Armenia determined to quit Russia-led CSTO military alliance | DW News

to the Caucasus now where moscow’s influence is very present but Armenia says it wants to reduce its dependency on Russia which has been a strategic partner for decades yavan wants Russian soldiers out of the country and is looking for security guarantees elsewhere especially from the West DW’s funny faar traveled to the city of yum near the Turkish Armenian border there’s a large Russian military base in the city with thousands of soldiers who aren’t going anywhere yet Russia is withdrawing from other parts of the country but that’s leaving many concerned about their security the best sellers here are these badges including those with a zet the notorious symbol of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine many of the customers are Russian soldiers from the nearby military base but we are not in Russia this is Armenia the shopkeepers are worried about their business they don’t want to be filmed after the war in Ukraine began our business dropped slightly because the soldiers were taken from here to Ukraine as more Russian soldiers enter the shop we are told to leave there are many such shops here in yumay the second biggest city of Armenia this is where Russia maintains a military base it’s a vulnerable spot for Armenia we are only about 10 kilm from the border with turkey historically a hostile neighbor we are not allowed to film here but we can get close enough to see Putin’s message at the entrance it says Russia’s growing military power guarantees peace on the planet and for Armenia it has felt true it long depends on Russia as a strategic partner to protect against aeran and turkey but now prime minister pashinyan is poised to take Armenia out of the Russian Le security Alliance CST the members of that Alliance are not only failing to carry out their responsibilities according to the agreement but they are also helping aeran plan a war against us Armenia seems to be at a crossroad it is looking less towards Russia for security starting to turn to the West in fact armenia’s prime minister nikol pashan criticized Russia for failing to stop aaban taking over Nagano kabak last year he said depending on only Russia for security had been a strategic mistake and is telling Russian soldiers to leave there is no plan to close the gumy base yet soldiers have been here since 1941 one housed just across the road but Russian troops have started to withdraw from the East where they’ve been strengthening the border with aeran some people here are concerned if the Russian army leaves we’ll be attacked right away both by turkey and aeran thank God they’re here so we live freely and well Haru but after aaban took over nagoro kabak last year many lost that trust in Russia and like their government are looking West for answers if there were NATO soldiers it would be better our opponents would be more afraid for some Russians living here that change of heart is worrying many like Tana came here after Russia invaded Ukraine to see their men from being drafted to fight no no you tell me a few adjectives like heavy wooden useful and then I say chair she’s an English teacher who fled with her husband and son but she’s concerned the complicated situation here May mean they have to leave again I don’t know from which side this threat can come I have no idea here I wish I knew that but it’s so such a Milky area try not to think about it much because it worries me a lot and I realize that I don’t have a simple solution so what’s next for the people in Armenia as it attempts to diversify foreign policy and looks towards the West if Will imagine that Armenia in any time will be much more closer to the EU to be a candidate for the EU membership or to be a member of EU of course in such moment Russia will uh decide to make offensive against Armenia government or not to take the power here by the weapon or by the military troops to make Keta or not or we decide to remove troops from here as Armenia looks for new partners its future will depend on geopolitical shifts in the region and its ability to balance the commands of different powers tww senior International correspondent fny faar filmed that report and joins me now in the studio so good to have you here finally now um Armenia finds itself in a very complex position we heard it there can they afford to turn their backs on Russia if you look at this from a very economic perspective certainly not at least not right now because it strongly depends on Russia when it comes to energy speaking of oil gas it even needs Russia to produce electricity enough electricity for all Armenians now having said that however if you look at the map where Armenia is located it is really short of options with regard to Friendly neighbors we s in the report you got turkey to the West you got aaban to the east with regard to Turkey history weighs heavily on the relationship between turkey and Armenia to recall for the view is hundreds of thousands of people have been massacred during the Ottoman Empire during first world war and a and and and and beyond that and that’s been recognized by several countries including Germany and then you got aaban to the east several Wars and conflicts after uh the demise of the Soviet Union so during the past three decades so really it’s it’s it’s it’s wedged in between this Zone in this region and it’s not trying to look to the West in fact the foreign Ministry of Armenia said that this fall apparently Pas pashinyan the Prime Minister wants to apply for EU membership and the EU Parliament or the European Parliament rather this March also signed a draft a resolution to consider Armenia for EU members ship at some point so clearly that diversification that pasan speaks about is moving away from Russia moving towards the West the question is just how much is it going to be a drastic move and what risks does that entail exactly how would Russia respond you spoke to a lot of people on your trip to Armenia how do they feel about the government do they think that they can procure security the security that they need in that situation now especially since September 2023 and aaban retook control over Nagano kabak and tens of thousands of ethnic Armenians had to leave Nagano kabak there have been a series of anti-government protests people were calling for the resignation of prime minister pashinyan and his government saying that he’s been too soft and aaban gave up way too easily they say on Nagano kabak and as we are speaking currently there is a process ongoing actually to go towards a long-term peace agreement between aaban and Armenia but that again includes a new border a line to the east we’ve been reporting about that a few months ago and so people really have a lack of trust more than 50% in fact of the population says they do distrust prime minister pinyan in providing security and stability the number one issue for Armenians and if you take that all into consideration you just wonder if there’s one challenge the regional challenge as it’s trying to diversify politics and maybe economy at some point it has to what about the domestic issues as well there are no elections until 2020 six but unless we just have to see what these protests would result in yeah not to be underestimated the domestic pressure that was funny forar thank you so much

Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan recently confirmed that his country would pull out of the Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), amid a widening rift with Moscow.
The CSTO is an alliance of former Soviet states that have pledged to protect one another in the event of an attack.
But Pashinyan says he wants the thousands of Russian soldiers stationed in the country to leave and that Armenia is determined to leave the alliance.
He accused its members of siding with Azerbaijan which launched a military campaign in September to seize control of the Nagorno-Karabakh region, ending decades of ethnic Armenian separatist rule.


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  1. Don't make armenia as a victim. It was armenia who started war against Azerbaijan and occupied Azerbaijan's internationally recognized 20% territories. Committed Khojaly genocide against civilians, children, women and elderly people. Wiped out Azerbaijani cities, destroyed all mosques and cultural heritage sites. Why you don't talk about this realities?! Azerbaijan took back after 30 years internationally recognized territories. During 30 years of armenian illegal occupation you didn't make any news about armenian aggression. How biased are you!!!

  2. Why DW is so interested in this? Also Georgia, I'm sure Europe supports Caucasus not without reason? Where was EU and US in 90's when Caucasus was in ruins?

  3. Nikol Pashinyan is playing a dangerous game, specially since Armenia has little natural resources that the west wants. Unlike Azerbaijan which has a lot of oil and gas, its gets them friends like Turkey & Israel, who don't get along on most issues but have given a lot of military equipment to Azerbaijan.
    Lets hope for the Armenians that they are not gobbled up by the Azeri's piecemeal over the next decade.

  4. Please when you mention about Armenia, try to say less Turkey next time. after soviet collapse we were one of fist countries that recognised Armenia. borders were open and all but Armenia decided to murder and exiled 900.000 Azerbaijani from their internationally recognised lands. Azerbaijan and Armania went to war because of it and they signed ceasefire agreement after 44 days of war. Turkey and Israel(almost half of Azerbaijan's weapons are imported from Israel) together helped Azerbaijan modernise its armies and Azerbaijan retook their internationally recognised lands. Thank you.

  5. The base has been there since the 1940s and they have allegedly kept the peace but not trained the country’s army to sustainability to the point that they still have to look at another power for security. Such a shame.

  6. The United States or think about how to find the Russian nuclear submarine off the coast of Florida in the talk, what you said is a joke, can only deceive children, the United States news said no nuclear bombs, the actual Russia announced with more than 70 nuclear bombs, every day flying in the coast of Florida to find not tired, Americans.😂😂😂

  7. Armenia needs to expand. Look for new allies, the Russian peace keepers didn’t do anything.. Such a country with a lot of potential just to be harassed by turkey and Azerbaijan. Armenian people are beautiful I hope I can visit one day. Amazing people.😂

  8. I can actually imagine Germany joining Russia's military grouping after the Ukraine war ends, after all, Scholz has been so busy trying to on tbe one hand appear to help Ukraine by supplying Germany's shortest range weapons (no way will Scholz give cruise missiles to Ukraine, Scholz doesn't want Ukraine to get their lands back), Scholz 0had got to make sure that Germany returns to being Russia's number one export location for the ORCS fossil fuels, isn't that right Mr Scholz. Noting that Germany's far-right fascist political groups are picking up popularity yet again.

  9. The problem here is Armenia has already lost territory from souring relations with Russia, and is never going to get NATO membership because Turkey hates them. The same mistake Georgia made. There was a genuine genocide in Nagorno Karabakh this year and no western leaders or media cared at all. Azerbaijan is openly equipped with weapons by Turkey. Armenia is likely to find itself alone and vulnerable.

  10. Armenia was russian puppet in region for last 200 years. Thanks to Russia Armenia occupied Karabagh region of Azerbaijan back in 1990s.
    Azerbaijan liberated own soil based on 4 UN SC resolutions….and Azerbaijan doesn't have Russian basis since 1993.

  11. Good for Armenia. The CSTO is made of hostages of the imperialist russia. It forces massive corruption and lack of democracy on it's members.

  12. Nargono-Karabakh was never recognised as part of Armenia……Not even by the Armenian State themselves.
    Nargono-Karabakh has always been considered to be a part of Azerbaijan by everyone , except by the secessionist ethic Armenians within the Azerbaijani province of Nargono-Karabakh , that instigated a war (1988 to 1994)and expelled the Azerbaijani Authorities.
    Azerbaijan restored their authority on what was rightfully theirs , and not all of it YET .
    Nobody in NATO will come to Armenia's rescue….. As Turkey is a NATO Member and a strong backer of Azerbaijan , the other NATO members won't attack one of their own , for a NON-MEMBER Armenia , also Turkey has a Geographical Advantage over the other NATO members
    Russia's obligations within the Russian – Armenian defense pact , was to defend only Armenia Proper……And Russia honoured that obligation, by staying in constant contact with the Azerbaijani Authorities and reminding them that the borders of Armenia were not to be violated….. Azerbaijan would have been fully aware of the consequences if they went too far.

  13. This will not be a smart move because NATO cannot protect Armenia from Turkey or Azerbaijan, have they noticed what happened in Ukraine and why over 15 million Ukrainians Left Ukraine and they're not coming back?

  14. So basically the moral of this story is being a secluded country comes with huge risks & after being isolated for so long it’s hard to find allies because not many countries can trust you, Where can i watch the full documentary that’s if there’s any.

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