How Russia blames the US for strike on Crimea | DW News

now Russia is blaming the US for a Ukrainian attack on Crimea this marks a new escalation in tensions between Russia and the West now Moscow has summoned the US ambassador to warn that it will retaliate at least four people were reportedly killed in the attack on Sunday and over 150 wounded Russia’s ambassador to the UN claims the long range attacks missile missiles were used the Kremlin says the weapons were supplied by Washington and programmed by us specialist the Pentagon denies responsibility arguing that Ukraine makes its own decisions and conducts its own operations and for more we are joined by Cynthia cook director of the defense industrial initiatives group at the center for strategic and International Studies she joins us from Washington welcome to DW Cynthia now Russia says the US Bears responsibility for this attack on Crimea in which US supplied missiles were used why do you think this statement comes now Russia is trying to deter the United States from providing weapons and other forms of security assistance to Ukraine they have issued these statements throughout the war that they’re connecting us assistance to specific attacks and it’s a reminder that they’re watching but in this case Russia may be trying to aisc some of the blame for the the results the Russian mod claimed that five attacks were fired into the Crimean Peninsula the news is that four were intercepted and the fifth detonated after being struck and the debris hit people on the ground so it’s a failure of their own defensive systems which caused the injury and the deaths blaming the US distracts from this but the the US says Ukraine makes its own decisions on how to conduct its military operations but the US also suppes these these these weapons so can it really deny involvement here how do you interpret the the US’s response to this that’s a great question arm supplying Nations do particular do typically provide guidance on how their weapons can be used the guidance that the US provideed to Ukraine links the use of us provided weapons to Ukrainian self-defense we can use a notional example of Russians massive on their borders waiting until the attack moves over the Border loses the first mover Advantage when it’s clearly the Russians are clearly getting ready to attack however in this case it’s worth pointing out that Ukraine fired the missiles into Ukrainian territory the Crimean Peninsula which Russia illegally occupied in 2014 they’re trying to get Russia out of their own territory so they can reclaim it right and now the kremlin’s threatening consequences How likely is it to retaliate and in what form do you think this will take well every in increase in capability that the Allies have provided to Ukraine have led to the same saber rattling public statements in this case Russia has said time will tell so they are not being specific about the actions that they’re taking we expect or think of of a kinetic attack when we think of what Russia might do but I would argue that we have oh we appear to have lost Cyn the consequences in a more uh in in a different kind how Russia has seen that the US has uh sorry Cynthia we appear to have lost your last answer there and we’ve run out of time but we’ll have to leave it there for for now Cynthia cook with the center for strategic and International Studies thank you thank you

The Pentagon flatly rejected Kremlin accusations that the US was responsible for a Sunday missile attack that reportedly killed four people, including two children, and injured some 150 more in the port city of Sevastopol on the Russian-occupied Crimean Peninsula.
Russia claimed that US-made ATACMS missiles fitted with cluster munitions were used in the attack. It laid part of the blame on Washington, saying the arms were programmed by the US using US targeting data.
But Pentagon spokesman Major Charlie Dietz rejected the claim, saying that “Ukraine makes its own targeting decisions and conducts its own military operations.”

00:00 Background
00:43 Cynthia Cook, Center for Strategic and International Studies


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  1. You can blab away all you want. The fact is, neither side can back down so escalation is inevitable and that is bad for all of us. How far will it go is what you should be asking.

  2. Putin is too much of chicken shi7 to attack NATO. His red lines have been smashed over and over again and he does nothing, as the know that if he even tries to move against the US he, his family and his messed up coutnry will dissapear.

  3. Come on!!!
    Roger are the only ones who can be blamed. Stop talking about and twist the stories to get a nice headline and make it into something it’s not.
    Russia has escalated all the time they get weapons from Iran. They get weapons from North Korea. They get a lot of components from China, which becomes weapons.
    So if we should make something out of it, we have a world war in weapons.
    Sometimes the journalist gives so ignorant questions just to be in the center of the story.

  4. The US says it can not be blamed for Ukraine using its weapons and satellite cordinates to attack Crimea but blames Iran if Hezbolah and Hamas use weapons to attack the interest of West.
    She's claims Crimea belongs to Ukraine. Before Ukraine became part of the USSR, it did not have Crimea or any of the current disputed territories.Crimea was originally part of Russia until Russia made the mistake of giving its administrative jurisdiction to Ukraine.
    The US supported Kosovo's independence from Serbia but does not support Crimea's referendum to rejoin Russia, where it originally belonged before administrative jurisdiction was given to Ukraine.
    The UK went to war because they agreed the Falklands had a right to be part of Argentina, but Crimea does not have that right.
    The hypocrisy of the West never ceases to amaze the world.
    She says Ukraine is attacking its own land, Crimea. Is Syria attacking it own land if it attacks the US bases in Syria ?
    The credibility of the West is in tartters. Very, very shameful.

  5. The same clowns who usually defend Ukraine's sovereign right to conduct air strikes in occupied territory (Crimea) are the same people who will condemn Palestinians for carrying out similar actions.

  6. You occupy the territory of a foreign country.
    You flood the territory with military forces.
    You allow people to sunbathe near an airbase during a war.
    You do not turn on the air raid alarm during an attack.
    And yet, you blame others for the deaths of people.


  7. Russia Blames? You guys are pathetic on choosing words and showing the west as innocent. USA I a real terrorist state.

  8. YouTube can shut you up – don't allow 👎 comments; don't let you send messages! ! ! This is a disaster! We must innovate an app similar to Google Youtube⋯⋯The surface of the earth should allow a second service; just like McDonald’s🍔 and KFC🍟⋯⋯Google is too overbearing: it thinks it is the🌍master

  9. For every anti Ukraine / NATO guy: Crimea is a giant millitary base of Russia against Ukrain. Ukrain's missles targeted millitary infrastructure and Russia blocked it over these innocent people.

  10. It is hilarious how Russia doesn't seem to realize their doublespeak isn't really effective anymore, as they have blown any trace of credibility they had many many years ago. They fully realize they are murdering innocent people daily, yet they clutch their pearls any time there is retribution against them?? What a joke of a country.

  11. As Pres Biden has allowed Ukraine to use US advanced arms to attack Russia who in turn has vowed to supply Russian’s sophisticated weapons to those who hate US.
    As US has aplenty of enemies throughout d world, I reckon one of US aircraft carriers may get hit by her foes using Russian’s missiles.

  12. US has no right to blame Russia for Crimea's annexure. This woman is laughing and saying Crimea is Ukrainian territory…. which, in fact…. it's no longer.

    The other thing that bothers me is that the US is playing a big role in this conflict by giving advice to Ukraine on "how" to operate their guns…. which obviously involves their experience and knowledge about russian infrastructure and counter measures. This woman laughs, saying Russia is "wrong" because their defense systems weren't "capable"…. war is not about making the guns fight….

  13. So what? Crimea is Ukrainian territory and I don't remember that Ukraine was not allowed to use foreign weapons to strike in its own soil.

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