The bases deep inside Russia that Ukraine could hit if US supplied longer-range missiles

The bases deep inside Russia that Ukraine could hit if US supplied longer-range missiles

Russia began using Glide bombs last year low cost relatively low Tech standoff weapons that have done much to transform its fortunes on Ukraine’s Northern front the concept is relatively simple take an old Soviet era bomb literally strap on a set of Deployable wings and a satellite navigation system and you turn a dumb weapon into a smartish Precision guided bomb and all for less than $20,000 what’s made them so effective in Ukraine is not only their power someway 1 and A2 tons but also the fact Russian Jets like the s34 can launch them without even entering Ukrainian airspace Russian Glide bombs like the Fab 500 have a range of between 40 and 60 kilometers around 30 Mi and Ukraine’s Second City Hy for instance is just 25 mil from the border a report by The Institute for the study of War shows the areas in Northern Ukraine that are exposed to Glide bombs launched from inside Russia nearly 2 and a half thousand settlements in these Northern oblasts are within range territory covering more than 16,000 square miles an area larger than the Netherlands the isw report says Washington’s ban on allowing Ukraine to use Us weapons against targets inside Russian territory was absurd it allowed Moscow the freedom to mass 50,000 troops on the border near harv while also sending air defense batteries and electronic warfare equipment to Ukraine that it would otherwise have to keep back to defend rear Logistics hubs and airbases ke has tried to protect its forces and cities with its own s300 air defense batteries but it doesn’t have enough of them the real answer would be more American Patriots surface to a missiles that could take down Russian Jets before they release their bombs but again Kei doesn’t have many and they’re too precious to send closer to the front line when they’ve tried as they did here at proov in eastern Ukraine in March the Russians have quickly targeted them with short- range ballistic missiles like the asander the isw report shows the number of possible targets inside Russia that us missiles could reach these it says are just some of the Russian military or Security Service bases that could be targeted with longer range Army tactical missiles or attacks an area covering 1,750 square kilm or 600 75 square miles America has now relented on allowing Ukraine to use its weapons inside Russia but only in the harv area and only shorter range mobile rocket artillery like himars for President Biden sending Ukraine longer range attacks which could hit targets 300 kilometers inside Russia still crosses a red line f-16s when they arrive will be a help in countering the Glide bomb threat armed with A10 missiles they can hit targets 60 miles away but get too close to the border and they too would be vulnerable to Russian Mig 31s operating at high altitude and armed with sophisticated air-to-air missiles within hours of Washington’s U-turn Ukraine reportedly fired High Mars into belgrod nearly 40 m behind the Russian front lines targeting an air defense system while for now longrange attacks remains off the table there’s questions over how long that could really last from f-16s to Abrams Tanks Washington has a habit of redrawing its red lines Simon Newton forces news thanks for watching for more from forces’s news like And subscribe to our Channel

Washington has partially lifted its ban on Ukraine firing US weapons across the border into Russia, but America is still not supplying Kyiv with its longest-range missiles.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) said this is giving Moscow a sanctuary, allowing its air force to launch deadly glide bombs without even leaving Russian airspace.

As a low-cost, relatively low-tech stand-off weapons, the glide bombs have done much to transform Russian fortunes on Ukraine’s northern front.


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  1. Our 'leaders' are fuc***g insane!!! Do you want WW3??? Striking targets inside Russia with Western supplied weapons – what sort of policy is that??? give me a break. STOPI IT NOW!

  2. Disgusting proxy war for profit, the collective west just can’t stop manipulating the politics of other countries. Stop the third world war, give peace a chance, and definitely don’t let Boris Johnson anywhere near peace talks again!

  3. I wonder how much more Ukraine could have done if the US had given them permission to strike within Russia a week before telling the whole world.

  4. Ukraine isn't losing due to glide bombs nor the ability of Ukraine to strike targets inside Russia, they're losing due to a shortage of manpower, videos like this seem to consistently put the blame on the US and the West for "not doing enough", when the truth is that there are no weapons that we can provide that will stop Russia from winning a war of attrition against Ukraine.

  5. It's about time the West started to escalate to de-escalate instead of waiting for Russia to make the first move all the time. Act instead of re-acting.

  6. During the Korean and Vietnam Wars the USA suffered from this same Feet of Clay policy which cripples its own armed forces reach into enemy territory! Why do they do this? Putin should be hit hardest and discouraged from turning Ukraine's cities destroyed ghost towns!!

  7. It's infuriating that Ukraine isn't getting far more weapons and aren't allowed to use them in Russia. It's so daft it's hard to believe it's not by design to drag out the war.

    If the USA won't give more weapons and allow them to be employed usefully then others should have stepped up already. I know others have, yet it's obviously not enough. I'd pay far less attention to Putin's "red lines" sa they've been proved near nonexistent.

  8. Ukraine has allowed thousands of millitary vehicles and supplies to come over the kerch bridge for too long ! Why ? Somerhing strange. In ww2, the british divers would have planted charges all over the supports by now

  9. There'll be no D Day on this one…Nuclear war is kind of final.
    If Trump had his way Nato expansion would've stopped and there would be no war in Europe.
    Easy to see why he's going to prison really.

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