Ukraine Fails to Broaden Support in War Against Russia from Global South

Ukraine Fails to Broaden Support in War Against Russia from Global South

It’s sort of odd to even talk about peace summits at this stage in the war, right? Because we think about how deeply entrenched each of the two sides are in their positions and really very little sort of overlap. So what this summit is meant to do is sort of begin to start sort of devising languages and joint communiques about how to talk about, you know, the possible paths for peace. And the idea here was to bring in more than 100 countries together, get a sort of joint communique together. So they put out a communique at the end here. And it was really very broad. There wasn’t a lot of details in terms of steps for peace. It was looking at basically nuclear energy and nuclear installations, making sure they’re safe during the war. And, you know, global food supply was another sort of big theme. And then the third was sort of returning of prisoners of wars on both side, but also children that had been taken from Ukraine into Russia. And again, these are sort of very broad principles. This doesn’t even get into the nitty gritty. And a number of countries were unable to sign up to this communique that we have here in front of us. Right. So China was absent from the meeting, but we also have Saudi Arabia, India, Brazil, South Africa, all sort of refusing to sign up to this. And the Saudis saying that basically if there is going to be an end to this war, it is going to be involve a lot of difficult compromise from Ukraine. And let’s not forget, Tom, this also was a meeting that was being held in the shadow of these demands made by Vladimir Putin, his so-called sort of peace conditions for Ukraine, which basically amounts to surrendering the east of the country and basically withdrawing Ukraine’s desire to join from Nejo in writing, which of course, is a total nonstarter for Zelensky. Yeah. I still find it fascinating that this non-Africans will take Israel to the ICC but won’t call out Russia over its bloodletting in Ukraine. Meanwhile, after a week of intense global dialogue, then with Ukraine, in a sense, where does it leave the war in terms of what the situation is like on the ground? Yeah. Tom, I think it’s a really interesting question because obviously, you know, Zelensky began his sort of tour here in Berlin. He went to Saudi Arabia. He ended up at the G7 meetings and then to Switzerland and now sort of going back to Ukraine. And the question is again, where do where does all of this sort of land and really the golden sort of prize for Ukraine out of all of this week. And the last really kind of couple of months was to get that agreement for the $50 billion on Russian assets. And he got that right. He got that from the G7. They haven’t worked out the details. But if they’re able to and really at this point, they’ve kind of headed them themselves and they need to get this sort of worked out. Technically, you’ll have that $50 billion. But, you know, given the Swiss summit and what we saw from the G7, the diplomatic path towards peace seems as difficult as ever. You know, the Venn diagram between Putin’s demands and Ukraine’s demands, there is zero overlap right there. Right. So this is the sort of thing that we need to pay attention to, particularly with a shifting political climate. I mean, we heard from the candidate in the United States, you know, former President Trump basically saying that Zelensky left four days ago with $60 billion and he gets home and he announces he needs another $60 billion. It never ends. So this is sort of the the conversation going in as we head to that election in the United States.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy failed to get the support of a number of key nations from the Global South in the war against Russia’s invasion. India, Indonesia, South Africa and Saudi Arabia were among the nations that didn’t sign on to a final statement drawn up at a two-day summit in Switzerland. Bloomberg’s Oliver Crook Reports.
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  1. The fact that Tom compared the South Africans taking Israel to the ICC and their support for Russia tells a lot about his professionalism.

  2. Zelenskky is delusional. Ukraine does not have the capability to push the Russians out of Ukraine. 60 billion cannot buy victory. The Russians will leave Ukraine when the Washington Wizards win the NBA title.

  3. zelesnky presidency expired.
    time for elecctions in ukraine.
    tired of sending my tax dollars to that fool..
    Uk is not macht for russia let russia take 30% of ukraine and sign peace deal.

  4. Without a united front to support Ukraine, Russia will over-run them. So sad that the world will just stand and watch a bully nation (not America) over-power a neighbor nation. It's the school ground all over again.

  5. Why does this clown zelensky needs support from major global South countries, ukraine always went against the interest of these countries, one such example is supporting india's arch rival pakistan by supplying major weapons to them.. Pakistan who's responsible for major terrorist attacks not only in South Asia but all around the world.. This really irritated india.. Ukraine really lacks long term vision in geopolotics..

  6. There are so many things wrong in this video it is terrifying.
    1.) Russia/Putin has indicated they are willing to negotiate..
    2.) The U.S./NATO/Western Europe refuses to negotiate , compromise or consider any other options even when said options are based on hundreds of years of history
    3.) Without having Russia, China, Brazil and Saudi Arabia onboard, this summit was largely meaningless.
    4.) Modern eastern Ukraine has been historically Russian. The Bolsheviks gave Ukraine this territory.
    5.) Western Ukraine has historically been part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The Poles would very much like get reacquire western Ukraine into Poland.

  7. Russia tried to negotiate a peace settlement for 8 years after the U.S. overthrew the government of Ukraine and installed a "new" government. Those were the Minsk Accords that Ukraine and NATO refused to honor.
    Then there was a peace deal after the Russian invasion in spring of 2022 — and Biden and Boris Johnson blocked the Istanbul agreement ordering Z elensky to say "NO!".
    Americans may not be aware of all this but the majority of the world's population is.

  8. Zelensky is no longer the legal President of Ukraine. His 5-year term expired in May and he refuses to hold elections because he would lose to ANYBODY with a pulse.

  9. His only strategy for this war is to go on a begging campaign so the the world governments steal people's hard earned money for his cause. Sadly it's worked on sleepy joe, but he'll be gone soon.

  10. D.C. has bankrupt Americans with forever wars. NATO is brain dead. The United Nations are a collective of thieves and war criminals. Same for the WEF and EU.

  11. Zelinsky is a dictator robbing America along with Biden. Shut them both down completely. No more money. That's where most of taxpayers money has gone adding to more trillion dollar debt. Add them billions up and your looking at over a trillion.

  12. The world is tired of the Western corporate mainstream media’s propaganda. It is one-sided and biased. The audience is not stupid. The global South has spoken by not signing this declaration. Even a school child knows that the war in Ukraine is a proxy war between the US-led NATO and Russia. T

  13. Most of the global south supports Putin. South America and Africa are firmly supportive of Putin and Russia and its not because they have anything against Ukraine but because they see this as Russia against the US/NATO.

  14. To all Americans reading the comments: I strongly hope you guys understand these comment fields are full of filthy Russian bots and trolls. Some of their comments are generated by AI, and some of their comments come from the keyboards of Russians who get paid for feeding LIES and FAKE NEWS into online discussions. They are not interested for the benefit of the US. They are interested in getting your opinions swayed to be favorable for Russia. Do you want to take a stance for pro-Russia? Or do you want to be critical of what you read, and take a stance for the benefit of your homeland, United States? If you choose the former, then yeah, definitely believe the Russian bots' lies about Ukraine, EU and NATO. But in the end, we are the West, Europe and the US. And your country is the greatest in the west. Don't let Russian snakes and orcs feed toxic in your great country.

  15. On December 5, 1994 Russia obliged to respect Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity in exchange for Ukraine giving up THOUSANDS of nukes.x

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