The leaders were asked if they would take the UK out of the ECHR. #UKElection #UKPolitics #BBCNews

if your Rwanda plan is blocked by the courts and will this appear in your Manifesto that you would remove the UK from the European convention on human rights is that part of your plan will that be in your mind crystal clear I believe all our plans are compliant with our International obligations but if I have I’m forced to choose between securing our borders and our country security or a foreign Court I’m going to choose our country security every single time no if I’m prime minister we will not pull out of international agreements an international law which has respected the world over because I I want the UK to be a respected player on the global stage not a pariah who doesn’t agree with international law and those laws were put in place after the second World War

  1. He is deporting illegal immigrants to Rwanda. These immigrants have come from Middle Eastern countries and have caused internal havoc to the UK. He is securing his country from foreign enemies.

  2. He not only left the D-Day ceremony, but abandons international courts set up to protect one of the great legacies of World War II – Human Rights. He cannot be allowed to be our next Prime Minister.

  3. No2 seems really weak like he won’t run a country, but rather a fund.
    No1 also just talking crap for votes.
    Same old story 👍

  4. It's not a foreign court. Its an international court that gives you a right to fair treatment. It's absolutely shameful saying he'll take us out. Russia and Belarus are the only countries in Europe who aren't members.

  5. What idiot thinks we should throw away our basic human rights, to secure our borders? How about securing our borders and keeping our human rights. Sounds like a stupid move.

  6. This has nothing to do with enhancing sexual potency. I promise there are no gimmicks in what follows. The European Court of Human Rights, governed by the Council of Europe (not the EU) which we, the UK together with our allies created after WW2, is an International Court on which British Judges sit, that “guarantees specific rights and freedoms and prohibits unfair and harmful practices” as set out in the European Convention on Human Rights. An internationally binding Treaty by Convention that, funnily enough, was almost completely drafted by the UK. The guaranteed benefits to all of us include freedom from torture and slavery, freedom of expression, the right to protest, the right to a fair trial, the right to statutory leave, the right to free speech, the right to equality and much more… We can't leave the ECHR without leaving the Council of Europe, so Rich Sunkrat bragging about opting out of ECHR is DIVERSIONARY, LYING, BULLSHIT STIRRING TORY BOLLOX, and a feeble attempt to get the THICK GAMMON in marginal seats into thinking that the EU are 'THREATENING OUR OWN COURTS' and thereby undermining our defence. Who with an scintilla of intelligence would fall for that?? Ruski Skunkrat is deliberately using vile lies and propaganda to CON people into voting for the UK to join Belorus and Russia as PARIAH STATES in being the only other nations to have left the ECHR. But just imagine the incalculable benefits to 'Big Business' of being free to hire, fire, employ people with no statutory rights, disallowed from withdrawing their labour through strikes or protests, summary dismissal with no mandatory minimum recompense, being able to ignore the EU 48 maximum working hours directive, not being obliged to provide health, safety, medical, maternity benefits etc. The PROFIT to BUSINESS in NOT being subject to sanction by the ECHR for trampling all over these "european rules set by foreign judges" is immense. Of course the LYING RICH SKUMRAT wants the UK to leave – just imagine the PROFIT!! (Facts as above according to the Equality and Human Rights Commission.25 Jul 2022)
    Sorry about the CAPITALS, but the current bunch of PROFITEERING, LYING, CORRUPT TORI£S make me SHOUT!

  7. Coming out of ECHR and replacing it with something that is right for GB and these times, not when it was set up after the second world war is long overdue. To say our law makers can't come up with something far better and applicable to today is insulting. Lets make our government work for GB, rather than EU for once.

  8. Omg – the Norman Wisdom of number 10 is always – ALWAYS – 'crystal clear'. As Jim Hacker said ' he can talk in cliches until the cows come home'.

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