Russia ‘destroys five Ukrainian fighter jets’ in missile strike

Moscow has claimed that its forces destroyed five Ukrainian Su-27 fighter jets in a #missile strike on an airfield deep inside Ukraine.

Russia’s defence ministry said it fired Iskander-M missiles at the Myrgorod airfield in central #Ukraine, 90 miles from the Russian border.

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  1. 'cheap fakes' or 'Russian interference' ?

    bankruptcy never happens gradually, it's all tickety-boo until the Chapter 11 goes in…

    hey, even Biden's performance, at the debate the other night, was a complete surprise for everyone, right ?

  2. Russia began studying Ukrainian ATACMS ballistic missiles
    In Russia, they began to study Ukrainian American-made ATACMS operational-tactical missiles; technical information about them is in the link to the video in the comments to the video. Three laser ring gyroscopes are being studied that help the guidance system keep the ATACMS missile on a given ballistic trajectory and a GPS antenna that provides correction in the initial and final phases of the missile's flight.

    According to the technical specialist, “We can analyze the operation of rocket systems throughout the entire flight path. The correction base, how much it can be adjusted.” Details in the video.
    Lamp of Knowledge

  3. Russia, 2.5 years into the war, still hasn't put doen the Ukrainian air force. They destroy 5 older Su-27s on the ground right as hubdreds of F-16s are on the way to modernise and replace them.

    Meahwhile Ukraine is destroying Russian air and naval assets unopposed for thr last year accross occupied Crimea.

  4. Zelensky Lands In A Soup: Ukraine 'Unable To Find' Army Recruits Even In Prisons As Russia Advances
    Ukraine has reportedly run out of men to fight against Russia in the war. The Wall Street Journal and Die Welt claimed that conscription in Ukraine's prisons has also failed to meet the needs of the war-torn nation. The reports add that Ukraine won't be able to launch a summer offensive due to the lack of troops. Watch for more details.
    Times Of India

  5. Ukraine Stares At Default Amid Putin's War; Debt Mounts As Troop Numbers Fall | Report
    Ukraine faces the imminent risk of defaulting on its substantial debts as early as next month, The Economist has reported. Despite a two-year debt freeze granted by bond-holders in February 2022 due to the ongoing conflict with Russia, which includes major financial institutions like BlackRock and PIMCO, this freeze is set to expire in August. Click to find out more.
    Times Of India

  6. Ironically, the Trump administration attempted to deliver a full package of F-16s to Ukraine upon learning several squadrons were headed to the bone yard at Davis-Monthan. The pushback from the Joint Cheifs was extreme so they dropped it. Imagine if there had been such an air superiority hazard facing the Russians at the beginning.

    Ukraine bleeds for corporate greed.

  7. Ich sehe gar nichts. Typische Putinische Fake-Operation und ihr fallt auch noch drauf rein,j auf einen Kindervergewaltiger ????
    Ich bin sehr erstaunt;

  8. Just heard Zelensky rejected Orban's ceasefire proposal. 800 guided bombs are falling on Ukraine every week —– EIGHT HUNDRED. Yet, sill Viceroy Zelensky refuses to use diplomacy…."

  9. These jets were OUT OF COMMISSION and in unrepeatable condition so they parked them outside for a temping DECOY target. Working jets get parked in the nearby forest under heavy CAMO nets and blinds and are spread out. Once under the forest canopy they have a 12 kilometer maze of camouflaged roads that keeps the russkys guessing even if they are watched by satellites. The jets are never parked in the same place twice.

  10. THE madman wants an F-16 all to himself, then he'll park it in his backyard. But he is unable to protect here and four flying carts that he possesses.

  11. Because it is the only airfield close to Crimea and the Russian border, which was used for attacks
    This is the problem of NATO, which thinks that they have the most intelligence, thinking that the Russians had observation drones that can go that far, problem the Russians who have a horror of vacuums, have created observation drones that can go now to the depths of Ukraine

  12. Факт заключается в том, что это теперь война на истощение. Речь идет о том, чтобы связать противника и истощить его ресурсы. Хотя немецкие СМИ часто создают впечатление, что на фронте мало что происходит, ресурсы режима Зеленского все больше истощаются. Российская Федерация имеет военно-промышленный комплекс и получает поставки из КНДР, Китая и Ирана. Это означает, что "злой Путин" может черпать из обилия и более чем компенсировать собственные потери. В то время как Украина вынуждена надеяться на один пакет помощи за другим и получает лишь частично то, что ей действительно нужно. Кстати говоря, западные "чудо-оружия" оказались вовсе не чудом. Украина проиграет и будет вынуждена отдать территории.

  13. See only one explosion and no secondary blasts when the cluster munition hit. My guess is either these were decoys, plans used for spare parts.

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