‘The Mooch’ on the ‘danger’ of Trump 2.0 • FRANCE 24 English

‘The Mooch’ on the ‘danger’ of Trump 2.0 • FRANCE 24 English

Anthony scaramucci is famous for his 11 days as Donald Trump’s White House communications director back in 2017 or in his words exactly 94,000 seconds it is a good time to hear from him it’s been a soy few weeks for Donald Trump in a New York Court long since fallen out given little chance of the mooch getting a Maga hat anytime soon will get his unique perspective and an insight into the man himself he is an Italian American financier who as political analysis and insight as no other can with a notorious gift of the G he joins me now live on worldview first of all Anthony thank you so much for chatting to us here on France 24 introduction thank you 94,000 seconds you know see that I say that to my therapist like that sometimes it makes me feel better well look that was just slightly more than 11 days I did the maths I think I think that works out you’re an economist you’ll know better than I I do now one thing that strikes me I mean you mentioned in um your comments in the past you became quote disfigured you talked about being two- dimensionalized by the Press after you left the job and it’s been a kind of exercise in Redemption coming back was it it wasn’t intentionally an exercise and Redemption it’s just I think all of us are on our own personal Journeys and we’re searching for the truth my my oldest son who’s 32 says it’s better than anybody says Dad you’re uh you got everybody mad you the the left hates you because you were with Trump and the right now dislikes you because you left Trump and so my response to him and the response I give to everybody you know we’re all searching for the truth there are elements to what Donald Trump says that are true that America needs to fix but the flip side of that is that it’s overweighted by his malevolence his poor decision making his lack of uh intellectual curiosity his inability to handle something from an executive management point of view and uh the truth that all of us know 40 of us that are speaking out against him know uh that he shouldn’t be nowhere near the White House and so we have to express this danger and and by the way I’ll just point out quickly uh the vice president uh who’s a personal friend of mine Mike Pence has denounced the candidacy of Donald Trump and he was on the ballot with them last time so I I just submit to everybody listening if we were members of a pharmaceutical executive team we said the drug that you’re about to take is going to kill you why would you not listen to that or let’s say we were in an automotive company and we said the car is going to crash and hurt your family uh the guy’s a very very dangerous guy the US has no institutional or hereditary memory of fascism or the Spectre and Scourge of fascism like the French do or the UK government or the Germans Etc and so uh we don’t understand when he talks in these autocratic tones and he says he’s going to pull FCC licenses away from people in the media and he’s going to go after his adversaries using the FBI I don’t I don’t think people are taking it seriously enough in this country what interests me as well is and I think it will be a great discomfort for Donald Trump as well the fact that you have said you actually have good links still with in and around Donald Trump’s people so in terms of your you know your ear being on the pulse of things you know exactly what’s going on within within that campaign group well you know look I’m friends with these guys you have you have to remember I on some of these guys I worked with them 30 years ago on the Rudy Giuliani campaign here in New York and so uh good political operatives they keep their Bridges they don’t like burning their Bridges I called somebody inside the Trump campaign two weeks ago they asked me if it was a butt dial which I let out a good laugh about that but I actually needed a favor from the guy which he delivered and I would deliver for him and so uh Trump will be long gone from the political landscape and we will need to figure out a way to rebuild the Republican party out of the shambles that he put it in and there’ll be a lot of those operators that are working for him right now I disagree with them on where they’re going with Donald Trump uh but I do want to bring the band back together and I do want to be part of that unification so yeah I I know those guys and I talk about it a lot on my new podcast with CAD Kay which is called the rest is politics us comes out weekly on Fridays and and I try to give an insiders perspective not just from my analysis but what I know in terms of what’s going on in that campaign and in the campaign of President Biden and you hardly need to promote it Anthony do you because you know it is I think one of if not the listen most listen to British podcasts right now and the rest of history as you say us and also for you it must be interest in going from gamekeeper to poacher suddenly and be able to give your thoughts your analysis and people want to hear it ahead of the US election well no listen you’re very kind to say that but I think I think at the end of the day what people want to hear is authenticity I think people want to hear honesty and so and they can feel it you know that which is why you’re a good journalist and a good anchor person the camera doesn’t lie uh and so ultimately you can do all types of configurations with your voice or personality uh but the camera will expose you for your mandac and so I try to keep it authentic I try to keep it honest and frankly some of the things that I say don’t reflect well on me my my decision-making to join the Trump Administration was based on ego and it was based on my own personal Pride uh and it was a big Miss for me you know my my wife dislikes Donald Trump almost as much as Melania dislikes him and and you know I should have listened to her but I didn’t are your insight into into Donald Trump I mean the two things that you say make him tick money attention on him flattery and you know you’ve said you’re a straight talker you don’t fit that mold I mean that’s fascinating in itself that you were you were higher but you have a theory about that that you reminded him of his dad Fred well that wasn’t my theory Jared kusher said that to me you know when I was working closely with Mr Trump and uh we were having candid conversations which actually unnerved people like Ry prus who were more sicop fantic to Mr Trump I was more direct I’m a entrepreneur I I came from a plug collar family and built my businesses here in New York uh thank God successfully and so I had some standing with Mr Trump some mutuality of respect and uh what jar kusher said to me is you know when you’re around he said he reminds you you remind him of his dad in the sense that you’re a ob BS kind of guy and you’re just going to tell him straight what’s going on but what happened to Mr Trump is when he crossed over into the presidency the sick of fancy went up three notches and it became harder for him to take criticism and he became more brittle um but I will say this in fairness to him the campaign that Susie WS is running right now is very well organized perhaps the best organized campaign so if you don’t like Mr Trump you should worry he’s well organized they’re running a disciplined campaign uh if you if you dislike him though you can be uh happy about the fact that he’s not raising a lot of money he can’t develop the ground game uh that he had in 2016 or the the ground game and the mega donor game that he had in 2020 because it’s frankly bad for business to be associated with Donald Trump so so this is going to be a get out to vote exercise uh these are two men that have been in the American Theater either the media theater or the political theater for the last five decades so just about everybody in this country has made a decision one way or another uh this is not the Barack Obama 2008 introductory tour and so these two guys are known and as a result of which it’s going to be a get out to vote exercise and as people know it’s just the swing states that matter at this point and there’s six or seven of those and I do believe that President Biden will have the advantage there because he’ll have a much more well-oiled machine and more money uh than former president Trump we’re talking in a very interesting week as well aren’t we because a week where both Joe Biden and Donald Trump saying that they will have these two live debates ahead of the US election I have heard I’m interested in your thought on this let’s say you switch let’s say and I know you you would like clearly President Biden to to win but I’ve heard former advisers to Joe Biden saying he shouldn’t have this live debate with Trump it’s been too messy in the past because Donald Trump is too unpredictable what’s your take is this a risk for President Biden I don’t I don’t see it as a risk I I think the president is being underestimated he is 81 uh and I have said very openly he probably has five or six good hours a day after which he gets tired or somewhat unfocused and so he’ll have to prep him in time his schedule such but he did well on those debates last time in fact the interruptions that uh then Vice President Biden face from then president Trump actually helped them because the Optics of that uh on television look terrible I’ll just point out to people two debates last time uh Trump had Co in the first debate tried to give it to Joe Biden I guess but but in those two debates Trump dropped 5% in the polls nationally and he never recover from that and I think the the president’s people and the president himself are saying we got to show the full-on crazy of Donald Trump nationally again uh to remind people of the trauma that Donald Trump represents to themselves here in this country and around the world and and remember for for people listening in you know Donald Trump does not like NATO Donald Trump wanted to dismantle NATO on the 6th of June I’ll be heading over to Normandy my uncle my Uncle Anthony who I’m named after at the age of 19 landed on that beach Omaha Beach as part of the US Army wow uh and these people fought for freedom and they understood the need for a America to be part of Freedom’s journey and Freedom’s fight in the world today we’re living in a world that has 5.7 billion people that live under the ages of autocracy and dictatorship and so Us in the west we have an obligation to each other to protect our personal freedoms and pect protect our aspirational lives Mr Trump doesn’t understand that uh and he’ll put the world and America at danger if he’s reelected so I’ll work hard against him and I’ll do the very best I can to explain to the people that I grew up with a lot of these people frankly support Mr Trump why it’s not in their best interest to do so I’ve covered both um events of the 70th and 75th anniversary of the D-Day Landings I tell you what they are incredibly really powerful to see so I also want to mention you talk about aramar and Omaha Beach as well for our viewers watching you on France 24 your background will be fascinating your Italian Roots I think your granddad or going back in that line is from peruja I think the European makes it big in America your showman style I wonder if you know did you know you had that ability to work a room at a young age and who gifted you the gift of the Gap yeah you re you re very polite to me I appreciate that listen my my my grandfather was an auto mechanic the the the the one that came from peruja was actually a coal miner unfortunately he passed before I was born but my mom’s dad was an auto mechanic and my grandmother was a maid frankly you know she when when they arrived here from Italy they couldn’t find jobs and so they made their own work uh and they built their families uh modestly uh and they were religious people you know I’m a practicing Catholic as a result of them uh but it was an old school way to live but I will say this uh they were bluecollar people but we lived then in an aspirational blueco collar family and a lot of families now in our society feel economically desperation not aspirational uh but I got very lucky you know I was born into a good family I went to a good Public School System uh I ended up going to tus University and U you know my my father thought it was spelled t u ghs it’s not spelled t ghs so you know there was a big joke in the family um but it was a right a passage for me because frankly you know I didn’t know my way in the corporate world which is why I had to leave and start my own business so when you talk about Showmanship and things like that I spent 20 years on Wall Street never once going on TV I was having a tough time in my business in 2008 and uh I thought I needed to do a better job of explaining what we were doing and marketing and someone suggested going on television so the first time I went on television I was 45 years old um uh so it’s all unexpected unintended uh the political stuff frankly you know when you grow up blue collar in the US you don’t know a lot of wealthy people but I could I could find those people through politics I wrote my first check in politics 30 years ago to Rudolph Giuliani when he was running for mayor I was a young Republican for the mayor’s campaign he won and that led to a SE secession of working for other people in politics and of course I was working for Jeb Bush in 2016 not Donald Trump he wasn’t my first choice for for president um but I thought it was the loyal thing to do as a republican to work for him and uh I got my come upet and uh that happens in life but I’ve owned my mistakes and I think it’s very important uh when you make mistakes or facts are evolving that you’re comfortable and secure enough to change your opinions uh and share them with other people because uh you know we’re in a tough situation globally right now we can make things better uh but we’ve got to be honest with each other we’ve got to clear out all of the wreckage and misinformation that’s out there we got a couple more minutes anony but I do still want to hear from from you they’ve got lots more to us on the time that we’ve got but let me get your take on this we’re less than a month away from elections at the EU parliament in Europe so we got 370 million people voting across the European Union countries for parties to represent them far right expected to make gains let me ask about another former colleague Steve Bannon former Trump Chief strategist and I’ve heard you paint in a stute certainly no holds bar picture of him uh and he’s been working for years to influence what you call of course the Libertarians extreme rights of Europe there some kind of gladiator school he’s been trying to set up in Italy what do you make of his impact here in Europe well you know he’s catching things historically in terms of the cycle uh which has me concerned and I would I would I would ask people to read Barbara tuckman’s book The Guns of August It Was Written 60 or so years ago but it was about the rise of the tensions in Europe in 1914 and the rise of nationalism and so of course Napoleonic Wars ended 100 years uh prior to that and there wasn’t a lot of living wartime memory of that European destruction and so what ends up happening is we glorify our own Nations and we start to speak with this bellicosity of rhetoric and Mr Bannon is a very hateful guy he’s a he’s a liar uh he is Sinister and he is a white supremacist and so he is hard right for his personal philosophy you know he would like to ban immigration in the US and I guess that would include Banning Albert Einstein from coming to the country you know it’s not just black and brown people but he wants to ban everybody he would like to take the United States back to the 1890s where 97% of our economy was produced and consumed inside the United States and then he’d like to wall it off literally and figuratively from the rest of the world so completely disavowing the David Ricardo principle of global trade which has created all this great peace and prosperity in the postor war so this is Sinister stuff but he’s catching it at the right time because as the wartime memory of World War II The Living memory dissipates uh you get what Barbara tuckman called the Spectre of nationalism and this the Spectre of bellicosity and glorification of war and so uh we have to be on guard for that we have to be on guard for people like Steve mannon and I will finish by saying this I I only have one political accomplishment that I’m very proud of I got Steve Bannon blown out the door the front door of the White House alongside of me but he was such a baby I got fired on the 31st of July in 2017 Bannon did too but he begged John Kelly to stay for two more weeks he didn’t want to leave at the same time as me uh which I found very funny and very ironic but he’s out there and he is a evil guy and we have to expose him because what we learned from Winston Churchill in the 1930s the the exposure and the clarity and the honesty isn’t antiseptic for people like this of course we didn’t stop Adolf Hitler but we’re going to stop these types of people because they’re nuts and most people are sane and most people want good things for their family and their fellow men and women Anthony I know why you’ve been given a podcast a lot of viewers want to know a lot more here on France 24 and they can from Wall Street to the White House and back is out this month your book uh and also all the best with the podcast to the rest of politics us an important year to have your voice and insight on elections and more Anthony thank you very good to be here thank you so much for having me on stay with us here on France 24

Anthony Scarumucci is famous for his eleven days as Donald Trump’s White House communications director back in 2017, or in his words “exactly nine hundred and fifty four thousand seconds.” He gave an interview to FRANCE 24.
#Trump #Scaramucci #USA

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  1. another lying hypocrite who Trump broke – feelings. A 'practicing Catholic' he says, yet will vote for the man who will abort babies up to 9 mos. Poor Anthony.

  2. seriously, what more do western leaders need to ask mr. orban to leave nato immediately…???!!! how long can he cling on the side playing the role of the unwilling ally…???!!!

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