Putin outlines Russia’s terms for Ukraine peace talks

Putin outlines Russia’s terms for Ukraine peace talks

Russian President vladimir Putin has Laid out the country’s terms and conditions for entering Peace Talks with Ukraine at A Russian Foreign ministry Building Friday Putin announced Russia would ceas Fire and Enter Peace Talks If Ukraine dropped Its Nato ambitions and withdrew Forces From four ukrainian regions claimed by Moscow Putin went on to say The conditions were very Simple and ukra Accept Kremlin at thee Order to эти условия очень простые украинские войска должны быть полностью выведены из Донецкой Луганской народных республик Херсонской и Запорожской обла Прим обнимание их административных границ которые существовали на момент их вхождения в Украину как только в Киеве заявит о том что готовы к такому решению и начнут реальный вывод войск из этих регионов а также официально уведомит об отказе от планов вступления в НАТО с нашей стороны незамедлительно буквально в ту же минуту последует приказ прекратить огонь и начать переговоры Сегодня мы делаем ещ одно конкретное реальное Мирное предложение зад лих от него как и жде также откажутся то в конце концов это их дело их политической и моральной ответственность за продолжение кровопролития очевидно реалии на земле на линии боевого соприкосновения будут и дальше меняться не в пользу Киевского режима и условия для начала переговоров будут другими ВМ или при остановке огня как это Например как этого хочет Запад чтобы восстановить потери [музыка] перевооружении напомню также Что именно Вашингтон подорвал стратегическую стабильность заявив об одностороннем выходе из договоров о противоракетной обороне о ликвидации ракет средней и меньшей дально от Неу а совместно со своими навс сателлитами разрушили создавшуюся десятилетиями систему мер доверия и контроля над вооружениями на европейском пространстве в конечном счёте эгоизм и высокомерие западно государств привели к нынешнему крайне опасному состоянию дел мы подошли недопустимо близко к точке не все пропо Роя продовж пропонувати звучало перго дня повнота ВР це програш Укра тут нема ких можливостей найти десь Компрос ВН пропо Укра визнати свою поразку ВН пропо Укра вда ритор Ну тобто росийський федера заксу це юридично ВН пропо Укра вмовити в сво субт Ну в Зов полично сукно ВН пропо Укра вмовити практично в тих чи инших формат свого захисту Ну тобто щоб Украина не Була членом там того чи иншого альянсу Не мала сво Ар и нареш ВН пропо кранам заходу вмовити в Санк проти рос таким чином Роя говорить що ми не будемо платити за цю вну не будемо нести юридичних насв за цю вй не будемо вда за злочини я ми чинили и будемо вважати що ми виграли цю вну [музыка] to Bring About a peace I think UM You Know That’s exactly The kind of behavior that We don’t want to see We don’t want to see a a Leader of One Country Wake up One Day and decide that he wants To erase borders and annex the territory of his neighbor That’s not the world that any of Us want to live in and so I think I think UM You Know He is not in in my View not in a position to Di

Russian President Vladimir Putin has outlined his conditions for peace talks with Ukraine on Friday. Putin stated that Russia would cease fire and enter peace talks if Ukraine dropped its NATO ambitions and withdrew forces from four Ukrainian regions claimed by Moscow.

He emphasized that the conditions were “very simple” and added, “As soon as Kyiv declares that it is ready for such a decision and begins the actual withdrawal of troops from these regions, as well as officially notifies that they abandon plans to join NATO, an order to cease fire and begin negotiations will immediately follow from our side, literally at the same minute,” Putin said.

“If Kyiv and the Western capitals reject it in the same way as before, then, after all, it is their business, they take political and moral responsibility for continuing the bloodshed,” Putin added.

However, a Ukrainian presidential aide dismissed Putin’s proposal, stating there was “no possibility to find compromise.”

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin also commented, “I think, you know, he is not, in my view, in a position to dictate to Ukraine what it must do to pursue peace.”

For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/10566566/vladimir-putin-russia-ukraine-ceasefire-conditions/
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  1. Putin getting desperate because the west is still supporting Ukraine with equipment and money and more and more russians are being killed in Ukraine for his ego

  2. In 1990 James Baker promised Gorbachev, NATO would not move one inch eastward. Clinton broke the promise. In 2004 Ukraine elected a pro Russian President. The USA spearheaded a coup and the elected president agreed to hold another election which he lost and this was called by the DC neocons, the Orange Revolution. Fast forward and the pro Russian president is elected again, but this time uS congressmen, and state department and NGOs funded protesters for months before the President fled wherein the Nazis took over and the Donbas and Crimea declared their independence. Crimea voted immediately to rejoin Russia. The Donbas fought the Nazis and a 2015 Minsk Agreement gave autonomy to the Donbas but the Nazis kept shelling. Thousands were killed in the Donbas and in 2022 Markell, Hollander and Poroshenko all admitted they LIED when they signed the agreement. When the Nazis put a 125000 man army east of the Dnieper set to invade and happy hair brained Harris suggested Zelenskyy should apply to NATO, Russia rushed in to save the Donbas which voted to become part of Russia AGAIN.

  3. I dont get it, why wont Ukraine accept it, who cares about the fricking territory, people are dying and we are at the bring of the WW3, idk how the west and Ukraine dont understand that, just agree to the ceasefire already!!

  4. And if United States and nato had stayed to hell out of it there would have been very little bloodshed and the people of those 4 regions would have gone back to Russia like they want through a referendum that was legal but the United States would have had all their dirty labs uncovered

  5. This war has absolutely no chance of ending anytime soon, neither side has budged in months and as long as the ammunition is there, it's going to continue.

  6. Stop anglo warmongers inside EU. Peace and diversity of sovereign nations with decentralize good and happy collaboration.
    Peace and Diplomacy NOW!

  7. stop the war between us, we are all people ,different languages and we should focus on the real threats like asteroids, aliens, etc are you too advanced? give life on a different planet.. then you will be appreciated not for a continent to get it… you’ll be appreciated for the whole human race .. peace and love for all, I see no enemy of any country or color❤❤❤I love you all😘🤗

  8. NATO is the new NAZI regime.

    Ongoing wars and conflicts are NATO's currency.

    We all notice how NATO never uses the word "peace".

    The NATO-US cabal will prolong Ukraine war to the last Ukrainian.

    NATO-US is the #1 enemy of peace and #1 risk for a nuclear conflict at this time.

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