Gunmen launch deadly attacks in Russia’s Dagestan region | DW News

authorities say at least 15 police officers and several civilians are dead after gunmen launched simultaneous attacks in two cities in Russ’s dagistan region they took place as the country was celebrating the Orthodox Festival of Pentecost local officials say a synagogue two Orthodox churches and a police traffic post were targeted intense gunfights broke out and seemingly coordinated attacks here in the D Gan capital of mahachkala armed militants roamed the streets footage from eyewitnesses shows the gunman shooting police officers several were killed the relevant services and law enforcement agencies worked quickly but unfortunately there were losses we offer our sincere condolences to the families and friends whose sons and brothers died the militants also targeted a church later setting it on fire meanwhile the city of derbent which is around 120 kilm away was also under attack a synagogue was set Al light and a priest was killed at an Orthodox Church while no one has claimed responsibility for the attacks the Republic of dagistan has been targeted by Islamic militants in the past Russia’s investigative committee has launched an investigation into what it called acts of Terror our correspondent Jay gsh simovski is standing by in Ria as the Kremlin has banned DW from operating within Russia what more can you tell us about these attacks well CLA security forces have finished their operation on Monday morning and we are receiving conflicting reports as to whether five or six attackers were killed by Security Forces uh in this operation um as we’ve heard no group has claimed responsibility for this attack yet um Russian daily era reported that uh all of the attackers were residents of dagistan and that several of them were listed with the interior ministry as having contacts to radical islamist circles um Russian media is are also reporting that um among the attackers were two sons and the nephew of a dagestani official from the United Russia party this is the governing party of Vladimir Putin now this official who was heading one of the districts in dagistan has stepped down overnight and he was um he was questioned by the police so information still coming in what have the authorities in Russia been saying well we haven’t heard from the Kremlin or from Vladimir Putin yet in aate statement published um on Monday morning the governor of dagistan has vaguely uh connected this attack to what he called the special military operation in Ukraine he said the war has come to our door and added that the authorities uh apparently know who is behind the attacks um but he didn’t offer more details um so this is a vague response so far um and this somehow reminds of the reaction to the terrorist attack uh on a concert hall in Moscow in March uh which was at the time claimed by the Islamic State group back then the authorities were also framing the um framing the attacks in the context of the Ukraine war somehow framing Ukraine um for for the attack without offering much proof to that so we will be uh waiting for the for more responses from the Russian authorities jayos give us a bit of context here if you can can you tell us more about dagas and the threat posed by militant groups there well dagistan is a republic in the north Caucasus um and it is um it has been hit with an islamist Insurgency in the 2000s uh this was an Insurgency which largely spilled over from the bordering Republic of ccha now ccha of course experienced two brutal wars in the 1990s when Russia cracked down on separatist there on on separatists there and um so the islamist networks were uh strong in dagistan we know of some militants who traveled from dagistan to Syria to join the Islamic State group there um however attacks in dagistan have become fewer in the last years and in 2017 Russian authorities even concluded this in counter insur Insurgency operation in dagistan as uh finished um so now this attack from yesterday one of the deadliest in the north Caucasus in the last years uh this will be a problem to security um agencies in Russia and um we will be observing the situation further thank you for your reporting that is our DW correspondent J gosh simovski

Authorites say at least 15 police officers and several civilians are dead after gunmen launched simultaneous attacks in two cities in Russia’s Dagestan region. They took place as the country was celebrating the Orthodox festival of Pentecost. Local officials say a synagogue, two Orthodox churches and a police traffic post were targeted.

00:00 Intro and report
01:45 DW’s Grzegorz Szymanowski reports from Riga, as the Kremlin has banned DW from operating in Russia


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#Russia #Dagestan #Terrorism

  1. The result of this may be found everywhere. Both in kremlin neonazism, as well as in western neofascism. How sick isn’t the far far right movement. BUT this certainly don’t excuse pseudoreligious extremists

  2. Moscow trying to label actions of Dagestan residents who are also relatives of the ruling supposedly pro-Russia party as terror incidents instigated by foreign actors.

    It’s a homegrown rebellion.

  3. Makes sense for things like this to likely happen. While Putin focuses almost all his resources to Ukraine, the rest of Russia is thinly defended. It even appears that he needs Kim Jong Un's N.Korea to help secure his Eastern flank. Russia is a very large country. Many of Putin's enemies could take advantage of Russia's weakened state that Putin has put it into.

  4. Islam doesn't tell anyone to go and kill, that's political violence. Islam may instruct people what's legal means in war but it doesn't generate anger, sometimes it might be an excuse to your anger but Islam in itself is not the issue

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