Russia-Ukraine war: Ukraine & Russia trade fresh lethal attacks | WION Fineprint

Ukraine and Russia have traded fresh lethal attacks as the war nears its 28 months Mark at least five people were killed and over 150 others were injured following a Ukrainian strike on the city of cesto in occupied Crimea although air defense systems were successful in evading a direct strike missile fragments scattered over beachgoers according to the governor of the city Ukraine launched five missiles which Russian air defenses intercepted with shrapnel falling onto the the shoreline as a result of the terrorist attack of the KE regime on sevastopol on a summer holiday on a nice weather day when people were resting on the beach using a cluster missile made in the United States unfortunately at the moment we have 124 wounded Russia’s defense Ministry has claimed that Ukraine used us supplied atams missiles and father stated they were prog rammed by us Specialists Moscow has slammed Washington claiming it Bears responsibility for the attack Washington’s ambassador to Moscow lean Tracy has also been summoned to the Russian foreign Ministry following the attack Russia has far vowed retaliation against the US for the attack Copo is a Black Sea port city and a naval base on the Crimean Peninsula Crimea has been occupied by Russia since its forces annexed the pular in 2014 since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine it has continually faced attacks from Ukrainian forces and witnessed Targets on Russian Naval bases and vessels but s’s strike was particularly deadly keev has previously insisted that its strikes on Crimea are an integral part of their strategy now according to sources they’re intended to try to isolate the peninsula and make it difficult for Moscow to sustain its military operations on the Ukrainian Mainland Copo in particular is the largest city in Crimea it is also the main base for Russia’s Black Sea Fleet Russian officials say the conflict in Ukraine is entering the most dangerous phase of escalation to date even as Ukraine continues to act on its Crimean agenda Russia says its troops have improved positions in the dones luhansk and harv regions on Saturday Maria bombed a residential building in harv killing three people and wounding more than 50 others meanwhile five civilians were killed by shelling in Frontline areas of the dones Reg Ukrainian military has reported clashes near the towns of poov and tetk where Moscow continues to increase the pace of offensive actions by deploying significant forces the push in the harv region has father trained Ukraine’s already depleted Army which in recent months has been fighting Russia’s intensified move into the partially occupied Eastern Donas region Dr sarge marov is former spokesman for President Putin former member of the Russian Parliament and director of The Institute of political studies and Russian political scientists is now joining us live from Moscow dror welcome let’s start to the latest where Russia has blamed the US for a Ukrainian missile strike on C sto in occupied Crimea the Kremlin claims Ukraine used us applied atacam missiles and has vowed consequences on the US what kind of consequences is Russia talking about here I think uh mostly uh possible that Russia will uh blame a free uh uh uh Zone uh on the Black Sea area for the American intelligence drones which are targeting these American rocket missiles no in the Russian public opinion it’s regarded that it was not a Ukrainian attack but American attack uh you know attack comes it’s American rocket missiles uh cluster uh ammunition cluster bup which been on this rocket missil is also America the decision uh to give to Ukrainian armies this cluster ammunition cluster bomb it’s American decision you know the drones and satellite which appointed the target for such American uh rocket missiles with American cluster amunition it’s also Americans uh so what is the Ukrainian Ukrainian only the territory from which uh America uh launched these rocket missiles also Ukrainian Poss citizen of the slaves and soldier who give the cup of the the to the American officer who makes the decision about attacking this missile inop in Crimea uh so this uh uh War crime of United States of America uh President Joe Biden why it’s War crime it’s very easily because it’s a cluster munition use cluster munition use by absolute majority of the countries and uh but nevertheless United States of America decided that c ammunition could be uh should be used by a Ukrainian Army and all this class amunition produced by United States of America so it’s American uh attack against Russian civilians doctor apart from war in Ukraine Russia is dealing with another problem homegrown terrorism and this comes after terrorist attacked a synagogue and church buildings how is President Vladimir Putin going to deal with or maneuver the threat of Terror in Russia uh uh Russia have a long history and I would say long story of dealing with radical islamist terrorism uh in the ’90s uh we have a very big uh level of the uh Islamic terrorist and this Islamic terrorist very intensively cerated with United States of America teligence Community Again by the way and Vladimir Putin many times directly told about this but then Russia fixed this problem with radical islamist terrorist attacks and the number of this attack dropped in uh maybe in 30 in 40 uh times but now it appear to be happen again uh now we making try to make analyzing why this new we happened most of the people think is because uh United States and British and Ukrainian intelligence came again in cooperation with radical islamist look everybody knows that in on Sy territory United States inter Serv and British in Serv clearly cerated with radical islamist so if they cerated in Syria why not for them not to cerate them on the caucuses is f also we have interesting signal tragic signal this is a new kind of terrorist because in previous time most of the radical islamist attack could been as against Poli station either against governmental Authority or against some military points or sometimes they took H hostages and claim some demands now it’s absolutely new style of terrorist attack they first time at attack a priest and uh Russian Orthodox Chris Christian priest uh father Nikolai had been killed he Ser for dagistan people 40 years he has uh three uh daughters and six uh grandchild and he even have been outlining some of the monumentum in digan so uh killed father Nikolai was symbol of the friendship between uh Islam and aragos Christianity okay that why these people decided to kill him and they killed him especially this Sunday when it was very big Russian Orthodox holiday which called troa and so uh the main goal of this terrorist attack was to encourage the clashes between Christianity and uh musim and this is also new kind of terrorist attack so most of the analysts here believe that this organized by combination of I’m sorry to interject you doctor I’m sorry to interject you because we are running out of time thank you very much for talking to us I’ve been talking to Dr Sarge marov who is a former spokesman for President Putin and also a former member of the Russian Parliament doctor thank you for talking to us today thank you for all the latest news download the we on Up And subscribe to our YouTube channel

Ukraine struck Russia’s Belgorod region again, killing five people, according to the regional governor. Meanwhile, the second day of Russia’s aerial bombardment of Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, has killed five people and injured 124, according to local officials.

#ukraine #russiaukrainewar #russia

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  1. Why are Ukraine fire ATACMS on the local people??? Isn't it the reason why Russia went into Ukraine to defend the Russians that also asked Russia to help. If the Ukrainians that live in the Donbas that suppose to be Ukraine, why bombing your own people? SO, Russia had the full right to defend its own Russian speaking people. This is an terrorist attack and America with Ukraine is accountable of this atrocity!

  2. The U.S and Western countries are providing weapons to Ukraine to attack civilians in Crimea, in an attempt to end the war. What a strategic move by them.

  3. My question here is Russia using North Korea weapons to strike right inside Ukraine and Ukraine is using America weapons to strike right inside Russia now is a terrorist attack 😂 .please you all should stop this madness of war

  4. Napad na krimsku plažu omogućio američki izviđački dron a napad izvršio amerikanac sa svojom raketom sa kasetnim punjenjem. Kakve bi reakcije bile da se ovo dešava na američkim plažama???::::

  5. Crimea is Ukraine 🇺🇦
    Luhansk is Ukraine 🇺🇦
    Donetsk is Ukraine 🇺🇦
    Zaporizhzhia is Ukraine 🇺🇦
    Kherson is Ukraine 🇺🇦

  6. The Russian stooge is back. The mighty Russian empire is reduced to invading a neighbouring country and killing their cousins by the thousands and threatening the rest of the world with nuclear missiles And now by some sort of warped logic they are playing victim.

  7. That guy was so brain washed the way he says terrorist attack from kieve .. like really your at war , a target is just that … shit gona get real now ..😮

  8. Normal pois ninguém quer ser russo e viver na miséria e ditadura.

    Até os muçulmanos atacam os russos.

    Ahahaha ahahaha ahahaha

    Estão de férias nas praias da Ucrânia??????

    Kkkkkkkkk. hahaha
    Os russos anulam_se uns aos outros, fragmentação da antiaérea russa fez bom trabalho 😅😅😅

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