World leaders gather at Ukraine peace summit, Russia absent issues an ultimatum for Kyiv surrender

World leaders gather at Ukraine peace summit, Russia absent issues an ultimatum for Kyiv surrender

now world leaders are heading to the luxury Bergen stock Resort in Switzerland for a two-day Summit on peace in Ukraine Russia will not be there on Friday President Vladimir Putin again said that Ukraine would effectively need to surrender for there to be peace keev and its Ally the United States immediately rejected Russia’s conditions let’s hear a bit more from our uh correspondent in Ukraine G Crag well I think that a lot of people in Ukraine are quite critical these days of Vladimir zelinski and particularly his chief of staff Andre Yak who is really The Man Behind the idea of this Summit but despite this most um experts think that the idea of holding this event which is not really a peace Summit in the traditional sense of the term but more a summit designed at showing the world how many countries are on board with Vladimir zelinsky’s vision of Peace which of course involves Russia pulling all of its forces out of Ukraine it’s in a way more like a support for Ukraine Summit and it was very very much a priority for the ukrainians to get as many countries as possible from the global South on board and to have some kind of in involvement from China China is not taking part and although the Swiss sides say that they’ve got more than 92 delegations and half of them at least represented at the level of heads of state or heads of government um big um countries from the global South such as Indonesia and India are not represented Brazil is sending its ambassador to Switzerland which is the lowest possible um diplomatic level to be represented at so on those terms it’s not a success and there are people in Ukraine who’ve been very critical of Andre yak’s approach taking on the role of foreign minister if you like rather than leaving that to the professional diplomats because he has really taken on a huge amount of power in Ukraine in recent months but so in recent days the ukrainians have scaled down their rhetoric a bit and talked about this Summit as just a First Step they’re hoping that they’ll get some kind of communic out of it that could serve as a basis for further negotiations to which they’ve said Russia might be invited and they’ve said today they’re going to focus on three um elements of Vladimir zelinsky’s 10-point peace plan probably the ones that are least controversial which are nuclear security food security and the release of Ukrainian prisoners of war and Ukrainian children who’ve been deported to Russia families of those Ukrainian prisoners of War have also traveled to stock in Switzerland uh to be present and to you know Lobby for as much action as possible to be taken on that front

The presidents of Ecuador, Ivory Coast, Kenya and Somalia will join many Western heads of state and government and other leaders at a conference this weekend aimed to plot out first steps toward peace in Ukraine – with Russia notably absent. More information with FRANCE 24 correspondent Gulliver Cragg.
#Ukraine #Switzerland #Russia

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  1. In summary
    Location : Switzerland
    Representation: mostly delegates
    Geopolitics: mostly the west
    Purpose: peace summit ( without the major actor of the conflict)

    I donno what parallel universe we are in but this looks like a fundraiser/ holiday event. It's not a bad thing in it self but please don't abuse it by calling it a peace summit.

  2. Russia want the oil and gas off the coast of Crimea, together with an all year port for the navy, that's all. Sure they take some land too, but the borders are rather arbitrary in reality. Will they win, no. They cannot win the sea battle, I doubt the US could win it either, with today's tech in sea drones, drones in the air, missiles, etc.

    Russia best bet is to withdraw truly, they will not beat machines, which what they are now fighting, not people, machines.

  3. What does US have to do with any of this? Why can't Ukraine think for itself and decide what is best for it's future.

  4. A peace summit? But where's the peace, where's negotiations? Or is it a war support summit?
    The "civilised" West is not so civilised in the reality

  5. Its just a circus show with the West excerting pressure to global south to attend as a facade to keep up appearance. The truth of the matter is Russia will not give up an inch of territory in Ukraine and Putin can wait for Trump to take office or the West's far right is in charge of the EU. The US and EU are running out of money and ammo and that is the reason for the seizure of Russia's 300bn and most of the US 60bn is used to replenish it's own stockpile. Ukraine is a goner. The West just have to face the reality.

  6. The starting sentence says it all, "world leaders are heading to the luxury resort…". A luxury holiday for world leaders, all expenses paid. A peace negotiation happens between the two fighting parties, not holidaymakers.

  7. Nothing good will not come out from this summit. The peaceful Ukrainians who wants peace rather than zelensky war of destruction will tell you this is not what they want.This is not a peace summit. If Russia and Ukraine sat down face to face discussion something, it will be called a peace summit. Good bye.

  8. Putin's big mistake when they attacked Ukraine! They think that within 2 weeks kyiv surrender to russia! But more than 2 years now but they cannot even hold the ground in their occupied territories.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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