The Green Party wants to decriminalise personal possession of drugs. #GreenParty #Politics #BBCNews

your policy is still legalized drugs your co-leader Carl Adena said we want to see a legalized regulated system for drugs so I’m asking you to explain what would that mean for someone who’s not an addict but says I want to take some cocaine tonight I’d like to smoke some cannabis I’d like to take some ketamin to a music festival are they legal or are they illegal well that will depend on what the IND independent commission that we want to set up establishes because it’s got to be an evidence-based decision that is made we are making the point thatal for So-Cal softer drugs that the police spending lots of time pursuing individuals for possession is not necessarily the best use of police time compared to all the work that the criminal gangs profit from that situation so there needs to be an evidence-based approach on this issue

  1. Gotta love the Conservative way of thinking: making drugs legal would create more drug users. If someone wants to try it, they’ll do it anyways. Make it safe and regulated (as well as taxed) alongside educating on negative effects & providing resources for addicts. Humans have been getting a buzz off of anything they could find since the beginning, so might as well accept it as fact and treat it just like we would any other luxury/vice. Regulation is a stronger force than outlawing something. Look to prohibition in America and how that actually did nothing to stop our drinking problem and compare that to modern legislation that makes it annoying to buy alcohol, but ultimately safer for the buyer.

  2. Portugal did it and the stats look good. Do we not like to talk about statistics, conservatives? Of course then that's one less group of people for you to demonize and hate.

  3. Thirteen years as a street cop in the 1970s and ‘80s and I never arrested anyone for possession of personal use amounts of drugs.
    I use cannabis and I didn’t want to be a hypocrite.

  4. We've all seen decriminalisation of cannabis in other countries, and everything still works and is still functioning. But that has also deprived gangsters of some easy income.
    No idea why we're stuck in some 1950's mindset over here.

  5. See Portugal! Less time chasing and criminalising the behaviour and / or possession, and more time providing support for addicts who need it.

    During COVID, the ANC government in South Africa criminalised the possession of cigarettes and alcohol. What happened? I know someone who had to get to know criminals providers just to get her tobacco and wine. Inside of money going into the economy through local shops and supermarkets, it was the darker markets that benefited instead.

  6. How about we let people take whatever drug they want, but free NHS treatment is not given if they overdose or take a bad batch, and any crime comitted while under the influence of drugs is minimum 30 years sentence, even if they just steal a loaf of bread.

  7. And he didn't answer it.
    The independent commission that he speaks should have been done BEFORE what he is proposing.
    That commission might as well say none of the drugs should be legalized and then what?
    Proposals should be concrete and state which drugs should be legal and how they will be available, for people to be able to decide if they support or not that measure.

  8. Carla Denyer YOU ARE A BLOODY HYPOCRITE – You are typical of the virtue signaling net zero propaganda that you spout on endlessly about! Shame on you HYPOCRITE! for having a gas boiler!! My Dad had a heat pump fitted 20 years ago!!Go away & hide your head in shame you HYPOCRITE!

  9. Nick Robinsons response is so naïve. You want drugs just go to a club or a festival or a skate park and ask around, sure you might get ripped off but it's really not hard to get hold of them. It would be much better to actually get them relatively safely in a controlled and regulated manner than just give money to criminals that then use it to get organised and commit violent crimes and launder absurd amounts of money.

  10. He needs to make the point that this policy is only radical here but in other places, especially Portugal, it has worked well in decreasing the number of heroin addicts but if not applied properly it can turn bad real quick, just ask half the major cities in the U.S that have legalised drugs but haven’t implemented the plan well at all.

  11. Overwhelming majority of drug users are not drug addicts. Same as most of people who drink are not alcoholics. Opposing legalisation of drugs only serves criminals around the world.

  12. The war on drugs never succeeded, drugs always win.

    Crazy to outlaw cannabis when the most dangerous thing about it is getting caught with it!

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