Why the Russia Ukraine War Will NEVER End | What Happens Next with China?

Why the Russia Ukraine War Will NEVER End | What Happens Next with China?

in the long run and we’re going to contain those two characters that you see on the on the screen I mean they will not win the century if we can act uh with our partners and allies so um you know I think there are a lot of important things happening but more needs to happen what do you want to see in terms of acting because Jonathan we hear a lot of talk right and we’re hearing more talk so here we are hearing them talk about it I agree it’s nice to see them talk about it but what do you actually want to see in terms of action from these from these leaders I mean Georgia Maloney has has actually taken a stand she said we are not going to continue this belt and Road strategy that China has uh implemented in Italy thanks to my predecessor she put a line out there she Drew her red line so I get you you’re right Italy I see what they’re doing in Italy and Georgia Maloney but what else is being done sure that’s great but there’s still 140 countries um involved in the belt and road and you know I think what needs to happen is we have to go after the Chinese corporations the best way to do that smartest way to do that is to think big on this and execute um on some of the big ones I mean right now I think where things are too weak is the the conversation around sanctioning Chinese Banks is about the smaller Banks and as some people point out you know some of these little banks are the ones that China’s going to use to get around uh Western sanctions into Russia so if they move their transactions into smaller banks that can be sanctioned um you know that that allows them sort of the ability to let a bank fall and not be affected but some of the biggest banks in China I the big four uh Chinese state-owned commercial Banks two of them are incredibly active in Russia so agricultural Bank of China which is the number four Bank in China and then China construction bank which is the number two Bank in China I think those are the two Targets that’s what I would be most interested in those ones um as very good researchers have pointed out are digging in in Russia I mean that’s been true from the beginning um you know so I think we go after some of the big four state-owned banks that are essentially tied to Putin’s military Enterprise and then the whole rest of the state-owned assets and supervision commission I mean you have 97 corporations 5 trillion in Revenue 30 trillion in assets all of that is the bulk of the Chinese state it does their Global business worldwide it’s China Incorporated and that’s the strike zone I think that’s where we have to be targeting so so no we’re not thinking big we’re not acting big on that stuff but there’s a huge beautiful Target set um that I think we should be very busy on and get our allies in I mean if it takes these sorts of um meetings to get people to understand the problem the next move has to be action yeah that’s a very good point and you know by the way the major Banks who want to operate in China should be reminded that the largest banks in the world are Chinese so the competition is serious and they are looking to take out American Banks and continue financing the world uh by by communist China [Music] for for [Music] [Music] eligible hey everybody it’s Alex reportify media I have Cyrus Jansen Daniel dumbell and and of course Patrick Lancaster on today’s program hello everyone welcome and this is actually a special event for all of us here on the panel here today we are delighted that you are taking part of this live stream it’s quite important for us because we have known each other quite a few years but we’ve actually never met in person a few of us that is um I’m going to pass it to Daniel Dumbo who is allowing us to host this wonderful program in a studio uh Daniel thank you very much for having us here tonight yeah my pleasure it’s uh finally my first time to meet Cyrus in person yeah uh we’ve been connected to for for a long time and Patrick finally in China I know we’ve been you’ve been talking to people in China for a long time but now you’re here uh face to face so no it’s good and I think we’ve got a lot of topics uh that we’re going to cover it was I mean originally we started out saying China Focus but there’s just so much to talk about and I think you want to mention some of those things now absolutely um as we’ve just saw the clips at the start of the show here uh covered of course all things China with Maria bomo uh bantering on she just loves saying that word communist she just loves it uh topic word yeah and as well um we saw that the there was a peace offer by Vladimir Putin uh that made some headlines here over the weekend um let’s start it off with being in China here I mean Patrick you’ve just arrived in China Mainland here for your first time ever uh thoughts of coming across the border I’m sure there was a lot of people that told you look out before you crossed the border here and you’re here now thoughts yeah Alex and definitely as you guys said it’s great to finally meet Cyrus and Danielle in person and nice to be here in China had some thoughts about how it was gonna go before I arrived and uh some were accurate some were wrong but uh I originally first came to uh via uh Hong Kong spent some time in Hong Kong and then uh crossed the border into Mainland uh China um there and it was pretty interesting how streamlined it was just uh uh crossing the border almost without human interaction I took a train and my passport basically acted as my ticket and several scannings of the passport and just one uh personto person interaction before getting on the train it’s very streamlined and definitely fast one of the high-speed uh trains and then arrived here in Chongqing and it’s been a interesting couple of days well fantastic and uh we’re going to head over to the rest of the panel here uh we have uh to my right here uh Cyrus Jansen Cyrus uh welcome to China well it’s always it’s always good to be back I know many people know I used to Liv in China for 10 years uh got a real you know just great heart for China it’s always fun to be back and this is actually a special trip because I’ve actually coming back for six weeks with my whole family so about my wife my three children we back here for an Extended Stay this summer uh we’re B primarily based in Guang Joo where my wife is originally from so we’re visiting some family and doing some travel around as well so excited to be back and you know I think it’s just important to get an accurate glimpse of what’s really happening in China you know you hear so many things you know you’ll hear one tweet with one picture and it’s like oh China’s econom is you know crushed and everything’s falling apart and you know it’s great to be back on the ground to actually let’s go take a look let’s go see what’s really happening let’s connect with locals let’s connect with expats let’s let’s see what these stories are really happening and you know certainly going to create some nice YouTube video um you know this is obviously a treat you know first to meet Daniel you know we’ve been friends for uh probably five years now never had a chance to actually meet in person so to share the screen and to be here in the studio was fantastic and also to meet Patrick Patrick you’ve been on my channel as well obviously Alex we’ve collaborated a lot uh we saw each other in Shanghai last June about a year ago so it’s just nice to you know reconvene here in Chong Chang what a great City Daniel um you know having us four here on the panel here you’ve had a discussion with all these gentlemen before um as well as interviewing Patrick from a distance both of you did Cyrus and yourself did um he’s sitting with us in person here uh you know and that is important Patrick well we got you on here here we’re going to switch over to Russia for a moment here and really kind of dig deep into that then we’re going to move on to some China stuff and we got some other stuff in store a little bit later tell us um you know your thoughts uh of this conflict uh you know 2024 I didn’t think we’d be here still talking about this you’ve been there 10 years um maybe share with the audience you know what a day in a life is like with Patrick Lancaster uh yeah Alex um well it goes day by day but unfortunately every day people are dying and that’s a horrible thing regardless on what side they are what side they favor um just yesterday there’s reported over uh around nine civilians killed in belgrad in cross border shelling from the harkov region to the belrad uh region of Russia and this is Russia not a disputed area of what Ukraine and the West considers Ukraine or what Russia considers legally part of Russia by Russian law this is actually a region of Russia and this is something that happens every day there shelling coming across the border and hitting civilian areas in the belgrad region and other regions of main Russia and unfortunately it’s not just there it’s also in the danet and lugans zap roia Heron regions that people are uh dying every day I mean it’s it’s hard to I mean impossible for me to keep count of how many people that I’ve seen killed over the last couple of years and I hopefully this conflict comes to an end soon but it’s not looking good I mean we saw yesterday uh the president of Russia uh put some starting peace terms out and was uh it was quickly laughed off by the west and by Ukraine um but I mean the fact is regardless of what you think about the situation Russian law considers the the four regions danet lugans zapar and her son is legally part of Russia so there’s really no way that Russia can bring this war to an end without fully controlling those regions and the West seems to be pretty set on not letting Ukraine give up those regions let alone Crimea which for the last 10 years the west and Ukraine has been saying is going to go back to Ukraine the fact is the people uh ofme Crimea and these regions don’t want to return to Ukraine I was there for the referendum in Crimea 10 years ago and I went there to see what was happening with my own eyes I came from Europe after seeing the Western mainstream media saying people were being gonna be forced to W to vote a certain way to break away from Ukraine and join Russia the fact is Crimea used to be Russia before 1956 if you were if people were born in Russia before 1950 or in Crimea excuse me before 1956 they were born in Russia and the people were happy to join Russia or to rejoin Russia this is a fact the vast majority of Crimea was ecstatic to be able to return to Russia and this is what the people of danet and lugansk regions wanted as well and they stood up and um tried to make new borders build a new government made a referendum in 2014 to break away from Ukraine I was there I covered that referendum as well and uh that time kept uh the people pushing and making their own governments and Ukraine attacks because of this and this war started 10 years ago not two years ago it was a a Civil War and the people the local people of these regions fought to break away from Ukraine because they wanted to join Russia and they had a referendum to join Russia in 2022 I covered that as well so I’ve show tried to show the world what was really happening on the ground but not everyone wants to listen but I’m gonna keep trying well well you know we commend you for that uh you know Cyrus we started really uh focusing uh much later on the Ukraine uh in 2022 probably few months after that and once again Patrick we could men you for that decade of work that you’ve done um did you Patrick uh and uh sorry I’ll go over to Cyrus I mean when we interviewed Patrick here and you as well at Danel in 2022 we thought this thing would be over two or three months huh oh absolutely I I don’t think anybody could see this prolonging for so long and I think what’s what’s really interesting as well is I’ve been also watching Russia and how they’ve been um able to really bounce back and and you know really been able to to uh navigate this this situation that they were in I had a friend of mine that is actually European he uh actually went to Moscow for a visit he was uh doing some business there and he basically said he was talking to the locals he said look you know we’ve you know all the McDonald’s left but we’ replaced him with Russian ones you know all of these companies left for example if you wanted to still buy Apple products uh well you know it used to be a Apple Store well now it’s just official retail it’s a reseller you know so they’ve they basically pivoted and been able to um you know get around this and I think we’ve starting to really see a shift in the media from what I’ve seen is that a lot of people are now admitting the fact that you know Ukraine does not have the manpower to really uh deal this so for example if we’re going to give them another $50 billion dollars to fight this war you know the issue is is really there you know there’s it’s not really a money issue it’s not a weapons issue it’s really a Manpower issue and the simple thing is is how long are you going to support this war for and how long how you know how long can we really endure this I mean this has absolutely crippled Europe it’s been a disaster for Europe I mean there’s so many Ukrainian refugees that are there that you know there needs to be a negotiated settlement we and and the problem is is that we’re seeing you know Europe and and the United States are very divided upon this now you know we saw a new poll came out just last week that uh some 88% of Americans and 94% of Europeans want NATO member states to push Ukraine to a negotiate settlement so that is an absolutely unbelievable poll when you think of that nearly 90% of the people nine out of 10 people in both North America and Western Europe are wanting their you know NATO members to push for a negotiated settlement but you can see the complete opposite is what is happening in our democratically elected leaders who are supposed to have our best interest at heart but you know they’re not listening to people you know there’s a huge disconnect from what the people actually want and what actually the politicians are doing you know we saw this um you know peace Summit but you know Russia’s not there you know there so you have all these countries in Europe saying okay we’re going to go for peace but the one person you need to negotiate with to get peace is not even there so it’s it’s a tough one you know I’m gonna add to that um you know I asked Patrick this question yesterday and it was it’s a very basic question what is the end goal of the West in Ukraine seriously do they actually think that they’re going to push back Russia right back to let’s call it the pre 2014 Border Lines there we’ve had a referendum in that part uh of the Ukraine and Russia they’ve decided they wanted to be independent they’ve voted on it they’ve fought for it for eight or nine years they continue to fight for it the money keeps coming in soldiers keep dying dayto day what is the end goal of Ukraine and the West here if it’s not territory what is it seriously what is it at the end of the day and I’m struggling with this this question all the time you you you pump in a half a trillion dollars uh into this war to push back Russia where what you want to Alinsky you want to get territory back do you think you’re going to get territory back and we’ve also seen the Russian economy has moved on even even though let’s say that Putin’s uh terms were accepted it’s over as far as I know it Russia has completely uh dollarized it’s economy has moved on it’s pushed all the Western countries out it’s been sanctioned 16 and a half thousand times it’s not like we’re going to wake up tomorrow morning everyone’s going to kiss a makeup and say hey welcome back um open up the doors uh everybody that you’ve banned uh from uh visas over the last uh two years come back in travel um oh yeah if you’re on your way to your Villa that we um sanctioned and uh this property that we Seas I think we’re in a whole new world here and um want to hear your gentleman’s thoughts on that we’ll start with you Daniel if we can but I mean in terms of the question um you know what is the end goal I don’t know I don’t know what the answer is to that but the one thing uh for sure is there’s a lot of people making a lot of money from this and it reminds me of a quote uh from Julian Assange when he was talking about the lengthy war in uh I believe it was in Afghanistan at that point he said the goal wasn’t to win the war it was basically to prolong it and take uh taxpayers money from the US and wash it through these multinational weapons manufacturers back into um basically locked Martin or whoever it is who then of course fund the very politicians who are pushing to keep this war going as well I mean there’s a massive conflict uh conflict of interest with this kind of stuff is that the primary reason is that the primary thing that they’re after uh I don’t know but it’s definitely one of the perks for many of the people who have their hands in this I mean you know there’s another thing that I want to bring up here if it’s not weapon manufacturers if it’s not uh you know NATO if it’s not um other uh entities that are making money on this I mean at the end of the day we are seeing hundreds of thousands of people dying this relationship with Russia major major territory in the world here largest country geographically China stepped in there China has put its geopolitical differences aside and said okay um all right uh we understand you guys have conflict but we’re not going to let your economy sink and some in the west seem to think that that’s China supporting Russia uh military as well anyone want to add to that well I think with with in regards to China and Russia I mean they’ve been you know close friends and allies I mean there’s no you know there for example there’s no problem if a chinese company wants to do business in Russia right I mean it’s just so I don’t think that this has really changed anything it’s not like oh all of a sudden they are um you know these guys are allies well it’s not like that just happened you know two years ago they’ve been allies and friends and partners for a long time but I think what you know China I think they’re very strategic because you know they obviously still have relations with Ukraine they still have relations with Russia and you know China as far as what I’m looking at is they’re going around the world and wanting to establish relations with as many countries and and regions and areas as possible and that’s what we have with the belt and Road initiative with 150 countries around the world signing up for this you that’s very much China’s uh you know they’re all about trade you know that’s really what China is about right they want to see how much trade we can do and uh there’s certainly no doubt that it’s certainly increased you know with Russia since the war has started but you know I think it’s very interesting when you hear these Republican um you know whatever that guy’s position was you know he said you know we need to go after the Chinese Banks let’s target China agricultural Bank let’s target China construction Bank we’re going to go in there I’ll answer that question though you said what is the end goal I think the end goal absolutely is to push Russia back to those uh pre pre-24 lines and ultimately weak in Russia to the point where they can get regime change you know that’s that’s always the United States’s Mission I mean let’s just call it spade a spade right that I mean that’s that’s that’s I mean in a in a fantasy world that would be best case scenario right let’s let’s drive Russia out let’s get rid of Putin and let’s install somebody that we like in there and and that you know that that’s that’s basically what it is so I’m going to te that up for Patrick there he’s looks like ready ready to respond all right uh yeah Cyrus um it it is a fantasy world to for the anyone to think that the Ukraine is going to be able to drive Russia back to the pre uh 2014 border and the United States knows that and literally every country knows that and zenki knows that that he knows they’re never going to get Crimea back they’re never going to to get all of dun buas back back maybe there’ll be some gains here and there but let’s just look at the last few months since Russia took uh of Diva which is a suburb of dunet that they’ve been shelling uh the center and the areas of dunet from for Ukraine shelling these areas of danet for the last 10 years and especially in the last uh two years since Russia was able to take that city which many thought was going to happen two years ago right away including myself uh but since that happened Russia has almost switched to a uh you know just an advanced moving uh motion and and the even the Minister of Defense of Russia weeks ago said that since adeva was taken they had taken over 800 uh square meters of new territory and this is happening every day Russia is continuing to take more and more territory there’s no going backwards yeah a lot of people were surprised once uh Russia moved back from the Kiev harkov and uh Heron regions but in the last months they’re pushing forward so obviously everything is strategical moves and you know as I said most important thing is to bring this to an end as soon as possible so people can stop dying but the fact is with these uh you know magical wish and fantasy world initiatives it’s just not going to happen in the way of Russia leaving these territories the most important thing is because the people don’t want it the people that live in these territories are Russians speak Russian and want Russia to be there the the majority of the men that live in these territories are fighting for this and have been for years the people of these regions do not want to be part of UK Ukraine they want to be part of Russia these people deserve the right of self-determination and for the West to say and to push Ukraine to take this territory back to the old Russian border is just ridiculous the people of these regions hate the West for this because they want to say where they live and how they raise their family and how their family and children don’t be killed by the Ukrainian shelling coming in uh in into their neighborhoods that is supplied by the west Western made weapons killing people civilians every day and so yeah as you said it’s a fantasy world uh go ahead d uh okay so I I I’d like to add to that a couple of things I mean it must be an interesting time for an American to be where you are right now since there is a lot of the weapons from your country landing on the heads of people there um I have an interesting question I think we talk about you know Russia advancing taking these territories uh are we talking about you know Villages that are in the Ukraine that they’re they’re taking territory or is it in the uh declared independent area where they’re you know protecting the territories like in the luhans dbass area the denk area you say that Russia continues to to move forward right is that territory that Ukraine is losing or is that territory that the Russians are pushing back that the people have called for uh Independence um we’ll call it part of Russia now sorry yeah both uh a lot of the games are taking place in um the dunet lugans the dunas and zapan her son but also there’s games by Russia being had in the harkov of Ukraine um the region that Russia does not consider legally part of Russia now um but as well as a largely almost all Russian speaking uh area and who knows what’s gonna happen there and this again and I go back to my first comment about the war is that the harkov region is the region that Ukraine is using to launch attack on the belad region and other regions of Russia not the disputed areas so yes both okay so uh before I wind up on this part um let’s say Russia continues to get territory what happens in these small towns Villages let’s say we hear in the news the West says we’re going one kilometer uh territory that has been you know uh uh retrieved from the Russians or maybe two or three kilometers I mean these people are on probably Ukraine gas Ukraine cellular phone networks Ukraine municipality and all of a sudden Russia has taken that town over how does the even the local person who in one morning wakes up uh Ukraine the next morning wakes up Russia has come in and taken that territory do they allow you know an an integration period where these people because they’re towns that were part of Ukraine at one point that had been captured by the Russians do they shut off the power grid does Ukraine just sabotage the area we don’t get this information because our journalists are not on the side that you’re covering so what happens to let’s give me an example small village uh has been captured by the Russians uh and let’s say everybody was on Ukraine water Ukraine electricity Ukraine mobile what happens what’s going on well uh one thing that also changes besides the electric all all that is the time changes because the areas that are claimed by Russia are on Moscow time not Ukrainian time and the money changes from grieva to Rubles and as far as Ukraine’s reaction to it I’ve had done many interviews the first I did was in vaja just after Ukraine left I was the first Western journalist in the city after it was controlled by Russia and public on my Channel right now the locals telling me that as soon as Ukraine left the area even before Russia had come in Ukraine opened fire on the city as they were leaving and also many reports of Ukraine executing their injured soldiers and I was in a hospital in vaja where I saw um Ukrainian soldiers dead and the locals said that they were killed by their compatriots as they evacuated and gave up the City to Russia um and as well as in marup on my channel many interviews of locals saying Ukraine fired on civilian areas of marup I just show what I see with my own eyes and what the people uh have to tell me but as far as uh cell phone signals electric gas and things like like this of course it’s a huge logistical problem when an area changes hands first thing to go when the fighting starts is the cell phone reception then the electric and gas and mo a lot of these small villages they just get their water from the wells uh and then the buildup the rebuilding process starts after Russia takes uh control um but as far as Ukraine actually shutting things off we can go for a big example of dunet how for eight years danet more or less wasn’t affected by Ukraine shutting any utilities off they moved their electric moved to being supplied by Russia and things like that kind of a gradual nothing really just shut off immediately uh like Crimea for example when Russia took Crimea uh Ukraine shut off the water almost right away but after Russia took marup it became clear that Ukraine had been G letting water go to danet because the water apparently went through danet to marup and since marup was still controlled by Ukraine they let danet keep the water but once Russia controlled marup Ukraine shut the water off to dunet and it went from having water every day to having two hours of uh water every uh three days and even now there’s at most in the city two hours to three hours a day sometimes every other day and this is how life has been for the last two years that’s a little bit here and there of an answer for that question thank you Patrick and pretty remarkable stuff when you think about it and there must be just a huge amount of land that can not be lived in now for the next 20 30 40 50 years that had just been scorched Earth uh we’re going to flip over to Cyrus now uh I have a question for Cyrus um we talked about um one of your latest videos you had about the the Petro dollar can you talk about that for a moment and explain to everybody what that was all about with the Saudis that had an agreement with America uh you have a big video that’s doing really really well yeah well there’s been a lot of uh reports that have come out saying that uh that um Saudi Arabia has ended this 50-year deal with with the America you know as far as exclusively selling uh Petro you know the crude oil in exclusively in dollars um there’s been a lot of different Medias that have come out on this and and said this so it’s still a little bit early in here I think some people are um waiting on some other media Outlets to report this but I think what we’re seeing right now Alex is one one of the things that you’ve said earlier in the Stream that really hit head is that you know you know the world is really shifted now right like like for example we’re not just going to go back and this war is going to end and then Russia everybody’s going to go back to Russia and everything’s good you know the line has been drawn in the sand you know it is a multi-polar world that we’re living in right now and another word that you really picked up on was dollarization yeah and so I think what’s very interesting and I think why this video has been very well received and why it’s gone viral on Twitter is that once you remove yourself from this Western media bubble espec specifically the American Media and how you know they just want to control the narrative on everything when you go outside and you look at the global South and you’re really looking at the developing countries in South America in Latin America Africa you know the Middle East and Southeast Asia all of these countries they want to break free from the United States dollar there’s a global movement moving away from you know the US dollar I’ve been covering that a lot in my recent videos in the last couple of months uh we’re constantly seeing trade deals you know between China and other countries you know and there was an interesting interview as well with Congressman Thomas Macy where he interviewed with Tucker Carlson and he talked very specifically about the fact of the US dollar that you know we’re shifting away and you know now I think just recently I think Putin and the gremlin announced that they’re now 100% um off of all dollar and Euro like they’re done with that did you see that news on I believe it was Thursday or Friday that they halted trading of the ruble US Dollar exchange on the Moscow exchange did you hear about that yeah yeah I think that’s talking about like it’s like so zero dollars zero Euros now well it was Russia Was preparing to you know drain its funds of of dollars but that shows you that that was the last stab that America had 16 and a half thousand sanctions European Union behind that joining forces with them and now they’re going after the currency and nothing happened nothing happened you you would think news like that would just crush the rubble nothing yeah nothing happened yeah I mean it’s it’s it’s a really interesting one I mean I I think again what I really try to look at is I look for tipping points and I’m looking for um events and kind of I always want to see what’s really going on around the world but again you know dollarization moving away you know and and even with bricks you know bricks is you know there’s um you know new you know turkey has come out and said look we’re very interested in joining bricks we’re going to be very actively looking at that I’ve seen a lot of reports coming out that’s up to 40 50 different countries are now looking into bricks there’s a lot of Buzz going on with the brics alliance and again it’s um you know bricks is going to be launching their their this thing called bricks pay which is going to be their independent payment system it’s not specifically it’s not going to be a currency it’s not going to be a new currency uh there’s been some speculation that it would be it’s going to be more just trading in our local currencies so you’re just I think you’re going to start seeing that you know what this war has really happened with the US dollar is that it’s told the vast majority of the world that it’s not a safe haven anymore right and and that was the that was the low of the US dollar for so long right the United States is a stable country it’s it’s safe you know it’s a consistent dollar hence why you know we’re always going to be doing trade in dollar because it’s consistent but now countries are saying there’s too much political risk I don’t want that risk let’s go ahead you know what you know if if I’m in Vietnam and you’re in you know uh you know China we can figure out with our local currencies and how to make this deal work did you think that uh maybe you can help out with this one cryptocurrency saved the Russian economy I’m not sure how much crypto they’re using uh but uh I I wanted to build on you were saying uh I mean that was a huge shock to everybody when uh the US went in and froze uh Russian Banks foreign assets right foreign reserves um and even people who were happy to see that even people who were allies with America would look at that and say wait hold on a second this is something that can happen that doesn’t seem very safe and before that I mean it was with um Afghanistan as well uh they froze their foreign assets as well and then arbitrarily started deciding that oh I think we’re going to take half of it and distribute it to the victims of 911 right that was something they put on the table uh taking away money from the people in Afghanistan who had nothing to do with 911 right to begin with uh when Trump walked away from the jcpoa deal uh with Iran um the European countries who signed the deal and wanted to continue following that deal um were also bullied into not trading with Iran even though they were still following the agreement agement and it led to them actually looking for an alternative uh settlement system I believe it was called inex or inex or something like that they were trying to set up so that they could still trade with Iran according to the deals that they signed right um so this kind of thing has been a long time coming and uh I I I think you know it’s potentially the last nail in the coffin is when they they did this to Russia um and showed everybody that it’s just the risk is too high the risk is too high yeah but um yeah we’ve got our other camera set I just want to mention one other thing too is for everybody who’s on my stream who uh who was uh tuning in from the beginning if you didn’t see the live chat option you can refresh it you can close it and reopen it and it will show up now I didn’t have it turned on initially and all for all my report of I media people head over to Daniel Dumbo’s Channel leave a comment in his uh live chat as well let’s get that chatter going here I actually think I’m going to be clear with you guys about the um sorry working the cameras at the same time I love okay let’s do it let’s go camera three there we go so I have to say we underestimate crypto because I have done a few transactions here with some Russians and they know how to get around this when you Corner people when you block people’s funds when you block businesses when you block uh the average everyday traveler I’ll ask you Patrick uh you arrived here in Hong Kong could you use Russian rubles at the um Currency Exchange Place um yeah it was quite a a shock actually uh me and my wife Coming uh directly from Moscow we arve thinking like a normal airport we could exchange money but can’t exchange rubles in Hong Kong uh that’s a fact and we actually there was one kind of little bit off-the-wall place that we found the only one out of about 15 places we went to that was about half price wow but yeah and as far as the crypto and uh Russians go yeah I mean it’s one really amazing thing about cryptocurrency is it’s a borderless currency so the Russians they use it to get around the whole block by the west and the Visa card companies um and they use it to almost flawlessly bring funds from the West to Russia and that goes for the normal person to I assume High you know higher level transactions uh what would you say though Patrick is you know the average thing that Russian people are worried about now I guess they’ve had some inflation issues there understandably um but you know they can’t really travel to Europe anymore that’s one of them businesses would do you think Russians would trust European Banks or businesses in the next near future I guess not too advisable um but I think the the thing that the Russians wants is the war to be over as well I mean this this it’s not great for uh anybody you know in involved and it’s a shame after the 10 years of fighting that it’s still at this level I mean if the facts are Ukraine had an option to let the people that voted to break away from Ukraine leave Ukraine and hundreds of thousands of less people would have died and these people would have had the right to self-determination as I said so I mean it’s really obviously complicated but it is what it is I mean well let’s let’s go back over to these two gentlemen uh you know I’ve been watching a couple of videos on your guys’s channels here over the last few weeks Daniel you’ve had um an interesting guy on your one of your last podcast uh when you were speaking about Gaza oh the doctor yeah Dr OD day can you share with the audience I think this is quite an extraordinary interview uh maybe just tell us about it maybe some of the panel because guys whether you think it or not whether you think all of us have all the time in the world to watch each other’s uh videos we don’t but sometimes we pay ketchup here on some of the uh the podcast but just tell uh us about that interview yeah I mean it was it was just uh as worse as you would expect worse even um the fact that all of these doctors who are there working away every single day are doing it for free also they haven’t been paid the basically the Ministry of Health has completely collapsed um they can barely get any supplies in um obviously they’re doing you know operations on um uh on on children without any sort of basic medication um anesthesia uh kids are you know walking around with their names written in their bodies just in case they get blown up and they have to identify pieces of them uh it’s just it’s an absolute nightmare um you know I’m still in touch with him he sends me messages uh every couple of days um he’s had to move his family again uh because there are no real kind of safe zones there but it’s just uh it’s it’s an it’s an absolute tragedy um you know and to tie it back into into China though that it’s really remarkable to see that all of the same people who were pretending to care about Muslims in China and you know seeing them want you to believe that what is now happening to Palestinians in front of our eyes was happening to Muslims in China without any actual evidence they’re now on the side of the perpetrator they’re now on the side of the people who are actually delivering that suffering um and it was just uh I mean it’s really interesting to see I think this has been a really eye-opening event for a lot of people um you know people can kind of see exactly what’s going on to tied into Russia also you know when Russia was uh uh to I think they were accused of of of cutting off water and electricity to some places I don’t know whether it was true or not but that that was what the accusation was and uh in the European Union they said that uh that is a war crime uh that is an absolute War crime and Putin needs to be held accountable for that uh but after the Israel started cutting off water and electricity to Gaza these same European Union um politicians said we stand with Israel um so I think across the board there’s just so much that has happened over the last few years um that has woken people up to uh what these people are really about and how things actually work I mean Cyrus we’ve been covering this as well um you know having a few people on our program talking about Gaza I mean it’s a hot potato and we have to tread uh lightly with well you know I want to add my one another comment on there for the for the Gaza is that you know quite simply this is the one the Tipping Point again I I think this is the one Tipping Point that that there’s just such blatant hypocrisy because again you know like Daniel had brought up you know for the last five six years we’ve been hearing this consistent narrative you know that China is Prosecuting um Muslims in the shin Jang region then it’s it’s not okay it’s not Prosecuting it’s you know it’s it’s a genocide you know they’re genociding these people and so it’s like now we have I mean we have such graphic you know images I mean and that’s the that’s the issue like I mean you look at Twitter there’s no sensor on there I mean you you know sometimes I’ll wake up to some extremely graphic you know images of just blowing up children on Twitter and this is the live shots from Gaza and I think that’s really what has happened with you know again why Tik Tock has been so big you know there’s one there’s one Palestinian uh journalist that um I I can’t pronounce his name I forgot it but he within six within with about about three months he got went from zero to I think that went from zero to about 18 million followers on um on there and and everyone is like oh you know again you have this kind of the propaganda saying oh well Tik tok’s owned by China that and they’re promoting you know they’re promoting more Palestine and it’s like no it’s you know you have to actually look at the demographics because the demographics of Tik Tok users are much lower and they actually care about this because for the first time in their life they are seeing what’s actually being held what’s actually happening on the ground and people are not standing for that you know they’re not standing for this absolute blatant hypocrisy exactly I remember that I remember when they said you know Vladimir Putin’s got to be held accountable for cutting off water Israel does the same thing it’s like well you know what you gotta you gota you know and so and so that this is and it’s the same thing you know we we’ve seen like show me anything in shinjang that looks that looks anything remotely like Gaza I mean it’s not even close you know it’s it’s just it’s just shocking you can go to places in Israel where Palestinians used to live and they’re gone they’ve been kicked out of their houses anybody can go to shinjang and you can go there and who’s living on the lands who’s growing uh uh crops on their own land it’s the weers they’re still there they haven’t gone anywhere I mean it’s like night and day and that’s exactly why uh us lawmakers recently have uh started proposing a bill to ban Americans from being allowed to travel to shinjang right it’s not the government that’s supposedly causing the genocide doesn’t want you to come and see what they’re doing it is America that doesn’t want you to go and see because once you go there you’re going to realize that it is absolutely disconnected from uh the reality that they’re trying to paint absolutely and and let’s just be honest I mean if China’s committing a genocide they’ve got to be the worst at doing it because the population of shinjang of the Wagers is increasing it’s the only genocide in history where the population increases during the genocide and the only genocide that has a bullet train Network going through it now and actually the most in the most airports in in of any Province in China but I think the key too though is that um like when you compare it to to Palestine and Israel people have been removed from the lands they have been taken off of they’re not there anymore or if you go into the West Bank it’s run like an apar hiide and now recently um I don’t know if you saw the news the uh Israeli government has confiscated the taxpayers funds from the West Bank uh to distribute it to uh I can’t remember what it is for to the war effort or something like that so now uh doctors and people who are living in the West Bank Palestinians they’re not getting paid anymore also yeah and they’ve got nothing to do with what’s going on in Gaza but they’re getting their tax money taken away because uh it gets managed by the Israeli Authority and and redistributed back over there I mean if that’s not an occupation I don’t know what is it’s it’s interesting the power of uh promotion and the power of propaganda of these countries you know you mentioned that Russia was being hauled into the international criminal court for shutting off the water but if you look at the Minsk one Minsk 2 agreement by detail and this was a negotiated agreement that was signed from the president of the Ukraine Vladimir Putin uh the German Chancellor and uh I believe it was uh at the time um haland was in power in France in that agreement it specifically said Ukraine turn back on the water in the people in the dbass give them back their pensions which you have cut off uh open back up the borders turn on the electricity these were actual things that were point out in the Minsk agreement in writing signed and uh declared by other nations and it blows my mind that you know propaganda is very powerful and it’s not just you know it’s a word that is thrown out to people like us well they’ll say hey guys you know you’re in China your your propagandist and stuff the biggest propaganda in the world is the American Media machine do not underestimate them uh coming up in this election that is coming up in November uh we are going to see some pretty remarkable promotion and the power of the media is whether we like to accept it or not it is absolutely powerful they will just bang away I’ll give you an example you’re going to hear this word many times convicted felon convicted felon convicted felon that’s they’re going to be opening with that line after line after line and if you don’t think that the American Media can wear down people they have the ability to wear down where they’ve convinced a n their Nations to support a half a trillion dollars in a war they shouldn’t be with yeah and that’s very I think the key you’re were talking about about the demographics of Tik Tok having much younger users also right uh when they’re faced with these images they haven’t had the same lifelong indoctrination that has set people up to be able to look at these images and say well you know Israel’s got to do what they got to do you know if you’re under a certain age and you haven’t been subjected to as much propaganda as the older generation you’re G to say no h how can you possibly excuse this at all how can you know it’s yeah well it’s a tough one too because you know I I grew up when when we with the Afghanistan war so at that time right the only there’s no social media there’s no there’s no Tik Tok there’s no Instagram there’s no Twitter nothing’s in real time the only Insight that you have into that Afghanistan war is when you turn on ABC News or CBS News you know at 7 o’clock in the evening time so you know there’s 100% control from the government and from the media centers they will let the public know now you have Independent Journal now you have this guy that gets 18 million followers in the span of three months and why does he get 18 million because it’s like this guy is saying here’s what’s happening on the ground of Palestine like and I’m gonna show you everything yeah every single thing graphic you know terrible good bad and everything else and you know and so it’s a very real thing and again that’s you know I think I think if we actually if we had the Instagram and Tik toks available back in 2000s when we were you know doing all of these terrible actions and killing millions of Muslims in and the midd East during that war you know American sentiment would have been much different but again it’s the propaganda machine right I mean if you ever watched this movie called Vice with Christian Bale where he plays Dick Cheney and you know they go throughout that whole scene on how how can we lie to the American public and they did a they did a whole they did a whole you know survey and they did a whole survey based with Americans and they went through and they looked well nobody trusts George Bush uh you know Dick Cheney no one trusts you either but col and Powell the American people believe you if we can get you to stand on that that trial they’re going to believe you they’re going to believe this lie of weapons of mass destruction and in in the movie you know it’s like well I don’t know how comfortable I feel about doing this and Dick Cheney kind of comes over to George West he’s like are you the man are you the president here you gonna tell this man who his boss get him to do this I mean it’s a it’s a very big scene and then and you know it’s a you know obviously based on a true story and then you see Colin Powell at on his deathbed saying you know that was the single worst thing I’ve done you know regret that every day of my life he regrets it you know I mean I mean that’s what he said on his deathbed but you know there’s I mean did you guys see the story this week with um with with um China the the fact that uh the Pentagon had launched this huge anti did you see this this disinformation campaign for China’s vaccines throughout the Philipp Philippines Philippines in the Middle East so they so they had said they had they put out this propaganda in the middle in the Middle East that the vaccine was made with pork all right so then now all the Muslims are fearing that and of course you know because the Philippines are getting close to China it’s like well we you know we need to have United States needs to have our strategic interest in the South China Sea so let’s go ahead and sew some Discord between you know the Philippines and China we’re going to and and so this whole big huge story from Reuters that just published out that the Pentagon had launched this massive propaganda effort and they and there’s even quotes in there that were just so over the top like our goal really wasn’t you know to get the correct information out it was really just to drag China’s name through the mud like wow what a what a quote you know what a quote you know and so this is what we’re seeing is that I I I mean I’m I’m living in America I’m the only one that’s living in the United States currently right now and I just tell you on the ground there I cannot I honestly cannot tell you a single person that I know that if if you you say do you trust the government do you trust our politicians do you trust the media I should probably make a video of that just walking down the streets of America just just say like let’s ask Americans if they trust their government and just get the reactions that would make a great YouTube video because I don’t know a single person I don’t know a single person that that has any trust in the government and just doesn’t think the entire thing is corrupt has no faith in the politicians and it’s at a point where a lot of Americans are just like you know what I’m G to try to pay it as little tax as possible and then just I don’t want to hear about this and you know what yeah this election it’s awful because it’s a choice between bad and bad and it’s the same damn thing every four years bad and bad worse and worse and you know I mean it’s always funny because we criticize China for being a one party State well America is just one more you know we just have one more it’s a it’s yeah one party state with two brand names yeah exactly so I mean it’s not not too much what’s amazing though is that a lot of these people who you’ll talk to and who you’ll ask do you trust mainstream media do you trust your government you’ll get to know but then if you ask them do do you trust what they tell you about China they still do yeah you know there’s this discon you know I’ve actually used that line though and I’ve had some people like kind of get the light bulb comes on like no I don’t trust my no I don’t trust do you trust about China well if they if you don’t trust him about covering domestic politics in America how could they possibly know about China oh yeah I guess that makes sense I I think this will be I mean what’s happening in um obviously people are realizing the The Narrative about Russia is quite a bit more complex uh than their media and government would like them to believe and obviously they can see the disconnect between what the correct moral stance is on what’s happening in Israel and Palestine versus what their media and their government is trying to convince them to think and feel uh so so I think this will also be a big shift in where maybe they think a little bit more about the narratives that they put out related to any foreign country oh maybe that’s wishful thinking but that would be the a logical thing that happens when they when they see that oh it’s not only domestically we don’t trust them we don’t trust them what what they say overseas either right we’re bouncing over to you Patrick you got something to say yeah and um you know the people did trust the government when they said we were going into Iraq for the weapons of mass destruction not only the the people but the military too I was in the US military from 2001 till 2006 and in 2003 when we uh headed I was on an aircraft carrier headed to the Persian Gulf they were telling us you know what they were telling everybody all these weapons of mass destruction were uh waiting for us and that was our job to get rid of them in fact we went out to sea for what was supposed to be a two two week sea trials and then Donald Rumsfeld signed the order and we went to the gulf and we were told we were G might be gassed they literally made us take Anthrax vaccines that had in many adverse After Effects uh small Fox vaccines all this on the way to war we knew we were going there for war and of course as everyone knows we didn’t find the weapons of mass destruction it was you know everybody was lied to from the top to the bottom the horrible situation now it’s just being perpetuated right yeah I’m still trying to you know trying to accept which war did America get into that was justifiable in my lifetime because as I go back in history well I’m I’m hoping you’re very old and you were born before World War II no let let me let me clarify this if you go back and you look at uh you know Yugoslavia and the breakup of Yugoslavia and you research it and you go to these countries I went to every one of them after uh it was broken up into pieces and they all blamed the West for this and they said listen we’ve had skirmishes for many years we dealt with them internally and then Bill Clinton comes into the White House the drums start beating quickly we’re talking quickly Monica Lewinsky trial uh the dress the D sample and then full-on bombardment of 78 days of absolutely just trashing a country to never be be rebounded and that’s why a lot of our viewers have to understand why Serbia has such a good relationship with China yeah and Russia yeah and history you know teaches us like you know before the I was having an internet moment where I was talking to my wife and I said you know prior to 1996 you got your information from the television or the britanica encyclopedias right before that you had to believe what was in those notebooks you had to believe in what’s on that television but as we go back now in history how far can we go back to say wait a moment this this isn’t what it says or what we were taught it was going to be and uh moving forward now at least we have some mechanism some individuals like Patrick Lancaster and Daniel that does incredible work and same with us Cyrus that push back on this narrative so what’s in store for us in the future here I mean they failed in Russia they’re failing I think uh at least the Israelis are failing from a PR standpoint I mean what’s what’s next Who’s Next well that’s in the title of the video isn’t it yeah who’s next China well let’s talk about it I mean Patrick you had a question and I think it’s a good time to bring it up because Patrick and I have had discussions about Hong Kong we’ve had discussions about Taiwan um the drums are beating uh we saw at the intro of this uh how can we down China um are we going to see some issues here I mean it’s certainly heating up um they it has been confirmed that there are US military personnel on Taiwanese Islands which are just you know a few miles off the border of mainland China um they they were trying really hard to get people riled up about China with the Muslims in shinjang issue you haven’t seen as much of that recently I think because of how awkward um it is uh to still be talking about Muslims in China who need their help while they’re supplying the weapons to kill Muslims in the Middle East um so what you’ve seen them do now over the last few days is they’ve pivoted back to Tibet and I’ve said it online before too that it was bound to happen it was going to happen again so um the American government is now questioning um the legitimacy of uh China China’s control over TI Tibet so you’ve got this um and and they said in the article it was really weird they said in the article that they wanted to do this so that they would push China to have talks with the Dalai Lama um now this is bizarre because well first of all from the whole premise of a of a country that is um you know was formed 500 years after uh Tibet became a part of China during the Yen Dynasty um and uh they want to push dialogue with a person who says that Tibet is a part of China and should remain a part of China right d Dal Lama has said it many times over and over and over again uh and I put a compilation of that video on Twitter um but you can see that they’re just looking for any angle they’re looking for anything to antagonize China with like why now why why do you gotta do this now um and and I mean even from the point of view of um putting military personnel uh in Taiwan when your own policy recognizes the one China policy that taian is a part of China I mean that’s a pretty big violation even according to your own uh standards and your own rules yeah well I think I you’re you’re you’re spot on because you know going back to the Israel Palestine real quick is what you’re seeing is you you’re seeing the United States and Israel are being isolated on the world stage like never before and because the United States is consistently just you know they’re going to back Israel no matter what you know these two their reputation certainly is going down downhill and no nowhere faster than Israel I mean their their PR is at an absolute low point right now and you know especially with the latest raid where you know they had dramatically rescued these four uh hostages but by the way we you know slaughtered 450 people doing that which most of them were in a safe Zone area to begin with um and then you know I don’t know if you saw that as well that that then they then they had to criticize China as well because one of the one of the four Israeli hostages her um she’s she’s mixed rais so her mother is you know from China okay but that this Israeli you know girl this hostage you know so she’s basically she’s has she has some Chinese Heritage but she’s never been to China she doesn’t have a Chinese passport she has no connection to China but they but basically Israel came out and and the US said well look at China you guys didn’t even help this person out and it’s like oh sorry was this our citizen you know this doesn’t this person never even set foot in China in her life but yet we’re getting criticized for not helping her you know last time I checked you need to be a national of the country this makes sense from a Zionist perspective because from a Zionist perspective uh your ethnicity grants you certain rights and Privileges and perks exactly um you know this is the whole idea about that Jewish people belong in this land so they need to kick Palestinians out right to reclaim it so I think they’re just continuing the same logic she has Chinese blood she should be getting these benefits from the it’s like what not everybody thinks as insane as you as insanely as you it’s ridiculous when you hear some of the spokesman for the Israeli Army when they get on on on the uh the television and they’re talking about well you know we we went into uh Gaza and yes of course uh we ended up killing you know you know 50 civilians but we got two members of Hamas and it was interesting a journalist asked them uh while he was speaking they said well do you use those same techniques if that happened in Israel if there was a someone from Hamas let’s say in a location in Israel would you kill 50 of your civilians to kill the one guy yeah and he stumbled there and he just kind of like paused and you’re like yeah okay thanks thanks for your quote buddy but appreciate it I want to pick up on one thing that somebody saying in the comments here um uh there’s somebody who says that the dial Lama is the Dal Lama because of central government accreditation I want to pick up on that because a lot of people don’t realize that a lot of people believe that in the in the period of few decades um before the60s that Tibet was independent even though no n no Nation recognized it as independent but even during that time when the Dal Lama was born and um they the authorities and the the religious authorities wanted to turn him into the D Lama they were supposed to use a process called the Golden earn process but they applied for approval from the Ching Dynasty central government to go and there all the records the documents and everything uh are still out there uh they applied for approval from the central government and the central government also Pro uh provided the funds for his inauguration party so I mean this this happened during the time that people like oh no no no during this period of time it actually wasn’t no it has been for 500 years before America even became a country yeah so I just wanted to finish on that note too well you know what’s interesting as well is uh you know we’ve got two Canadians here and uh I don’t know if you guys have heard the news as well you know Canada being the good lap dog of the US you know that’s what the members of parliament we we we also support America’s decision we are also questioning if Tibet is part of um you know China and we’re you know we don’t we don’t agree with this now so it you know it’s it’s the same thing where you know we we we it’s it’s amazing how the US has to Pivot you can kind of see them just scratching their heads in the back just like okay the shinjang narrative is not working right now you know we’re kind of you know killing a bunch you know all this all of these are slaughtering these Muslims in the Middle East can’t really hide it you know the damn thing’s all over Tik Tok you know we can’t get rid of these guys that are sharing these but um let’s go ahead and pivot back to there let’s let’s try to hammer the shin Jong one all right that’s not working either let’s go ahead and pivot back over to tiet and then and now we’re going to go to the next one which is probably going to be Taiwan next so let’s go ahead and you know so they just it’s just like they tried inter Mongolia for a little while there though but that that kind of uh sizzled out fizzled out there was a very short period and they’re like ah now there’s not enough to go on here I mean they’re they’re talking about the culture in of inner Mongolia the Mongolian culture being erased when it’s the Mongolians in inner Mongolia still using the original Mongolian script even in Mongolia proper they don’t use the original Mongolian script and you see that across the board you see kazaks in China who have actually preserved their culture even better than the kazaks in Kazakhstan who many of them only speak Russian but in China they’re still speaking kazak same same with the kek people and all of this and when you go around these little communities where they have um they’re from an ethnic group that belong to another country as well the culture has been preserved in China more than in the original home countries interesting okay I just want to say to everybody they watching the program right now we do have uh a pretty cool panel I must admit uh if you have questions uh for Patrick Lancaster uh myself Daniel dumbell or Cyrus Janson put them in the chat now we will try I will try to keep an eye on them over the next uh 15 minutes and we’ll pull some of them up and we’ll try to answer them uh as many as possible uh I want to Pivot just to Southeast Asia here for a moment gentlemen I know we don’t really cover this target uh country too much uh but Myanmar uh since I moved to Asia Myanmar uh has been you know going through uh quite uh d stabilization here the American government has been involved uh we do see a pro uh American uh where they will get a lot of the NGO organizations into this part they will use this tactics uh I think Daniel this might be where you can help us out and I’m just going to go a little bit more in depth here uh you know a lot of these countries in Southeast Asia are part of the international LC trade Corridor which is part of the one belt one road and China has making a huge amount of investments in these countries I’ve seen uh the investments in Thailand I’ve seen them in uh you know Myanmar as well with you know not just going there building logistical lines but also improving people’s lives and this is a threat to the American economy as China can put its geopolitical issues aside and say wait a minute uh whatever you know issues we had in history let’s move forward let’s uh get you an airport I recently interviewed uh the Ambassador uh in China here for uh Nicaragua he said in the last 5 years his company country is booming you know China’s down there helping them with ports building airports new energy vehicles are coming on board so we see the same here in Southeast Asia but we are now starting to see Heavy influence here from NGO organizations that are infiltrating into these countries to destabilize it Brian brletic has really covered this region before uh in Myanmar showing that you know whoever America wants into that government they will get them into that government using the techniques maybe you can explain uh what happened in Hong Kong with outside influence what that does to you know potentially a region or regions around the world the power of the American NOS the The Playbook maybe you can help us out a little bit with that I mean that was a long time in the making Hong Kong they set the foundation uh from quite a long time ago Hong Kong you know before they introduced the National Security Law I mean they were ranked the third freest place on Earth um they had very little controls uh which had obviously advantages and disadvantages and the disadvantages that something like that could be taken advantage of and that’s exactly uh what happened I mean it was funny during that time that you know ranked the third freest place on Earth was by the KO Institute um from the US which is not a pro-china report they try to add all of these qualifications and descriptions that said well you know we still have some issues with them but when they actually Ed their mathematical formula in terms of women’s right freedom of religion freedom of movement freedom of press all this kind of stuff they were number three on the list and the US who was coming to free Hong Kong was number 17 on that same list uh but what they would do is they would uh fund um so through the not only the Ned um there was uh there’s another one the ndi um and a few other ones uh they would fund these activists Benny’s high he was funded through the center for Cooperative law or something like that in one of these universities uh he was funded uh um directly by this ndi organization and he was one of the guys who started the original Umbrella Revolution um you also had um material making its way into public schools as well I had a friend send me their child’s uh homework where it’s uh had these questions that you had to fill in and basically one of them was uh the full filled in version was uh I am a river in America I am free and beautiful and clean I am a river in China I am dirty and sad like this was in a primary school kids homework like they they wanted to brainwash these kids from Young to grow up and basically Riot against um against China so when you don’t have which is actually what we’re seeing in Taiwan as well the changing of curriculum and and history and and I mean it’s a it’s it’s a really important part um and and they allow it I mean a lot of people in Taiwan probably think that America are their friends um and that’s not the case I mean even in the you know taking it back very temporarily to Tibet um even the Dal Lama’s own brother in his book the noodle maker of campaign I can’t remember exactly what the title is he said that he one of his biggest regrets in life was working with the CIA he said that he knew if the CIA was successful in Tibet it would have turned into another Libya Afghanistan Iraq whatever it was uh that was you know directly from him so even he recognized that I think a lot of people in Taiwan um don’t realize uh the danger uh with making friends like these um and I mean it’s odd because obviously some of them think they need it for protection uh but it it’s kind of a circular situation that the reason that these uh tensions are rising is because of America’s involvement there you know before America really got their hands into this and started pushing this narrative again relations between Taiwan and Mainland China were improving all the time you had the first direct flights that opened up and it was just getting better and better and better um and now when you have these outside hands in there it’s just kind of go going downhill but any society um when they allow ow these kinds of NOS in these are those are the kinds of things they’re going to do they’re going to brainwash their students they’re going to uh fund people who are going to create revolutions like the Umbrella Revolution or whatever it is um and so I mean inevitably if uh CH if America wants to kind of break up some of those relationships in Southeast Asia you’re probably going to have things like that going on along with the negative media as well when China started making a lot of Headway into Africa um the US brought out a plan uh I remember how much it was $3 billion over seven years or you know $500 million a year specifically to fund negative coverage about China overseas it was that much yeah it was right yeah and and a lot of it was going to Africa and there was a some journalist from I I I I can’t remember if it was IM babwe or where it was but they revealed that they were given offers to write content negative about China um so these are all the different components that are going to happen in these countries that uh China has improving relations with I mean that you know thank you for answering that I think that gives us a very clear indication on you know what Southeast Asian countries could potentially be at risk here uh unless they have a very strong support from their people with their governments very easy the same Playbook could de stabilize these regions and we are seeing that in currently right now in Myanmar we’re seeing that a lot of these Rebels independent Rebels that are backing you know uh instability in the country uh are getting support by a lot of these NGO organizations and as well as a lot of government funded think tanks and so on it’s the same Playbook over and over and over again and this does have repercussions for the people that live in these countries when there’s Mega projects that are being built to try to better people’s lives to build infrastructure uh America looks at that as a threat they will use the Playbook as you said half I think it was about $500 million was passed uh in in Congress per year for negative uh articles they are out there watch for them we identify them we know on this panel who’s writing some stuff making some videos that actually don’t make any sense I think there was about a year and a half ago two years ago do you guys remember all those videos that came out about China China’s economy is over by very very very big influential YouTubers that were on here yeah you know very interesting yeah actually it was interesting because um I I had heard of this agency that actually worked with with influencers on campaigns and so this agency actually got busted because they were pumping this huge crypto thing that went that went bankrupt and but basically when they when they went so the agency got in trouble because they had basically hired about 15 YouTube influencers to make videos and it was all the same script it was the same thing about China and so it was almost if you watch those intros it’s the same headline that you know in 28 days China’s economy is going to collapse 30 days it happened it was almost the same script same script I mean it was the same and and you know so again you look for those patterns you know it’s kind of like the college the college teacher you know when they’re grading the papers and they’re looking for patterns you know it’s like hey you know everybody answered the first 10 questions the same way you know probably an indication there’s some cheating going on you know so Sim similar similar thing is uh yeah I mean and I think that’s what that you know the good thing about this and the good thing while we’re here on YouTube and we’re having shows like this is you know we want to thank everybody that’s tuning in here because you’re watching all four of our channels I mean Patrick you know you’re literally putting your life on the risk every day when you go to work literally I mean you are um you know doing you know reporting the stuff that media doesn’t want to hear right I mean you know you know that you know I mean you know what’s really interesting for me Patrick is I you know I did not know really anything about Ukraine and Russia you know prior to 2022 so and I think that’s the vast majority of most Americans you know so it’s very easy for the US government to just be like wow look at this thing that just happened in 2022 and you know and it’s like oh my gosh I have no idea poor Ukraine you know and it’s just and so you know then you start doing some research and you’re like wow it has nothing to do with 2022 it’s everything that started in 2014 you know this has been going on for a lot longer than that right but I’ll admit and Alex helped me get there um you know by you know just saying hey buddy you need to do a little bit more research on this and really looking at it’s not just what’s happened in the last two years it’s what’s been happened in the last 12 years you know and I think that shows us uh and I’m going to let you answer this in a second here but I I want to say that that was a you know a defining moment in where Cyrus and I we discussed it we talked about it and I said you know hold on a minute um I’m careful because we at some points we also are a victim of the powerful media right uh we’re told a narrative and we follow it sometimes we make mistakes and uh it’s by having these types of relationship with guys like this on the panel uh don’t think that there’s a day that goes by where all four of us are sitting in the room and agreeing on everything uh they comes a time where uh I think we had an evening with Patrick uh one night where we had a discussion a couple of things about China and I said you know best thing to do get on an airplane get over here and he did that and uh it’s really opening your eyes here and I think that that that is very helpful for people out there when you’re going out for dinner and you’re at that uh dinner table hey stand up what you believe in challenge that person that’s beside you in a positive way of course and talk about it because if we don’t uh and we let this media overtake us uh all of us you know I’ve I’ve made a huge amount of mistakes on Miss calls I thought this thing in Ukraine was over a long time ago I was saying no they’ll never no no he won’t go he won’t go he did go so anyway uh Patrick We’re going to pass the mic over to you for a minute then we’ll just do a round table and we’ll wrap her up in about 10 minutes you guys cool with that yeah all right I mean it’s like that sharing information seeing as much information as possible like my grandpa always used to say it’s all in the eye of the beholder and it’s great that we’re able to share information between ourselves and with uh our prospective H viewers and like I say all my reports don’t just watch my reports watch reports from the other side educate yourself do as much re so you have somewhat of a real idea of what may be going on and you can decide for yourself not just be led and spoonfed information that just benefits some narrative actually make your own narrative make your own thoughts on what the real situation is and I’m glad we can all do that together and help these people understand with us and learn with us as we as we learn there is a link in the description below for Patrick Lancaster um I have to tell you the audience that the term demonetization I learned that from Patrick he was one of the first YouTubers ever demonetized on the platform he’s a CR funded freelance journalist his uh link is in my description uh please go over and subscribe to his channel as well as donate to this guy that puts his life on the line every single day to try to give all of us a different perspective on what is going on in this world thank you for us having here you know your voice uh because if we didn’t things would probably look quite different in the world I’m going to pass it on to Daniel who’s been uh such a kind person to allow us to sit in this wonderful studio today no absolutely it’s my it’s my pleasure pleasure um I I agree with what you said there uh about Patrick as well I mean like yeah putting your life on the line to tell these stories and uh it’s it’s actually possible these days but everybody just needs to kind of stay alert to um what’s out there everybody’s eyes been opened up enough to realize that the mainstream narratives that they’re trying to feed you and what your governments are telling you um is really not aligned with reality and you might not necessarily recognize that first on something like Russia or with China but you can see it happening in front of your eyes with something like Israel and uh it’s a pattern it goes across the board this is what they do with all of their narratives um it’s it’s not about it’s not about truth seeking for them um it’s about upholding whatever narratives are you know good for their empire or businesses or whatever it is they’re out for in that particular moment um but yeah I don’t I don’t really have anything else to add other than that I guess maybe we we could wrap up also with actually I had a curiosity question that I didn’t get to also which was um and I don’t know if you don’t want to answer it’s fine but you said you know you’re in a situation in America now where um you have a choice between bad and bad but if you had to you know gun to the head you had to choose one uh you know I this is interesting this is question you know I mean it’s it’s it’s so tough because you know I’m I’m not a fan of Donald Trump um in in you know the way that I was a fan of Donald Trump in 2016 you know in the sense that I’m like you know what let’s get somebody in there to shake things up let’s just kind of get in there and I think he there was a lot of policies that I think that he did good and I think he really lost the 2020 election by himself I think Donald Trump lost 20 2020 as opposed to Biden winning it you know in the sense that if he could have just kept his mouth shut and a little bit less active on Twitter I think he could have probably you know won that one I I’m I’m to the point now where I will probably not vote to be honest in just in the sense that I’m I’m so appalled by what the Biden Administration has been doing um just with this war and Gaza the fact that we cannot you know I mean I just feel that Netanyahu has like his his you know foot on his throat and he’s just you know putting some pressure on him and basically just calling the shots I I don’t feel very confident with the Trump I mean RFK has come out basically saying you know um we’re gonna I he’s come out with some very very pro-israel just kind of like essentially if we just if we got to annihilate the Palestinians and so be it let’s just get on with it and make sure that Israel’s fine so you know you that was that was trending on Twitter today so I’m just kind of like man like I don’t I don’t even know if I want to vote you know to be honest that’s kind of where I’m at at this point I really can’t because it’s it’s almost like you know you put your name if you’re gonna vote um I I’ll say for 2020 I didn’t votee for 2020 I didn’t vote and and and I think that’s where a lot of my frustrations are in this is that I just don’t we we we kind of in America it’s just like it’s it’s always this thing of well in China you don’t get a vote for your president but in America you do and that’s why we’re better and it’s like well I have two awful choices and you know what I really don’t care so I’m not even gonna vote right so that way you can’t use that against me and you know and it’s it’s kind of like you know what I’d rather have I’d rather just have a confidence leader as opposed to you know the power to vote you know it’s it’s it’s it’s not there’s a lot more to democracy than just being able to choose your leader and I think that there’s just a lot of frustration you know that I feel in that I feel very I feel to the point where right now I I just I have no faith in the system I just you know we know that you know it’s it’s proba it’s gonna be Biden or Trump uh leading again um you know after this election or maybe they’re going to switch out Biden right I don’t think he’s got there’s no way he can go for another four years but you know I guess my only hope is that in 2026 we’re going to get you know two fresh new candidates that are hopefully younger but again it’s this whole system that’s corrupt you’ve got corruption from a to zed so I don’t feel I don’t feel optimistic I just feel I feel like I’m becoming a lot of the Americans that I’m seeing where it’s just like again let me pay as little tax as I can leave me alone and and I mean and the other thing you just you can’t comprehend as well is when you’re living in America is the absolute bombardment of advertising and and political things like I’m not kiding you every day when you open your mailbox you’re getting between 10 to 12 paper adverts of of of politicians it’s not just the President right it’s it’s the senator it’s the congressman it’s this so every day you’re just flooded with with papers into your mailbox and and and it’s like the um you know phone calls you know you get phone call advertisements you’ll get TV commercials like you are just pump full of that from like now until November like it’s just you are just completely um you know suppressed with all of this information it’s just like I don’t care there’s something going on with my life right so that’s kind of where I’m at right now yeah it’s interesting I mean you you talked about how a lot of these people say that oh we can vote for our president and that’s what makes us better the other thing that they say is oh we can you know Pro we can protest they think protests don’t happen in China that’s a longer topic but they think that they because they can protest and they can swear at their president and they can say whatever they want that’s great but what do you actually accomplish you can scream into the wind all day long and nothing changes yes and is if you scream long enough with enough people they’ll bring in the National Guard after a certain period of time and drag you off the campuses yes um and so for me like looking as an outsider looking at America I’m kind of the opposite of you I didn’t like Trump in 2016 yeah and um he’s kind of I wouldn’t say I like him now but he’s grown on me and I’ll explain that a a little bit more after I ask my next question which is not now not who would you prefer because obviously you’re just going to not vote but who do you think is going to win I I think it’s gonna be Trump yeah you know I I I I think what’s happening right now is I I think with um I think Biden Administration is really going down a very very wrong path with the war in Gaza I think that’s I think he’s completely alienated himself with the younger voters I think as well is that you’re you know with with this continue funding in Ukraine this is going to be a big deal because again you know we’re we’re seeing massive inflation you know it’s not like the United States economy is is strong you know again we’re here in China where everyone’s like China’s going to collapse the econom is terrible um well you know what guess what there’s a lot of Americans that are struggling and are saying the same thing so I I I think that I I definitely think that this um conviction is GNA be fueled to the fire for Donald Trump I really I really do and I think that he’s I mean if I had to bet money on it I would I would put my money on I would too and and the reason I I would say that I would it’s hard say that I would prefer him um but I I I think the reason that um I look at him as having an advantage in terms of me wanting to see him run rather or run the country rather than bite him is for a few different reasons um one is um I think he is the guy who has the potential to mess up the system the most he was against NATO yeah um he didn’t take us into any new conflicts um he obviously got Prett really close when he um assassinated suani right um but more important um he says exactly what he means when it comes to foreign policy like when he was having leaving troops in Syria he said it over and over and over again we’re leaving troops there for the oil right we’re taking the oil right and even even Assad himself said Trump is the best president we could wish for because he’s not talking about he’s here for human rights or anything like that he just says directly yeah he’s here to take our oil and he’s very you know he’s very transparent with the Israel situation I think that the worst case scenario is just it’s no different than Biden like I think Palestinians will still continue to suffer oh yeah but and and maybe this is just wishful thinking on my part because I I seem to remember there was a some sort of an Israel Lobby thing that he was at way back in 2016 somewhere around then when he just said directly to the audience uh where he says you know there’s a lot of people here that I don’t like and you don’t like me but I need you and so I don’t know if he’s going to if he’s planning on doing you know one term and he knows that he needs the um Israel Lobby on his side yeah um if he he just plays the game until he gets in and then he says okay no I’m I’m not actually gonna support you guys in that I think it’s probably a little bit isal thinking I mean at the end of the day he was the one who moved the embassy to Jerusalem and you the reality is is that this is the kind of the oxymoron and the catch22 is that Biden going to lose a lot of the younger vote because of his stance on on this war again in Gaza but the reality is is that Trump is probably even more Pro his Ro than Biden yeah and so I think that’s that’s it’s kind of like I don’t want to vote for Biden over this but if you’re voting for Trump he’s actually gonna be even more um you know pro-israel you know I think you know obviously it’s there’s a lot of wishful thinking that goes into that um but it’s hard to and knock on wood it’s hard to imagine that it would just be any worse than it is now anyways like it would just be kind of the status quo because no matter what both parties are supporting um supporting Israel on this but I mean there’s all these other candidates who are coming out like every time I say um on my streams uh or or on my videos that there’s no other real choice you know you’ve got a Zionist and a Zionist they say well we’ve got like what’s her name Jill Stein or yeah that’s yeah Jill Stein but it’s like I I don’t know what’s going on like you would think that that if if people really wanted to vote against Biden because of what he’s doing and these they see that Trump is probably going to do the same thing why doesn’t she get a huge number of votes coming in is it just because she’s not get getting air time or she’s not I I mean well let’s let’s look at this is RFK Jr is the he is the the highest um Third Party candidate in in the polls since Ross Pro which was about about 30 years ago so you know and and in actually some states I I believe for example Utah Donald Trump is winning with 46% uh Biden and RFK are both at 20% so he’s you know neck and neck with Biden for the number two spot so he’s actually there’s actually a lot of requirements you know for example to get on the stage so I think within a within one week you’re gonna have the presidential debate Biden vers Trump it’s GNA be a great thing to watch you know because at this point with us politics we just go for entertainment you know that will be entertaining to watch but in order to get on the actual Stadium you or the podium in order to attend that there has to be a lot of requirements that you have to do for I think you need to be in at least 26 you have to be on the ballot in at least 26 States and you have to have a pathway to at least the the 320 electoral votes that you need to become president so RFK has not been invited on that because both the Republican and Democrats are blocking him because they don’t want him there but he’s like hey all of these requirements including the Electoral uh electorial College votes I’ve I’ve met as well so so actually that that’s why this Jill Stern I I I’ve never even heard of her until you just said her name so that that’s that’s 100% why because she has no airtime but that’s the interesting thing is even RFK who has qualified and should be on the stage he has earned his spot you know whether you like him or not we’re not we’re just talking about what’s the requirements he’s met them in square he won’t be there because the Republicans and Democrats they don’t want him there because obviously it’s taking votes away we we got one more American on the panel here thoughts on what these characters are saying um well you know [Music] it’s I don’t think any American really wants uh Biden to win down you know truthfully and I don’t think many believe it’s GNA happen um how the world will react or the the population of the United States will react to the uh election we’ll have to see um but it’s either way there’s going to be some amount of uh conflict and unrest I believe I’m G to give my two cents now all right um I do I will not forget what happened in the courtroom a couple of weeks ago when you can convince a district attorney to bring 34 misdemeanor charges to felonies when you can silence sitting president of the United States on social media yeah there’s Trump and then there’s the Republican Party party and that party is divided itself so if it’s not Trump it’s not Biden I have a feeling that Americans are suffering and they’re suffering from these massive High interest rates this massive inflation their backs are against the wall and they might just say we’ve had enough and we’re in what now we’re mid June I have heard stories from even their viewers and people that comment on our videos that says you know Alex life is you know you haven’t been in Canada in a while you haven’t been in United States in a while things are very very difficult we actually don’t believe in any president’s going to get us out of the hole we’re in right now where you can maybe afford a loaf of bread some cheese uh keep the lights on part of the week uh and really seeing a lot of people getting sunk under in major mortgages I had a friend of mine telling me that his daughter’s mortgage when she went to refinance it was just mindblowing and the only alternative the branch managers at the bank was throw another decade on your mortgage and she said but then I’ll be 75 years old when the mortgage is done and I will maybe start collecting pension 65 I can’t work till I’m 74 so I think if you push Society to the brink uh I don’t think anybody’s caring about November I think everybody’s caring about next week the week after that living paycheck to paycheck and the last time we saw this it ended up on the streets and let’s remind ourselves that Americans in their constitution uh and you know the Constitution very clearly that these people can take um matters into their own hands and I’m not saying that uh terrible things can happen but if we look back in history uh where economies you it’s it won’t take much for that economy to you know right now we’re seeing strange things happen the financial markets are at all-time high but the average person’s not benefiting from that no no they’re moving into houses that are beyond their means they can’t afford it now will this snowball before November or will this outcome of the election not be accepted by a lot of people anymore it’s definitely a very real possibility I mean I I think there’s there’s going to be a lot of frustration with either candidate winning right I I don’t think people I I agree with what Patrick said in in the sense of you know I don’t think that in let’s go back to 2020 anybody that voted for Biden I don’t think it was a vote for Biden it was more a vote against Trump you know if you didn’t like Trump you’re gonna vote for Biden no I mean with his age and his no one was excited to have Joe Biden as their president they was just simply I don’t want to vote for Trump I’m gonna vote for the other guy so I think I think with um you know with again I I believe that that Trump has very much captivated a lot of people I think he’s growing his base and I think I mean just look at the handle that he has on that Republican Party that there was nobody that could even challenge him I mean that that primary he destroyed everybody I mean it wasn’t even close it was never even close so it’s gonna be interesting because yeah I mean we’ll we’re gonna see what’s gonna happen in November but Al she brought up a good point I mean I think it is very but people are very frustrated is is the cost of living and it kind of goes back to these other things as well you know when we say look we’ve uh we’re going to send another $61 billion to Ukraine we’re going to sign a new 10-year pact with them which by the way that you know immediately when they said that you know that it does actually give an option for future presidents to immediately get out of that which which a lot of people are saying you know I I had interviewed a former US army colonel Daniel Davis who said and I asked him Point Blank you know what what’s gonna happen if Trump um wins you know how do you think he’ll hand to Ukraine he says I think he’ll go right for the negotiated settlement immediately just get out just just finish that war and get out of there and you know so again it’s it’s very hard I think for Americans at this point to to say we need to fight Russia for the next years when they’re looking at uh I’m trying to pay my mortgage yeah and I honestly I don’t give a crap about that you know like just you know let like like you said 88% of Americans are are wanting NATO member states to push you know Ukraine to negotiate settl and at the end of the day like Patrick has laid out so clearly you know you you’re fighting over these four territories that under Russian law are part of Russia but most importantly right people don’t want to be there they don’t want to be part of Ukraine right this is just as simple as that and it’s like and it’s the same thing where we say you know the US will say hey we need to um you know the Taiwanese people should have the right to self-determination you know we love that word self-determination so we’ll apply it at certain things you know you know these people should have it but some people shouldn’t well big respect to everybody on the panel tonight Patrick you have a last word that you’d like to tell our audience uh yeah I want to give a little um well some bad news came a few hours ago today in uh in the dunet region there was a colleague and journalist uh killed by Ukrainian drone attack today and day before yesterday there was another uh video journalist killed and his partner um disfigured and this is on top of the dozens of journalists that have been killed in Ukrainian attacks on that side of the uh front line so prayers and thoughts go out to them and their family well Patrick from all of us please be safe um please enjoy your journey here uh in China we hope that you get the answers that you came here for what a pleasure it was to see Cyrus Janssen again and of course my good friend Daniel dumbell who I just live up the road from uh it’s great everyone and thanks again uh we’ll put a little bit of cool music on here and we will see you guys in the comment sections uh once again everybody’s links are in my description Cyrus Jansen Daniel dumo Patrick Lancaster do not forget to subscribe to those channels and we’ll talk to you guys soon take care I will uh see you in the comment section bye-bye [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

Will the Russia Ukraine War End? What Happens Next with China? How will the 2024 US Election play into this geopolitical chaos? Join the panel as we discuss the complex web of geopolitical tensions shaping our world today, with a particular focus on the interactions between the United States and key players like Russia, Ukraine, Iran, and China.

Starting with the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, we analyze the political, economic, and military dimensions of this confrontation, exploring its roots, current status, and potential future trajectories. The implications of this conflict extend far beyond the region, impacting global security and alliances.

Next, we examine the intricate relationship between the United States and Iran, particularly amidst the backdrop of nuclear negotiations, regional power struggles, and the broader dynamics of the Middle East. With recent diplomatic developments and shifts in regional power dynamics, understanding the US-Iran relationship is more crucial than ever.

China’s rise as a global superpower is undeniable, and its interactions with the United States have significant ramifications for global trade, technology, security, and human rights. From trade wars to territorial disputes, we analyze the multifaceted relationship between the world’s two largest economies and the implications for the global order.

Furthermore, we explore the upcoming US elections and their potential impact on foreign policy decisions. As the world watches closely, the outcome of the elections will undoubtedly shape the trajectory of US engagement with key international actors, influencing everything from trade agreements to military interventions.

Through expert analysis and insights, this video provides a comprehensive overview of the current geopolitical landscape, highlighting the interconnectedness of global affairs and the importance of informed engagement in shaping our collective future. Join us as we navigate the complexities of international relations in an ever-changing world.

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#china #russia #2024elections

  1. Canadian here, I don't think Cyrus is alone among many Americans who feel about his country. The upcoming presidential election is a choice between bad and bad, and the future of the whole world seems to hinge around the outcome of it. If Trump doesn't win, the recent movie about a divided America might just happen.

  2. Please! I’m not of the TicToc generation, I wasn’t fooled when young , middle aged, or now. Give us grey foxes some acknowledgment.

  3. Its pretty sad to see even people like Cyrus who lives in the US, think himself is open minded and educated, never heard of Jill Stein and the Green Party, who have been consistently progressive and antiwar every year. And what he said not voting but probably prefer Trump because there is no other choice, its the very reason why American always fall for one of the stupid two parties.

  4. i just subscribe to your channel,Cyrus along with my entire household,will share your videos with my colleagues too, to let more people know about the lies of the imperialist Western leaders

  5. America is a plutocracy and not a democracy, where the govt is beholden to the industrial military complex. The US is used to waging wars and undermining other countries for years. No wonder many folk regard it as a ROGUE nation. Pretty tragic!!

  6. The original aim for Project Ukraine was to keep the Germans down, the Russians out, and the Americans in. Now the aim is to make sure Ukraine will not lose before November 5.

  7. I was just threatened by youtube speech gestapo as I said I am in favor of Russia. I was threatened for it. im told say I am in favor of America government today wasting everything on killing for resources.

  8. Who to vote for I feel Joe is going to destroy Ukraine and Europe, if Donald wins is he going to destroy Israel?🤔that seems to be the pattern 🤔

  9. Fox News loves broadcasting just how sick American media is and the US Government is happy to deliver the bigoted and ignorant proof. Sad. Thank you guys for your tireless commitment to wisdom and truth.

  10. Russia has spent trillions of dollars and losing tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of soldiers for virtual stalemate. It is time for Putin to pull out of Ukraine and start the peace talk. Russia's defacto war with NATO is a disaster.

  11. One Point!!! To Vote is to Pass Your Mandate to the party that wins, all their decisions and the repercussions of those decisions for the next 50 years … go right ahead and vote

  12. Zelensky is expired as a president. Ukraine has no President June 2024. America once again no respect for Democratic procedure abiding. America is wanting to make Zelensky the President of Ukraine. Zelensky has no votes by the Ukraine people, he is not the Ukraine president. Ukraine does not have a leader.

  13. Point 2: Political Adverts attack – and Remedy.
    Collect all the adverts and return to sender … but lets not sort who they go to normally it's Free Post to a politician and even if it's not the postal service is going to be flooded by millions of people saving their political adverts and posting them back …
    Pass it on – if just 5% of the population do the hard send back it'll stop – Pass it on … 5% target

  14. HHHHH it's funny how USA think they can sanction China. these are very arrogant people. China 1.5 billion population, USA and Europe not even on 1 billion combined. whats make them so arrogant ?

  15. It’s great to see the 4 of you together. Voters here in the UK have the same dilemma as that of the UK. Both Conservatives and Labour have the same hawkish foreign policy. There’s a glimmer of hope with Workers Party of Britain, the only anti-war party. I hope Even if they can’t break the vicious cycle, it is hoped that they can provide some balance in British politics

  16. Cyrus – if you were as critical of Russian or Chinese government as you are of American, and were a local citizen living there, do you think you would be in jail?

  17. It is blatantly, openly, purposely Declaration of Economic War against China. What for ? In a competition, you try to win by achieve better, by smarter, by stronger against your competitors, not by sabotaging, not by tricking, not by busy weakening. Your adversary is being positioned to defend and will perform better against your onslaught by you doing so. Meanwhile, you are busy weakening others you are not building up, make yourself better, smarter, for your own.

  18. As long as Putin can continue hire mercenaries from Sri Lanka, Nepal and his prisons his UN condemned Special Military Operation will continue for decades as in Chechnya.

  19. Italy wants to excluded themselves, it's up to them. BRI definitely will work for others. Not that BRI needs Italy to complete its project, right??? With or without Italy BRI will work among themselves. Even, if Italy decouple them from BRI or BRICS. It's their loss not any other countries round the world.

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