Ukrainian New Weapons. Ground Vehicle D-21-11: Killer Robot, MedEvac and Frontline Delivery System

Ukrainian New Weapons. Ground Vehicle D-21-11: Killer Robot, MedEvac and Frontline Delivery System

as everyone Knows drones have become an Essential Part of the War between Russia and Ukraine but Up until this Point most Drone Systems in Action are in the Air so Flying however in the Past years A lot of Time Money and effort has been put Into the Development of Ground based Systems and Today that is exactly what we will see It’s Called d2111 It was developed and manufactured locally Here in Ukraine and the producers Feel that It’s ready to be put into Action The d211 can do many things if You put a Machine Gun on it It’s basically a Killer Robot If you Take the machine Gun off It can be used to evacuate Dead or wounded Soldiers and also to bring supplies ammunition Water Food whatever to the guys in the First Lines in the trenches so Today The Developers will introduce their Drone Show What It can What it Can’t do to a Brigade of the Ukrainian Army The Third separate Assault Brigade After that one of the drones will be presented to them and They will take it into War like with Every new ня нижня задня нижня задня верхня і передня верхня пробіл який дає стрільбу чергами все ми насипаємо те саме можна зробити і тут натискаємо двагачки знімаємо запобіжник і починаємо стріляти скільки кулемет може стільки стріляє тут якби Питання в тому як ми налаштуємо в процесі пристрілки ми налаштовуємо режими стрільби там у нас 1т 5 10 [музика] О вкидається він в принципі от сюди в направляйку і сразу фіксується все пробує давай есть вправый попал The movies of my childhood has Come through Terminator or Matrix The time of the killer Robots has Come for sure the advantages are Clear Where You would otherwise need a Human to Pull The Trigger the machine Gunner can Now Assault The Enemy remotely but while assaulting is undoubtedly the most Dangerous task a Close Second is getting two in fromont positions Even if they are Under Ukrainian Control Russian fpv are All these tasks from assis Ass units by providing Fire Support to bringing supplies or by serving as an offro Taxi 15 км зимою 15 і влітку 20 десь на одні по време ну будеш їхав з яко як Їздили по пересіченій місцевості і це по часу зайняло практично світовий день зранку до вечора Тобто ми не розгрядили за день a little bit like something which people would invent so They don’t have to Walk anywhere It has headlights Brake Lights indicator this Bar to Hold On to but if someone’s Shooting at you or things are exploding Around you or You’re Just tired Because you haven’t slept in Three days then You’re probably really Grateful that this thing can take you Where you need to go so It’s quite a nifty Creation to be honest commanders like J are hoping to save lives and manpower with these Machines a resource that has become increased [музика] хо воювали роботи а не люди має право на життя і воно повинно тільки розвивати [оплески] with unfolded seats the d21 can Transport a heavily wounded Soldier To safety A task that would usually require that often means leaving and giving Up a position with Robot like this not Only can The remaining Sold Stay at the Front Lines but the Robot can Тобто ти їдеш О так если людина їде передом не бачить я він падає він провається в я і отак отта головою пря чучу А так ты вперся в це как жишugv to be used in lar numbers but with the War becoming Ever more deadly Robots like The d21 are to provide some much needed relief for the Arm Forces of Ukraine Where many Soldiers are Now Well into their Third Year of War [музика]

UGVs are just starting to be used in large numbers. But with the war becoming ever-more deadly, robots like the D-21-11 are set to provide some much-needed relief for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, where many soldiers are now well into their third year of war. They can be fitted with a machine gun and used to assault, but also to evacuate dead or wounded as well as bring supplies to the trenches.

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  1. Why not buy some of those cheap tiny cars for seniors that I keep seeing advertised on YouTube 🤷‍♂️ Just add rxplos*ves and a remote control / camera 🐢

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