Outnumbered – Russia Deploys Thousands For A New Offensive Push – Ukraine Map Analysis & News

GTO Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic Wednesday and a fantastic midweek now as always we have a lot to go over we’re going to look at the maps but importantly a couple of geolocations as well as reports we’re getting from Ukraine about where Russia is pushing a mass of its forces at the moment to try and make a fist and push through defensive lines and start an offensive so we’ll talk at length about that and we’ll also have a look over some movements over the past few weeks and where things have gone what could be happen happening we need to talk about Putin’s visit to North Korea and where some areas actually may be downplayed in that and why this is important for the story of this war we’ll also then look at some new weapon systems and some weapon systems promised that are delayed that Ukraine is really not happy about those are the f-16s we’ll talk a bit more at length in this but the big news of the day but outside of this conflict but I’ll tell you why it’s relevant is that Israel have plans for an offensive into Lebanon against a group there starting with h it’s in the North of Israel I can’t say that word on this website now uh I am seeing the possibility of me going back and Reporting on the ground but the relevance and why it relates to this War I see as two fa firstly the H in the north are significantly like significantly more powerful than the H in the South now why is this relevant for this war well we know that there is a worldwide air defense shortage everyone wants air defense especially Ukraine now the air defense if that is massively increasingly needed in Israel we may then see a limit on Ukraine’s Supply now secondly and maybe more importantly for the story over all of the war is this expansion of war from Israel into the North and then the current ad American Administration in an election year and the unpopularity of that that could have a huge effect as well Legends you may have noticed that I’m looking extra sharp recently at and if you’ve been following me for a while you know that my beard can get out of control and well this isn’t just luck that I’m looking a lot better it is of course helped by today’s video sponsor an a brand that has helped over 10 million men worldwide manscaped and their new beard hedge trimmer and this thing is fantastic and you’ve actually probably seen in some of my videos I’m adjusting the length of my beard to see what looks good and what doesn’t and my girlfriend gives me a fair bit of compliment on whether it looks good or bad she’s a harsh critic but on the trimmer you can just zoom in and out and then let it grow and see what you like and that is actually fantastic and looking after a luscious beard it’s not easy and it takes time but especially in the Pro kit you get everything everything that you will need and I’m still discovering more and more about this you get beard oil you’ll get beard shampoo you’ll get beard conditioner and beard balm and especially in the Pro kit you’ll also get a beard brush a beard comb and scissors all of which I could probably use a little bit more but I’d like to thank manscaped for sponsoring this video go to manscape.com today and get 20% off and free shipping when you use my code Wily oam checkout and that’s 20% off plus International free shipping with the code Willie o I live in Australia you live outside of the us we know Shi absolutely kills us so if you use that code at manscape.com you get 20% off and it’ll get sent to you for free growing a magnificent beard is possible thanks to the help to the manscaped beard hedger Pro kid thank you manscape for sponsoring this video I had a contact of mine in Ukraine reach out to me in response last night and when I said that Russia is currently in a bit of a media blackout we’re not getting much out and he actually filled me in that well some areas in Ukraine are also now in media blackout spots too so it will be interesting to wait and see what then happens now for these blackouts both Ukrainian and Russian these are for a few reasons either trying to hide preparation for next movements and stages of defense or fore an attack or it can be to avert eyes from a situation that is detrimental to the war effort within the informational space this is one of the things we’re learning with a war like this and being online is how the informational space canect fect morale in the front line it can affect movements geolocations all of this and example of this if you see strikes on an important weapon system you’ll then get eight videos four different angles but if you there’s losing positions losing important system on your side you’ll get no footage coming from there so it’s something just to keep in mind as we go forward reporting through this war and how influential that informational space is but let’s then have a look at the maps and important area so of course here is Ukraine in the center of your screen up here is the capital keave red areas occupied since 22 the purple since 2014 and these green and the blue but the blue is within two weeks areas of which Russia has been and has either been uh pushed out by Ukraine or has withdrawn some cases vice versa depending on then the informational space but the first area I want to look is the reports we’re getting between lanso blast and then the h blast here about Russian offensives then towards barova here now important thing about barova is then this Waterway here what will act as a natural barrier as a bit of a natural defensive line if Russia was able to get into here but also then splitting then the North and South areas and the supply routes and Roads that will come out of somewhere like barova with of course these Crossings and you can see the road running to the South the road running to the north these are all things you then need to look at now this has come out from the third assault Battalion as of as well as then deep state so deep state has released with it then this map here as well now we’ll line this up more and we’ll show you what but they’re talking about these three stages of a Russian push out to then B over so I will leave uh actually I’ll close that I’ll show you that maybe a little bit later on but as we read through this you’ll be able to line up where some of these areas are the enemy built up a shock fist to attack barova on the section of here and here so we’re talking these two areas across here the Russians built up 10,000 personnel and about 458 missiles including 200 artillery systems the goal is obvious an attempt to repeat last year’s attack on barova against the enemy The Long defensive line in the direction is currently being held however the forces remain disproportionate the occupiers are outnumbered use additional units and conduct intensive assaults along the entire offensive line Russia deployed forces from the 20th Army in the form of three and 144 divisions which are represented by 236 artillery brigades 11 regimens seven motorized rifle two tank two artillery in addition mercenaries from irregular Army units were involved among them it is known the presence of storm V black mumber viix this Patriot bars 14 arrived to maintain order now one thing about mercenaries and irregular Army units being involved this is something we’ve seen Russia actually doing a little bit and we actually have done very similar this with special forces and more trained guys into other units then around the world as well so you get these more experienced better guys to be like on the ground uh command control and training of units that are less lesser trained many units did that sa through Afghanistan and that’s what I believe that Russia is doing here and my friends have told me that some of these irregular units or mercenary units are doing within regular Russian infantry units for the past 3 weeks the enemy has been conducting Preparatory measures in the form of probing for weak points in the defense of the Armed Forces so probing in where is weak where can we push as well as massive artillery Russia wants maneuver under massive artillery that is within Doctrine as far back as you can have a look there are continuous assaults on the positions of three separate assault brigades the enemy is losing Personnel but 2 to 400 freshly mobilized soldiers arrive every week this is enough for both replenishment and expansion of the group so far the tactic of meat assaults has not yet yield significant results only due to the fact there is a strong Brigade in the area but we emphasize that forces are far from equal according to the available information the enemy plans to repeat last year’s strategy with an exit first to this line in here so an exit from what we’re looking at along this first line and that’s that first bubble you can see Bas in situation is important not to repeat last year’s mistakes as the level of military engagement of the Russians has somewhat increased the presence of a significant number of mercenaries who are mainly used for assault rather than defensive action also causes concern we remind you last year only the reinforcement by these units Sav the front from failure we’re attaching image of approximate configuration of enemy forces in this direction as of now now I wish this Photograph was actually in better quality so it get a better idea of what is happening but the three stages of an attack to push through to then barova and where then these units are stacking up for a further push through and then we have this from the telegram of the third assault great official the enemy is intensifying attacks to reach the borders of lanska region the front line of the third assault division in har blast boarding Lans blast is today one of the most intense areas of the enemy offensives the immediate task of the occupiers is to get to then this line we spoke about and the subsequent capture capture sorry of barova against units of the third Brigade The 1/4th Division and the 20th Army of the Russian Federation the enemy is advancing with tank regiments attracting a significant amount of artillery and additional detachments from the pkv Special Forces using fpvs anti-aircraft missiles and interestingly in here they say as well chemical weapons and then they speak about the losses of the Russian forces here being over then a th000 the rapid liquidation is compensated by the replenishment of Manpower in the amount of 250 400 soldiers of the Soviet Union of the Russian Federation every week so heading in to then replace then these numbers so this is very interesting to also look at on the ground we will definitely then keep our eyes on so let’s just come up from north of here and then we’ll look around this V CH front now something that is shown on this map today is a further Russian expansion then out to the east this is very interesting to see we do know that when this first happen suriak did show a hell of a lot more ground on the Eastern side of this than these Maps did maybe this is catching up or maybe this is new advancement we are unsure but we still see this disconnect between Russian units here now I’ve spoken with a few guys about this and is questionable what exactly is actually happening here is it completely surrounded and cut off well there are claims of this but with this 200 M between here as well then we aren’t 100% sure exactly what is actually happening in here I know it likes to fit narratives and stuff but even guys on the ground I’m talking to saying it’s not really believing that there’s 400 guys stuck in here because logistically just logistically alone how would that maintain now for the number of days that it’s been holding there but we do have video speaking of this exact area of a Ukrainian atgm against then this building so this is right in this same part here so let’s have a look at this footage there’s something else interesting in this so you’ll see hgm strike across here and then the video comes back and shows where then the Ukrainian hgm system is so just bear in mind this built up like treed area here and where that then has firen these guys eating I’m guessing some Salo and cheese and whatever else now again the treat areas so we’re talking somewhere down in here this is what we spoke about the problem of this CR crossing of the vulture is is you’ve got a lot of open ground between the urban area to urban area across then a difficult Crossing because of course you’re going across a bloody River any unit is going to have to go across open ground and then the vulture as well so that is just interesting area to then actually have a look at now we’ll just come to the east of here around the in kka front there have look at yahney in here and I just want to have a quick look at some of the maps that we have updated from suriak then in this area so we’re just calling this then the northern corner so you can see here around this siniva front and then this is down sort of the Year hidy kiss livka so let’s have a look just in here cuz these look significantly different from what we are then seeing so some areas just to the south of kislia look very similar if we take where this road comes out but then if we look just to the north of here there are areas shown significantly more Russian control than Ukrainian control then on suriak map then to the north a little bit more of here around sin Kar this is still looking fairly similar we know that this area here there’s a hell of a lot of fighting Russia has been trying to push hard on here for a while without that much success so this is still an area of which of course to keep an eye especially because this is just to the north of barova as well and we have of course the center in here of this is then of course kopans and izm as well areas of which Russia was then pushed out of in that end of 201 to then offensive so the another area I want to go down we just have a look then into the south of occupied territory and this is somewhere where I just don’t know what’s going on so this cranky front where we see of course this gray Zone in here now some Maps show this is green or blue or whatever some say then that Ukraine has actually fully withdrawn they’re in some islands but they’ve then withdrawn back across the right side of the nepro again we don’t know crossing any Waterway is incredible difficult and should be avoided at any costs in Wartime Urban oh sorry wartime infantry armored assaults especially with the amount of ISR assets but then we do get just a little bit of gerated footage here and depending on the map this could be interesting or not of a lone Russian soldier in near this like blown out Bridge thing here getting targeted by Ukrainian drones now where this is is just up from to the west of kinky so just about here what shows red on this map but other Maps like this one for example show it then as Gray Zone so exactly what’s going on around the cranky front I’ll be the first one to say then I don’t really know now before we go anywhere else I just want to have a look at what other changes are actually then shown on this map today as this one near toret this is a very interesting one so we see of course this purple this has been Russian occupied for now 10 years but we need to say as well that anything around this has then been fortified for that also 10 years so any movement out of here or into here is very important now I know this is just out of then red but again it’s only then maybe a kilometer away we know defensive Works sit a while away so there has been a Russian push down here looking like they’re trying to head into tety and as well we see just the south of here then Russia closing up some territory in here of course then making this gray Zone an expansion as well so this front is moving around this New York tette it it’s definitely worth keeping an eye on here as this is just then above a divka and this front in here has held for a long time hasn’t moved much but of course this is what separates ad divka and then Buck moot in this section so very very important area to keep an eye on and see then what will occur down on this front line so let’s have a look up and down the maps let’s see what has then changed so we do have Surak he’s giving us some updates of what has happened over the past few weeks and he has his update then of a divka here I’m not going to read this out you can look it on the telegram but just showing on what days and what expansion then took place in other areas so this is sort of the osher front this is more Sol and then omansky as well so you see then this Reservoir here and the filling out of this area for between umans neverovsky areas like this so these interesting shows of course a lot more close up through these gaps but it’ll be become more obvious once things start moving or things then stop moving around here so then we’ll look down of course just nalo nelski front where we have seen some changes and to my eye these maps are actually showing very very similar we did see deep State show this move into nelki a few days ago as well as just some movement out around the reservoir from nalo nothing too majorly different here now speaking in this area we do have a Ukrainian Noel reports Map update then today so we look at then omansky seia that he does show some movement and update on his map just between poovi and of course then umans as well here so the Russians are moving daily closing up these areas now what I’ll speak of is again the basics of attritional warfare that you attack on many fronts many little movements on many different fronts to move your enemy around but if you’re on the opposing side of that you step back to defense step back step back and delay and delay and have the cost for them very high as well that’s how attritional Warfare is done who is doing that better at the moment well I’ll leave it up to you but I would say my personal opinion on the attritional front is Russia have the initiative on that because of the lack of defensive works and the movements we have seen in some very large steps and just numer like numerical how many soldiers Russia has to push in separate areas or open up new fronts and if this Bova front did open that would then throw a huge spanner in the works if there was more success there and redeployment of further soldiers so we’re down and have D kid just going to move just to the north a little bit of cuse buck moot here now no changes around chass of Y here although I did have someone on the ground tell me that no this is moving we’re just not really seeing it that much yet so this is then the suriak Maps update in this front and this is over the past week or so that he’s been away some areas to look at is where Russia has made ground in the center of Shiva also out from bonka but how Ukraine has pushed back in from kalinin as well here now this I believe actually was never really shown on this map here but we did have I think no reports map showed this push back in here so that’s where the movements are and the flexible front line that is happening then around this front but we’ll just come to the north of here further of course this is just to the south of sers where we have seen some movements on this map and we do have suriak showing movements around then Rod deliva so of course this down here this is veli this is Ros deliva and this pushing and closing up on this area around then the sers front this isn’t the easiest to see but see where this rail line has this like kink in it we’re talking around this same area of the gray Zone here as well we’re not done yet here we’re going to push just to North where we saw yesterday Ukraine May this actually no sorry two days ago in the kar Forest we saw this but then Surak around borka as well he’s saying that the Russians have got then the entirety of this Quarry here what gives High Ground in here especially for weapons and dead ground as well as areas in the center of bifa again we wait for more confirmations on exactly what is happening here we need to move for further north just a little bit pick up from here come down to turn KN and Surak then shows this so this is has been represented across these Maps where Ukraine made ground back in just on this Southern sort of prong so back down in here and as well has made some ground on like the northern prong along here too remembering this is still very close then to turn only a kilometer and as well we talk about where reservoirs will have then a natural line of defense in here too so interestingly movements interesting movements sorry that are happening up and down the front but also an idea of what is happening over the past few weeks and by a surria perspective there now of course Putin is in North Korea in pongyang now yes North Korea outside of the media coming out from the controlled state it is a hellscape but I think people need to understand some things about North Korea and the importance of it not just look at the GDP and look at how people live and go no concern here let’s look at where North Korea is of course as North Korea down here sits directly between China and Russia down here this is an important area they’ve got a lot of people that can be controlled and as well I think people forget just how much artillery North Korea have and that then gets forgotten and how much cheap Free Labor how much artillery can be made and how much stores than they have left over now the quality of this artillery may be questionable not denying that but we’re seeing in this attritional war quantity is beating quality if the quality is so few and so expensive it’s not making its way to the front line the quantity is beating that remember North Korea has delivered Russia according to Soul somewhere between 4 and 6 million shells that’s depending on the numbers six to eight times what the EU has managed last year shell for Shell no it’s not comparable but when you talking those sheer numbers and there’s an ammunition shortage on the Ukrainian side well you can get an idea of this so we have just some photographs here I’ll show you just the massive amount of artillery that North Korea then has we speak a lot about shells but North Korea also has a lot of mlrs Rocket based artillery systems as well now what is happening here Putin also pledged his unwavering support North Korea in a letter published in this the newspaper control by North Korea’s ruling Workers Party he vowed to support North Korea’s efforts to defend its interest despite what he called us pressure blackmail and Military threats we develop alternative mechan mechanisms of trade and mutual settlements that are not controlled by the west and jointly resist illegitimate unilateral sanctions this is something that’s becoming more obvious about sanctions if countries just sign them their own deals and don’t adhere to sanctions from the west and just trade between them the sanctions then have no effect between just that trade and this is the danger of what we’re seeing with China as well Putin’s letter was published ahead of its plan two-day visit North Korea which will be the first time he has visited the country in 24 years now we do have then this sign coming out today from the president of the Russian Federation to accept the proposal of Russian Foreign Affairs agreed upon the interest um federal government bodies and organizations sign a comprehensive strategic partnership between the Russian Federation and the Democratic People’s Republic of of North Korea allow Russian foreign Ministry during negotiations and the signing of said agreement made changes to its draft are not a fundamental nature consider expedient to sign the agreement uh provided the order by the highest level we don’t yet know exactly what was in this and as well like we’ve spoken about there’s always a threat here because we don’t know what has headed back to North Korea 2 what they have asked for in exchange for the weapon systems the dumb weapon systems that they’re providing to Russia and what effect can this have of the artillery well this can just give a buffer to to Russian industry to catch up to losses than that replacement rate very similar to the break that the vagna PMC taking over offensive operations in the east then gave the Russian regular forces to build up and sustain losses yes but somewhere else outside of the regular same with say the industry the artillery is yes being used but it’s not then on Russia’s industrial base that it’s using North Korea it can give then a boost for that industry then to catch up so we know that the f-16s they have seem to be delayed we don’t know exactly what the problem is we had messaging out of the baltics saying any week now any month this month and that was now well past those time frames given and we have seen Ukraine speak out and they’re not very happy about this so Alexandra OVA head of kev’s arm and Munitions commission says a political decision by Washington is damaging operations against Russia United States is making excuses over its failure to train sufficient numbers of F-16 pots the head of Ukraine special uh parliamentary Commission on arms ammunitions claimed the holdup means Ukraine will probably have only 20 Parts who have been fully trained remember to have a full Fleet of the f-16s is 40 sorry is 20 planes but you need 40 Pilots she said so far we’re going to have fewer trained pilots than fighter jets Belgium Denmark Netherlands Norway have pledged to transfer more than 60 f-16s to Ukraine so you need 120 Pilots to be fully complete on that the first jets are expected to arrive late this year but it is unclear when they begin combat missions uh OVA said that so far only eight Ukrainian Pilots were being trained in Tucson of course there are other areas training F-16 Pilots but in America that only eight are there currently being trained now A friend of mine who’s uh an engineer in the Air Force has has spoken toit about aircraft particularly fire a company said when you’re assessing any numbers either Russian Ukrainian American Australian whatever however many planes you’ve got just divide it by half that will be the amount that can actually get up in the air on any given day just the amount of Maintenance the problems Pilots all of this have actually up in the air yes you’ve got that many planes on 234s or 227s or f16s whatever but the amount that actually could go up in there air on a mission at that point he always said his rule of thumb is divided by half again these are like a Formula One card not a Toyota Corolla Tom’s reported it’s another a political decision by Washington is damaging operations against Russia the third training program in Romania has not yet begun uh Washington told keev that other countries were ahead of Ukrainian pilots in the queue for training places and it could not violate us obligations to them so other countries were y we’re taking them to train them and ahead of Tu son that are training the parts where wovo has said that only eight actually being trained the US uh defense department spokesman also claimed that Ukrainian PS are having a difficulty with their English language skills and the flight program saying the progress of training the f-16s is quite meager remember everything is in English in the cockpit and and of course an incredibly complex system wi NOA caus such claims ridiculous adding that these are not arguments they’re excuses and they keep coming with them again and again now I actually see both sides this now get the monkey part of my brain says don’t bite the hands that feed you but the other part of my brain says yeah but you’ve got Biden at these International conferences saying anything you need we will give it to you we stand with you till the end and America which we know can train a lot more pilots than this has a lot more aircraft than this are not really keeping up what they say what America says at things versus what we see on the ground is significantly different the messaging from the White House the situation given 30 tanks bloody eight Pilots being trained there is difference I can see why people get bloody pissed off in that now Ukraine had drone strikes overnight in rosov as well with successful hits on then oil facilities here so we can see at least two of these then large tanks have been taken out that is from Brady africk here and then we’ll get another photograph of then this Burning this is well over 100 km then behind the line of these drone strikes as well we’ve also seen that any good weapons get copied by the other side so things like the Caesar we see Russia have analoges of that and that is sort of how we can confirm if something’s good because we are then seeing that um Ukraine has made it an analog of the Russian Lancet named mace you can see by the cross Wings very uh you can just see that it’s very similar things and I’ve even heard that the cardboard drone was being copied by Russia as well as Ukraine as well so that is just an interesting bit and piece to give there but legends let me know what you think about what’s happening will we see opening up a France what’s going to change when will we see f-16s anyway have a great day and I’ll speak to you tomorrow thank you bye-bye

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G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. My friend, the reasons why america 🇺🇸 is dragging it's feet on the f 16s is simple. As an American I live among them. We don't want to protect a country we no nothing about, other than it's corrupt. While our own borders are being breached. I pay thousands upon thousands in taxes, and we are sick of it going to other countries. Ukraine war has grown very unpopular. At this point, we just want Russia to win so we can stop paying. Our government does not represent us at all. They know that big issues will come if they keep feeding this unnecessary war.

  2. Putin is now in North-Korea, a country with a big population in concentration camps. Yodok is the most famous one. North-Korea is as paranoid as the Stalin regime in Soviet. Like Soviet they had a big starvation disaster because of arms and military production instead of food. On this comment section there are positive statemants about North-Korea, naturally because the same people are promoting the russian war of aggression and Vladimir Putin. Ukraina fight to stay in the democratic camp. They never wanna be a north-korean/russian asset.

  3. Hey Willie if you’re gonna go to Israel, why not take the time to actually visit the West Bank and spend some time talking to the people there, maybe even experience the daily harassment they receive from Jewish terrorist groups? Might give you a different viewpoint on matters eh

  4. Willy, Willy, Willy! Can you get the combatants of this conflict correct at least? Yes the theatre of the war is the geographic location known as the Ukraine. The combatants are Russia vs. NATO. NATO provides the ISR out of country. NATO provides the specialists to man weapons. NATO donates the weapons gratis. NATO planners direct operations. NATO decides the course of the conflict. So Willy, please stop pretending.

  5. I can't say this, I can't say that, nobody likes those who are in charge, we live in a free decocracy. Westerners are so delusional.

  6. I stumbled on you eating that ghost pepper that you grew, and i almost shat me pants laughing when you were reading the poem hahaha. straight up BWE (Big willy energy)

  7. Do any supporters of the war in Ukraine acknowledge the CIA backed coup that put Zelensky in power? Or the ultranationalist violent campaign against culturally Russian Ukranians that followed? Or the arming of Ukraine by NATO and the deliberate provocation of Russia for years? Including joint NATO military operations in January before the invasion?

    Is there any regret that Ukraine followed the NATO plan of war with Russia instead of peace? Any sorrow for the loss of life and destruction of Ukraine? Any responsibility? Or is it just Orc this Orc that…Putin Evil?

  8. @14:00 Please stop lying. The 2014 Western backed coup triggered a civil war when the coup government began a pogrom of cultural genocide against its ethnic Russia population. The Crimeans voted to rejoin Russia and were accepted. The Donbas rebelled against the Kiev government and fighting over the territory ensued. Russia supported the rebels but sought a diplomatic solution that would have seen the Donbas remain in Ukraine. Instead of respecting the cultural, linguistic and religious rights of minorities, Ukraine chose war.

  9. Dear politicians, bloggers, other brain surgeons, war sports commentators, here is an alternative perspective on the
    Ukrainian conflict we should be discussing RIGHT NOW. It is a golden opportunity for you to make a difference and even
    have your name decorating the most beautiful and prominent
    building in all human history!
    At least it will pop your European audience numbers through the roof, as this line of thoughts
    relates not only to Ukraine, but also to the very heart of Europe.

    Here it is. Belgium Scenario. The miracle turnaround from the biggest and deadliest battlefield of Europe into the biggest European parliament. Can it be applied to Ukraine on the World scale?

    Belgium was referred "battlefield of Europe" because for many years and many armies fighting on its soil (says Wiki). By the same standards, Ukraine is now the "battlefield of the world".
    Both, Belgium and Ukraine's populations are heavily divided according to the language spoken and identity. Belgium has French and Dutch sides, as Ukraine – pro-Western and pro-Eastern.

    This is where similarities end. Unlike the new "Ukrainian state language", there is no "Belgium" language for a good reason: Belgians don’t want to step into the Ukrainian trap:

    Just imagine, that someone in Belgium, be it on the French or the Dutch side revolts, takes over the government, media, business, constitution and labels the opposite side “the occupants”. Those "occupants" get banned their language, their vote, basic rights… physically isolated, targeted by artillery fire, 8 years in a row. Belgium becomes Ukraine. It attracts an "interest" of allied forces, hosts the secret bio-labs, military training facilities, weaponizes itself, establishes France or Netherlands as their constitutional enemy no 1. etc etc down the Ukrainian path.

    Instead, Belgium has nicely recovered from Europe's biggest nightmare into Europe's very posh meeting and negotiation point, establishing several state languages, incl French and Dutch dialects, even German… to respect its citizens. The same will turn Ukraine from the World's fighting arena into the World's negotiation room. To follow the Belgium Scenario, Ukraine has to build The World'ean Union Parliament and go back to a multi-lingual and multi-cultural system (as it was in 1993). The world authorities will build their own offices in there to coordinate and regulate, run joint projects between East and West. Belgium did this for Europe, Ukraine can do this for the world. Shouldn’t we worry and make a breakthrough in medicine, climate, humanity…  Wouldn't it be nice for Ukrainians to host it… Don't they deserve it?
    It is a decent “way out” for all: Isn't it what Mr Putin would want in exchange for occupied by him Eastern Ukraine? Isn't it what Mr Trump would want in exchange for occupied by NATO Western Ukraine? Isn't it what we ALL want in exchange for WW3. Can we start negotiating on these terms? Just talking about the war is not going to win anything, TALKING ABOUT PEACE WILL DO, you war maggots.

  10. The next "Big Offensive" of the Russian army is expected. "Azov" declares that it has revealed the main plan of Russia! This plan is to attack exactly the place where Azov was stationed. This is sometimes the case with this "Azov", they do not really like it when they have to keep some direction themselves. They prefer to act from behind the backs of the regular army. Something has to happen to put the regular army of the Armed Forces of Ukraine between them and the Russian army. After that, of course, they will tell you how they single-handedly saved the situation.

    Meat storms? Tank columns? Are you serious about this? Is this really a new offensive?

    Russia has a fairly large reserve in each direction. The constant offensive is supported by frequent rotation and the ability to introduce fresh units into the breakthrough, when the forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are often on the verge of exhaustion. It is necessary to have reserves for such tactics. But this does not mean that all these reserves will rush to catch Azov, with its alarmist organization, Azov performs a useful role. I don't think there will be any noticeable changes in Russia's tactics. In order for Russia's tactics to change, the depletion of Ukraine's Armed Forces must reach another level. However, since the AFU troops are already stuck on the Kharkov front, it would be useful for Russia to have a new place where the AFU will run headlong.

    Why are the F-16 deliveries delayed? I believe that this is due to the destruction of the airfield intended for them. This is not an aircraft that can stand on a curved concrete strip without maintenance. But if the airfield is preparing for maintenance of the F-16, it can be easily noticed by surveillance means. And now something completely unexpected is happening for both Ukraine and its Western allies. For some reason, Russian missiles are destroying the airfield where the F-16 was supposed to be. Isn't that mysterious? Why are they behaving so badly? And most importantly, there is no certainty that this will not happen when the plane arrives there. This is a dishonest act on the part of Russia.

    Willy, it's not normal that half of Western aircraft are undergoing maintenance and repairs. An airplane is not something that should fall apart in front of your eyes. The reason for this is the excessive complexity of Western technologies, which is not only not their strong point. The disadvantage is the excessive saturation of the technologies used. It is assumed that the Russian aircraft will stand in Siberia for six months on an open concrete strip without maintenance before taking off and completing a combat mission. Such an aircraft is a weapon. A dozen technicians are constantly working on the plane for the airshow.

  11. Hey Willy, be careful, you are treading on Zelenskyy's patch now with MANSCAPED products. I don't know what he uses but if he finds out you are promoting a rival he is not going to be happy.

  12. Europe is also occupied by the USA anyway. Continuity of Nazi regime, just replaced with the other side, although USA did employ a bunch of Nazis for their purpose. Nazi Germany, the USA ??. The same sht but a different package

  13. USA and West publicly pretend limited support for Ukraine but covertly their support is huge. Reasons: West/NATO wants Russia to believe the West is stronger than in reality and they want Russians to believe Ukraine is weaker than reality so Russia will underestimate Ukraine and incur bigger losses with mistaken battlefield strategies. The West is in no hurry to deploy huge numbers of F16’s, Abrams tanks, and other so called wonder weapons because they know these weapons won’t make much difference on the battlefield. The existence of potential wonder weapons coming in future also gives Ukrainians more hope they can win in future and remain motivated to keep on fighting. This is the clever Western propaganda war because the real war for Ukraine is slowly losing an attrition stalemate war with a sad battlefield dominated by drones and artillery duels with guys hiding in trenches and ruins where tanks and jets are somewhat useless. The side that will win this war is the side with more manpower and that fact doesn’t look good for Ukraine. For the West, Ukraine is just a sacrificial pawn in global financial and resource power struggle between West and BRICS countries with allies lining up on both sides. The Swiss peace conference pretty much defined which side countries are on. Probably the current strategy for West is to keep Ukraine fighting this war until critical 2024 Western elections are over and to continue doing everything short of causing a nuclear war while covertly seeking for more favorable financial and economic trade terms with Russia, BRICS/Rising global South and East. If Ukrainians knew the truth for sacrificing their lives would they wish to keep on fighting?

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