Russia ‘open to dialogue’ with US: Kremlin

Russia ‘open to dialogue’ with US: Kremlin

by FuturePharm21

  1. Trump and his underlings, like Elon, and Tucker, are the only ones that would love to talk to Putin about how many rubles he can give them. As to any other conversation, such as the Ukraine war, that will have to be between Ukraine and whoever takes over from Putin.

  2. Means nothing.

    The US doesn’t govern Ukraine or command the armed forces of Ukraine.

    Retreat, surrender or GTFO.

  3. “Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a mutual defense agreement with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and said he *might supply Russian weapons to North Korea* in response to the Western arming of Ukraine.”

    How’re you planning to do that when all your new shit is burned out and rusting in Ukrainian fields?!

  4. They’re open to people accepting their demands. The earliest anyone in Russia could begin to think about signaling some sort of compromise (on their part) is after their giant US election hope is deflated.

  5. I would be okay with US brokering a peace deal. But it must include some large concessions from Russia…

  6. 😂🤣

    Dude thinks his riding around with fat boy in NK and sentimentally waving goodbye to him from a plane has given him some kind of leverage?

    Fuck off.

    Also, foxnews? There is a 95% chance this isn’t even true.

  7. Every dictator is free to talk smack as long as they think they’ll get away with stuff. Only when they’re losing do they decide to “*be reasonable”* and “*negotiate*”.

    No. You picked the gun and the bomb as your means of getting your way. Ukraine is now responding in kind, in defense of their homeland and their people. The fact that their allies – their friends – choose to support them in this endeavor shows just how few real friends Russia has.

    And the United States has finally had enough of you. They, along with other allies, will give Ukraine what they need to utterly defeat you. You have two choices: you can quit now and head home with your tail between your legs, secure in the knowledge that the free world will extract their just vengeance upon you for what you have done to Ukraine; or you can continue to fight and continue to die.

    No negotiations, no “peace with honor.” You do not deserve honor, and you will not have peace until you surrender and withdraw. You will repatriate all living prisoners, both military and civilian, and you will return the remains of Ukraine’s honored dead. You will have civilized society sit in judgement over those of your military and civilian structures who have committed war crimes and be sentenced appropriately. You will pay reparations.

    And Russia will never be fully trusted again until the cancer of its professional victimhood is finally excised forever. You have the potential to be a great nation filled with great people, but not as long as that comes at the expense of others.

  8. We are fine to enter dialogue.

    “Get out of Ukraine and talk to Ukraine.✌️ “

  9. After seeing the modern technology in North Korea I can’t believe that Putin is willing to budge!

  10. The U.S. isn’t in a dialogue with the Kremlin on its war aims and *casus belli*. Putin’s goals are illegitimate, like his government, and the war illegal. Ukraine’s terms are the only ones that matter and Kyiv’s terms are unconditional Victory, meaning the ejection of Kremlin forces, due compensation for rapine destruction, and justice for Ukrainians caught in a war not of their making.

  11. They have a need to negotiate with the Americans because they want to be seen as peers to them.  Having to negotiate with Ukraine is deeply shameful to these human-like homunculi. 

  12. Ah … the set up … they’ve been investing heavily in subverting the electoral process and in influencing voters so Trump can give them back Eastern Europe.

  13. We are not the ones you invaded dumb ass.

    If you want peace with Ukraine talk to Ukraine not its arms dealer.

  14. Open to dialogue about what? Maybe russia need to be open to dialogue with Ukraine

  15. What is there to negotiate with the US. Russia is at war with Ukraine.
    Russia likes to imagine themselves a superpower, which gets to split the world among them, like at the end of WW2. Dont indulge them in their fantasy

  16. “The U.S. says any negotiations over the war should be handled by Ukraine.” Echoes of Marquis de Lafayette.

  17. It’s finally clicked if outdated, stock pile U.S. weapons and tech is obliterating them like this; then maybe they don’t want to face the whole package.

  18. Wrong people to open dialogue with maybe open dialogue with the people you’re attacking daily instead. Just a thought

  19. If they’re going to call this a war then they can only talk when they’re ready to surrender

  20. Thing is, they don’t need a dialog with the US.

    Russia needs to establish a dialog with Ukraine. That begins with putting a stop to all the murder and invasion bullshit.

    It can be as easy as breathing, Russia. All you have to do is turn North and put one foot in front of the other.

  21. *phone rings*

    “Collect call from *vadamier Putin* would you like to accept the charges?*

    “No thanks!”


  22. The US should tell Russia, we will talk after you have completely left all Ukraine territory including Crimea. Then we’ll discuss total Russian compensation to Ukraine for all damage caused by Russia. Ukraine must be 100% rebuilt and all Russian crimes must be prosecuted. Otherwise it’s the breakup of Russia. The name Russia must NEVER EVER be part of the former land. Russia must end.

  23. Russia: Are you open to talking?

    US: Fuck back off of Russia. Then we’ll talk.

    Russia: . . . HMPH! [Stomps off]

  24. Can we just send the MAGA army to fight for Putin the way they want – they already have all the training they need from Captain Bonespurs

  25. We would rather play hockey than hold peace talks. Isn’t that what your genius leader said 4 days before your 3 day war that wasn’t really going to happen because the United States was lying?

    No talks. We’d rather see you all in handcuffs once your narcissistic geriatric F&@$ of a leader passes away.

  26. This is more Putinist bullshit to try to position Ukraine as an illegitimate entity (ie we only talk to “their US masters”), the US will just tell them it’s Ukraine they need to talk to not the US.

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