Russian warships, nuclear submarine in Cuba, fighter jet in NATO airspace. What happens next? | WION

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is this remarkable [Music] it is the 11th of June 2024 and a direct confrontation between Russia and the NATO looks almost inevitable you see there are escalations on both the sides Russian warships have reached Cuba a Russian nuclear submarine has docked in Havana Russian war planes have reportedly crossed into NATO airspace America has heightened vigilance armed a dangerous far-right faction of the Ukrainian military also Ukraine is upping its drone game bellarus and Russia are carrying out nuclear exercises there are more developments all hinting that a bigger War may be just one mistake away let’s start off with what’s happening in the war zone Russia is claiming that it has taken control of one more Village in Ukraine’s donque region the name of this Village is star omay orski this is where it is on the map there have also been strikes in other parts of Ukraine [Music] in KV Ukrainian Rescuers managed to save a man who was buried under the rubble after Russia fire after Russian fire hit a residential area now Russia claims it has managed to shoot down a Ukrainian mc29 fighter jet the Kremlin also claims it has intercepted Neptune anti-ship missiles and Ukraine on the other hand says it has managed to hit a Russian oil refinery Ukrainian officials claiming the novos Shakin oil refinery in Russia’s rostov oblast was struck on the 5th of June Ukraine claims the attack destroyed 1.5 million tons of oil and oil products in fact KF estimates the total loss to be worth $540 million also in a first the White House has officially confirmed that Ukraine has used American weapons to hit Russian territory not too far from the war zone Belarus and Russia are conducting a nuclear drill this is the second stage of the tactical drill now Russia says these drills are meant to ensure that the two countries are ready to protect their sovereignty adding that European provocations necessitate these exercises remember Russian President Vladimir Putin has not taken lightly West’s decision to arm Ukraine with long- range missiles that are capable of hitting deep within Russia during the ongoing exercises troops from both the countries are expected to work on the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons [Music] and this comes at a time when a Russian nuclear submarine along with Russian warships have docked in Havana Cuba visiting Cuba is Russian frigate Goos kov Fleet oil tanker pashin the rescue tug Nikolai chika and nuclear powered submarine Kazam these ships and submarine are fitted with long range missiles like the caliber and siron that are capable of striking as far as New York Washington DC and Chicago America is on alert us media in fact reporting that American ships have already been deployed and tasked with shadowing the Russian warships Reports say two American destroyers have been tossed into action as have two other ships that tow sonar equipment back in Ukraine KF is preparing for an offensive this is Vadim sukari he is Ukraine’s commander of drone drone forces commander of drone forces this is a new post that Ukraine has created by the way keeping in mind the changing nature of the Warfare also keeping in mind Ukraine’s hits and misses we told you just yesterday how Ukrainian drones have managed to hit one of Russia’s stealth fighter jets the suoi Su 57 NATO calls it the Fallon Ukraine managed to strike this jet on the ma of an air base in the asra Khan region we have high resolution images of the damage like we’ve been telling you this is almost 600 km from the front line the question is will it add to the growing tensions in the sea will Russia retaliate by striking deep into Ukrainian land will it become a logistics versus Logistics Warfare Ukraine is already drawing up a plan for this possibility it is drawing up a plan to secure the US made f-16s that Kiev will be receiving from its European allies the plan is to house some of these fighter jets in air bases outside Ukraine meaning chances are these Jets will be in a NATO hanger but is that a foolproof plan what if Russia does not shy away from striking a non- Ukrainian aerod Drome just look at what Finland is claiming it says a Russian jet violated Finnish air space as per fin finland’s defense Ministry the Russian fighter jet flew into finland’s airspace on Monday the jet allegedly entered 2.5 kilm into finland’s territory what more the Russian military jet stayed in finland’s airspace for about 2 minutes the airspace violation reportedly happened in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland this is the first such airspace violation since Finland became a NATO member which means if finland’s claims are correct what you essentially have here is Russia entering NATO a space and that is dangerous that is provocative speaking of which let me tell you what America has done it has armed a faction of the Ukrainian armed forces that Russia Brands as neo-nazis the US Has Lifted weapon sanctions that were imposed on the Azor Brigade this is a unit of the Ukrainian military with quite a checkered history the AAR Brigade started off as a militia that was absorbed into the Ukrainian National Guard in 2015 this unit is accused of human rights violations by the United Nations which is why Washington had banned the aor Brigade from using American Arms but now as the war escalates Washington has pulled a swift uturn the state department has said and I’m quoting here after thorough review Ukraine’s 12th special forces assol Brigade passed Le wetting as carried out by the US Department of State what is the Ley wetting the Ley law prevents the US from militarily assisting foreign units that are guilty of human rights violation so what is the U what the US is basically saying now is that the aor Brigade is not guilty of human rights violation that Washington has found quote unquote no evidence what gives perhaps the desperation to defeat Russia at all cost you see the AAR Brigade has proved to be very effective in the war it fought hard to defend the aoral steel mill in mariole this was in the early months of the war the battle went in favor of Russia but the strong front put put up by the aor Brigade did not go unnoticed and now as the war escalates the US has decided to give the aor Brigade full access to its cash of weapons and here is how Russia has reacted to this listen to this so what you have here is escalation from both the sides leaving ample scope for a fatal miscalculation to stay up to speed with the latest news download the weon app And subscribe to our YouTube channel

Things are fast escalating on the ground in Ukraine. Russia has captured another village and shot down a Ukrainian warplane. Russian warships and a nuclear submarine have reached Cuba. Russia is holding nuclear drills with Belarus. What are these developments pointing at? Gravitas brings you the full story.

#russia #cuba #gravitas

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  1. I don't understand why the News woman doesn't understand. If a neighbor country attacked your country, killing everyone and raping women and children. They wanted your country for themselves. Would the News woman not care? I think she would be angry too. This all started by Russia. Mother Russia has always been hostile. Their greatest achievement is to bully the world. A life to them means nothing. But for now, us Americans will see our last days soon. But billions of Russians will wished that they stopped the World War 3

  2. 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌕🌞🌕🌞🌕🌞🌕🧄🌕🦇🌕🧄🌕🧄🌕🧄🌕🧄🌕🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄

  3. Putin say everytime, i want Peace and Contract with the Ukraine. Johnson say no 2022, same 2014 want the USA not this Goverment. AMERICA SHAME YOU PUTIN THINK AND BRANDON CAN NOT THINK

  4. Free swimming in international waters. Freedom to fly intercontinental missiles in international airspace. It so happened that the Russians have more nuclear warheads than the United States.

  5. America and nato have as nuclear ships and subs and military ships in the black sea, baltic sea, the far north and off the coast of the far east! Whats the problem. Russia has the right to defend itself, not to mention, its not illeagal for Russia to sail to visit its allies, not to mention, the Ruseian ships are not armed with nuclear weapons, unlike the amerucans and nato

  6. Wtf? Escalation only on america and nato side and ukraine Russia has the right to protect itself and to protect Lugansk, Donbass, Crimea. You are now ALL NAZI COLLABORATORS.

  7. these "presidents" / pm.s (biden, macron, trudeau, johnson) think they play some kind of video games??? they full blown nutcases, really!

  8. It would be a suicide for Russia to provoke a war on another front, Putin is good at bluffing. he knows where his country stand, he cannot even win the war in Ukraine.

  9. I remember when war just started Japan (american puppet) hastily excluded Azov from its list of terrorist organizations because it doesn't look good for americans to finance terrorists.


  11. Russia and it's allies are stronger and better than the US and NATO by far…. and most of the world's people are in favour of Russia not the US.

  12. Russia should be more active and design and assembly high load bearing weapons and should form joint strike force command to attack effectively.

  13. If American government using Ukrainians as tools like the Nazis during WW2 against the Soviet Union. So not shocking US took in the most Nazis to be employed by our government through Operation paperclip.

  14. Russia accused of ‘deliberate’ starvation tactics in Mariupol in submission to ICC
    The Holodomor, also known as the Ukrainian Famine, was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians. The Holodomor was part of the wider Soviet famine of 1930–1933 which affected the major grain-producing of the Soviet Union. Most of the victims where poor Eastern European people of Jewish descent

  15. These irresponsible politicians will destroy the world and everyone in it. Each President should focus on their countries and citizens and leave other countries alone darn it. Stop the bullying of others, enough is enough stop.

  16. why USA citizens not worried and not telling Biden please stop war why why .If not wake up USA citizens now then will be too late and world will face of war so please wake up And stop shit war in all world .and every country need to saty in his own country world need peace peace peace

  17. This Biden character makes me nervous. He's so spineless and corrupt one has to wonder if he isn't setting us up for an invasion. Lord knows he gives trillions away and he's turned our military into a bunch of pansies and all the real men in the military have been relieved of their duties..Yeah, Trump is the man but America is ignorant too. Once one of the Obama's steps in to run against our local hero, they will vote for one of them. Been happening for generations. Blacks vote in another crooked Democrat and have to live AGAIN in ignorance and poverty..

  18. If there is war, then let there be war, and America can really show the world how shit Russia military is. And it will NEVER escalate to nuclear war. Nobody wins that game and most likely half the missiles wouldn’t even make it out of Russian silos. They would be the biggest losers in the nuclear war so that is not an option.

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