Conservatives £12bn tax cuts questioned

Conservatives £12bn tax cuts questioned

you seem to be getting basically all the heavy lifting for the tax cuts comes from welfare yeah uh Cuts but that 12 billion isn’t really explained well the Prime Minister made a a speech on welfare you remember before the election campaign setting out all clear pans to do that that will raise we think 12 billion pounds so it’s it’s not a real number it’s a bit it’s absolutely not it is a real number but the point but the point about it is is that this is trying to get welfare not even back to where we were pre pandemic the 12 billion saving isn’t even taking us back to preco DWP benefit payments I’m asking to see your homework I’m asking to see your workings and you haven’t produced them yet all you’ve done is put an aspiration if you put that past the OB they’d laugh at you well I I think the OB would take our costing seriously I think they’d look at what we’re planning to do to personal Independence payments

We challenge Conservatives Laura Trott and Michael Gove on the on the numbers behind Rishi Sunak’s promise of £12 billion tax cuts.


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  1. Most of the increase in social welfare payments is due to long-COVID symptoms, that left c. 2.9 million people chronically ill up to 2 years after their initial Illness.

    Futhemrore, research in the UK found that 37% of people with long-COVD were unable to work and reported a loss of income. Another study, published in July 2022, found that 2.9 million working aged people had long-COVID symptoms, and an estimated 120,900 working-age people were left unable to work. Another 80,000 people left employment (early retirement). This represents c. £1 billion in direct extra social welfare and pension payments (not including dependants), and likely more, as the ONS figures published later in 2023 showed an increase in the number with long-COVID.

    Reuschke, D. and Houston, D., 2023. The impact of Long COVID on the UK workforce. Applied Economics Letters, 30(18), pp.2510-2514.

  2. So, once again, those least able to fight back (the disabled and elderly) are being financially squeezed in order to finance tax breaks. Colour me surprised (not).

  3. i know how to save tax payers money first Reduce MP s pay to minimum wage , stop expenses , no tax fiddles that would wipe the smiles of their faces

  4. Another reason not to vote conservative. The Green Party is for me. Becaus we need a real change not just promises that will disappear like dew when the Sun comes up. Let’s be fair to the rich and poor. The sick, the needy and the old should be the priority not giving taxes cuts.

  5. When you equally don’t trust politicians or the media, so watching these fools go back and forth just feels silly since you don’t believe a word out of their mouths

  6. So the government blames all it's failures on the pandemic . This suggests they never really had a workable recovery plan other than blame the poor . Typical Tory rhetoric 😮

  7. Tories have already effectively chosen to kill 330,000 of the population through Austerity. 250,000 through Covid. They've obviously got the taste for blood. Don't look to Labour to be any better Starmer has filled his cabinet with Disabled Haters.

  8. They always go after the people who need help the most try cutting your expenses and wages and stop fiddling the expenses and the country might have money

  9. Typical Tories, blame the disabled and unemployed, and cut their benefits, despite the billions the big companies avoid in paying tax, and the billions they give in dodgy back hand contracts for mates or pay Rwanda for nothing.

  10. Never ever hear the Tories talk about increasing wealth tax, or reducing military spending. They're raging a Class War against the poorest in society. The are an antisocial party. Why do folks allow them to create social murder on a grand scale unhindered.

  11. It's impossible to take £12 billion out of welfare. it's just a fantasy number made up by the Conservative Party. Why do they hate the disabled and the mentally ill so much?

  12. If they want to save £12 billion and more. Cut the £11 billion subsidies to the Railways, cut the £5.2 billion in subsidies for company cars, and i could go on. Why take it from the vulnerable?

  13. They want to spy on people's bank accounts who receive benefits, yet they won't bring in legislation to spy on the bank accounts of rich tax dodgers, Nadhim Zahawi is the prime example. Five million in his case alone.

  14. Stop daily payments in house of lords they are not public elected that is welfare from taxpayers money,stop MPs expenses,they dont really need it,stop HC subsidies they dont need it,close offshore tax loopholes and that would just be a start….

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