BBC Question Time election 2024 special with Sunak, Starmer, Swinney and Davey

BBC Question Time election 2024 special with Sunak, Starmer, Swinney and Davey

just to say that our rules here are pretty simple uh for every leader they are the same you won’t get interrupted basically if you keep your question what concrete steps will your party take to address the housing crisis and make it easier for young people to afford their own homes well um I’ve been trying to explain that um we want a very different approach a bigger focus on social homes that means the state invest ing in Council properties you know my wife I met her on a liberal Democrat housing policy working group maybe night M Mr romance but to be fair to my wife she’s a social housing lawyer and she’s now on the council in my area in charge of Housing and she’s now uh in charge of the largest Council house building program in 40 years in Kingston so it can be done goodeve if you do not get the majority of scotes at Westminster what does that tell you about your mandate to ask for another referendum well what what I want to do during the election campaign is to encourage people to vote for the SNP to enable to enable us to deliver on that policy commitment which is right at the heart are you going to answer that question or not well what I’m saying is I want people to vote for the S&P to make this happen I think that’s a no yeah which Westminster leader would be the better choice for Scotland um K or Rishi sunak well come on you’re asking me a a very controversial question if and we can’t wait to hear your answer can chrisa and you’re going to get an answer look I I think the conservative government’s been a total disaster and a Calamity so it can’t be out of office quick enough in my general rules kiss we’re very pleased to have you here the job your job is obviously to answer the question uh re brief if you would and if you don’t clear my job here is to so your pledge is to get waiting list down when can we expect waiting list to come down to a reasonable level it will take we will be able to do 2 million a year on this model that means that over the course of the parliament we’ll get it down and clear the backlog completely the dream of home ownership is real for so many people they want to own their own home the average age now for somebody to get on the housing letter is 30 6 or 37 it is impossible or near on impossible for young people to get their first home we have to build more houses that means we have to take tough decisions on things like planning how was it these are party candidates but you’re happy not to suspend them to let them carry on and go on to the election OB they’ve not admitted anything no one is saying that a decision has been taken about their guilt or their innocence three people are being investigated by the gambling commission about placing a bet on the timing of the election to our conservative party C candidates Craig Williams Laura Saunders and her husband Tony Lee is the conservative party director of campaigning they are being investigated there’s also an issue with a police officer who is who’s been arrested but these are three people connected to the conservative party yeah well like you I was incredibly angry incredibly angry to learn of these allegations it’s a really serious matter it’s right that they’re being investigated properly by the relevant law enforcement authorities including as Fiona said a criminal investigation by the police is if anyone is found to have broken the rules not only should they face the full consequences of the law I will make sure that they are booted out of the conservative party hi we’ve had um five prime ministers in the last seven years and one of them managed to last for 6 weeks as a result I think we are something of an international laughing stock I’m asking if you would confess to us tonight even just a small amount of embarrassment to be leading the conservative party into this election campaign when I first got this job I stood on the steps of Downing Street and spoke to all of you as prime minister for the first time and I acknowledged that I said very clearly that mistakes had been made and that’s why I was standing there in front of you in fact you may remember I spent the summer before that arguing against the policies that my predecessor had suggested were right I didn’t think they were right for the country country and I said so but what I’d ask you to do is Judge Me on my 18 months that I’ve been in office I came in with one primary job and that was to bring back economic stability after the difficult few years that we’ve had you saw yesterday we had the very welcome news that inflation is back to Target now I know that that’s only starting to make a difference to all of your lives and everyone else’s but that’s the path we’re on and if we stick with that path I can continue to cut your taxes give you more Financial Security and actually deliver on the things that I know you want me to

Keir Starmer, Rishi Sunak, John Swinney and Ed Davey took questions from a selected audience from across the country in a BBC Question Time special on Thursday.
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  1. I suppose watching this just gives Reform more strength, as any intelligent person will see straight through these lunatics after all the tories have had 14 years to pull GB out of the mess .. instead, they have created more mess!
    As for Labour, they are not for the common working man anymore! .. dont be fooled!




    1) Continuous war with Russia

    2) WHO pandemic treaty approval

    3) Full agenda 2030 enforcement

    4) Loss of cash privacy to CBDC's

    5) Digital ID's mandates

    6) Trans laws into legislation

    In 2024 UK elections..

    Vote for qualified decent independents!

    Vote = 'W o r k e r s P a r t y of B r i t a i n'

    Britain Deserves Better! (Read Manifesto)

  3. Housing? we need >500,000 chalets,rent for <£50 per week or buy for <£10k, it is so obvious that evidently government has no intention to give people home security.government, the lot of 'em are sacked! so obsolite.

  4. The U.K 4 YES FOUR LARGEST PARTIES ARE YOU MENTAL OR DOES THE REFORM PARTY WHICH WILL GET THE 2nd LARGEST VOTES IN THE U.K and I am only a normal British citizen,by the way I have photostat this 🤣

  5. Why is Swinney there? Nobody I know is even interested in SNP after Yousless destroyed it 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    He's not in the top 4, where's Farage?

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