Russia Open Another Northern Front | SU-57 HIT, F-16 DELAY – Ukraine Map Analysis & News Update

GTO legendss I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and I hope if you’re an Aussie you had a fantastic long weekend as well now some notice last video not the interview but the last update I actually have a new tie so this is my new my new tie I like it it’s nice but today we have a lot a lot to go over but it won’t be too long so regardless of your bias we have bad news about fter aircraft everywhere uh we need to talk about France and people saying that this is a shock and I don’t keep up with French politics at all but I’m not shocked by this I don’t think anyone should be shocked by what we have seen we need to look at the maps and we’ll look at the maps over then two days and we need to have a look at some claims coming out about a new Northern Russian offensive opening up by the leader of the chin arat Special Forces catov and have a look and maybe a little bit deeper there as well but that it’s just all very interesting and well let’s get stuck into it and we will talk about the area on the map so here we have Ukraine the center the capital of ke of course here we have the red areas occupied since 22 the purple since 2014 now some interesting things of which you’re keeping up with if you’re watch me is we know Russia a month ago basically today launched the two-prong defensive from belgrad into hariv here it has really looked like it has stored out holding in place now there’s a lot of claims both ways about what’s happening here but no maps are showing much movement here we know there’s been a mass deployment of Ukrainian troops back into this area and that Russia is having some success down in the East we’ll look at more specifics on that but what we have talked about and what the problem could be is if Russia then open another front line and many have said they’re expecting it somewhere but from KK into Sumi region here of course what then borders and it looks like looks like from reports this is what we are seeing so of course we have the sui ablast up here now we will just zoom in on this and we have this toino here and this rivka sitting right here now this is where it is said that here is now under occupation so let’s look at the claims and let’s look at a little bit more in here now this was a Noel reports map here now there has been reports as well from Ukraine saying no this isn’t occupied but again we’ll wait for more to come it’s sort of up in the air at the moment no I’m not ignoring the s57 we’re just talk this is more burning news as far as Frontline so Riva this is the area of which we’re talking about is in question now karov released on his telegram to 2 million people my telegram’s only 10,000 come and join my telegram if you’d like but friends soldiers of akma church now regiment with the RF Ministry defense under the command of dear brother aamc salive together with the military personnel of other Russian units carried out tactical actions and liberated another populated era from the enemy this is the village of Riva uh which is located on the border of ERS region as a result large scale planned offensive actions the Ukrainian side suffered significant losses and was forced to retreat the coordinate and effective work of fighter more units made to achieve this result I sincerely thank every soldier participa in the assault and liberation of the village I’m convinced the same ending a White’s territory is temporal by the Yoke of Ukraine blah blah blah anyway we know this and it released then a video then with the here some Morts firing some Drone footage whatever you can go and watch that I’ll put that on the T my telegram if you’d like to watch now a part of that was then geolocated to just in here but the thing is no one gave what part of the footage so it’s hard to know because if it’s mortars here we know then the front Lin working a lot further out but if we just have a look at where these roads are so we’re on this fourth Road in from the north so just about here so we do know there has been some Crossing now these Crossings and I’ve spoken about people in the the north here as well and I know people say this is cope but I still believe that Russia’s key objectives are still in the South and the East and that these are a deception plan to try and draw units away and we have seen many units redeploy into here put significant pressure on the Russians here we may have to see a redeployment of soldiers up into here as well and not to sort of get like goggles trapped isolated on looking at that area but that is very interesting to see that now the akat guys Special Forces Tik Tok brigades whatever you want to call them have been taken a lot of the piss uh throughout this war and I and you know a lot of it is completely legitimate as well you know they’re fighting in other areas but let’s have a look at what the um Russy the U Royal United Service Institute has said about than the chin the chin fighters on Tik Tok comic as much as it does tragic to Western audiences people do miss the influence operating in Muslim countries push a romantic image of karov as a defender of Islam opposing Western rhetorics this has been helped by Popular m Fighters influence their International fans and countries Elite and of course this has been greatly exacerbated by what we’re seeing in Israel Gaza and other areas so this like with everything you need to look then outside of the box of what’s Happening where the influence May sit where propaganda May sit and all of that we know the unconventional strategy of Russia is to paint Russia as a Bastion of traditional values uh the nuclear family things like this that’s part of their unconventional warfare through other areas of the world and just because you see something as a piss take online remember how it may be seen in other areas around the world so that is very interesting to see what is then happening up into the north now let’s talk about fighter aircraft the images the claims whatever now there is claims coming out from as well from Ukraine saying that actually a second s57 may have been damaged or destroyed in the attack but we don’t have any Visual Evidence of that so let’s talk about where this was so it was it this air base out here that sits some I believe about 600 km away from Ukraine let’s measure the distance so to at least nonoccupied territory yes something around that Mark now what we got last night was this last Australia time this Photograph come out so this on the 7th of s57 and then this on the eth looking like two potential impacts now we’ll have a bit of an anal analyze of this video in a second but then the GU put this up 67 was hit for then the first time now this was then very quickly confirmed actually by fighter bomber yes yes Airfield was attacked by UAV so drone three pieces arrived Su 57 was damaged by shrapnel he’s now being determined whether it can be restored or not if not then this will be the first combat loss of a f Sue 57 inory history I’ll tell you again for the price of s57 alone shelters from uavs could be built for PTA aircraft in the country of course if you don’t bully them along the way you don’t have to give out Kickbacks so talking about corruption there and there’ still be some left Al lasts so again this is a big loss here now is this damaged destroyed well we we really don’t know how much of these operating in the conflict in Ukraine the war will we again we don’t know but we do know things like the k69 missile they were developed specifically for this platform and that these platforms are operating in distances of what we know Ukraine drones and or attack thems could reach on some airfields so what I would say is if these were not participating in the conflict why would they be anywhere they’d be on the complete other side of the country these are an incredibly expensive and Incredibly important aircraft now how many of these has Russia got about 22 we don’t know how many are actually flying in the air any one time that’s actually with any air assd I was actually had coffee with a friend in the Air Force yesterday he’s like when you have aircraft just divide it by two and that’s how many are actually flight worthy at the time for maintenance deep maintenance all of that now one thing I’ll say in this photograph is yeah it does tend to look off but but again it’s been confirmed here so we I don’t know but one thing I will say is for how damaged is this we do know Gen 4 and a half Gen 5 depending on this what you want to classify this aircraft these are a very sensitive aircraft a lot of computers and a lot of single pieces of material to make the body now what I’m talking about is if say an F18 or an F16 hits a bird they can replace singular panels bits and pieces if an F35 does that’s a massive massive deal due to how then the airframe the hull is made but we can see that it doesn’t look like it has caught on fire and I guess that would be one of the big ones to say that everything was destroyed so will parts of this be salvageable maybe engines maybe bits of the cockpit Radars again I’m no bloody aircraft guy but don’t downplay this this is a big loss of an aircraft like this and the first generation of this craft that we’ve actually seen destroyed and I guess we do know that they may or may not be participating in the conflict we don’t know we know Russia’s had problems actually getting those aircraft then into production as well but I will say and I always say this that these are a stunning aircraft what we need is lock heat Engineers bloody who’s the company that built sey design just designed the outside looks better than F35 but I don’t know how the performance in the air but what I’m talking about is see how this is sort of all one panel here this is what causes massive damage if there is even like a bird strike or drone or shrapnel onto something like this so it could be completely XX destroyed but again we are not really sure now again there is even more bad news coming out than for the f16s so this is the wrong one here we go total this from Politico but referencing the isw spoke about the day a total of 20 Ukrainian F16 Pilots are expected to graduate by the end of this year half of the 40 needed to operate a full Squadron of 20 Jets now I know many people hanging their hat on any week now we expecting F6 in the air and flying to like the full amount and we’re not sure what has happened there I’ve got some running theories and I’m trying to use like oam’s razor to be like what is the most likely issue for this and I just the excuse that the Americans can’t train more than 12 parts or once whatever they’re putting out that’s just we know that’s [ __ ] because of how many parts America put through training so we’re not we’re not really sure but us officials have warned for months F16 will not make a huge difference on the battlefield from Air Force secretary Frank Kendall last year while the Jets will give the ukrainians an increment of capability that they don’t have right now uh it’s not going to be a dramatic Game Changer as far as I’m concerned for their total military capabilities and I think that these ideas of it was going to it was going to be any week now on the front line I sort of think was that true at one point and then there might have been some final testing and people got that it’s not ready to go yet again we’re not 100% sure what is what has happened here and there’s definitely being some problems cuz this isn’t what was being said or what I guess was getting expected at this rate Ukraine won’t have a full Squadron of train piles until the end of 2025 so remember a full Squadron is 40 Pilots 20 Jets another issue is the weapons the plane are carrying now this is what we spoke about a while back of that the fighter aircraft you know these days it’s not guns and we’re too close for missile switching to guns dog fighting in the air that is gone even if we would like to see how one of these would perform against a flanker in a fight like that most likely we’re not going to see that but that these are basically a taxi for Munitions into areas now um Ukraine’s plan to use the Jets to knock down Russian cruise missiles and bistic missiles fire towards Ukrainian infrastructure and civilian targets those missions require precise air to- a missiles that belong to the US and dozens of NATO allies many of the countries are hesitant to part with their expensive weapons the production capacity for a120 advanced medium a a to a missile made by RTX has increased from about 500 to 800 per year to over 1,000 I will say geing up for War I think every single item from shells to bullets to recruiting men to aim bloody 120s needs to be increased massively if we are having problems on a war that is still localized between two Nations well for God’s sake uh but the worry from capitals is that the new request from keev could begin to put a strain on the country’s stocks so that will be very very interesting to see how that then unfolds and I know a lot of people are very disappointed expecting to see those f-16s any day now like this month and we may not see them operate until the end of the year even then if there’s not a full Squadron how will that then work again we don’t no now Ukraine today speaking with Sky News has said that a war plan has fired a weapon at a Target inside Russia for its first time damage assessment is still going it’s confirmed as a direct hit from a military Source telling Sky News Now of course firing a weapon inside Russia of these planes as something new but we don’t have any footage of what then was hit so at this point it is a claim and we do know as well and I’ve spoken a little bit about this about how much effect will these have and we need to look at the successes failures Russia has had to have a look at maybe what will happen here now at some point if Ukraine want to achieve their their goals of Victory they’re going to have to break through deep heavy defensive lines and I’ll bring these up here they’re going to to smash through this now let’s have a look at what is sueded for Russia the Fab Glide bombs they’re cheap a hell of a lot of bang got a lot of them can drop them well behind the line and these goals they’re going to require a breakthrough of heavily defended deep lines and the amount of Munitions that is actually going to take to do this is going to be too expensive or too numerous to rely on Modern technologically advanced weapon systems and will Ukraine have to then come to something like a Fab like the Russians have been using and has been success uccessful for the Russians now I’ve been thinking about this for a couple of weeks and like what would be the best maybe platform would something like an RAF tornado or something like that be a better platform if that was to go in now only today as I was researching other stuff this came out as well soon the air force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces will begin testing Ukrainian made guided bombs and this sounds a lot like then a Glide bomb we are also currently working on the conversion and creation of our adjusted aerial bombs based on ordinary Free Falling ones there is for some constructive nuances you need to choose a wing GPS module as well as control module in a few weeks we should start the firing test of the first batches of such bombs already cran so this will be interesting domestically produced so getting away from some of the other problems and maybe then used to break through some areas on the line that said that said the the Glide bombs have to come well the planes have to come a lot a lot closer putting them in a hell of a lot of danger in the air but one thing I want to put on this is one of my dreams like lifelong goals is to go in a fighter aircraft and I don’t care who I just want to go in a fighter aircraft now depending on how the economy will be running after this the Russian economy whenever the war ends they do flights in Mig 29s and [ __ ] €1,000 I can never afford that in my life but let’s hope that this sinks right down and I’d go and I’d love to fly something like that blood he know i’ ever let me in one maybe other than I’m never going to get in an Air Force One I don’t think I’d pass the medical exam ation but let’s then have a look at then the maps and there has been some interesting updates now we’re going to start on the map update yesterday and then we’ll move forward till today so you know these areas but we’ll come down Don ask ablast and we actually do see an interesting change just down in here out from the east of Vadar on this map the Russians made some advancement out here but I can’t confirm that amongst any other Maps we know the ties been deep State and then Ukraine mod that any map movement on this we can say is you know packed by official stuff so there has been some shift there and then an interesting change if we just come up north into Buck moot we do see then this that the majority of this eastern part of chasa remember this is shasa here but this Far Eastern part has then come under Russian control now there’s a lot of heavy fighting in here and then this is confirmed by a GE location so we see where this road comes down just on the corner here we have a GE location of a Russian flag being flown here so that is where this is GE located to this guy then putting it up but you can see the complete destruction of these areas a friction point is going to be this Waterway running through here and it’s going to be a friction Point both ways we know there’s been a lot like everything is down in here as far as Bridges Crossings whatever lot of strikes against those and Ukraine if they do withdraw any other Crossings will be likely taken out as well but will be the Ukrainian withdrawal back across this as well as Russia’s advancement across this anything like this is a big big friction Point open ground you’ve got to cross something there but that is interesting now there’s no other changes on this map no other changes in the north are shown even up till then today it’s interesting that no changes are being seen on any of the north on here but then we’ll work our way down the map as we do have some updates from Noel reports to look at as well so we come into this North sector here this better stove siniva kiska front we talk a lot about this and we have speculated could there be some push on Copans if there was a large Russian offensive again and I’m still not convinced that we’re going to see this all out offensive but Noel reports here between kka and Ivanka we have has then closed up this territory here being shown the same then on then the Deep state but just to keep you all in the loop then nothing down here nothing down until we get to then what I’ll call the sers front and Ros deliva here we have a you Ukrainian here we go the Noel reports Map update in here so we can see this is Ros deliva kka so across here basically where this is shown as gray zone is showing that this is now closed up by the Russian forces in just to the south of Ros deliva across here so quick update in there now again I will say no um suriak is off just on some leave so we don’t have any of his but I guess we’ll get a lot of updates on him no changes shown around y today but then we come down to the abiva front and we do see out from Oar a continuation of expansion of control here out further towards then the west and this is an interesting expansion we’ve seen and this head this flare has continued more and more here and this does put pressure into the north areas of course it puts pressure on this road connecting then up into Sloan katos area and other areas out into poov as well and this has been expanding and the has hasn’t really been a stoppage of Russian movement here Beyond then the first line fell and then it’s putting pressure on the second line we can see a small advancement out from umansky here as well and this is then double from uh Noel reports here out from umans but showing basically the same as then the Deep State and closing up more of the pressure in and around this front in here now just as I was looking I actually have missed something up in the north now no change on this map but Noel reports is saying in hoki here there has been a push back from the Ukrainian forces in here as well so basically liberating this area you can see where these roads run so just in here but has not been updated on this map here but that is all the map updates we have today down the front line now there’s a lot of speculation that from kinky the Ukrainian forces have actually left the Left Bank and have pushed across to the right no maps that no one I typically follow is saying this but I’m hearing a lot of speculation on that from contact ofine as well so again hold out on anything like that but I think the main area that’s going to be very interesting is Sumi oblast and the north ears this does create a lot a lot of issues now let’s then talk about France now we know France has been one of the biggest supporters of Ukraine and wanting to more and more uh talk about putting troops groups on the ground more strikes whatever but I will say as well then French hasn’t really backed that up with the weapons going in like we haven’t seen France deploy L clerk tanks to Ukraine we haven’t seen uh say you know we want to give you Raphael fighter we haven’t seen any of that so it’s sort of like well put your money where your mouth is you know before you’re deploying troops give us some of those weapon systems some of the more modern stuff maybe first but there has been an election and one of my guys who’s actually French has of sent me this across now what we’ll have a look at and you’ll see this map floating around a lot now the brownie red on this map this is the the right-wing party that has won overwhelmingly in areas Matt I mentioned before that macron was facing very difficult European election well his party came second with just 14.5% less than half of what the reassembled National or RN National rally got at 31.5 those results aren’t quite final yet but surely very close to the final ones it’s so bad that macron decided to dissolve the National Assembly the lower but more important House of the French Parliament meaning new elections will take place on the 30th of June and 7th of July constitutionally this changes nothing regarding the war in Ukraine as he retains full authority over the Armed Forces no matter what but he might have to name a prime minister from a different party and he’ll have to think very carefully about his political capital and how to spend it I don’t know how what the outcome of the early elections will be this is a situation the fifth Republic has never faced because the mainstream right-wing party these and the mainstream leftwing party used to dominate French politics but the former or the latter would win the elections and get rule so the former or the latter would win the elections and get ruled this is no longer the case the national rally is unlikely to get an absolute majority in the assembly and macron’s party is unlikely to get it either this is unprecedented in French politics at least in the current regime so there’s big changes happening in France I asked him some more about like what would the effect on Ukraine be here and he said well no the IR National rally they at least publicly is saying that they you know support Ukraine but there may be some pullback there as well but it is going to have of course a lot of domestic changes in France as well and macron may have to look internally and go right what is happening that is unpopular here and I guess you guys can figure out yourselves what is happening in France but this came out from the guardian 2 French president Emanuel macron and US President Joe Biden have aligned their country’s support for Ukraine and opposition to Russia during Biden say visit it a joint Roat released by The Presidents included a commitment to support efforts to use frozen Russian assets to help keep so not that money that is frozen but whatever money is created on top of that that then that can go through to Ukraine and many people have pointed out problems happening here and then could it undermine things like the Euro the pound the dollar for foreign investment especially people talking Chinese money tapping profits from Russian assets has drawn concerns from countries but a US Treasury official said this week that the US and G7 Partners were making progress Biden said if Putin succeeds in this war with Ukraine that he’ll not stop there it’s about much more than Ukraine again this is being pushed and pushed and pushed but we just don’t see that being the reality on the ground if Putin could even if he wanted to and push through here the military might is not there it’s just not EX resistant um and again even if you believe every word that comes out of Putin well then he hasn’t said that either so I believe both sides we talk about this every time either way you look at this Russian military doesn’t have the power to push through anywhere in NATO and on the other side if you believe Putin he has not said that he wants to do that it it’s about much more than Ukraine all of Europe will be threatened but we’re not going to let that happen the United States is standing strong with Ukraine we’re standing with our allies and we’re standing with France well I guess you could train more than 12 Pilots at once but it it is an interesting wording I don’t know if it is uh the best way to get support saying that Russia has goals to threaten the rest of Europe because I don’t think critical thinkers believe it I I people people going well they’re struggling in the east of Ukraine they haven’t captured areas of which they wanted to now 2 and a half years into the war but regardless let that is it uh for today I hope that you’re having a great day and that I’ll speak to you tomorrow thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Rusi mogu otvoriti i novu treću frontu ali to neće dovesti do operativnih promjena. Nestao je Sovjetski savez pa će tako nestati i Ruska Federacija. To je samo pitanje vremena.

  2. People actually think that there will be any more elections in France? How naive…

    Every single indicator is screaming red, and pointing to the fact (which is still unrecognized by most [completely oblivious] people) that a major new war is about to break out in Europe.

    Macron's dissolvement of the National Assembly is the most recent (and the most obvious) indicator of that, especially considering that this dissolvement comes right after Biden's visit to France. This dissolvement is now leaving Macron with absolute and completely unchallenged power (comparable only to insane French kings of the past) to… declare war on Russia, for example ( before French elections [never] happen, since they are obviously planned to never happen ).

    I don't know what exactly U.S. plans for starting a (nuclear) war between NATO and Russia are, but there are really only two possibilities:
    a) first strike on Russia by U.S. nuclear forces in Europe, or
    b) NATO invasion of Belarus, and when Russia responds to that invasion with tactical nuclear weapons (against invading NATO forces)… then the first strike on Russia by U.S. nuclear forces in Europe

    Both options look very much the same (in the end), don't they?

    All my bets are now on U.S. starting a nuclear war in Europe (one that will, hopefully, result in U.S. ending up completely annihilated in the process) by July 1st (that is, less than a month from now).

    Am I noticing a (not so delicate) shift in your analyses, Willy?

    I am genuinely disappointed. Your analyses used to be very objective, but you've definitely started to peddle some (blatantly obvious) U.S. propaganda as of recently, so… I guess your usefulness (to the truth and honesty, and thus, to humanity as a whole) has (very regrettably) expired.

    It's a shame, really… how people will sell — not just themselves, but all their loved ones as well — for a fistful of dollars.

    I mean, it's not like those dollars are going to be able to buy literally anything in a month (or less), so… that was a terrible, utterly horribly bad investment that you've made there (by exchanging your future for a bunch of completely worthless greenbacks).

  3. The promise of F-16's has been a load of BS from day 1. The NATO promise of F-16's to Ukraine was (and still is) little more than a means to bolster Western domestic support for the war in Ukraine, and to help make sure that the Ukrainians keep on fighting – well, at least till the US Presidential elections. After the US elections, Ukraine will soon become a second "Afghanistan". NATO quietly leaves the scene, and the news media (after blaming Zelensky and Co.), will drop the Ukraine narrative, and turn to the next juicy headline story: Taiwan.

  4. Why do you presume Russia is struggling? Do you even know what their objective is? In 2 years, Russia has taken 20% of Ukraine (more by the day) without opting to knock their whole country in the Stone Age, like NATO/Israel would. Putin’s patience and compassion should be commended.

  5. a single fighter aircraft is NOT at ALL strategically significant. Ukranus focuses SOLELY on fucking social media "victories"- this is a TOTALLY western and semitic approach where propaganda and public relations move sentiment and get mouthbreathers to kneejerk. and the west is so stupid that it almost throws parties over this crap. Ukranus is getting slaughtered and losing territory EVERY SINGLE DAY now. WTF does ONE SINGLE fighter mean in the scheme of things? NOTHING.

  6. I’m still laughing about your comment about Ukraine, making fabs.

    They didn’t make the bomb. They didn’t make the controller. They didn’t make the wings. All they’re doing is assembling parts made by other countries. Give me a break

  7. you "think" or "believe" these are deception attacks? LOL…did you figure that out by the fact that they brought NEXT TO NO ARMOR WHATSOEVER to these incursions? They sent Wagner and Akhmat…two elite infantry and light motorized groups. The whole point is to swarm the crappy AFU units and take territory temporarily and force AFU to dig in and fight over it. This notion that TERRITORY in an attrition war even matters is just western PR stupidity. RF is not interested in losing 10000 men like AFU did when taking Kharkov last year

  8. AIM-120s are expensive…abundant, but expensive. AFU will shoot myriads of them as they do with every other piece of free materiel. And they will be exhausted rapidly. These missiles are GREATLY outranged by the R37M. RF will – no idea why it isn't already – have to fly constant CAP at about 100-150km from the AFU's flight corridors, which can be done with Mig31s or Su35s, and take shots at them from that distance. They will be far outside the range of the AIM120 or F16's radar. Additionally, RF can or should use CAP to illuminate air targets and direct longer-range SAMs toward these ships. In fact, the plan to shoot down RF cruise missiles will end up being a trap where they have Kh101s fly around in circles hoping to draw an F16 toward it so that they can ambush the plane from long range with exactly these tactics

  9. Just be prepared for everything to change like the flip of the light switch. The polling shows Trump winning.

    The American people do not support the Ukrainian war . In fact, most of the people are sick and tired of NATO & Europe. We pay and pay and pay and get nothing in return. That is America’s opinion.

  10. Look at a WW2 map of Ukraine — no 100,000 square miles on Russia no Kiev , No Odessa. Over 20,000 Russian civilians keeeeled so far NATO owes $1 trillion in reparations

  11. Fact check: pics of SU-57's are the same picture and you'd have to be a brain dead flog not to see it,check the dark lines on the concrete in front of the jet,they're identical ffs.

  12. Why Willy doesn't understand what is problem with f16 and why US is delaying them to Ukrainian those plane can carry nuke
    Russian send warning to US if they see squadron of f16 flying to Russia border they going to interrupt assume that they carry nuclear weapon and they going to respond immediately without hesitation
    If we knew that recently Russian radars for detecting nuclear weapons had been destroyed Russians warning to the US must be taken seriously
    Maybe willy knew that but he's choose not to tell his audience that support Ukraine and he doesn't want to disappoint them
    Those people who are sceptical about this and don't believe that we are close to nuclear destruction than blink with eye
    People like willy are doing nothing to sound alarm about this topic because they're support Ukraine and afraid of losing and that fear is blinded them
    You are living your life without worry about anything and you supported your government to send weapon to Ukraine and suddenly you see mushroom in the sky yes those mushrooms and you ask yourself how why impossible it must be that I am dreaming you squeezing yourself and you feel it and you recognize that you are not dreaming you begin to ask yourself why nobody has told me that this can happen and I watched willy video not long ago and he only talked that Ukrainian are happy with delivered f16.
    Shoot out to content creator that are warning people that we are closer to that landscape full of mushroom

  13. Wife's best friend son back from a tour and said only half make it back rest injured or dead , these are young men pressed to fight it's sick

  14. Lol.. everyone getting excited over a mock Su-57, which is why it is in the open. For all the dill dummies to bite on and expose their launch systems.

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