Russia launches ‘massive’ attack on Ukrainian power grid | BBC News

let’s turn to Ukraine where the country’s Air Force says it shot down 12 of 16 missiles and all 13 drones launched by Russia in an overnight attack on Saturday the attack the second largest strike this week targeted critical infrastructure facilities in different regions of the country we can speak to our correspondent security correspondent Gordon Carrera who joins us from K and Gordon do we have a sense of the damage caused by Saturday night’s strike well it was another barrage from Russia overnight uh 29 missiles and drones now most of those were shot down four it does appear if the missiles did get through and they struck in Lviv in the far west of the country and Zaria in the Southeast and notable that the targets appear to have been energy transmission facilities a couple of people injured by those strikes but the worry will be that they are targeting these facilities and it is part part of a sustained campaign uh the Ukrainian energy energy operators been saying this is the eighth such major attack that they’ve seen and it is having an impact on the facilities here you’re seeing across the country scheduled blackouts to deal with the impact on energy transmission uh there’s hopes that they can restore that look for to diversify their energy supplies but of course um eventually winter will come and that will be a worry if they can’t do that sufficiently in time also the Ukrainian authorities uh stressing that what they need to deal with this continued Russian barrage and assault is more air defenses to try and stop those missiles and drones getting through because clearly this is a core part of the Russian strategy to try and degrade uh Ukraine’s uh critical infrastructure and particularly its energy facilities and Gordon the the focus has been on the renewed Russ offensive in the northeast of Ukraine do we have a sense of what’s happening on the front lines at the moment well the ukrainians were pushed back initially up there in in the northeast of the country after that Russian offensive now that did appear to stabilize uh particularly um once news of American weapons came through after Congress approved those supplies after you saw the US agree that some of its weapons could be used over the Border just where that offensive from Russia was coming from so the situ ation certainly stabilized but the Russians have been making some small gains uh in recent days which I think is causing some uh moderate concern here that they have been able to to push forward in a few places but not a certainly not a significant strategic breakthrough so uh reinforcements will of course be sent there and I think there will be a lot of attention uh on that front at the moment uh to ensure that there isn’t a greater Russian breakthrough and Gordon there’s been renewed support for Ukraine in particular more military uh aid from the United States has it made a difference on the front lines I think it certainly made a difference it’s made a difference in terms of confidence for Ukraine having that American Support package come through but also um f-16s due to arrive and more air defenses and uh still though I think the the feeling here that they still need more they still need more supplies they still need more ammunition and more support including from Europe so I think uh it has made a difference it certainly helped in terms of confidence and their ability to push back that Russian offensive but there is definitely that sense that they need more Gordon thank you that’s our security correspondent Gordon Carrera in Kev there

Ukraine has said its energy facilities have come under a “massive” attack from Russia overnight, in the latest onslaught targeting the country’s power grid.

It is the eighth time Russia has launched an attack on energy infrastructure facilities in the past three months, Ukraine’s energy ministry said.

Air defence systems shot down 12 of 16 missiles and all 13 drones launched by Russia at several regions through the night, the Ukrainian air force said.

Two energy workers were wounded and taken to hospital in the Zaporizhzhia region, and energy equipment was damaged in the Western city of Lviv, officials added.

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  1. Of course the BBC is trying to make it seem like military aid is stopping the Russians. They want people to keep the military industrial complex making money off taxpayers

  2. Don't listen to western lies. It's the west who advocate and crave war. We forced Putin into this position and are now facing HUGE energy bill increases and being sucked into world war 3.

    Anti NATO
    Anti BBC
    Anti war

  3. Ukraine shooting down all these Russian missiles yet the damage is tremendous image if the missile hit…. people we know all western media does is lie…. Ukraine is destroyed Ukrainian army is a complete disaster

  4. Ukraine keep shooting down Russian missiles yet the country's infrastructure gets smashed. Soldiers get obliterated. People are forced to join the army. Enough of the false reporting and call for peace.

  5. Its nature of war. NATO countries helped Ukraine to hit oil depots. Now they are reaping the reaction.
    The west needs to stop moaning and using Ukraine for a proxy war – get your the peace talks table!!

  6. In defense of truth, and the ability to think ahead, people can lash out at Nigel Farage over his comments on Ukraine, and as they do so, they should reflect on the fact that Henry Kissinger said the very same things that Nigel Farage has said regarding Russia and NATO and the EU long before Mr. Farage. Henry Kissinger, made a prediction, and he was right.
    Granted, Mr. Kissinger is genius, and Mr. Farage is not, nonetheless, the outcome of the predictions was accurate

  7. Dear-BBC Chief Editor n HR Director-quite reasonable and most of all make a sense request; also pointing out that I have made the same request to DW. It is ONLY 1-time take or leave. First to point out I am brown-skinned American and naturally I endorse diversity, but BBC in particular-just because world wise audience in mind more so than Sky News, DW, Franch 24 English, but thus far, BBC has the most *ugly looking announcers amongst entire website, US, DW, France 24 English. I mean there are such things as *ugly and good, very good, beautiful looking people. BBC minority announcers, (only a couple in Sky News), have the MOST *ugly looking, D or D- or F looking people! My rudimentary question to BBC Chief Editor n HR directors, do you people give *any dame about pleasure looking announcer or expecting to us such ugly looking announcer will be asking us too much! In male, case is shaved bean head, I have not seen except Times Radio, I usually do not click button, man has earing is automatically dismissed! In short, BBC as a whole need to be much more conscience about audiences' pleasure listening and SHOULD NOT expecting us, essentially compelling us, to look at such ugly looking, turn me or us off, announcers and I had to lower to screen so I do NOT have to look at some of BBC's such ugly looking announcers. DW just got rid of announcer with sticking metal inside and between 2-nose holes of her perfectly good-looking nose, sticking totally turning off metal piece between noses, my my and my! SHOULD let go of them or relegated to none announcing position if lacks business will to letting go of them. Business has nothing personal modus operandi mode! US

  8. concerned that nato want war with a super power that will not end well we are pushing our enemies together splitting the world in half is not the solution its the problem

  9. It Wouldn’t surprise anyone if The US and China are secretly making a new alliance to counter increased Russian aggression especially with their recent pact with the Communist North Korean puppet state

  10. Last I head Russia launched 16 missiles, 13 drones, all 13 drones were intercepted , and out 16 missiles 15 were shot down by supirior air defence systems of the west, so what really confusing me here is, if only one missiles hit its terget how multiple energy infrastructure damaged?
    Anyway cry harder, you of all western pig, but not even in the wildest dreams Ukraine would exercise win

  11. BBC propaganda: Russia is weak!

    Also BBC propaganda: we need to stop Russia in Ukraine, otherwise Russia will take over other European countries!

    So, which one is it???

  12. BBC coverage of the Ukraine war is pathetic, they seem to have completely lost the ability for proper journalism and try to use”both sides” philosophy ending up with soppy useless platitudes.

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