Russian warships including nuclear sub arrive in Cuba

It is a scene reminiscent out of the Cold War and the message? Well, it couldn’t be any clearer. Yeah, Three Russian warships and a nuclear powered submarine arrived in Cuba a few hours ago. They’re taking part in planned military exercises in the Caribbean. But the real goal is essentially a projection of strength by Russia on the world stage as being very closely watched by the U.S. And that comes amid rising tensions between Washington and Moscow over, of course, the war in Ukraine. CNN’s Patrick Oppmann joins us now live from Havana. Patrick, this could be a conversation reminiscent of something we would have been discussing decades ago. And yet here we are, the U.S., we know, has been monitoring these ships very closely. Talk about the significance of it. The U.S. intelligence doesn’t believe that these ships are armed with nuclear weapons. Nonetheless, just 90 miles off of the coast of Florida, just 90 miles off the coast of Florida, and only about 50 yards from where I’m standing right behind me, there are there are the four Russian naval ships that came into the Port of Havana this morning. The ship directly behind me is a rescue ship, an icebreaker, which does not have much use in the Caribbean. And then behind that is a nuclear powered sub, the Kazan, something Cubans say they’ve never seen before in this country, a nuclear powered submarine coming in for all to witness in the port of Havana, really something quite unusual. And then behind is the Gorkov, which is one of the most modern military ships capable of firing cruise missiles that Vladimir Putin possesses, really the highest level of technology that the Russian Navy can boast. So those are for all to see. They are docked in an area. A few years ago, you would have seen American cruise ships, but because of U.N. sanctions, they’re no longer allowed to come here and right before we came on air, I could hear the sailors singing the Russian national anthem. So it certainly felt like a moment from the past. You know, it wasn’t that long ago, of course, that the Soviet Union was supplying Cuba with everything they needed here. And the economy was during much, much better as a result. We have seen some of that come back over the last few years with the war in Ukraine, where Vladimir Putin, in exchange for Cuban support in that war, has sent more oil here, more food. There are a lot more Russian tourists here these days. And that is helping Cuba as the economy is really in some of the worst the worst stage that it has been in decades. Literally. Russian oil in many instances is keeping the lights on when they are on here, because for much of the time there are nationwide blackouts taking place. So Cuba has increasingly voiced its support for Vladimir Putin, the invasion in Ukraine and Vladimir Putin has returned the favor. Certainly striking to see these ships here behind me armed with nuclear weapons or not so close to the United States. Yeah. And just obviously, yes, very alarming. But just in terms of what Cuba has said about this, Patrick, Cuba is essentially saying, look, this is standard practice. We do this frequently with countries that are sort of friendly to Cuba in terms of their own naval units. And as you pointed out, Cuba also saying that, look, there are no nuclear weapons on board the ship. There’s absolutely no threat whatsoever. But still, talk us through how closely the US Navy is watching this. Well, the US Navy essentially squirted them into Cuban waters as the ships while they were in international waters were essentially skirting the coast of Florida. So certainly they’re watching them now. They will be keeping an eye on them if they depart from here and go to another U.S. adversary, the country of Venezuela. You know, the US has a naval maneuvers around the globe as well. They certainly have a much more active Navy right now than than than Russia’s. So this is something these countries do. They keep a distance from another as they shadow one another’s ships. And there’s a certain amount of professionalism there. And yes, it’s true that many other countries send their Navy ships here on friendly visits such as this one. They allow the Cuban public sometimes to board their ships, as we expect to take place later on in the week here with the ships behind me. But but, of course, the relationship with Cuba and with Russia for so many years during the Cold War is is very, very different from those relationships. No other nation in the world has based nuclear warheads here. No other nation in the world was so supportive of Cuba. Cuba’s is essentially a client state of the USSR for many, many years. And you hear Russian officials saying that they want to invest more in Cuba, that they want to help the Cuban economy grow. But they also sometimes lament that Cuba remains a communist run state and Russia is not anymore. So even the Russians, despite the years of that close relationship, have trouble making anything happen in Cuba on these days, which really says a lot about Cuba’s economy and and the entrenched bureaucracy here. But Cuban officials say that simply U.S. sanctions have pushed them back into the arms of their old ally. But, of course, the economy in Russia certainly is very different. These days. Russia no longer able to finance Cuba as it once did. Russia no longer a member of the G8 after its annexation of Crimea. It’s notable that the president, President Biden, is meeting with his G7 now counterparts today in Italy. Patrick Oppmann stating the obvious no need for an icebreaker in the Caribbean and yet there is one right behind you. Thank you so much.

CNN’s Patrick Oppmann reports on Russian warships and a nuclear-powered submarine visiting Cuba. Cuban officials say these Russian warships do not carry nuclear warheads and are there for peaceful purposes. #CNN #news

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  1. And in my own personal opinion,And the all — powerful,the all — fearless and the all — courageous,the all — brave,the all — determined and the all — ferocious as well as the all — appointed,the all — chosen and the all — called including the all — dedicated,the all — devoted and the all — committed United States of America's Armed Forces's ( And God Bless America,And the Home of the Brave and Anchors Aweigh,Semper Fidelis and Semper Paratus,Duty — Honor — Country and Soar High,Soar Higher and Soar Highest to our U.S. Air Force/Forces plus our U.S. Space Force/Forces!!! ) Department of the U.S. Navy's Naval Forces should and must send tremendous alarm/alarms,tremendous warning/warnings and tremendous " wake — up call/wake — up calls and also at the same time to kick — out,to boot — out and to drive away those very warmongering,those very " blood – thirsty " and the very trouble – making as well as those very aggressive and those very hostile Communist Russian armed forces's Communist Russian navy sailors that are prowling and sailing the bodies of waters of the Caribbean Sea particularly the open maritime waters of the armed forces,nation and country called Communist Cuba's maritime of open waters where there are three Communist Russian navy warships including their nuclear – powered or diesel powered or electric – powered submarine that are most likely fully – armed with tactical and strategic nuclear weapons even including thermo – nuclear weapons.And these critical,important and crucial scenario is indeed a reminiscent meaning " the awakening memories " that was already reported by the Blessed,the all — knowledgeable and the all — gifted Cable News Network News called the C.N.N. News female news anchor that regards to the very volatile,the very dangerous and the very unpredictable past 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis when the all — appointed,the all — chosen and the all — called 1960's decade's Kennedy Administration's American highest — ranking government officials managed to kick — out,booted — out and driven away the very aggressive and the very hostile Communist Russian navy sailors who are fully – armed with their atomic/nuclear weapons that seriously threatened all of North America and including the armed forces,country and nation called Communist Cuba.And also,And the all — potent,the all — strategic and the all — dominant as well as the current Department of the U.S. Navy's Naval Forces should and must fully realize that there are most likely more crafty and deceitful Communist Russian navy servicemen's including more of their submarines and more of their warships located " on the near and far horizon " all over the vast,huge and massive Caribbean Sea.And also,And the Communist Russian submarine and their three Communist Russian warships actually possessed their Communist Russian – made atomic/nuclear weapons already on – board their Communist Russian submarine and their three Communist Russian navy warships as well as the rest of them there.Semper Fidelis

  2. We've had a sub shadowing Russias little convoy since it entered international waters on the other side of the globe. Don't know who they think they're trying to spook but it sure as fuck ain't the US Navy.

  3. I think Russia sending their top-of-the-line boats to Cuba is a Grand idea, IMO. It allows the U.S. Navy to admire all their shiny weapon systems, every bolt and battery. Also, listen in on all their exciting conversations while sailing and at port.

    The Russians should also continue to help the poor nation of Cuba by sending them more food and much more oil. I'm sure Ukraine would approve.

  4. Why the FEAR-MONGERING??? They do this all the time!!!
    Fuck the narrative! Fuck the reps and dems!!!! Let’s vote for crazy Robert Kennedy Jr.

  5. Lol, if Brandon will be reelected we will see Russian Tanks in Florida and they will tell us they will monitor it.., sure Nuclear weapon just 100 mils away from Miami decently no treat to US hahah Mor…ns

  6. A 😮😮😢😢😢😢 bad & nasty 😮😮😢😢😢😢 retired director from General Dynamics, previously worked in San Diego, probably more than 85 yrs old now, is abusing US Gov's monitoring satellite to harass normal US civilians, inside USA & all over the world for his own entertainment & amusement.

    These remote sensors of the monitoring satellites are capable of interpreting the words you're thinking in your mind, may be, by air vibration or by scanning the brainwaves from your brain.

    The Israeli IDF are using similar satellite technologies to spy on the Hamas leadership hiding deep inside the Gaza Tunnels. IDF once released footage of these videos in much degraded resolution.

    This could also have been the way how our intelligence services obtained classified information on Xi Jinping's missile deployment within China.

    This retired General Dynamics director could have been the mastermind behind the plane crash killing the Secretary of Commerce Ronald Brown of the Clinton Administration, in the plane crash in 1996 in Croatia.

    The United States as we learned and studied in American high school does not exist anymore; it has been destroyed.

    United States have been dead. American citizens don't have human rights.

    This retired Director of General Dynamics is indeed a national disgrace of the United States.

    If this America disgrace wants to harrass any American civilian, he just puts the name of this American into our Gov. blacklist for monitoring, and he can harass this American civilian.

    United States must stop this disgrace retired director from General Dynamics.

    Our Congress should carry out an investigation into our Gov satellite misuse. I am willing to testify in Congress.

    I can give White House my name and let them check if I have been wrongly put onto the blacklist of terrorists for monitoring, just for some retired director from General Dynamics for his personal amusement and entertainment.

    I am requesting help here from White House. That's why I'm typing all these.

    White House can simply remove my name from the list of terrorists being monitored by the American intelligence services.

    I am the victim of abuse of American monitoring satellites.

    It's easy to check. White House may check if my name is on the terrorist monitoring list. I am willing to contact White House.

  7. Not to worry. An Ohio class sub followed them for days and dropped them off at the 12 mile international limit. When the noisy Russian submarine leaves the Ohio will fall in and track them as far as they want. The Russians will search for the Ohio class but will never see it or even hear it. The Russian sailors are in Cuba to drink and get laid. Just like American sailors have for generations! 🤗

  8. Now we have their sound signature , way to go dummies. A naval battle with Russia , knowing what they have would be comical. The invasion Ukraine has unzipped their pants to show how tiny they really are. This just says to me, as a former Sub Sailor, is a dare to give Putin a reason to do something dumb. Remember, the Ukraine "Army" almost sunk a Russian flag ship with shoulder fired weapons. You think they would have a chance with our modern Naval forces?

  9. This is the greatest gift Russia could give us. They've placed their (possibly) only two fully functioning warships next to a US Naval base and only 90 miles from our shore. The amount of intelligence we will gather will be staggering. Yes, Putin is trying to send a message. But it doesn't say what he thinks it says

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