only one who’s not afraid of dying. Now Macron is chesting out, let’s see who has got stronger nerve




  15. Why is wion allowing this evil propagandist on their “supposedly” independent news platform. WION….. YOU ARE A MEDIA JOKE TO THE WESTERN WORLD

  16. My understanding is that SCALP can only be operated by French officers. Scholz already said so. And given how many airstrikes Russia is doing many of them may have already died. Macron is probably announcing sending troops as the number of deaths are becoming too many to hide.

  17. America have put the world in danger,,,,,,, because of zelesnky,,,, EU should understand that American will not accept EU refuges,,,, Us weapon's in terrorist hand's,,,, US can't control them,,,,, Ukraine is a terroir State,,,,,,

  18. Russians have this vast and quite frankly sad misconception that people are afraid of I can't speak for Europe but in America nobody is afraid of Russia. Nobody talks about them. Nobody expresses any fear of them. To be honest the American attitude is bring it on and watch the world burn

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