Putin’s Ally Prepares For War? Belarus Beefs Up Security After Downing Ukrainian Quadrocopter

Belarus is sounding the alarm and massing rockets and bombs amid rising tensions. Reports indicate a significant number of Ukrainian troops and heavy military hardware are gathering near the Belarusian border, allegedly preparing for escalation. Watch to know why

#russia #russiaukrainewar #putin #zelensky #belarus

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  1. While Ukraine keeps escalating hitting new frontlines with NATO's help and orders, Russia and Belarus are sitting ducks. At least Russia is flapping the wings whereas Belarus is a sitting duck 🦆 waiting to be hit to react what hit by Ukraine and Poland and 3 small sisters of Estonia Latvia and Lithuania.

  2. The more countries who get involved the closer to war we get. After all turkey goes off from its nato allience and attacks who it likes. I see others without nato backing doing the same. Supplying weapons is one thing being directly involved is another. Same as nk it will not end well. And I see nks coming in rubber dinghies across the channel to the UK soon. Belarus isn't governed by an elected choice. Because he's the only choice. Oppositions just like Russia gets locked up or killed.

  3. 😂😂😂 India has always been full of Russian propaganda spreading. Two countries to watch for Germany and Japan. Fast developing countries again. Japan is possible most dangerous as it has the ability to fast change it technology. It doesn't rely on china's theft of tech. Germany raised two World War armies. Defeated yes but Russia and the USA fought hard to get there first to steal its tech. Russia only ever uses a meat grinder in which thousands die. A nuclear war is its way and your all coming. So fence sitting India that means you too. Your friends will not matter then. Do you think it will just be Russia and USA. Well your wrong every countries spat with each other will attack too. Nuclear winter isn't going to help. Bunkers forever because humans are too stupid to take care of this world we have bearly been part of.

  4. L'Ukraine a de la difficulté a maintenir sa ligne de front contre l'armée russe et perd du terrain au quotidien et voudrait ouvrir un nouveau front en Bielorussie. WOW Zelensky en a fumé du bon… La Russie doit mettre le paquet et écraser définitivement Kiev et son gouvernement fasciste. Ça assez duré.

  5. belarus is putin s ally???are u sure???!?….in every country there could be 80% citizens against putin and 20 % of citizens with him…does not mean that the whole country is with him…this generalizations u make in order to to make news…is not impressing anyone very much….we dont give a fig too if full war blows up…peoppe will die then putin will die too…and more putins will rise and so on…and so on…and what?!?!?what are u doing…who cares…let us know when the war starts…before u say that belarus is an ally of putin make sure you have surveys all citizens and they have voted…dont just tell us whatever makes your day…😮

  6. Siguran sam da Rusija naće dozvoliti uvlačenje Belorusije u sukob sa natom u bivšoj Ukraini jer neželi stvaranje novih blokova u svetu. Sama će izazvati propast zapada , ne samo zato što za to ima mogućnosti i sposobnosti nego zbog činjenice da se pokreće lavina u svetu na taj isti zapad i njegova nedela. Svi znate da je lavina u početku mala::::::::Eho je velika stvar::::::

  7. Russiahas some 100K men in Belarus, most of which are ex Wagner and highly experienced not to mention battle hardened. I wouldn't be shocked if they (Russians) made a move with the VDV along with them to take Kyiv once irritated.

  8. 😂😂😂 True buried by western media. Anyone are talking about border countries share with russia. Poland Rumanian estonia latvia are armed by Nato ally. It force to breake peace in that region. What are US UK German Netherlands Australia doing near russian border.😂😂😮

  9. EU, diktatuurisuus huomioitu kaikkialla. Ranskassa vaihtuu valta, ja Macron lentää historian tuhkakasaan. Samoin käy amerikkalaiselle. Näin siinä käy, kun murhanhimo presidentin roolissa. Järki voittaa hulluuden.. AINA.

  10. EU, muuttaa sääntäjään joka päivä. Jos yksikin jäsenvaltio on asioista eri mieltä, se ei tunu brysseliä kiinnostavan, vaan ryhtyvät rikkomaan sääntöjään. KTS. Tapaus Unkari. EU, on lisäksi vieraantunut demokratiasta, he rakastavat diktatuuria. Eli. EU, ssa on mätänevä demokratia. Brysseli rakastaa diktatuuria, he kokivat sen paremmaksi. MUTTA. Tässäpä rikotaan demokratian kulmakivet. EU, on rikollisjärjestö vailla vertaansa.

  11. EU, media itkuvirren laulajana. Kaikesta näkee, että EU, on pahassa pulassa. PEKKA TOVERIN katkera vinkuminen paljasti valtavat tappiot. EU, romahtaa….!

  12. Natsi saksa talousvaikeuksissa. Tämä on kova pala purtavaksi. Minähän sanoin, että venäjää ei voi voittaa. EU, ja nato hävisi venäjälle. EU, median Katkera vinkuminen ei hyödytä. Ukraina ei voita venäjää edes naton ja eu,n avulla. Aseavun antajat, nämä terroristit ts, terroristi psykopaatit, auttoi selenztiä tuhoamaan koko ukrainan. Hullut on hulluja.!!

  13. 🇸🇾🇾🇪🇩🇿🇮🇷🇱🇧🇦🇫🇮🇶🇵🇸🇳🇪🇸🇦🇻🇪🇧🇷🇰🇵😂👉💩🇺🇸🐔🇺🇸👙🇺🇸🐔🇪🇺💩🇮🇱🐑🇬🇧🍑🇩🇪🍑🇫🇷🐜🇵🇱🐜🇵🇱🐜

  14. This war was directly caused by the US, the UK and the EU! Now don't be surprised if this escalates! I can't believe Europeans are so stupid!

  15. Ukraine has already been invaded once via Belarus so its hardly a great shock that they are guarding the frontier and putting in new mine fields etc. But invade Belarus and start a 2nd war when they are already fighting for their lives against a much larger and stronger foe? Do the Times of India editors not appreciate how stupid this report sounds? Actually if Belarus was going to be invaded and taken over by anyone Russians probably could do that SMO in three days since they are already in the place and do not have to cross any frontiers.

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