Ukraine Doubles Down | How This Could Decide Everything – Ukraine Map Analysis & News Update

good day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and so far a fantastic week now as always we have a lot to go over and apologies this is the second video of today but go back and watch the first one I think I think it is a very important video for what we’ve seen in this War and what we’ll continue to see as Warfare expands especially with drones around the world now today we’re going to talk about and we’ll have a look at the maps we need to talk about choma the strikes we saw down there and also some official statements that have come out from Russia the US and Ukraine about what happened down in there but that’s not all we’ll talk about in Crimea but wait a second we need to talk about firing and some rearranging of senior commanders as well and why this then took place and we’ll look at some other strikes and some ja locations and a bit of everything so where I want to first talk about is I guess Crimea and the Black Sea so if you don’t know where we’re talking about well where have you been but of course this is Ukraine here in the center of the capital of ke the red areas occupied since 22 the purple since 2014 and of course this is choma down here and then this is the Black Sea now something we often see in here uh NATO aircraft either flying over NATO controlled airspace or over the Black Sea here now what are these aircraft doing well this is supplying direct ISR information intelligence survance reconnaissant back into Ukraine about Russian systems and also helping the systems given from the West from NATO systems into Ukraine to help those systems be more effective that’s not any sort of uh conspiracy that is just 100% how this then is happening it’s adding how successful those weapons can then be now what we have had hints towards today from Russian pages one of which being figh bomber is the Downing of a US Global Hawk drone of course these drones can do exactly what we spoke about and people saying it was from then a MIG 31 Interceptor aircraft here now did or did this not happen is beside the point of what then I want to talk about but let’s then have a look at what figh bomber has said now F bomber is always a little bit cryptic now as the moveing the side of the BS if they fly again it means they are quite prepared for the loss of a global hawk or even more than one it means we’ve already figured out how to respond to this and either we’ll fly uh in to clarify whether this is a onetime event or we are serious therefore we need to immediately think two moves ahead based on the worst case scenarios how can we respond answer to this uavs have no antidote to such unprofessional actions the altitude did not protect the global hawk and The Mig arrive escort so hinting that something has happened here others have said this hasn’t but what I want to speak about in this and what we speculated about a number of weeks back now maybe well over a month is that this would be probably the next logical escalatory step for Russia in response to then the opening up of restrictions on Western weapons to be used inside of Russia now of course we have seen multiple systems cross back into Russia particularly up in uh the belgrad or Blast Of course bordering with hariv of Western weapons striking back into Russia and we spoke back then that Russia’s sort of this ladder of escalation that we are seeing that we could see unmanned systems that are supplying then intelligence back into Ukraine over the Black Sea get hit of course with these these unmanned systems of course gets around striking a uh airplane with NATO soldiers or officers then within it but I thought that was interesting it’s interesting to talk about whether it happened or not could we see it happen I believe that there is a high chance of this and does it make sense on that escal escalatory ladder yes it does as well but these are very important for Ukraine as well the systems up here and what then they can supply back in and that information too for those weapon systems hence obiously a lot of those weapons weapon systems far more effective down around Crimea in the south of Ukraine where they’re still in that bubble of intelligence and surveillance rather than some other areas where they can be more easily jammed outside of this bubble now choma has been the fulcrum of this war since the beginning and I think it will likely be the fulcrum that ends this war as well strategically tactically politically Crimea is so important in this war now let’s talk tactically now of course Russia occupy this and have a lot of military equipment Hardware soldiers in here also have annexed it they see it as part of the Russian Federation to come in on an attack on crime you’ve got you’ve got three options two of them uh no goals in Modern Warfare the first option paratroopers I know you guys might like to play Call of Duty and parat tripping is cool Modern Warfare in large scale attacks not talking about SF dropping behind the line large scale attacks with transport planes flying over somewhere like this not going to occur if it does occur not going to end well amphibious operation okay the amount of ships that Ukraine would need for an amphibious operation would be massive we would see build up towards this and of course there’s no cover on the sea it’s going to incur huge probably unsustainable losses third option is then a ground assault now of course you’re never going to even if you cut off the CT straight Bridge down here it’s still very close you’re not going to have Ukrainian soldiers down in these areas here so you’ve got to do an assault through basically two areas through here where these roads are and the swamps incredibly difficult to do now I’m not saying then it is impossible but cha is a very very very difficult military operation of course all of this takes away this is talking like strictly tactically from I guess strategic element of if Russia withdraw then you push in but talking on like plain military um like assaults Crimea is as hard as then it gets but what we did see yesterday was we saw an amount of attack them strikes towards Crimea now one of which which either went off course and exploded or was intercepted or was not intercepted none of the footage we know that we’ve seen is going to give us the answer to this but what we know is a number of civilians were killed and injured in this now Russia has said that there will be a response to this and they have then summoned uh the US ambassador to Russia Lyn Tracy on Monday then following these strikes on the beach now let’s actually have a look at some of the official statements then about this so of course an attack is a US provided weapon to Ukraine like we spoke in the beginning with those us drones and or aircraft in the air are helping with the targeting of this we know the highas systems of course attack them sit within this same with the storm show same with the scalp there’s a lot of NATO involvement in that getting up up in the sky now I’m not saying that’s right or wrong we’re in a war where that is you know you can do that but it’s worth just pointing out now zelinsky’s presidential adviser michelo podak who have spoken a bit about on this channel before has had a very very heavily worded Twitter post official post about this now there are not and cannot be any beaches tourist zones and other fictitious signs of peaceful life in Crimea crime is definitely a foreign territory occupied by Russia where there are hostilities and a fullscale war the very war that Russia Unleashed for genocidal and invasive purposes only kmea is also a large military camp and Warehouse with hundreds of direct military targets where the Russians are cynically trying to hide and cover up with their own civilians which turn which in turn are considered to be civilian occupi now one thing I will say in this is there’s a lot of civilian in cha who were there pre4 who are then still there so not everyone then is a civilian occupy but what does this then make of the civilians there it doesn’t matter a civilian is a civilian regardless of their political basis how they see things where they’re from my in my eyes whether in Gaza whether in Israel whether in Russia whether in Ukraine whether in occupied territory as civilian is still civilian and of course by the letter of the law they still protected under all all of these as well as we have seen then depending on how you see the voting down here this be annexed as well back into Russian territory so I think this is very heavily worded in here let me know what you think of this and then we have had then of course Dimitri pesov presidential spokesman from Russia then say this this was uh reported through I believe Tas but the involvement of the United States of America in hostilities direct involvement in hostilities the result in the death of Russian civilians this of course cannot but have consequences what exactly time will tell that’s what he is said so that’s what we get that there will be some consequence back on this and what we have seen and we’ve spoken about is the escalatory measures now I believe there might be a few so say with the UK US weapons being used in Russia we could see them strikes not into NATO but could we see NATO controlled areas or bases in other areas of the world be hit with say then uh a third party so then Russia supplies to Iran to the hoies then a better system that then strikes a ship something like this we’re playing this big war of asymmetrical proxy both here and then other areas around the globe as well now Matthew Miller uh State SP State Department spokesman for the US of course has said we regret any civilian loss of life in this war we provide weapons to Ukraine so it can defend its Sovereign territory against armed aggression that includes croma which of course is part of Ukraine he’s also said that Russia could stop this war today talking that Russia could stop the war if they have a full withdrawal of this territory that they occupy in Ukraine but comes back to then that Mia sees of these civilians here considered civilian occupiers regardless civilians are considered then civilians anyway let me know I think Crimea started this and I think Crimea will end this I have spoken about my military mindset here this is taking out of the way of a collapse of one of the governments but a military operation of what I see here any Victory could just be perck from the amount of assets troops that would be needed to have a victory over somewhere like Crimea I I don’t see any realistic way of doing it and one of my contexts who recently being on a podcast with me has said the only way that sees is a reverse Dunkirk you just get every fishing boat every boat and just all at once to try and take somewhere like this as a Last Stand I don’t know but okay let’s have a look at some maps and some strikes and some Gil locations now I’m going to warn you in this one of the GE locations is my GE location and I’m not one who’s good at this so if it is wrong I apologize but we will have then a look so Russia has been dropping more Fabs and in some interesting areas of what we want to talk about we’ll look at some of the strikes against uh the supermarket you know Des so what Ukraine is saying is a supermarket you know Desa Russia saying differently but we’ll look at that in a sec but we’ll look at the maps and line up with this now let’s have a look up into the north but of course hariv Region V chance and let’s have a look then no changes on this map but I think this map shot itself in the foot a little bit because it never showed Russian advancement into some areas where we know it can’t show then the ukraini advancement back through we know Ukraine is having success pushing back in here depending on what Maps you look at but most of them are saying the same thing now now this is surric today is north of HEV the CH AIS during the last three days Ukraine Army uh recaptured a significant area of the northeastern part of Vance town so right over in this area actually showing in my opinion more than then deep State Mod’s map itself of what Ukraine has reclaimed and rep pushed back in here we’ve spoken at length I won’t rehash it but about was is always trying to get Ukraine to do this to pour assets into here so they could make advancements or open new areas on the East which we have seen Russia open new areas and also then have advancements in the East but what we are seeing is in my belief an increase in Fabs dropped up both on then theak have access Chu have access here to take Sur terms for these an increase on those probably trying to hit Logistics as well if you know anything about Russian Doctrine I’m actually considering that Fabs I’m putting that under artillery F basically how they work is massive amounts of artillery basically flatten things and maneuver Warfare under artillery not out of tactical movements that’s one of the difference in armored mechanized Warfare between NATO and Russian uh Doctrine really surface surface surface level but let’s have a look at one of the Fabs that’s dropped in here so this is then V chunk so we see just down on here so let’s have a look just come straight up from this corner so we’re talking just out right where my cursor is right about here we have then seen I believe this is another Fab 3000 that Russia are then triing on the front line drop against these buildings here like we’ve spoken about that one is a lot closer hit than we have seen uh from some of these recently and you can tell which direction it’s going if we line up sorry where then this like Pond Reservoir is that also the momentum forward speed of this bomb have an effect as well and then pushing through and massive destruction to this building as well as I think a lot of people are asking why use 3,000 instead of multiple smaller yield bombs it could be for hardened basements that would then make sense that’s why like the US would use something like a MOAB uh in instead of other Munitions say against tunnel systems in then the Middle East so I just want to come across then to then the Western axis here as well we haven’t seen any change on here but we do know that Russia’s been pushed back a little bit in here and we do have some more strikes as well so I think as Russia pushed back they’re just trying to Fab everything in here interestingly that we have that these Su are still operating basically uh very easily behind in Russian territory not getting hit with the air defense that Ukraine uh could then use up here to strike those they’re still having a lot of these Fab runs I’ve heard 30 to 50 a day into here so I want to have a look at then this is my geolocation so we come lipy axis here I’ll actually zoom out to give you a better idea on this map so this is where Russia occupi just in here and then we come down then into the center here of libid now I’ll show you the footage but this is my one so if you just turn on this you can see where and these two roads spin out to the right of your screen as well as this treed area we saw a Russian page today share the dropping of a Fab 1500 and a Fab 3000 now the where I’m lining this up is and tell me if I’m wrong but I believe this is then the same area so you see this treelined part here these two roads heading out and it’s said to be in har access as well as this turnout Road here I’ll be proud of myself if we actually have that then we see a Fab I believe a 1500 strike down here and these are said to be hitting Logistics areas and then later on we see the aftermath of this and then we see a Fab then 3,000 dropped just on this road down here near where this red roofed building is and then that one there so I believe as Russia are well it depends who who some pages saying Russia’s withdrawing back out of some of these areas as well they’re trying to strike elements as then they maneuver then forward under then that cover so look on the Deep state map there’s very very few updates today I’ve forgotten to actually label these myself but let’s have a look on this so this is then the New York front down here what I’ve calling it where we’ve seen basically through here has been the Russian advancement over the past few days now no movement here but we do see an interesting Gray Zone movement just up in here so Russia may have opened a new front to try and take something in here in line with then the buck Mot and the AV divka then fronts to the North and the South of here then suriak has a further update in here as well uh on the goova front Russian army took control over some parts of here and the streets inside pet so this is the first area before then toret in addition Russian Force Advanced beyond the pumping station took control of the trenches adjacent to the water Channel thus we taking control over the section of the Railway under control so let’s have a look and see these Maps it’s difficult to see but look where this then turns around that they’ve made these first streets up in here you can see where this wooded area is right here that according to Surak they’re in the first streets as well as to the North in here have made more ground where the gray zone is showing so this is an area which I’m I say again just keep your eyes on what then is happening here now we need to just come down into then the adiva front we do see a lot of changes dayto day just that small grind away what I’ve said in here is I think Russia have their primary objective is this intersection what has a lot of logistical effect but they also want to get down and sort of Leap Frog these multiple then Urban centers purely because moving through these open grounds is going to be an absolute death trap but because of this open ground Ukraine may have to then have a withdrawal as well behind then sort of the Waterway line that runs down here and it may see a back of the entire front line in here so let’s have a look up in here now this is sort of the oshar front here so let’s line up where then this is we see this road this is OS here so just seeing a small advancement just here by then the Russian forces so it’s worth keeping eye on what is happening around here now CR arka we can actually see one of the only changes on this map today which you can see in this is just a small advancement then on the Eastern side of this we haven’t seen CR RKA move for a while so it’s the only update to my eye of anything on this map today aoty hasn’t changed as well even if we’ve talked about some of the geolocations we see in here now let’s have a look at some struck so we spoke about this space communications center that was struck as well by Ukraine now it’s really up in the air about what hit no sorry how involved is this area in the war is it decommissioned is it recommissioned we know it’s Fallen back under the Tactical X space nuclear early warning by Russia but we have some low definition photographs here so these are then the two radar systems themselves we can see a fire has been here and a fire has been somewhat around this one on the on the west and some fire around here that it as far as actual damage we don’t really know yet we’re not how involved in this war this system actually is someone did point out interestingly to me they said well okay this is like deep radar Beyond orbit um Communications back and forward but we have seen the US did have that like Panic crisis meeting about Russia launching something new into space could things like this really have some communication there could this be all part of whatever that was that got launched in again don’t really know now down in Odessa of course Oda sits across here and had a lot of Russian strikes against it there is said to be a supermarket on fire here there’s also been some video released of a supermarket completely burnt out said to be inside of this one with any of these strikes you always get two sides you get one side saying this is what it is and the other side saying this is what was there we know this was a supermarket we know there’s video inside of you know the supermarket burnt out Russian page saying yeah but you had weapons in the basement or this or that it is impossible to know exactly on these strikes then whether it is in occupied territory in Russia or then in Ukraine and I’ll get a lot of hate for saying that because people go you don’t just say this I don’t say it because I’m not there I can’t go through everything and have a look and say this is this is what it then was now we do have as well uh this area in Moscow this plantan in Moscow this what I’ve called it this Electrical uh product producers have had a building burned down now at least two people at this point in time I believe it’s eight have linked to a sanction scientific research institute in Moscow region has had a major fire now let’s have a look then at this you can see this building completely destroyed completely burnt out one thing I will say with this again we see it’s the usual accounts sharing and celebrating civilians working at these jumping out of Windows to their death because of the smoke and the fire and I just it’s it’s disgusting I don’t care whose civilians they are working at this and working at even whatever this is it’s disgusting this celebration of this and platan a producer of Defense Electronics has been under a underw related us sanctions since June 22 now a local investigator announced criminal case into death by negligence Anonymous Emergency Services side of the uh State News Agency R novelity so the victims jumped to their and their death so you can see the burning out here but it has been claimed that this hasn’t been used by this company for a while the electronics components producer that is part of the defense conglomerate Ros said its plantan Research Institute has not been based in the burning building since it became private property in the 1990s remember this is from a state news agency saying this they’ have said currently a significant part of the plant’s premises is leased an anonymous emergency Source was quoted saying in particular there are recording studio shops communication companies at bank construction companies and others the fire could have started one of those rented premises again what exactly was here are they building chips to own an S400 system or are they selling drums again I can’t go there I can’t look through it and we have state news reporting on these we don’t know what I don’t like is the celebration of people working at these who are civilians jumping out of Windows and being celebrated for this now what could be behind something like this well absolutely there could be some um f Play Sabotage happening we know there is degrees of sabotage both in Ukraine and in Russia by not only partisans but also people recruited by intelligence agencies and I’m actually surprised with the history of the kgb’s drg so your sabotage groups I’m actually surprised because of course the sbu in Ukraine and the FSB in Russia were born directly out of the KGB I’m very surprised we actually haven’t seen a lot more of that then happening I’m very surprised we didn’t see more of it in Ukraine in the beginning of the war because of course Russia knew that to do this for a long time to get a lot more people embedded in there and then have these actions take place maybe it some of it has not happened yet we’ve also seen a lot of that back in Russia as well now this was reported by ke independent of course from the sbu as well that June 24th that it had detained a mole spying for Russia who passed on information about Ukrainian troop positions and defenses on the border with Belarus the S spu has posted on telegram at the instruction of the occupied the mole established the locations of fortified areas an approximate number of Ukrainian troops defending the area with bellarus he also tried to transmit the coordinates of warehouses with weapons ammunition of the Armed Force of Ukraine in the region I said the man had planned to be evacuated by Russian forces of course they’re saying here the Russian Federal Security Services and the FSB the sbu has detained a number of ukrainians accused of collaborating with Russian forces I’m actually surprised though like I’ve said of there isn’t more of this now video coming I promised this weeks ago but I it’s still on the back burer is I’m going to talk all about intelligence agencies sbu FSB some other bits and pieces we’ve seen working outside of Russia and Ukraine as well and what we could see and some of the elements we have then seen as well so let’s talk then about this Vladimir zinsky announced June 24th that he’s replaced the commander of the Joint Force of Ukrainian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Yuri sadal with Brigadier General Andrew HOV uh left tenant Colonel ban uh covich sorry mate one of the a of brigades commanders said on June 23th that he filed a complaint to the state Brewer of Investigation calling for an investigation to one of the generals he said I wrote to the SBI calling for an investigation into one military General who in my opinion has killed more Ukrainian soldiers than any Russian general so this we’re presuming is then the general who has been then sacked or replaced up here now the this is like Osa you can’t just ignore these things this was out of his telegram that he posted about this so I care about having a written a letter to the SBI with a request for investigation into one military General who in my opinion killed more Ukrainian military generals not more Ukrainian soldiers not even the Russian general I don’t give a f about starting an investigation against me I don’t give a damn about putting me in jail I don’t give a damn about judging a battalion commanders and Brigade commanders for wasting a guard poost rather than judging a general for wasting regions dozens of places and wasting thousands of soldiers so that’s still on this BLS telegram if you’d like to go and see it and some changing up of command there but I do hope that people are held to responsibility of some of these actions as well a lot of the guys I spoke to look at some of my interviews have spoken some of these guys are just completely incompetent what they’re doing there fantastic ones there’s ones incompetent that need to be either replaced but also face actions of what they’ve done as well not just a slap on the wrist like the people stealing tens or hundreds of millions of dollars out of defensive work budgets out of um artillery mortar budgets whatever it can’t just be a slap on the wrist to pay your way out of Bale if you’re an agricultural minister in Ukraine and your Bale set at $2 million and you pay that off well we need to have a look into that bloke’s finances because of the average wage anyway Legends look off yourselves have a great day uh and I’ll speak to tomorrow thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Any civilian deaths are never good in any war – yet putin is using this to ramp up – he will use this to get the west to back down – he is a bully and i see escalation on the cards – perhaps involvment of china n.korea or at worset case limited nuke usage – either way this could ramp up if russia starts to loose ground in diffrent spheres of operations

  2. It is clear that Russians are now clear to down any Nato surveillance plain. It is also clear that US central banks want war.

  3. What I remember, the citizens voted if they want to be a part of Russia. We know that there was a coup by force without election in Ukraine. US do want to take over the resources it it is clear.

  4. Crimea is part of Russia. It cannot be reconquered by Ukraine, because its population never wanted to be part of Ukraine to begin with. The people who claim otherwise have low IQ, or are being disingenuous.

  5. You can see the attitude the ukrainian government – Podolyak , saying , that russians in Crimea are the occupiers. Now 78% of original population there is russian . If their own government is calling them occupiers , , then no wonder the civil war started in 2014 , and that Crimeans voted to join Russia . What kind of madness is this – Its our land , and all the people who live there are "occupiers " . Its a Black Rock mentality of depopulation .

  6. Дорогие европейцы. Вы можете говорить всё что угодно. Но как сказал Путин: "Бал вампиров закончен". СССР запустил деколонизацию в 50-х. Теперь мы её закончим. Ваше время ушло.

  7. would I be asking too much if you would color/shading code the years of occupied territory? Occupied since 2014. 2022. 2023. 2024 so we can see the big picture, its work but hopefully not too much work, my dude…

  8. Not even close to what Russia did to Mariupol Bucha Kiev…… Funny how Willy ignores so many other devastating attacks on Crimea. And the way he jumped past the occupied territories and said, this is Ukraine, pointing far to the West of Ukraine's borders; cheeky bassturd, ya be so busted.

  9. Military strikes on civilians is a war crime. Proportionality, intent, and unreasonable disregard apply. Who occupies or claims a territory is irrelevant. Civilians are civilians. Both sides have killed civilians as collateral damage in artillery engagements between opposing positions. It’s tragic but not a war crime. The cluster strike that killed civilians in Crimea is less clear cut. It might be a war crime.

    More significant, perhaps, is the issue with U.S. escalation versus U.S./NATO involvement. Supply of weapons or training Ukrainian soldiers, or even supplying Ukraine with intel prejudicial to Russian interests is not escalation. In all these cases it’s Ukraine doing the fighting.

    But U.S./NATO support for Ukraine crosses a clear escalation line when it is an essential — or defining — part of a real-time attack against Russians and/or Russian territory. America informing Ukraine where a Russian asset is located is reasonable. America guiding missiles against Russian assets is not. Doesn’t matter if it’s launched from Ukraine or if a Ukrainian pushes launch button.

    The recent civilian casualties in a Crimean beach may not justify Russia nuking Langley VA but if, for example, the U.S. Global Hawk drone in the Black Sea was part of the strike, Russia has a strong case for shooting it down as a legitimate response to American escalation. However propagandists may spin the loss of the drone, it won’t be an unprovoked attack by Russia against the U.S./NATO.

  10. Read Ambassador William J. Burns report dated 2008 February 1, 14:25 (Friday) "NYET MEANS NYET: RUSSIA'S NATO ENLARGEMENT REDLINES". NATO planned from the outset to use Ukraine in a proxy war on Russia.

    Burns is now head of the CIA.

  11. No body even knows about Australia and long before you convict settled here Crimea was part of Russia Empire and and today Banderas land was called Kievian Russ . If you learn history at school besides abos culture you would know that Crimea is not occupied by Russia . 🧠

  12. Since when in history has Ukraine ever been a united country? Never is the answer. My wife’s family has lived in Crimea almost 200 years before is was even part of Ukraine. If Ukrainians take it back will it mean they will either exterminate her family or deport them? My opinion is Ukraine smdoes not deserve any of these so called occupied areas it was never there’s in the first place.

  13. Won't watch the whole shit but if this is about doubling down in Kharkiv…. well this is a zugzwang situation for the Ukrainians. They will serve horrible losses.
    P.s the beach strike was extremely dumb…

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