Police search European Parliament employee’s home, offices over possible Russian interference

Police search European Parliament employee’s home, offices over possible Russian interference

at the end of this Corridor Belgian investigators are searching the office of a European Parliament assistant police raids are not only underway here but also at offices in Brussels Strasburg and at the A’s home according to a statement released by Belgian prosecutors the searches are part of a case of interference passive corruption and membership of a criminal organization and relates to indications of Russian interference whereby members of the European Parliament were approached and paid to promote Russian propaganda the target of Wednesday’s raid was gon padura a former French parliamentary assistant to maximilan crra of the far-right alternative for Germany party investigators suspect him of allegedly receiving payments from Russia and China his office was also searched in early May in April Belgian prosecutors opened an investigation into allegations of meddling this after Czech intelligence exposed a network of influence financed by Moscow its aim to to amplify Russian propaganda about Ukraine and get more pro- Moscow candidates elected maximan cran now embroiled in Scandal one of his parliamentary AIDS was arrested last month on suspicion of spying for China CR says he’s a victim of a conspiracy of course there are spies in Germany and of course there are also spies within the afd spies from the German intelligence Services last week crra announced he’d stop campaigning for the European parliamentary elections over comments he made about Nazi SS officers despite this He Still Remains the lead candidate for the afd

Investigators on Wednesday raided the home and offices of an EU parliamentary staffer as Belgium probes claims that Russia paid far-right lawmakers — including Germany’s embattled Maximilian Krah — to spread Kremlin propaganda. A source close to the inquiry said the target was Guillaume Pradoura, a former assistant to Krah of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, who is himself being investigated for suspected ties to both Russia and China.
#EU #Russia #police

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  1. I wouldn't be surprised in the least. The fact EU leadership thinks Russia is strong is hilarious. Their entire military was decimated by Ukraine, of all places. They're about as dangerous as sucking a popsicle.

  2. "Russian interference" is an absolute joke of a lie. They accuse anyone that disagrees with the corrupt Establishment of being "Putin bots", "antisemitic" or whatever smear of the day they use. They are projecting their own corruption onto others. The rot at the top is deep and toxic.

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