Russian Drone Swarm Surrounds Ukrainian Cities; Here’s What Happened Next

Russian drone and missile strikes on Ukraine have intensified since the Crimea attack. Ukrainian cities reportedly faced a swarm of Russian drones, prompting a significant Ukrainian Air Force operation to counter the assaults. Ukrainian forces claim to have downed 23 Russian drones and five missiles. Click to know more.

#russiaukrainewar #russia #ukraine #putin #zelensky #odessa #missilestrikes #droneattack

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  1. 'Revenge' for what? Having the audacity to stand up for Ukrainian sovereignty and freedom. Having the audacity to thwart Putin's fascist imperialist and genocidal ambitions. The Times of India message is clear – No respect for democratic rights and freedoms.

  2. We don't even make 2 patriot missiles a day… many could anyone even have left? It takes two patriot missiles for every drone or missile shot down. We can only shoot down one thing per day. 😂 That's not gonna last at this tempo.

  3. It requires a monster to want to do that to your neighbors no matter what your political views are.

    We know them by their fruits. This is Putin's fruit. The work of his hands. The apple of his eye.

    This says all that needs to be said about his heart. Who he really is at his core.

    Do you respect such a little person?
    Such a brilliant human to admire.

  4. So few drones and that is called a swarm. Should ask China to show how to control a million drones at once. I pity Taiwan when China has to use drones against them.

  5. @philippehadet

    il y a 26 minutes

    Bonjour ! prendre compte que ces frontières dont on parle sont celles tracées par les monstres que furent Staline et ces collaborateurs donc par les Soviets ! faire tuer des êtres humains en plus des jeunes qui eux ne pensent qu ' à une chose partirent loin de ce pays est insensé !

    Un conseil à Vladimir Poutine et Zélanski ! faire en sorte que les canons et l ' aviation cessent d " envoyer des charges meurtrières en remplaçant celle- ci par des drapeaux blancs et des téléphones portables afin que ces jeunes soldats abandonnés par tous dans ces tranchées puissent se rendrent à leur cousins Slaves !

    Il n ' y auras pas de conséquence grave pour la suite de ce conflit car j ' ai bien vu qu ' en France énormément de personnes viendront meubler les rangs de l ' armée !

    Faire ainsi comme les Allemands dont le commandement devant l ' offensive des Soviets avait envoyé en permission la moitié de l ' effectif soit dans ce corps d ' armée 100 000 hommes revenus à l ' arriere dans leurs familles car ces officiers avaient bien compris qu ' ils allaient être submergés par l ' offensive Russe !

  6. I've told you in the last video that your Zelensky isn't President as his term has run out and He won't be elected again, so please don't cal this murderer a president, Nobody would elect this lier again.
    Thank you.

  7. Putler Propaganda Channel

    The funny part about Putin's propaganda is that instead of scaring the West, it has now turned against him. Putin's fate is sealed because everyone understood that this terrorist can no longer stay in power.

  8. How can someone be foolish enough to destroy his country and his people for wanting to be in the club of Big Boys? This Dumblenski has a very low IQ!

  9. Russia lost this war TRUST me!! just last week 22.000 Russian tanks 5.4 million Infantry 29 destroyers 100 Carriers and 531Jets! Russian infantry is surrendering every day just Yesterday 2 million Russians Surrendered.. UKRAINE Won this Conflict all Thanks to Nato = North Atlantic Terrorist Organization it's in the NAME!!!!!!!!!!!

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