Are RU Forces Surrounded? Russia’s Next Objective In The East – Ukraine Map Analysis & News Update

good day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic weekend the Sunday Blues haven’t got you too bad and you’re looking forward to the working week now today’s one’s going to have to be short because I’ve got a hell of a lot of other work to do I’m actually flying into State tomorrow so there won’t be an update for you but there definitely will be an interview and I hope that you like that it’s a really good one uh I can’t talk too much about this but I’m flying inter state um it won’t be published anywhere but I’m doing like a closed talk uh to some people about situations morale tactics um this and that maybe I’ll speak of it more and I’ll see what I can and can’t talk about but I think that will be interesting so today we’re going to talk about we’ll look at the maps of course we need to talk about V chance we’ll talk about the occe we’ll talk about the Swiss peace conference and I actually want to talk about bunkers because I see a lot of people on both sides of this and I’m like me I’ve got my own opinion on this anyway let’s have a look at the map so okay of course we have Ukraine here in the center the capital of ke the red areas occupied since 22 the purple since 2014 the green areas of which Russia has been and has either been pushed out of or withdrawn or a mixture of both in some cases now where I want to come is H oblast these two fronts that Russia opened about a month ago and we’ll look invol chunk now the actual amount of changes we’ve seen here in the past couple of weeks is minimal but there we know there’s a hell of a lot of fighting now many bloggers and many others are talking about this area right here and saying that there are 400 Russian troops trapped currently here in this little red area here now we have some video footage to look at of this getting bombed as well now firstly what to say is this area is very small to have 400 guys but I have no evidence one way or the other that said I don’t think many others do either but where has this come from and I found something very interesting so this came from this the telegraph Russian soldiers surrender after filed raid on chemical Factory video released by Ukraine’s third Army ofr on Wednesday shows Ukrainian soldiers taking 24 prison of War troops emerging from the trench with their hands raised above their head filed raid on the chemical Factory blah blah blah now have a let’s have a look at where this video actually came from and the date on this video being that today is the 16th of June this came actually from the 30th of May capture of prisoners interning and Scattered underground 200 with GoPros positions of the um occupies look like in the cleared third assault Brigade so this is in a completely different area of what we’re talking about we’re talking about turn so that is where some of that has come from but we can see by this map at least there is a dislocation of troops here and many saying a surrounded cut off now one a Sur you have a complete surround what would show you know this of green and then you have a strategic or tactical encirclement where to actually be able to withdraw is difficult now there’s a few things here that are hindering both the Russians and ukrainians involved trunk primarily the bloody vulture River splitting this in two hard to get across this way hard to defend that way we’ve got a water way in between and no matter what on the water well you’re out in the bloody open but this is one of the things probably protecting the Russians in this area here is this open ground here as well meaning troops moving up into here may be out in the open and have to close a Waterway now we are not sure the actual control of the gray zone now Gray Zone means it’s out of control but it doesn’t take into account what fire lines or fire Lanes sorry are open or closed now the dislocation here is about 200 M so again we don’t actually know how this looks would and this has been there now for 4 days in my opinion as of infantry so let’s look at the 12th now to then the 16th if you were completely dislocated trapped in here for 4 days the Amo the ammo water rest would be very very Grim right now so in my opinion this isn’t a full surround cut off because because you got to remember down a road like this you’ll still have machine gun coverage down a road like this you’ll still have this now of course this is going the other way as well this is why the whole situation here is so brutal in urban fighting I don’t think many people haven’t fired a machine gun one realize how easy it is to fire a hell of a long way and hit something very small and the complete destruction because I’ve been watching movies of what 25 or 30 mil round actually does I think they think it puts a whole in something not the actual destruction on the other end so this is just an interesting piece to talk about we’ll keep looking at it but again what is actually happening here well we’ll see we’ll see what footage comes out but we do have footage of course geolocated to here so this is the same area the chemical plant here let’s have a look at this this is said to be from a act Ukrainian fire aircraft dropping bombs here of course the footage is a drone in itself and we can see strikes on top but you can just see the a level of Destruction around here as well but you can see this is the open ground this is the vure river and this is the open ground of which I am talking about so this is what’s going to be difficult if Russia has entrenched machine guns here facing out so we’re facing down this way it’s going to be difficult for Ukraine to close across this territory but as well it’s going to be difficult for Russia to pull back if they want to withdraw from here it’s also going to be hard to push back on that 200 M so is it a complete surround I would say it’s a dislocation of an element what of course can very quickly lead into this but that’s just my take on it but it’s not a good spot to be but that’s just my take on what I’m seeing and we’ll look at that Telegraph thing then as well now let’s have a look at some of the other areas on the maps we moved down now very little movement on this map today except if we come down then into a diva and turn this on then we do see that this is expanding ending out towards soill so this does confirm that Russia has broken into the very outskirts of soill here and as well expanding the control up to the northwest of oser rney further expanding this now what I’ve said in this Russia’s primary goal from what I’m seeing and guys I’m talking to is this intersection that this intersection is believed to be very very important and that is what Russia is primarily pushing for in here now remember the weather is going to get worse and worse later in the year and that means then roads become more important CU you’re not Crossing then across mud and good roads mean faster delivery of items that Russia I believe it’s about 7 km let me just measure this yeah about 7 and 1 half K to get to here which is still a long way but if this was able to be captured so it looks something like this then this road and then the support down into other areas does become more difficult from the direction then of poov so this does put that in I think we will see more of a push on this axis to try and get that sooner rather than later because then of course everything is getting delayed coming through into areas like K toss so you can just see and just imagine if every item takes a little bit longer then everything takes then a little bit longer and we do know from my friend on the ground here we spoke to that the road connecting poov through the osney this road was a big hit when this went down and then this intersection right here was a big problem as well when this got cut off so that is what I believe the objective in this direction probably is no more changes in here now coming to Buck moot this isn’t changing on this map let’s actually have a look on the rybar Russian sources map and see if there’s any dramatic shift in here so this is the canal District to be honest I think this map is probably showing maybe less in some areas than the Deep state map now it does show a close up across here again Gray Zone it’s it’s would be a difficult time I don’t do mapping so to speak but when does unoccupied Gray Zone become Red Zone for Fire Control Fire lines that sort of a a hard step of what’s what there now of course we know this weekend is the peace Summit and it’s going as we expected the talks are for more support to Ukraine their territorial integrity and security both now and then after the war and only a few leaders but a few leaders such as the Turkish foreign minister hakan fan did say this could have been more result oriented if Russia had attended but we do know that one of the goals of this is to gain more support for Ukraine and then prolong the war in here prolong Ukraine’s defense and I think the hope is to have some sort of Russian event where Russia is forced to withdraw or their morale of their forces starts coming down or the economy can’t fund a huge War that’s more what I’m seeing if I read between the lines of the victory here rather than a tactical Victory more of a strategic win if does that make sense to you now I he’s a photograph to show you as well of all the leaders the world leaders who have attended then this peace conference but I will say again Russia’s not there and China is not there and we do know China is looking to make them their own conference now this was interesting as well sort of under reported but the osce which the organization for security and cooperation in Europe as Romania has refused to issue visas to the members of the Russian delegation he stated that the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and conveyed that due to Russian aggression against Ukraine none of the members of the delegation of the Russian Federation will receive Visa or be allowed to enter the country now this is for one of the meetings for the Assembly of the OC which take place in June 29th to July 3rd in Bucharest the Russian Senator said Moscow would remember this decision of bch arrest well done Romanian comrades you contribute to destruction of this organization that was once useful for cooperation in Europe so we can see a lot of these it’s sort of having a big flow on effect the war here is now affecting things like the occe we’re seeing Russia pull out of trees and we’re seeing other treaties around the world questioned as well and I think during war we see these questions and say in the Israel Gaza War we then see the IC being questioned by countries like the world’s most powerful country of America now we’ve seen over the past couple of days a lot of strikes against successful strikes against Russian aircraft very expensive aircraft from Su 57 to s34 and many others and there’s sort of two sides of the coin where people speak about should these aircraft in hardened cover bunk is probably the wrong word but some sort of cover over the top of them and some will say well this has no effect from Modern weapon systems and I agree with this okay these against some ballistic Hypersonic cruise missile yeah maybe but we need to look at what’s actually hitting these aircraft okay so the main things hitting these are slow moving drones and then cluster Munitions both of which a bunker will work very well against a a Hypersonic some ballistic missile some cruise missile yes they have a shape charge they have a penetrator but it also works then off a lot of the momentum of that coming into the momentum of then the weapon system itself pushes through sets off that secondary push a penetrator through blow up the aircraft inside of then that hanger this is not the weapon systems we’re being we’re seeing being used against this and we know yes Russia has major corruption issues and F bomber has pointed that out as well for the building of these but surely if you can get $30 million planes in the air that and build the biggest defensive lines we’ve seen which is basically just bunkers since World War II then these can be built I’d like to I know this would never happen but I’d like to like hear the justification for not having these and of course of we need to talk about then autonomous targeting well bunker really helps the autonomous targeting so helps deter the autonomous targeting and even from imagery from the sky and that could just be a blanket over the top with some bloody tent poles would help Imaging and seeing what is’s where at the time so I just I don’t know the justification on the flip side of this you’d think for the loss of one plane would be worth building bunkers for 10 of them or 30 of them surely a bunker is not going to w government contract and you’ve got to factor and everything so it’s probably over a million dollars each but still if if someone gave me 50 Grand I’d be out there digging by hand some cement over the top of something so it it’s just an interesting one will we see this start coming potentially in the beginning of the war was it much of something that Russia needed probably not but as we’ve seen that you need to keep up your defensive capability to the enemy’s offensive and you can’t rely on the enemy of yesterday to be the enemy that you’re fighting then tomorrow and this is going both ways that you can’t say well Ukraine didn’t have the systems to hit and wasn’t hitting these therefore we won’t build and do this and we’re seeing this the other way too that okay Russia’s not moving in areas they don’t have the drones they don’t have this defensive Works get left behind and next thing now we see in some areas of the front that I’m getting reports to I’ll speak about this at some point that Russia’s actually using more fpv drones of the kamakaris and of course has the artillery overmatch and the defensive position aren’t then there you can’t rely just on mistakes or incompetencies as your offensive operation one way or the other but the question this would be if Russia does just build these bunkers what then is going to be well these hardened hangers what then is going to be the solution for hitting these because the drones are going to need either need some level of large penetrating system top down attack or much more bang or some sort sort of missile hitting it and the Clusters won’t work cuz each cluster is only like a grenade worth of munition that it’s like a shotgun as one yes it’s got a lot of power as individuals not that much that was just something I wanted to speak about but legends I hope that you have had a great weekend I’m sorry about all the bloody videos look after yourself and I’ll speak tomorrow thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. I’ve noticed a lot of trolls on yahoo that say that any peace besides 1991 borders is unacceptable. How is that realistic and so they work for the MIC?

  2. Good point about the concrete shelters. It's surprising, the Soviets didn't build shelters for all parking spots at all air fields by default. They had the construction industry to do so. And it doesn't really matter, whether it helps against the best weapons or not as long as it helps against everything else. Providing more targets only killable by the most expensive weapons is better and if you have more shelters than airframes, you can randomize placement and therefore introduce a guessing game because there isn't always a satellite over each air field all the time (and satellite positions are known).

    Maybe, we will see Russia add shelters… and/or CIWS, which seem to also be completely absent (why? we know they got them on their ships, what's so hard on having them at air fields and depots too?).

  3. its not something new bud the brick country's will not be signing the final declaration: Armenia, Bahrain, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Colombia, Libya, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates.

  4. Russia will COLLAPSE as Time is Not on PUTINs Side RUSSIAN GDP GROWING …. SMOKE & MIRRORS Russian GDP is Up as Putin is Spending the Money on Military Equipment which is Turned into Scrap Metal in Ukraine …There is No Profit or Return on this Money and Eventually Putin will Run Out of Cash Reserves . Only UNEDUCATED Russians think that this is Good for the Russian Economy REALITY . Russian ROUBLE has Collapsed and the Cost of Imports is Up Military Sales have Collapsed , Russia Failed to Sign a Single Contract in DUBAI in November 2023 GAZPROM announced that Production has Fallen to 1970 s / USSR Levels Interest Rate at 16 Percent and Inflation Skyrocketing along with Fuel Restrictions Russian Oil Exports Down as a result of OPEC Cuts and a Price Cap of $60. and India No Longer recieving Russian Oil Recent Ukrainian Strikes on Russian Oil Refineries have Affected 19 Percent of Russian Income and most likely will Not get Western Parts to restore Refineries " Everything According to Plan " The Entire World is Laughing at Putin as Russia Collapses ….Again

  5. The real question about the aircraft bunkers is how true those claimed strikes even are.

    It is incredibly easy to photoshop some scorch marks onto a satellite photo. The lack of the Russians response is also quite suspect. After all, the Russians put cope cages on literally everything in response to FPV drones, it is rather strange that after the first strike, they would not bother to install at least some basic wire mesh over their planes or something. And then there is the simple fact that the source of those claimed strikes is the Ukrainian MOD, who have been caught lying about such strikes so many times by now that everything they claim should be viewd with a healthy amount of scepticism.

  6. Ukraine claims they have surrounded Russian troops in northern Vovchansk.
    Russia claims they are in the process of surrounding Ukrainian troops in northern Vovchansk.
    We should see who is telling the truth shortly.

  7. According to Weeb Union's map, there's no gap between Russian- held areas and that seemingly cut-off area in Vovchansk. Which would mean it's not actually cut off or surrounded.

  8. "Zelensky pays tribute after ace pilot ‘Ghost of Kyiv’ killed" – The Telegraph [27 Aug 2023]
    Tells you all you need to know about The Telegraph.

  9. The idea of bunkers for planes is great. The problem is building them.
    When I was in the Swedish airforce, planes were stored inside a mountain. Brilliant thinking.
    Then again, as time went on, new planes were added. In my era about two thirds were stored in hangars.
    Because it's a lot of expensive time consuming work to build protection for an airforce.

  10. If AFU says they’ve surrounded 400 Russians, what that really means is the Russians have surrounded 400 AFU somewhere else. Ukraine is notorious for projecting.

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