King Charles praises D-day veterans on 80th anniversary of landings

King Charles praises D-day veterans on 80th anniversary of landings

80 years ago on dday the 6th of June 1944 our nation and those which stood alongside us faced what my grandfather King George V 6 described as the Supreme test how fortunate we were and the entire free world that a generation of men and women in the United Kingdom and other Allied Nations did not flinch when the moment came to face that test on the beaches of Normandy in the Seas Beyond and in the skies overhead our Armed Forces carried out their Duty with a humbling sense of resolve and determination qualities so characteristic of that remarkable wartime generation very many of them never came home they lost their lives on the D-Day Landing grounds or in the many battles that followed it is with the most profound sense of gratitude that we remember them and all those who served at that critical time

King Charles has praised D-day veterans at the UK’s commemoration event in Ver-sur-Mer, France, on the 80th anniversary of the landings.
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‘It is with the most profound sense of gratitude that we remember them and all those who served at that critical time,’ he said. Addressing those gathered, King Charles spoke in English and French. He spoke of the ‘remarkable wartime generation’ and said we must ‘recall lessons that comes to us again and again’

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  1. Did this so-called King of the 21st century say anything about the role that Russia took in the second world war, hypocrisy at its highest level, what a wonderful life living in cookoo land

  2. “Quick! The Germans are trying to take over the world!“
    The British Empire says while occupying 1/4 the world’s landmass

  3. How can charlie stand there in that uniform without being ashamed.
    He is not fit to be associated with the courage and self sacrifice displayed on the beaches eighty years ago. He should be held in universal contempt for attempting to do so.
    Shame on him and the rest of the parasites who do so.

  4. And let us not forget the Parliament of Canada giving a standing ovation to a former WW2 N@zi from Ukraine who they were told fought the Russians, an ally in WW2. Recently Boris Johnson hosted members of the Azoz Brigade Neo-N@zis to the British Parliament. One hopes that they gave him a "My Mother is Ukraine and Bandera is My Father" patch to wear.

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