US: Trump advisors’ plan to end Russia-Ukraine war if Trump wins US Presidential elections | WION

US: Trump advisors’ plan to end Russia-Ukraine war if Trump wins US Presidential elections | WION

US president Donald Trump’s key advisors have presented him with a plan to end Russia’s war in Ukraine if he wins the presidential election scheduled to take place later this year according to retired lieutenant general Keith Kellog the strategy involves pressuring Ukraine to enter peace talks by threatening to withhold Us weapons and warning Russia of increased us support for Ukraine if they refuse to negotiate Fred flights another adviser to Trump said and this is a quote I’m not claiming that he meaning Trump agreed with it or agrees with every word of it but we were pleased to get the feedback we did some experts have Express concern that the plan by Trump’s advisers could give Moscow the upper hand in talks Trump spokesperson Steven Chun said only statements made by Trump or the authorized members of his campaign should be deemed official Trump has repeatedly stated that a top priority in his second term will be to quickly negotiate an end to the Russia Ukraine war Trump spokes person also said and this is a quote the war between Russia and Ukraine never would have happened if Donald Trump were president so sad on the other hand Kremlin has said that any peace plan proposed by a possible future Trump Administration would have to reflect the reality on the ground Kremlin added that Russian President Vladimir Putin is open to negotiations Russia invaded neighboring Ukraine in February of 2022 and since then tens of thousands have died on both sides fides making this the bloodiest fighting in Europe since World War II the US has spent more than $70 billion on military aid for Ukraine since moscow’s Invasion President Biden has consistently pushed for more Ukraine Aid and his administration support eventual Ascension to Nato earlier in June Biden and Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski signed a 10-year bilateral security agreement Putin said this month that the war could end if Ukraine agreed to drop its ambition to join NATO and hand over Eastern and Southern provinces claimed by Russia all right for more on this we are being joined by Peter kosnik professor of history and director of the nuclear Studies Institute at American University uh for more analysis on this story Peter thank you for joining us again on weon so the likelihood of former president Donald Trump pushing for these strategies that his advisors are talking about regarding Ukraine and Russia is what are the likelihood and do you think that he might take this advice if he does become president well you have to remember that Trump is rather unpredictable however this plan does to seem to be in line with a lot of things that Trump has said Trump has criticized the war from the beginning and criticize the US support for Ukraine uh Trump also has been saying recently that Putin was provoked into doing this by NATO expansion uh up to Russia’s doorstep and by the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO uh so this plan that’s been put forward is not that out of the box compared to what others have been calling for Putin himself has been calling for something along these lines although Putin’s lands are a little more expansive but there’s also a recent plan put forth by xiin ping and by Lula from Brazil a 10-point plan which is along these lines frees the battlefield where it is no Ukraine into NATO and sit down and negotiate an enduring peace which includes security guarantees for Ukraine so could Trump do this yes this is certainly within the realm of possibility for Donald Trump and Peter some are asking whether or not the former president’s advisor strategies would help in ending the conflict given kremlin’s stance which as you mentioned is not very far off from what these advisers are saying or do you think that the two sides would lean more towards that chines and Brazilian plan I I think that what what we need to do is get them to sit down and talk they need to negotiate what’s missing right now is any semblance of diplomacy and so we need to get them in the room together let them hammer out a final agreement or at least a ceas fire and an agreement for the near future uh the killing is going on the destruction is going on and the threat of a broader war is growing by the day with the use of Ukraine’s use of Us weapons to attack in Crimea and the the counter position by Putin and his top advisors we are getting closer and closer to World War I so we need to there has to be a sense of urgency I don’t want to see us wait until November or January AR if Trump got elected and got into office we might not even be here by then so we need to sit down and negotiate now we need gutterz to to set up a summit meeting and peace negotiations uh and we need to get to the negotiating table as quickly as possible you but the irony and I think it’s important to point out while Trump in my opinion is more reasonable when it comes to Ukraine he’s more of a hawk than Biden is when it comes to supporting Israel or when it comes to his anti-china policies so he might actually be a step in the right direction at a voice of sanity and reason when it comes to Ukraine but I see him as being even more dangerous when it comes to supporting Israel blindly and when it comes to attacking China so what we gain in one front we might lose on the other two but we need to move quickly toward diplomacy on Ukraine and Trump advisors seem to be urging that yeah he’s mentioned that a few times uh in interviews as well well we’ll be watching very soon Peter kosnik is always a pleasure to talk to you thank you for joining me this morning my pleasure thank you for all the latest news download the weon app And subscribe to our YouTube channel

Former US President Donald Trump’s key advisors have presented him with a plan to end the Russia-Ukraine war if he wins the Presidential elections, scheduled to take place later this year.

#russiaukrainewar #trump #usa

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  1. zelenski is lirterally a piece of crap sitiing there getting provided eapons being a nation that has nothing.. pretending they are at war with russia… with what? usa weapons. what a evil planning scum.

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