Taxes, NHS, immigration: Starmer and Sunak clash in first election TV debate

Taxes, NHS, immigration: Starmer and Sunak clash in first election TV debate

can they level with us when we know that finances are almost impossibly tight pendently selected the questioners here with us this evening I also we’ve had a lot of viewers getting in touch to ask where is the money coming from we will raise specific taxes and we’ve been really clear what they are we’ve already dealt with the tax break on private schools we want to end the non-dom status completely I think that the super rich should be p their cap I want to get rid of the equity loopholes that are there again for the super rich and I think the oil and gas companies should be paying their fair share towards our energy so we will raise those but we won’t raise the others where she yes well we have already scra the non-dom regime and we have a 75% tax on energy companies but Independent Treasury civil servants have costed Labor’s policies and its £2,000 but you are the specific J so let’s have a specific difference please let not finish the trip Block Plus so that we raise the personal allowance for pensioners and ensure that the state pension is never subject to tax but it’s been broken and it has been broken exactly as you describe it’s unforgivable what’s happened to the NHS and and to come into power for 14 years and leave the NHS in a worse State than when you found it is unforgivable in politics and Rishi sunak stood 18 months ago Janet and said that those waiting lists which are now nearly 8 million he said he’ll get them down he made a promise the waiting lists are coming down but what K sta didn’t mention to you which you did Julie 7.2 million they’re now 7.5 million he says they’re coming down and this is the guy say he good at math yeah they are they are now coming down they are now coming down 7.2 when you said you get them down 7.2 million they now 7.5 million I’d like you to explain how they’re coming down because they were coming down from where they were when they were higher and now on their way down they are down right yes because the NHS was impacted by industrial action and if it wasn’t for that a half a million appointments would have been Sav somebody else’s fault what would you do about the doctor strikes that Rishi sunak raised can you answer that very directly to rishy sunak we’ve got to resolve them and for months and months and months the Prime Minister hasn’t resolved them they’ve been arguing about who gets in the room when Kama says he’ll resolve it he hasn’t explained to you how but I will say this answer that k d well we wouldn’t pay the 35% we’ve already said that to the doctors we can’t afford it because the government’s already broken the economy uh and there are many things that now can’t be afforded so we’re not going to pay that but what you can’t do is what the Prime Minister has done which is to you just said you’d resolve it so what would you do at the end of the day so you’re not going to give them the 35% pay rise that they’re asking for so how would you resolve it just standing there and saying I’ll resolve it isn’t an answer that’s not a plan prime minister how would you resolve it prime minister your record is no no how would you resolve it you want to be prime minister how would you resolve the strike say how would you resolve them wish had to say when Liz trust was crashing the economy could you answer richy’s point please K well I will when I can get a word in edgeways um his record is if saying I’m not going to get in the room to negotiate and what have we got we’ve been in the room to negotiate what have we got ongoing strikes we have to end these strikes the gr the grownup way to do that is to get in the room and to negotiate with the doctors and come to a settlement to gain access to the UK illegally indeed stepen appr Stephen immigration is too high if I’m your prime minister the planes will go to Rwanda we will have a deterrent so the simple question for K stor is what will you do with people who come here illegally tell what will you do with them very simply what will you do with them that’s what I’m going to do we’ll have a deterrent what are you going to do we need to smash the gangs that are running this file trade making a huge amount of money putting some of the most vulnerable people in boats across the channel the numbers this year 10,000 record numbers why is that because this is a challeng this is a growing challenge but I’ve got a plan to deal with it because I’m going to put people on planes what are you going to do with them I can tell everyone what I’m going to do you might not like it but I’ve got a plan because we’ve got to have a deterrent what are you going to do just tell everybody what are you going to do with illegal migrant to arrive please can we just please gentlemen we will lower our voices kiss dama please respond directly to there’s a pattern of behavior here he said he would get waiting list down they’ve gone up he said he would stop the boats we’ve got record numbers coming the promises he make are not worth the paper they’re written on very specific question to you if I may rishy sunac and that is on the European convention on human rights if your Rwanda plan is blocked by the courts and will this appear in your Manifesto that you would remove the UK from the European convention on human rights is that part of your plan will that be in your man crystal clear I believe all our plans are compliant with our International obligations but if I have I’m forced to choose between securing our borders and our country security or a foreign Court I’m going to choose our country security every single time K dama respond to that directly to uh Rishi please no if I’m prime minister we will not pull out of international agreements and international law which has respected the world over

Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer went head to head in the first TV debate before the general election on 4 July.
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The debate was dominated by a row on taxes after the prime minister repeatedly told the audience Keir Starmer would raise families’ taxes by £2,000. Starmer responded by calling this nonsense. The two party leaders went on to debate immigration, the Rwanda scheme, funding the NHS and what their plans are to help the younger generation.

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#KeirStarmer #RishiSunak #Debate #Politics #GeneralElection

  1. I don't want to vote for Sunak but I have no alternative. Starmer? Please – he has no answers, a deputy who can't speak English properly and I am 99% sure as soon as they get into power they'll find an excuse to raise taxes. Labour is not known for not raising taxes. Farage? The guy is corruption personified – all about money. LibDems? What do they even stand for? So sadly, Sunak is the best choice that I see.

  2. until starmer says something about what his intentions are towards how he intends on stopping the onslaught of the disabled and treating us with respect, then i will assume he agrees with how we are being treated at the momement with total contempt. obviously as a disabled person, that means I obviously wont vote for him.

  3. Do note vote for CFI – Conservative friends of Israhell and LFI – Labour friends of Israhell.
    Vote these war criminals out of the politics for once and forever.

  4. I wouldn’t exactly call dozens of young men in a boat “vulnerable”. Quit with this refugee narrative please. They’re immigrants, they’re not fleeing war or famine, they’re seeking benefit payments and council houses.

  5. You need brain surgery if you think Kier Starmer would come in and solve all of UK's problems. Dude's policies and the hidden agendas that he's not saying out loud here, will only put UK into more and more misery.

  6. Starmer gets asked what he will do and instead of answering he just attacks Sunnak you want starmer the weakest man alive who has 0 plan to be in charge

  7. Illness is neither an indulgence for which people have to pay, nor an offence for which they should be penalised, but a misfortune the cost of which should be shared by the community.”

  8. All I can see is Starmer doesn’t have solutions but just the promises. He could mess things up like Liz Trust once did trying to implement her ideas. Is it worth the risk?

  9. How will you solve the NHS issue?
    Starmer: We have to resolve this issue.
    Sunak: how?
    Starmer: You failed to do this.
    Sunak: You said you are gonna do it so tell us how?
    Starmer: I will start negociation.
    Sunak: We have already done that, we can't promise a 35% pay raise.
    Starmer: We won't do that either because you have ruined the Economy.

    Moral of the story: People in the UK have to choose between Bad or Worst. I feel sorry for the state of democracy where Bad is the last best option.

  10. Bring on independence…. onlybtalking about Britain as if its England. Used to vote better together but I'm now seeing that Scotlands future is independence. … I've let my country down badly…. Time to vote SNP

  11. Labour and conservative can argue with each other until they are blue in the face! I'm still not voting for either party, I'm going to be voting for the new party called reform.

  12. Yeah billions for the unions and bad management can waste along with all the millions they waste on a daily basis now. Using the NHS for votes is not an option in 2024 the tax payer is now awake.

  13. How can anyone vote for the two bad apples in the rotten barrel of parliament
    We call government time for change reform is the only way for the British people 😮😮😮😊

  14. Starmer complaining about rishi and the tories track record…
    While not being able to answer a question properly or simply returning to form – It's the tories fault. We know that already Kier, but what are you going to do differently? Nothing of any consequence i'm guessing based on what i've just watched.

  15. I actually hate commenting online. Even though people can see my views all over the world, the Internet has actually helped us all lose our voice. There's too much for us all the grasp at. That's why the Internet was such a bad idea in so many way's. But for most Brits, it's the only voice we have left, yet our voices still get lost amongst the engulfing crowds. People who care to Reform England, all i ask is that you take note of the most helpful posts that will bring our country back in the hands of the right people…the Brits and our ancestor's who fought for it's survival. Without acknowledgement of the comments that matter, we will all continue to be lost at sea.

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