Ukraine Peace Summit: Putin demands more Ukrainian land to end war; Kyiv rejects ‘ultimatum’ | WION

Ben Aris is the founder and Editor in Chief of b& inter news and also former Moscow bureau chief for the Daily Telegraph Mr Aris welcome to the show would it have made any difference if Russia was invited to to the summit of course it would have made every difference in so much as U the peace Summit is a bit of a misnomer in so much as you know peace discussions and not on the agenda according to Chancellor Schulz I mean this is more uh Summit that’s designed to do two things one is to institutionalize the Western support for Ukraine um we’ve seen various packages go through 61 billion from the states and 50 billion from the G7 this week um and the second thing is it’s an attempt by the ukrainians to isolate Russia by rallying more countries International states to the Ukrainian cause uh and in that sense uh zilinsky must be very disappointed because some of the key countries countries with real influence Leverage over Putin have not gone have decided to boycott it and you mentioned China but Saudi Arabia also as close to Moscow as not going the Indian delegation as far as I understand is downgraded it’s certainly not going at the head of state level there a fairly Junior diplomatic representation Brazil same thing not the head of state a relatively Junior diplomatic um delegation is going uh although all of the Europeans are going at the head of state level to show their ongoing solidarity and uh you can’t have meaningful peace talks without Russia being at the table and interestingly China also floated a peace proposal on the first anniversary of the start of the war um and has been lobbying the delegates who are going uh in order to get them to discuss I mean China’s actually working and wants to see this war ended but the only thing on the agenda is alinsky’s 10-point plan but that’s a very maximalist position it’s not a serious offer of peace because it starts with Russia uh entirely quitting the Ukrainian territory not just the the donbass and and the other regions that they’ve taken but including the Crimea which is a non-starter for the Kem and interestingly Putin himself yesterday um offered uh a ceasefire he said that if Ukraine withdraws from the four territories that Russia annexed uh last year then uh and also gives up its NATO Ambitions then um Russia will be prepared to stop the war today and withdraw his troops immediately and I think by that he’s trying to make the point that you know there isn’t a real peace negotiation there without Russia all right let’s talk about um what you said there about China also planning uh its own peace uh peace initiative meeting and it’s planning to do this with the help of Brazil how do you think that peace plan initiative will go not very well um the Chinese peace plan such as it is is basically to freeze the conflict uh pretty much the oper the Putin made freeze the conflict along the lines on the ground that there are now and that to turn most of eastern Ukraine into a demilitarized zone and basically freeze the conflict and kick the discussions and negotiations down the road to uh in the future sometime where um the the uh territory questions will be resolved and for the Ukrainian side I mean that’s an unst started they’re not prepared to give up any territory um although the chances militarily of them driving them out of the country are non-existent but as I said China you know wants to start the talks um and the Ukrainian side in Istanbul in 2022 had conceded that they would not give up the territory but at least to freeze the conflict and start discussions and I think that’s what China is pushing for because this is hugely destructive for everybody uh obviously for the ukrainians but also China given its tension with States it doesn’t want to see this escalate it would like to calm everything down um because everyone is getting dragged slowly into a third world war okay uh Mr Aris finally and very quickly what do you think will be the ultimate takeaway or outcome of this Summit what are your predictions well until now the a to Ukraine has been ad hoc uh and we saw that cause problems uh beginning of this year when um America effectively cut Ukraine supplies off and Ukraine’s uh energy sector is being completely destroyed in the meantime because the skies were open it had no air defense missiles left and I think this what this Summit marks is the attempt to institutionalize the aid and several America just did a 10-year Security deal with Ukraine um yesterday I think which would be formalized today and that’s all about making it predictable of like committing yourself to long-term supplies of money and arms which is what Ukraine wants and needs in order to stay in the fight uh and then we’re looking then at a long War um with Ukraine be able to keep me up for several years at least all right I’ve been talking to Mr Ben Aris who’s the founder and editor-in chief of b& intell news and also former Moscow bureau chief for the Daily Telegraph Mr Aris thank you very much for talking to us today for all the latest news download the we on Up And subscribe to our YouTube channel

President Vladimir Putin said on Friday Russia would end the war in Ukraine only if Kyiv agreed to drop its NATO ambitions and hand over the entirety of four provinces claimed by Moscow, demands Kyiv swiftly rejected as tantamount to surrender.

#ukrainepeacesummit #russia #wion

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  1. Why wouldnโ€™t they deny peace. Filtering $ through Ukr. into all hands open. Firstly repayment to recovering illusionist.

  2. If a black person is going to European countries they are thinking we are from the drainage but if they having any problem they use us just like food security, War and natural resources

  3. Interesting logic by Putin. Russia invades another Country and then talks Peace, but at the same time demands they hand over a fifth of their territory to Russia,..who then blame NATO for the stalemate. There must be something foul in the air in Moscow that effects intelligence and common sense.

  4. Terorists donโ€™t want peace Hamas and Zilinsky are financed by war criminals both are killing innocent even theur own Ukraine army is not anymore but generals should arrest Zilinsky Hus term expired his wife too charlatans living lije royals on poor American money

  5. Russia never won this war, 32 countries against only one. Russia is running out of weapons now, the West and the U.S. have hundreds of millions of weapon stockpiles to smash Russia including nuclear weapons.

  6. Sooo a 10 year plan for Ukraine ๐Ÿ˜‚ it won't exist in the next 12 months if they don't take the deal on the table. winter is on the way and there is no power will freeze Russia will take out everything..I think people need to realise the difference between a war and what Russia have been doing, in a war u cut off everything gas/electric/ fuel /water/ airports/ bridges/roads ports u name it and that hasn't happened yet because Russia doesn't want that.. they haven't even hit the government buildings

  7. ATACAMS are taking and we are getting something started. Let the ATACAMS talk a little more to get us to the right type of peace. About a week of ATACAMS in operations, putin is proposing a peace plan. We will get to a better peace deal, but Ukraine need more ATACAMS to reach this goal.

  8. putin is the looser, he cant dictate any terms. Already Sweden n Finland are part of NATO. He said before that will never happen. It has happened. Also, he said, No NATO weapons. Well we have them hitting russia now. So putin cannot dictate anything. Let the better weapons teach him what to do. Fools don't learn in the classroom. They learn in the street, when the encounter a fellow thug with a gun, a knife or any type of deadly weapon

  9. Take Note:

    When there is an issue in Europe most of the world absconds, withdraws, fence sits, remains indifferent & impartial.

    But when the WORLD had issue with AIDS, Malaria, Ebola, Terrorism, Faminie, Lack of infrastructure, dwindling markets, Charity, Financial Aid, Technical assistance, disaster relief, Technology, Medicine & Equipment, Financial Loans, Migrants, Asylum seekers, Refugees, Humanjtarian Support etc Then The Western World must jump and help and assist to infinity!


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