China calls for peace talks on Ukraine war

China calls for peace talks on Ukraine war

Ra воломир зенски [музика] [оплески] [музика] вважаю що Китай міг би нам допомогти і тому дуже хотів би щоби ті чи інші пропозиції які є у китайської сторони щоб вони були в нашому діалозі я не можу сприймати пропозиції просто через медіа Розумієте це неправильно ми говоримо про закінчення війни тисячі жертв захоплення територій спалені домівки [музика] [музика] foreign

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China is skipping an international conference on ending the war in Ukraine, but Geng Shuang, Beijing’s deputy permanent representative to the UN, has called for direct negotiations between Russia and Ukraine “as soon as possible.” Geng made his remarks before the UN Security Council on June 14, 2024, on the eve of the Summit for Peace for Ukraine at the Swiss resort of Burgenstock. Ninety countries are sending representatives to the meeting. Beijing’s close ally Russia, which invaded Ukraine, was not invited.

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  1. True?
    Foreign aid began to flow to China as Japan stalled. Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin saw a victorious Japan as such a threat to the USSR that he supplied arms to the Chinese nationalists, despite their battles with the communists. In 1940 and 1941, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt extended credits to China to purchase military supplies and included the country in the Lend-Lease program. In August 1941, the United States further hampered Japan’s ability to fight in China by halting its trade of aircraft, oil and scrap metal, an embargo that was among the reasons why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor..

  2. The clown is just a whining crybaby; don't blame China if you can't win the war, after getting not only western support, but also $217 billions.

  3. The role of China very minimised due to their top leader closer relationship with Russia’s Putin, chosen stay away from criticism or initiatives

  4. China has got to be joking. They call for peace when they snubbed the peace summit? In addition to their invasion of multiple territories across the globe? Joke on you china.

  5. In Ukraine there is a party that has a positive side about lgb tq stuff, many people of Europe that are obsessive anti russia are often pro lgb tq
    and know that Russia is mostly anti lgb tq

    I have seen also some pro lgb tq accounts that had " Russian phobic " in bio

    and that's like being " anti Jew "

  6. "China has consistently proclaimed its neutrality in the conflict" 1:39

    If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.
    – Desmond Tutu

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